A paradigm shift is under way

LOL Once again, trying to ignore an up and coming technology and a real paradigm shift in the generation of energy. You obviously never looked at the short video, nor considered the ramifications of a cheap high density battery.

Which we have been promised for decades. Many decades.

"Electric vehicles first appeared in the mid-19th century. An electric vehicle held the vehicular land speed record until around 1900. The high cost, low top speed, and short range of battery electric vehicles, compared to later internal combustion engine vehicles, led to a worldwide decline in their use; although electric vehicles have continued to be used in the form of electric trains and other niche uses."
History of the electric vehicle - Wikipedia

In over ONE HUNDRED YEARS nothing much has changed.
Markle, you are one really fucked up liar.


Escondida is a copper mine in the Atacama Desert in Antofagasta Region, Chile. The Escondida deposit is one of a cluster of porphyry coppers in an elongated area about 18 km north-south and 3 km east-west ... Wikipedia

That is a copper mine, you lying cocksuck.

This is a lithium mine, where you dry the brine containing the lithium salts.


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LOL Once again, trying to ignore an up and coming technology and a real paradigm shift in the generation of energy. You obviously never looked at the short video, nor considered the ramifications of a cheap high density battery.

Which we have been promised for decades. Many decades.
And which is happening now, you silly moron.

"low top speed, and short range of battery electric vehicles, compared to later internal combustion engine vehicles, led to a worldwide decline in their use; "
History of the electric vehicle - Wikipedia

In over ONE HUNDRED YEARS nothing much has changed.

Too bad you have had your head jammed three feet up your ass for all that time, numbnuts.

The Tesla's top speed and acceleration beats most ICE vehicles, and their driving range on a single charge is over three hundred miles. The new batteries featured in the OP will take electric vehicle about three times as far, beating the range of ALL gasoline powered cars. EV's cost per mile for the electricity is much smaller than cars using gas or diesel oil.

The future Wikipedia entry will read:
"Modern electric vehicles first appeared in the first decade of the 21st century. These new electric vehicles have held the vehicular land speed record since around 2122. The low cost, superior acceleration, very high top speed, and extremely long range of solid-state-battery electric vehicles, compared to the older internal combustion engine vehicles, led to an extremely rapid worldwide decline in the use of fossil fuel powered vehicles, accelerated by climate change concerns over the carbon emissions of such vehicles."
Jackass is STILL using Wikipedia for sources!!:coffee: Like most social oddballs, they have no clue when they're doing it wrong.........which is why they are social oddballs.

Now to the content...........and to put into context the sheer level of mental case we are talking amongst the members of the religion fawning over electric cars.

Ready for this s0ns...........in January, February and March of last year, Ford sold 186,000 F-Series trucks........in 3 months!!:bye1:

Total EV sales in the US for 2016 = 159,000 or ALL models!!:2up:



I can never understand how or why people actually go out of their way to look stoopid on a public forum!!
Eventually, I see a carport in my future. That is, a place to park an electric vehicle under. I don't have a south facing roof that's suitable for panels, but a carport is cheap. Angle the roof south, solar panels on top, battery bank below, so that you're charging all the time. Doesn't even need a grid connection.
How much do you figure is the total cost of your project?
It`s ok to build a car port for a car, but to build one just to charge a battery bank which charges your car is not exactly cost effective. It`s a lot cheaper to do that with a small wind turbine and a modified pma alternator like the "Wind blue"
They are 3 phase and can put out 80 amps charging current above 130 rpm which is within wind speeds from 5 to 15 mph and that worked just fine for me.
Don`t know about your location but where I was when I used it there was always wind day& night.
Most of the day time the system is in use to supply power to the stuff you want to power up and you will be hard pressed to have enough solar power to do that + charge a battery bank at the same time.
While a wind turbine can augment power usage at day time it can charge at night...which solar can`t.
Per kw that`s also cheaper than the equivalent in solar, + the cost of building a carport to mount panels.
Ah yes, the Prius is going to be a complete failure, no one will buy that car. Now who posted that? And now, 9 million Prius later............... LOL

Worldwide Sales of Toyota Hybrids Surpass 9 Million Units | Corporate

Ah Ray.....but as Ive said many times in here, that laughter and argument falls apart when the question is posed, "As compared to what?". Its ALWAYS the same.

Over the same time period that 9 million Prius cars were sold worldwide, 170 million cars of the convention type were sold........IN THE US ALONE!!:coffee:Just sayin..........
... is STILL using Wikipedia for sources!!
As I just said....
The future Wikipedia entry will read:
"Modern electric vehicles first appeared in the first decade of the 21st century. These new electric vehicles have held the vehicular land speed record since around 2122. The low cost, superior acceleration, very high top speed, and extremely long range of solid-state-battery electric vehicles, compared to the older internal combustion engine vehicles, led to an extremely rapid worldwide decline in the use of fossil fuel powered vehicles, accelerated by climate change concerns over the carbon emissions of such vehicles."

I can never understand how or why people actually go out of their way to look stoopid on a public forum!!
Really, kooksucker??? That's very odd, considering that you do it all the time......and nobody does it better than you.[/QUOTE]
Ah yes, the Prius is going to be a complete failure, no one will buy that car. Now who posted that? And now, 9 million Prius later............... LOL

Worldwide Sales of Toyota Hybrids Surpass 9 Million Units | Corporate

Ah Ray.....but as Ive said many times in here, that laughter and argument falls apart when the question is posed, "As compared to what?". Its ALWAYS the same.

Over the same time period that 9 million Prius cars were sold worldwide, 170 million cars of the convention type were sold........IN THE US ALONE!!:coffee:Just sayin..........
So, we went from no hybrids in 1996, to 9 million of just one brand in 20 years. Not only that, nearly every manufacturer now has a least one hybrid line, many have multiple lines. And more are coming out every year. Looks pretty good for a type of vehicle that has only been produced for 20 years.
Ah yes, the Prius is going to be a complete failure, no one will buy that car. Now who posted that? And now, 9 million Prius later............... LOL

Worldwide Sales of Toyota Hybrids Surpass 9 Million Units | Corporate

Ah Ray.....but as Ive said many times in here, that laughter and argument falls apart when the question is posed, "As compared to what?". Its ALWAYS the same.

Over the same time period that 9 million Prius cars were sold worldwide, 170 million cars of the convention type were sold........IN THE US ALONE!!:coffee:Just sayin..........
When you look up the specs for that Prius you wonder what`s the big deal about this barbie doll car, It`s just a cellphone with idiot apps on wheels to get to a yoga class and to a Starbucks coffee shop
On electric the range is only 25 miles as tested by the EPA and you have to allow an hour to recharge the battery.
So without the gas engine it`s ridiculous. It can`t charge on the go using the e-motor as a generator like a hybrid that makes sense, the Porsche 918 hybrid. Breaking or decelerating charges the battery and the e-motor horse power adds to the 612 hp gas engine when you punch it. Porsche calls it " the joint strike force" 500 ft-lbs of torque at 800 rpm

But then again cars like that are not meant for wimps that wet their pants every time an icicle melts somewhere.


Got to love it.. Dont deal with the unreliability of renewable's then forget about needing 5-7 times the storage and production equipment that a reliable fossil fuel plants doesn't need..

"Paradigm Shift?" Nope.... Just the same old repackaging of a failed product.

The Prius is a terrible car forgetting about that it looks as faggy as the day is long......it sells to a very niche market only. A very small % of men would drive this car and most wouldn't drive a Prius if you paid them to. Car and Driver Magazine has been panning the Prius for years and just this year called it "now an acceptable car". Its a joke.........:spinner:

But the reality remains........Americans don't want EV's. The sales numbers easily bear that out......anybody who says different is as far as off the reservation as one can go. Especially men.......look......if you're a Prius driver and pull up at a party, the other men standing around are going to spit their beer clear across the backyard. That's just the way it is........and I'll bet you a dollar to a thousand stale donuts, Mammoth drives a Prius btw!!:lmao::rofl::rofl::rofl:

We can use a zoo analogy. When people go to the zoo, they want to see what? A gorilla, a polar bear, a lion......maybe a hippo. Nobody goes to see a lemur.........well, maybe 4 people a day do but lets face it, they'd be oddballs. People who drive a Prius are oddballs in the bigger picture.:coffee:The Prius is for guys like Richard Simmons.............everybody knows that!
The Porche 918 costs nearly a million bucks, seats only two, and is slower to the legal limit than is the P100D Tesla. Overall, the Tesla is a better car, and will be running long after the Porche is scrap metal in a junk yard.
Would love nothing more than for alternatives to provide for our future. Sadly, the facts don't show us that will happen.

Are Electric Cars Really Green?

Bjorne Lomborg. He has been wrong on almost everything that he has addressed.

So lets just ask a logical question. Can you see the argument being made in this video, that electric cars are not a panacea? Unless that electrical power comes from an nuclear plant, how are electric vehicles saving the planet?


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