A Patriotic Love Story (Sarcasm?)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Here's a pro-democracy love-story inspired by the politics-sarcasm film Bulworth!


Captain America faced his biggest challenge to date --- to woo and win the affections of the evil Baroness (a wily woman who worked as a consultant for the evil super-terrorist organization Cobra which was working against 'TrumpUSA'). Captain America knew Baroness when he was younger (when they were both studying to be sommeliers in northern California) but parted ways when 'Cap' became America's favorite anti-terrorist vigilante while Baroness was recruited by Cobra Commander to become the ultimate 'anti-heroine.'

President Trump was opposed to this 'romance-plan' for peace from the beginning, since he knew Cobra wanted to have nothing to do with any kind of democracy-advocacy, so he advised Captain America to seriously consider the wisdom of this 'initiative.' However, Captain America was convinced he could use his good charms and friendliness to convince Baroness that love was stronger than political terror. However, he took into consideration the possibility that Cobra was never to be trusted fully.

Well, when Captain America approached Baroness after kidnapping her from the Cobra fortress, he tied her up and interrogated her for hours, urging her to consider the profitability of democracy. Baroness was so fully indoctrinated into the ways of Cobra that she simply thought Captain America was an unsightly 'pig.' Captain America then loosened her bonds and convinced her that she should at least meditate on their past together in northern California. Baroness agreed to have a meeting with Captain America and President Trump!

TRUMP: I'm pleased to discover that you two are back in love...
CAPTAIN AMERICA: President Trump expressed serious doubts!
BARONESS: I didn't think this had any potential.

TRUMP: Well, let's not get arrogant.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Americans need to be convinced this kind of love-story can work!
BARONESS: Isn't that always in the 'groom's hands'?

TRUMP: Female voters will want to 'participate.'
CAPTAIN AMERICA: You can expect Hillary Clinton to be vocal too...
BARONESS: I don't want to answer to the voters!

TRUMP: Some critics might even suggest 'censorship.'
BARONESS: Yes, my dear, since any 'love' between a democracy-defender and a fascism-terrorist is taboo...

TRUMP: It's even worse. Journalists and political cartoonists will say, "Captain America is courting a Marxist!"
CAPTAIN AMERICA: That's dangerous...
BARONESS: So much for free speech!

TRUMP: We can expect objective journalism from CNN and TIME magazine, however.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: I'd be shocked if Larry King and Don Imus expressed biased views...
BARONESS: Never underestimate the volatility of 'mob psychology.'

TRUMP: People were criticizing my wife (First Lady Melania Trump) as a 'token-diplomat' complementing me!
CAPTAIN AMERICA: Let's keep the First Lady out of this...
BARONESS: I want to address the pro-choice abortion-rights female voting sector.

TRUMP: This could either be very smart or incredibly nuts.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: All we have to avoid is the Devil.
BARONESS: Boy, I feel inspired to watch the politics-disease film The Manchurian Candidate.



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