A no BS, non partisan examination of the success of Obama's stimulus package

I don't care about all that crap...Obama promised with his 800 billion dollars he stole from us taxpayers and called a stimulus it would DROP unemployment to below 7%
get real we heard from Democrats how 6% was devastating under Bush..

wiki is now our sources for unemployment...lovely
You're a rightard .... Obama made no such promise.

Team Obama said in ’09 stimulus would have unemployment below 6% by 2012

Obamanomics 101 – The Stimulus Package Will Keep Unemployment Under 8%

Keep unemployment under 8% — This is the one of the better known selling points. So, how did that work?
The unemployment rate when Obama took office was 7.6%. The stimulus was passed in February 2009. According to Obama, it was never supposed to go above 8% — well, it was already at 8.1% when the stimulus became a law. And it never got any better. According to the Bureau of Labor & Statistics, the unemployment rate remained high. There were some predictions that it would stay above 9% until 2012 (and this was from the White House no less). The CBO also predicts that the unemployment rate would be 8.2% come November 2012 which is higher than when he took office.
If you look at the chart provided by the DOL, there was some decline from January 2010 to approximately September 2010. The Obama Administration hailed this as a success for the stimulus package. However, the census was being done at that time which allowed the numbers to remain artificially propped up during this time frame. Once these jobs were completed, these people returned once again to the unemployment line.

What is the 95% confidence level on that?
Arguing unmployment rates, as either a measure of full employment or a specific mark of the econ's health at a specfic pt in time, is either to avoid serious discussion of the benefits of the stimulus or a trip down a rabbit hole
Obama and Democrats has magic money trees they just grow monies and pluck it to SAVE US ALL
all HAIL the democrats

Well, in fact, money is make out of cottn. So, yeah, it does grow on cotton plants and is plucked. That is for currency denominations from $1 up.

Coins are made out of metals and stamped.

These days, though, it is simply an electronic state of some transistor in a computer.

So, for all practical purposes, yeah, it is "grown on trees". But it isn't "magic".

shhh, Rand Paul's liable to decide tying the value of the dollar to the price of cotton is the way to go.

Now that is funny.
I don't care about all that crap...Obama promised with his 800 billion dollars he stole from us taxpayers and called a stimulus it would DROP unemployment to below 7%
get real we heard from Democrats how 6% was devastating under Bush..

wiki is now our sources for unemployment...lovely
You're a rightard .... Obama made no such promise.

Team Obama said in ’09 stimulus would have unemployment below 6% by 2012

Obamanomics 101 – The Stimulus Package Will Keep Unemployment Under 8%

Keep unemployment under 8% — This is the one of the better known selling points. So, how did that work?
The unemployment rate when Obama took office was 7.6%. The stimulus was passed in February 2009. According to Obama, it was never supposed to go above 8% — well, it was already at 8.1% when the stimulus became a law. And it never got any better. According to the Bureau of Labor & Statistics, the unemployment rate remained high. There were some predictions that it would stay above 9% until 2012 (and this was from the White House no less). The CBO also predicts that the unemployment rate would be 8.2% come November 2012 which is higher than when he took office.
If you look at the chart provided by the DOL, there was some decline from January 2010 to approximately September 2010. The Obama Administration hailed this as a success for the stimulus package. However, the census was being done at that time which allowed the numbers to remain artificially propped up during this time frame. Once these jobs were completed, these people returned once again to the unemployment line.

So you didn't actually read the Romner memo, did you? Specificallt the last paragraph on page 2 regarding margin of error

It is no wonder you are so confused and frustrated. You don't read and think.
Arguing unmployment rates, as either a measure of full employment or a specific mark of the econ's health at a specfic pt in time, is either to avoid serious discussion of the benefits of the stimulus or a trip down a rabbit hole
Federal Gubmint has NO business in stimulus of ANY KIND. ONLY stimulus we need are lower taxes, and LESS regulation...BOOTS off our necks.

LIBERTY is the best stimulus of ALL.
You're a rightard .... Obama made no such promise.

Team Obama said in ’09 stimulus would have unemployment below 6% by 2012

Obamanomics 101 – The Stimulus Package Will Keep Unemployment Under 8%

Keep unemployment under 8% — This is the one of the better known selling points. So, how did that work?
The unemployment rate when Obama took office was 7.6%. The stimulus was passed in February 2009. According to Obama, it was never supposed to go above 8% — well, it was already at 8.1% when the stimulus became a law. And it never got any better. According to the Bureau of Labor & Statistics, the unemployment rate remained high. There were some predictions that it would stay above 9% until 2012 (and this was from the White House no less). The CBO also predicts that the unemployment rate would be 8.2% come November 2012 which is higher than when he took office.
If you look at the chart provided by the DOL, there was some decline from January 2010 to approximately September 2010. The Obama Administration hailed this as a success for the stimulus package. However, the census was being done at that time which allowed the numbers to remain artificially propped up during this time frame. Once these jobs were completed, these people returned once again to the unemployment line.

So you didn't actually read the Romner memo, did you? Specificallt the last paragraph on page 2 regarding margin of error

It is no wonder you are so confused and frustrated. You don't read and think.
NOT confused of a thing. Try again. It was a LIE. FED stimulus does NOTHING but bring others down, and spend too much for NO good reason but for POWER of the Elites in the District of Criminals.

YOU advocate Economic tyranny.

You're a rightard .... Obama made no such promise.

Team Obama said in ’09 stimulus would have unemployment below 6% by 2012

Obamanomics 101 – The Stimulus Package Will Keep Unemployment Under 8%

Keep unemployment under 8% — This is the one of the better known selling points. So, how did that work?
The unemployment rate when Obama took office was 7.6%. The stimulus was passed in February 2009. According to Obama, it was never supposed to go above 8% — well, it was already at 8.1% when the stimulus became a law. And it never got any better. According to the Bureau of Labor & Statistics, the unemployment rate remained high. There were some predictions that it would stay above 9% until 2012 (and this was from the White House no less). The CBO also predicts that the unemployment rate would be 8.2% come November 2012 which is higher than when he took office.
If you look at the chart provided by the DOL, there was some decline from January 2010 to approximately September 2010. The Obama Administration hailed this as a success for the stimulus package. However, the census was being done at that time which allowed the numbers to remain artificially propped up during this time frame. Once these jobs were completed, these people returned once again to the unemployment line.

You have more patience with their games than I do:lol:
don't worry, they'll just ignore it anyway

Yeah, that's the kind of comment that is made by people who are manipulative and play games. They lack the critical reasoning skills to know what objective information is. When their subjective, emotionally driven and manipulative game playing behavior doesn't work, they have only one conclusion tha they can come to, that the persom they can't manipulate is playing games.

Far be it to actually read and think about the simple and objective definitions of "natural unemployment". OMG, surely it is a device to manipulate.

Here's a piece of advice. Pick up the book, "I'm Okay, You're Okay." or any good book on transactional analysis. Maybe you'll get a clue about adult behavior instead or the manipulative behavior you are accustomed to. You might even start learning things. It's never to late to start.

Yeah, that's the kind of comment that is made by people who are manipulative and play games. They lack the critical reasoning skills to know what objective information is. When their subjective, emotionally driven and manipulative game playing behavior doesn't work, they have only one conclusion tha they can come to, that the persom they can't manipulate is playing games.

Far be it to actually read and think about the simple and objective definitions of "natural unemployment". OMG, surely it is a device to manipulate.

Here's a piece of advice. Pick up the book, "I'm Okay, You're Okay." or any good book on transactional analysis. Maybe you'll get a clue about adult behavior instead or the manipulative behavior you are accustomed to. You might even start learning things. It's never to late to start.

here's a piece of advice I give to asses such as you, go to hell
a few might care about your high and mighty shit doesn't stink crap, but I'm not one
talk about manipulative...dear gawd, look at your crap you post starting with this ugly spew of yours

and lets not forget this
Yeah, you should go back and get your GED before you try tackling things like macro economics.

" LIBERTY is the best stimulus of ALL."

You are really stupid. Somebody's gotta tell you.

I'll give you this, yeah my liberty is best of all. Not your's though. Your's just infringess on everyone elses pursuit of happiness.

I don't why anyone would bother with someone like you
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So you didn't actually read the Romner memo, did you? Specificallt the last paragraph on page 2 regarding margin of error

It is no wonder you are so confused and frustrated. You don't read and think.
NOT confused of a thing. Try again. It was a LIE. FED stimulus does NOTHING but bring others down, and spend too much for NO good reason but for POWER of the Elites in the District of Criminals.

YOU advocate Economic tyranny.


There's about a 25% chance I'd have been laid off without it, so thanks.
Arguing unmployment rates, as either a measure of full employment or a specific mark of the econ's health at a specfic pt in time, is either to avoid serious discussion of the benefits of the stimulus or a trip down a rabbit hole
Federal Gubmint has NO business in stimulus of ANY KIND. ONLY stimulus we need are lower taxes, and LESS regulation...BOOTS off our necks.

LIBERTY is the best stimulus of ALL.

Yeah, you should go back and get your GED before you try tackling things like macro economics.

" LIBERTY is the best stimulus of ALL."

You are really stupid. Somebody's gotta tell you.

I'll give you this, yeah my liberty is best of all. Not your's though. Your's just infringess on everyone elses pursuit of happiness.

So you didn't actually read the Romner memo, did you? Specificallt the last paragraph on page 2 regarding margin of error

It is no wonder you are so confused and frustrated. You don't read and think.
NOT confused of a thing. Try again. It was a LIE. FED stimulus does NOTHING but bring others down, and spend too much for NO good reason but for POWER of the Elites in the District of Criminals.

YOU advocate Economic tyranny.


I haven't advocated anything. You are simply to stupid to pay attention. Case in point, you didn't read the very paper you posted as it simply does't say what you fanticize is says. I know it is difficult for you to actually grasp the meaning of a 14 page memo, but with practice, you will get there

Thing is, you gotta stop blaming other people for your ignorance. Start taking some personal responsibility. It actuay goes a long ways in the working world.

I take that back. I've advocated getting an education, actually reading, and growing up. Yeah, I advocate thinking intelligently.
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I don't care about all that crap...Obama promised with his 800 billion dollars he stole from us taxpayers and called a stimulus it would DROP unemployment to below 7%
get real we heard from Democrats how 6% was devastating under Bush..

wiki is now our sources for unemployment...lovely
You're a rightard .... Obama made no such promise.

Team Obama said in ’09 stimulus would have unemployment below 6% by 2012

Obamanomics 101 – The Stimulus Package Will Keep Unemployment Under 8%

Keep unemployment under 8% — This is the one of the better known selling points. So, how did that work?
The unemployment rate when Obama took office was 7.6%. The stimulus was passed in February 2009. According to Obama, it was never supposed to go above 8% — well, it was already at 8.1% when the stimulus became a law. And it never got any better. According to the Bureau of Labor & Statistics, the unemployment rate remained high. There were some predictions that it would stay above 9% until 2012 (and this was from the White House no less). The CBO also predicts that the unemployment rate would be 8.2% come November 2012 which is higher than when he took office.
If you look at the chart provided by the DOL, there was some decline from January 2010 to approximately September 2010. The Obama Administration hailed this as a success for the stimulus package. However, the census was being done at that time which allowed the numbers to remain artificially propped up during this time frame. Once these jobs were completed, these people returned once again to the unemployment line.
That's pretty fuckin' stupid, even for a rightard.

You're quoting Sean Higgins, not Barack Obama. Which, of course, you have to do since Obama never made the promise you attributed to him.
You have more patience with their games than I do:lol:
don't worry, they'll just ignore it anyway

Yeah, that's the kind of comment that is made by people who are manipulative and play games. They lack the critical reasoning skills to know what objective information is. When their subjective, emotionally driven and manipulative game playing behavior doesn't work, they have only one conclusion tha they can come to, that the persom they can't manipulate is playing games.

Far be it to actually read and think about the simple and objective definitions of "natural unemployment". OMG, surely it is a device to manipulate.

Here's a piece of advice. Pick up the book, "I'm Okay, You're Okay." or any good book on transactional analysis. Maybe you'll get a clue about adult behavior instead or the manipulative behavior you are accustomed to. You might even start learning things. It's never to late to start.

here's a piece of advice I give to asses such as you, go to hell
a few might care about your high and mighty shit doesn't stink crap, but I'm not one
talk about manipulative...dear gawd, look at your crap you post starting with this ugly spew of yours

and lets not forget this
Yeah, you should go back and get your GED before you try tackling things like macro economics.

" LIBERTY is the best stimulus of ALL."

You are really stupid. Somebody's gotta tell you.

I'll give you this, yeah my liberty is best of all. Not your's though. Your's just infringess on everyone elses pursuit of happiness.

I don't why anyone would bother with someone like you

Facts are facts. Sorry your little feeling are all hurt. But that's the thing, isn't it. You'd rather feel good tham deal with reality. And the real issue that you simply fail to comprehend is how fundamemtally offensive you are when you don't hear what you want to hear then you feighn how hurt you are when you are called on your billshit.

If you don't want to be offended, try not starting out by being offensive.

The reason you don't bother with someone like me is because you bullshit doesn't fly. I just call it like I see it. What, you want rainbows and unicorns so you feel all better? I hate to break it to you but reality isn't and raimbows amd unicorns. It actually bites sometimes. Learning bites. To learn, you have to accept being wrong first. Rejecting simple economic definitions because you don't like it is a guarantee to be wrong forever.

I'm just fine with you not bothering me. Come back when you are ready to be an adult.
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Arguing unmployment rates, as either a measure of full employment or a specific mark of the econ's health at a specfic pt in time, is either to avoid serious discussion of the benefits of the stimulus or a trip down a rabbit hole
Federal Gubmint has NO business in stimulus of ANY KIND. ONLY stimulus we need are lower taxes, and LESS regulation...BOOTS off our necks.

LIBERTY is the best stimulus of ALL.

Yeah, you should go back and get your GED before you try tackling things like macro economics.

" LIBERTY is the best stimulus of ALL."

You are really stupid. Somebody's gotta tell you.

I'll give you this, yeah my liberty is best of all. Not your's though. Your's just infringess on everyone elses pursuit of happiness.

Liberty is indiscriminate. It cannot be defined or molded by soft minds like yours. Liberty knows neither tolerance nor intolerance; nor does it infringe on anyone's happiness, it is the source of happiness. Meaning that anyone can do anything which brings them happiness, Liberty is not prone to interpretation. Liberty is God given, not man made.
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Quick post a chart that shows you can spend more than you take in with impunity.
You're a rightard .... Obama made no such promise.

Team Obama said in ’09 stimulus would have unemployment below 6% by 2012

Obamanomics 101 – The Stimulus Package Will Keep Unemployment Under 8%

Keep unemployment under 8% — This is the one of the better known selling points. So, how did that work?
The unemployment rate when Obama took office was 7.6%. The stimulus was passed in February 2009. According to Obama, it was never supposed to go above 8% — well, it was already at 8.1% when the stimulus became a law. And it never got any better. According to the Bureau of Labor & Statistics, the unemployment rate remained high. There were some predictions that it would stay above 9% until 2012 (and this was from the White House no less). The CBO also predicts that the unemployment rate would be 8.2% come November 2012 which is higher than when he took office.
If you look at the chart provided by the DOL, there was some decline from January 2010 to approximately September 2010. The Obama Administration hailed this as a success for the stimulus package. However, the census was being done at that time which allowed the numbers to remain artificially propped up during this time frame. Once these jobs were completed, these people returned once again to the unemployment line.
That's pretty fuckin' stupid, even for a rightard.

You're quoting Sean Higgins, not Barack Obama. Which, of course, you have to do since Obama never made the promise you attributed to him.

the spin is dizzying with you O cult members
Federal Gubmint has NO business in stimulus of ANY KIND. ONLY stimulus we need are lower taxes, and LESS regulation...BOOTS off our necks.

LIBERTY is the best stimulus of ALL.

Yeah, you should go back and get your GED before you try tackling things like macro economics.

" LIBERTY is the best stimulus of ALL."

You are really stupid. Somebody's gotta tell you.

I'll give you this, yeah my liberty is best of all. Not your's though. Your's just infringess on everyone elses pursuit of happiness.

Liberty is indiscriminate. It cannot be defined or molded by soft minds like yours. Liberty knows neither tolerance nor intolerance; nor does it infringe on anyone's happiness, it is the source of happiness. Meaning that anyone can do anything which brings them happiness, Liberty is not prone to interpretation. Liberty is God given, not man made.

Liberty is a rabbit hole to the thread. Great thing though it is. I don't think anyone lost their liberty, or gained it, because of the stimulus.
Federal Gubmint has NO business in stimulus of ANY KIND. ONLY stimulus we need are lower taxes, and LESS regulation...BOOTS off our necks.

LIBERTY is the best stimulus of ALL.

Yeah, you should go back and get your GED before you try tackling things like macro economics.

" LIBERTY is the best stimulus of ALL."

You are really stupid. Somebody's gotta tell you.

I'll give you this, yeah my liberty is best of all. Not your's though. Your's just infringess on everyone elses pursuit of happiness.

Liberty is indiscriminate. It cannot be defined or molded by soft minds like yours. Liberty knows neither tolerance nor intolerance; nor does it infringe on anyone's happiness, it is the source of happiness. Meaning that anyone can do anything which brings them happiness, Liberty is not prone to interpretation. Liberty is God given, not man made.

Now you are simply spewing completely meaningless bs. There is no "God", some source of absolute authority that you get to appeal to in order to make yourself right.

All social phenomina are "man made" and there in is why you have a problem with it. It is just simply that you don't like being told what to do or having to do things you don't want to do. All you are doing is making it perfectly clear, with each subsequent post, that you are simply a sociopath.

Yeah, your "libery" infringes on my happines. Indeed, your very existence infringes on my hapliness. If I were at liberty to do what I wanted, I would ensure that you no longer existed.

"Liberty" is definable, quantifinable and measurable by anyone with a modecum of intelligence. That woulld not be you.

Sorry, dude, but in this world, in this county, you don't get to have whatever you want. You don't get to be supreme ruler with your authoritarian God delusion. You are right, you don't get to be a tyrant.
You're a rightard .... Obama made no such promise.

Team Obama said in ’09 stimulus would have unemployment below 6% by 2012

Obamanomics 101 – The Stimulus Package Will Keep Unemployment Under 8%

Keep unemployment under 8% — This is the one of the better known selling points. So, how did that work?
The unemployment rate when Obama took office was 7.6%. The stimulus was passed in February 2009. According to Obama, it was never supposed to go above 8% — well, it was already at 8.1% when the stimulus became a law. And it never got any better. According to the Bureau of Labor & Statistics, the unemployment rate remained high. There were some predictions that it would stay above 9% until 2012 (and this was from the White House no less). The CBO also predicts that the unemployment rate would be 8.2% come November 2012 which is higher than when he took office.
If you look at the chart provided by the DOL, there was some decline from January 2010 to approximately September 2010. The Obama Administration hailed this as a success for the stimulus package. However, the census was being done at that time which allowed the numbers to remain artificially propped up during this time frame. Once these jobs were completed, these people returned once again to the unemployment line.
That's pretty fuckin' stupid, even for a rightard.

You're quoting Sean Higgins, not Barack Obama. Which, of course, you have to do since Obama never made the promise you attributed to him.

Okay, on January 10, 2009, Obama's top economic advisers released a report saying that the unemployment rate would remain below 8 percent throughout the year should the $787 billion stimulus package win congressional approval. By May of 2009, the unemployment rate was at 9.4%, indicating that the package failed to remedy a worsening economic situation. Obama touted support of this supposed finding in this video (which was also released 10 days before his inauguration):

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DFFoQBO-Zg]Obama Touts Report That Stimulus Will Keep Unemployment Below 8 Percent - YouTube[/ame]

By such video, and by touting this report, he acknowledges the supposition that the plan would keep the unemployment rate below 8%. He remained tacit in his statements but the promise was made.

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