A no BS, non partisan examination of the success of Obama's stimulus package

Well maybe if you were smart enough to read all my posts you would know my answer.

This isn't hard to figure out:

Less revenue=more borrowing=more government debt.

You know your reasoning on the subject of RA is so all or nothing, all you do is regurgitate republican talking points. You provide no facts of your own.
Ah no. I speak truth and My ideology follows the axiom, "I spend less than I earn". If I earn less, I spend less. I don't add it to the debt column because Government takes more money from Me.

The government is no different. A tax cut is NOT an expenditure, no matter how much you want it to be.

bottom line. Government is NOT entitled to all of everyone's money and when they get less, they spend less or run deficits and debts.

Here is some advice. Form some rational reasoning before you think to criticize others.

Never once have I heard you speak for less government spending, so don't lecture people on all or nothing ideology.

Man you are in the clouds lol.

I made it clear a few pages back that I agree Obama is spending beyond the government's means. Bush did it too. We need to cut spending AND raise revenue.
Government has been spending beyond its means for 20 years. That is what Conservatives have been complaining about for as long as they have been spending beyond their means.

It is the main reason for the T.E.A. Party movement and it is the sole focus of many conservatives.

This means that one does NOT ENDORSE wild, extreme spending schemes in favor of sound economic policy to help a nations economy recover.

Since you support the extreme spending schemes, you'll forgive Me if I doubt your sincerity on overspending.
Anyone who thinks Obama is far left is a RW drone...No one outside of the brainwashed functional moron TP believes it, I'm guessing Beckbot.

It is insane. Obama has been quite moderate. For some reason they refuse to believe Obama has never been responsible for huge tax cuts, appointing a bi partisan cabinet, and for helping to create 2.5x more private sector jobs in 5 years than the previous 8.
I think it's well established at this point that Billy Boy has no idea what he's talking about. He clearly enjoys his ignorance, in fact, he revels in it, so I'm not going to do a round robin with him.

Just another self labeled 'moderate liberal' and/or 'independent' who is really wack-a-doodle. To be fair, I'm meeting you halfway because I haven't followed much of his posts yet. Though anyone who is promoting Obama's scams gets no benefit of the doubt in my book.

How about you actually read my OP?

I did skip past that bag of lies. But I just read it, and it is what I suspected. That money didn't go to the everyday person. It was crony govt. that made a lot of insiders rich for doing nothing. You're a propagandist, dude. I don't know why you are, but you are.
Just another self labeled 'moderate liberal' and/or 'independent' who is really wack-a-doodle. To be fair, I'm meeting you halfway because I haven't followed much of his posts yet. Though anyone who is promoting Obama's scams gets no benefit of the doubt in my book.

How about you actually read my OP?

I did skip past that bag of lies. But I just read it, and it is what I suspected. That money didn't go to the everyday person. It was crony govt. that made a lot of insiders rich for doing nothing. You're a propagandist, dude. I don't know why you are, but you are.

Okay, prove me wrong.
Funny how debt only matters when Dems are in fixing GOP disasters...God you're brainwashed chumps of the greedy idiot rich...

Oh my the irony of that comment!

Just like how to Obama the 5.6% unemployment under Bush was "immoral".

Why am I still waiting for what this means? Can't you quote Obama saying that?
Okay, at your beckoning, gonna comment on at least some of your nonsense:

According to the Moody’s website Economy.com, JPMorgan Chase, and the Congressional Budget Office,the stimulus “increased GDP at least 2 percentage points, the difference between contraction and growth, and saved or created about 2.5 million jobs.”

Wow. Printing money increased GDP? Who would've figured.Why don't we just print 10 ga-jillion dollars then!

I love the saved or created 2.5 million jobs talk when we know that the economy was suppressed and jobs were not being created by that huge waste.

Industries are tangible operations, dude. Money was not earmarked for the every day man. And there's a reason for that.

“[Solyndra is]… supposedly a case study in ineptitude, cronyism, and the failure of green industrial policy. Republicans investigated for a year, held more than a dozen hearings, and subpoenaed hundreds of thousands of documents, but they uncovered no evidence of wrongdoing….Solyndra was a start-up that failed. It happens.”

Solyndra is the poster child of the recovery act as a scam. This shows the magnitude of your hackery.

The jobless rate is still over eight percent, the longest run of unemployment over eight percent since the Depression.

According to made-up govt. stats. We all know that real unemployment is high.
Let's see, Booosh allowed 9/11, started the stupidest wars ever, AND a corrupt world meltdown, and you want to vote for the same policies and the usual suspects, and WE are stupid...HILARIOUS.

or you think your TP or ''classical liberals'' or ''libertarians'' are more than the newest chumps of the greedy idiot mega rich GOP. WHEN WILL YOU EVER LEARN, HATER DUPES..
Okay, at your beckoning, gonna comment on at least some of your nonsense:

According to the Moody’s website Economy.com, JPMorgan Chase, and the Congressional Budget Office,the stimulus “increased GDP at least 2 percentage points, the difference between contraction and growth, and saved or created about 2.5 million jobs.”

Wow. Printing money increased GDP? Who would've figured.Why don't we just print 10 ga-jillion dollars then!

I love the saved or created 2.5 million jobs talk when we know that the economy was suppressed and jobs were not being created by that huge waste.

Industries are tangible operations, dude. Money was not earmarked for the every day man. And there's a reason for that.

“[Solyndra is]… supposedly a case study in ineptitude, cronyism, and the failure of green industrial policy. Republicans investigated for a year, held more than a dozen hearings, and subpoenaed hundreds of thousands of documents, but they uncovered no evidence of wrongdoing….Solyndra was a start-up that failed. It happens.”

Solyndra is the poster child of the recovery act as a scam. This shows the magnitude of your hackery.

The jobless rate is still over eight percent, the longest run of unemployment over eight percent since the Depression.

According to made-up govt. stats. We all know that real unemployment is high.

You still haven't supported what you're saying with sources that, you know, are factual.

Solyndra was a petty half of a billion dollar failure. Republicans likely wasted just as much money investigating for fraud which did not exist.
Okay, at your beckoning, gonna comment on at least some of your nonsense:

According to the Moody’s website Economy.com, JPMorgan Chase, and the Congressional Budget Office,the stimulus “increased GDP at least 2 percentage points, the difference between contraction and growth, and saved or created about 2.5 million jobs.”

Wow. Printing money increased GDP? Who would've figured.Why don't we just print 10 ga-jillion dollars then!

I love the saved or created 2.5 million jobs talk when we know that the economy was suppressed and jobs were not being created by that huge waste.

Industries are tangible operations, dude. Money was not earmarked for the every day man. And there's a reason for that.

“[Solyndra is]… supposedly a case study in ineptitude, cronyism, and the failure of green industrial policy. Republicans investigated for a year, held more than a dozen hearings, and subpoenaed hundreds of thousands of documents, but they uncovered no evidence of wrongdoing….Solyndra was a start-up that failed. It happens.”

Solyndra is the poster child of the recovery act as a scam. This shows the magnitude of your hackery.

The jobless rate is still over eight percent, the longest run of unemployment over eight percent since the Depression.

According to made-up govt. stats. We all know that real unemployment is high.

Can you explain how printing money increases GDP?
You still haven't supported what you're saying with sources that, you know, are factual.

Solyndra was a petty half of a billion dollar failure. Republicans likely wasted just as much money investigating for fraud which did not exist.

Everything I said was true if not otherwise "factual." BTW, for someone trying to be hung up on facts, all's your OP was was phony supposition.

As it is, I'm not going to spend a perfectly good Sunday night 'fact' digging to attempt to battle your psychosis. If you don't get that Obama is a fraud (by now), it's because you see what you want to see; much like conservatives saw what they wanted to see in the case of GWB.
Obama's share of the debt is 90 per cent averting ANOTHER Pub Great Depression, and keeping millions out of homelessness- costs 400 billion a year STILL. IDIOTS.
You still haven't supported what you're saying with sources that, you know, are factual.

Solyndra was a petty half of a billion dollar failure. Republicans likely wasted just as much money investigating for fraud which did not exist.

Everything I said was true if not otherwise "factual." BTW, for someone trying to be hung up on facts, all's your OP was was phony supposition.

As it is, I'm not going to spend a perfectly good Sunday night 'fact' digging to attempt to battle your psychosis. If you don't get that Obama is a fraud (by now), it's because you see what you want to see; much like conservatives saw what they wanted to see in the case of GWB.

Lol "everything I have been saying is true, if not otherwise factual"

I oughta put that in my signature.
You still haven't supported what you're saying with sources that, you know, are factual.

Solyndra was a petty half of a billion dollar failure. Republicans likely wasted just as much money investigating for fraud which did not exist.

Everything I said was true if not otherwise "factual." BTW, for someone trying to be hung up on facts, all's your OP was was phony supposition.

As it is, I'm not going to spend a perfectly good Sunday night 'fact' digging to attempt to battle your psychosis. If you don't get that Obama is a fraud (by now), it's because you see what you want to see; much like conservatives saw what they wanted to see in the case of GWB.

Lol "everything I have been saying is true, if not otherwise factual"

I oughta put that in my signature.

It wouldn't be funny if you were smart enough to understand the subtle differences between the words 'true' and 'fact.' Something can be true without being a fact, moron.
Everything I said was true if not otherwise "factual." BTW, for someone trying to be hung up on facts, all's your OP was was phony supposition.

As it is, I'm not going to spend a perfectly good Sunday night 'fact' digging to attempt to battle your psychosis. If you don't get that Obama is a fraud (by now), it's because you see what you want to see; much like conservatives saw what they wanted to see in the case of GWB.

Lol "everything I have been saying is true, if not otherwise factual"

I oughta put that in my signature.

It wouldn't be funny if you were smart enough to understand the subtle differences between the words 'true' and 'fact.' Something can be true without being a fact, moron.

Lol but if we are talking about something as objective as job growth, facts matter.
Still waiting to hear how the government printing money increases GDP . . .
Lol "everything I have been saying is true, if not otherwise factual"

I oughta put that in my signature.

It wouldn't be funny if you were smart enough to understand the subtle differences between the words 'true' and 'fact.' Something can be true without being a fact, moron.

Lol but if we are talking about something as objective as job growth, facts matter.

Yea__ that was your point (Sarcasm).

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