A New Year Approaches....So What Has Congress As A Whole Done For Us?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Here's a list of some of the "accomplishments" that the Democrat controlled congress has had. (Since Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan were working with the Democrats....the Senate has pretty much been in the control of Democrats all along):

  • Spent $54 billion on Ukraine Defense while not spending a dime to protect our own borders
  • Set records for spending and debt
  • $2.5 trillion increase in interest payments on the federal debt
  • Increased the debt by $11 trillion in 6 years ($20 - 31 trillion)
  • Attempted to change the definition of what a recession is because the economy sucks so much
  • Succeeded in raising inflation to levels not seen in 40 years

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About the only thing I can think of is increasing the age from 72 to 75 when you have to cash-out your 401K.

That said i never heard if it was a done deal yet.
Isn't the generally accepted term for both Congress and Senate "Congress?"
Yes, and his phrasing is in line with that understanding of the term. Read it again. He said Congress hadn't changed hands then he specified the reason for it. The Dems hold the Senate and the Democrat lite RINOs control the House.
You hope they'll focus on Hunter's Laptop. Congress needs to do the following, for starters:

  • Close the borders
  • Trash Biden the way they trashed Trump
  • Drag Fauci into congress and have him explain who was paying him under the table
  • Drag Pelosi in front of congress and have her explain the spending bills she wrote
  • Drag Chris Wray in front of congress and have him explain what all of the raids were about
  • Go to that infamous D.C. jail and free all of the Jan 6th hostages
You hope they'll focus on Hunter's Laptop. Congress needs to do the following, for starters:

  • Close the borders
  • Trash Biden the way they trashed Trump
  • Drag Fauci into congress and have him explain who was paying him under the table
  • Drag Pelosi in front of congress and have her explain the spending bills she wrote
  • Drag Chris Wray in front of congress and have him explain what all of the raids were about
  • Go to that infamous D.C. jail and free all of the Jan 6th hostages
Note: Republicans ran on high gas prices, and inflation. As if they were going to do something about it.
You hope they'll focus on Hunter's Laptop. Congress needs to do the following, for starters:

  • Close the borders
  • Trash Biden the way they trashed Trump
  • Drag Fauci into congress and have him explain who was paying him under the table
  • Drag Pelosi in front of congress and have her explain the spending bills she wrote
  • Drag Chris Wray in front of congress and have him explain what all of the raids were about
  • Go to that infamous D.C. jail and free all of the Jan 6th hostages
A Congress more concerned with political retribution than helping America
A Congress more concerned with political retribution than helping America
I'll tell you what....why don't we all assume that every word out of your filthy sewer will be an accusation that we're doing what you Dems have been doing for the last 6 years and leave it at that. :113:
but it has around a dozen times in the last 40 years Muddy

of course the partisans will lay blame on who's in power last

but methinks we both know better than that

Clinton and Obama liked to take credit when a Republican had success. Obama especially liked taking credit for what others did.

On the other hand....Obama and Clinton always blamed somebody else for their failures.....and Biden is no different.
Biden totally screws the pooch and then tries to blame it all on Trump.

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