A plan to make our "leaders" do their "jobs".


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

In a feeble attempt to take my mind off at least some of the ugliness of the posts I'm seeing surrounding the horrific shooting in Newtown -- I remain hopeful that one day we'll evolve beyond such filth -- I'll humbly offer a peek into my little political fantasy world, for what it's worth.

Here's a plan for dealing with the major issues facing right now (or really at any given time) that is based on the fact that (1) we live in a representative republic in which our "leaders" (cough) are supposed to confront the major issues we face and make critical decisions on our behalf, and (2) our "leaders" (cough) have been an abject failure at working together like civil, mature, reasonable adults. It's a process I'd love to see for dealing with things like the budget, taxation, abortion, gun control, all the big stuff:

On each issue, a small group (maybe three or five or seven) of lawmakers from each party ("leaders" just doesn't seem like an appropriate word to me) is chosen to represent that party in a select task force. The party as a whole agrees to support not only those members, but the final decisions and plans of the task force.

Ground rules:

  • A time frame is agreed to, whether it's six weeks or six months.
  • An even number is lawmakers is chosen and there must be 75% agreement on a plan for it to continue.
  • Members of the task force know that if a decision cannot be reached, they will longer be eligible to be on future task forces (play on their little egos)
  • Members of the task force are sequestered, and are not allowed to communicate directly or indirectly with any media for the duration of the project - no running out to the teevee cameras, no radio interviews, nothing.
Wait, it gets even more absurd: Task forces will run eight (8) hours per day, with three rooms made available to the team: One strategy room for each party, and one task force meeting room. A task force meeting must be attended by all lawmakers at least four (4) hours per day. A final plan is created, and the task force is not required to report who voted for any given part of the plan or whole thing (a little capitulation on my part to insulate task force members from party crazies and fucking donors).

At the end of the term (or before, if a final agreement is reached) the task force submits its final plan and thirty (30) days is given for conversation, any revisions and public consumption.

Here's the tough part: Task force members are encouraged to provide a humble message to their constituents: We did the best we could in the interests of the country. No, our side didn't get everything we wanted, and yes, we actually did work with the other side. If you feel I have failed you, I know you'll vote me out of my cushy job and I'll have to find real work. But at least I'll know I worked diligently with my peers and created something about which I'm proud and satisfied. Something crazy like that.

I'd even put that fantasy above one I have involving Jennifer Aniston, mashed potatoes, a catcher's mask and a box of AA batteries. But seriously, that one's none of your fucking business.

I think this would be a good start, get RID of half of them..

we don't need to be paying for so many damn idiots in congress trying to run our frikken lives..

Oh and get rid of the divider in chief, his enforcer Harry Reid, the idiot ex speaker pelosi first..
I think this would be a good start, get RID of half of them..

we don't need to be paying for so many damn idiots in congress trying to run our frikken lives..

Oh and get rid of the divider in chief, his enforcer Harry Reid, the idiot ex speaker pelosi first..

It would probably be a good idea to marginalize the loons from both parties.

I think this would be a good start, get RID of half of them..

we don't need to be paying for so many damn idiots in congress trying to run our frikken lives..

Oh and get rid of the divider in chief, his enforcer Harry Reid, the idiot ex speaker pelosi first..

It would probably be a good idea to marginalize the loons from both parties.


I don't have a problem with that..
but I find these three to be the most problematic at this time

In a feeble attempt to take my mind off at least some of the ugliness of the posts I'm seeing surrounding the horrific shooting in Newtown -- I remain hopeful that one day we'll evolve beyond such filth -- I'll humbly offer a peek into my little political fantasy world, for what it's worth.

Here's a plan for dealing with the major issues facing right now (or really at any given time) that is based on the fact that (1) we live in a representative republic in which our "leaders" (cough) are supposed to confront the major issues we face and make critical decisions on our behalf, and (2) our "leaders" (cough) have been an abject failure at working together like civil, mature, reasonable adults. It's a process I'd love to see for dealing with things like the budget, taxation, abortion, gun control, all the big stuff:

On each issue, a small group (maybe three or five or seven) of lawmakers from each party ("leaders" just doesn't seem like an appropriate word to me) is chosen to represent that party in a select task force. The party as a whole agrees to support not only those members, but the final decisions and plans of the task force.

Ground rules:

  • A time frame is agreed to, whether it's six weeks or six months.
  • An even number is lawmakers is chosen and there must be 75% agreement on a plan for it to continue.
  • Members of the task force know that if a decision cannot be reached, they will longer be eligible to be on future task forces (play on their little egos)
  • Members of the task force are sequestered, and are not allowed to communicate directly or indirectly with any media for the duration of the project - no running out to the teevee cameras, no radio interviews, nothing.
Wait, it gets even more absurd: Task forces will run eight (8) hours per day, with three rooms made available to the team: One strategy room for each party, and one task force meeting room. A task force meeting must be attended by all lawmakers at least four (4) hours per day. A final plan is created, and the task force is not required to report who voted for any given part of the plan or whole thing (a little capitulation on my part to insulate task force members from party crazies and fucking donors).

At the end of the term (or before, if a final agreement is reached) the task force submits its final plan and thirty (30) days is given for conversation, any revisions and public consumption.

Here's the tough part: Task force members are encouraged to provide a humble message to their constituents: We did the best we could in the interests of the country. No, our side didn't get everything we wanted, and yes, we actually did work with the other side. If you feel I have failed you, I know you'll vote me out of my cushy job and I'll have to find real work. But at least I'll know I worked diligently with my peers and created something about which I'm proud and satisfied. Something crazy like that.

I'd even put that fantasy above one I have involving Jennifer Aniston, mashed potatoes, a catcher's mask and a box of AA batteries. But seriously, that one's none of your fucking business.


I can do it quicker. Stop paying them until they balance the budget.
I'm disgusted but not at all surprised if what i heard is true about this fiscal cliff timeline.
Last I heard was that they were close to a deal but the major issues regarding spending
will now be addressed sometime in January...

Everyone knew this deadline was coming for quite some time and now the really heavy lifting
is going to be postponed.

Still no word from that piece of &^*$ Harry Reid about finally getting a budget passed.

They are all worthless.We keep electing people who seem to love all the trappings of office
and all the perks but none of them are doing their jobs....

Go ahead raise taxes and do nothing about spending...

These people suck...

In a feeble attempt to take my mind off at least some of the ugliness of the posts I'm seeing surrounding the horrific shooting in Newtown -- I remain hopeful that one day we'll evolve beyond such filth -- I'll humbly offer a peek into my little political fantasy world, for what it's worth.

Here's a plan for dealing with the major issues facing right now (or really at any given time) that is based on the fact that (1) we live in a representative republic in which our "leaders" (cough) are supposed to confront the major issues we face and make critical decisions on our behalf, and (2) our "leaders" (cough) have been an abject failure at working together like civil, mature, reasonable adults. It's a process I'd love to see for dealing with things like the budget, taxation, abortion, gun control, all the big stuff:

On each issue, a small group (maybe three or five or seven) of lawmakers from each party ("leaders" just doesn't seem like an appropriate word to me) is chosen to represent that party in a select task force. The party as a whole agrees to support not only those members, but the final decisions and plans of the task force.

Ground rules:

  • A time frame is agreed to, whether it's six weeks or six months.
  • An even number is lawmakers is chosen and there must be 75% agreement on a plan for it to continue.
  • Members of the task force know that if a decision cannot be reached, they will longer be eligible to be on future task forces (play on their little egos)
  • Members of the task force are sequestered, and are not allowed to communicate directly or indirectly with any media for the duration of the project - no running out to the teevee cameras, no radio interviews, nothing.
Wait, it gets even more absurd: Task forces will run eight (8) hours per day, with three rooms made available to the team: One strategy room for each party, and one task force meeting room. A task force meeting must be attended by all lawmakers at least four (4) hours per day. A final plan is created, and the task force is not required to report who voted for any given part of the plan or whole thing (a little capitulation on my part to insulate task force members from party crazies and fucking donors).

At the end of the term (or before, if a final agreement is reached) the task force submits its final plan and thirty (30) days is given for conversation, any revisions and public consumption.

Here's the tough part: Task force members are encouraged to provide a humble message to their constituents: We did the best we could in the interests of the country. No, our side didn't get everything we wanted, and yes, we actually did work with the other side. If you feel I have failed you, I know you'll vote me out of my cushy job and I'll have to find real work. But at least I'll know I worked diligently with my peers and created something about which I'm proud and satisfied. Something crazy like that.

I'd even put that fantasy above one I have involving Jennifer Aniston, mashed potatoes, a catcher's mask and a box of AA batteries. But seriously, that one's none of your fucking business.


I respect your opinion, but I humbly couldn't disagree more.

Our federal government has grown into a monstrosity of unimaginable proportions. It's more than 10,000x's the size it was intended to be. The last thing we need is to fast track this nightmare (we saw that first hand when the dumbocrats had full control of the White House, the House, and the Senate - we ended up with Obamacare which has been a catastrophic failure before it has even gotten off the ground).

If we're not going to follow the LAW (and we haven't for over 120 years now - since the rise of liberal Marxism/Communism), then we need to grid lock this bitch until the entire bottom falls out. I'd love to see them NOT raise the debt ceiling and checks not be able to go out.

Here is a VERY small example of the complete absurdity I am talking about:

Lessons from a Billion-Dollar Project Failure

In a feeble attempt to take my mind off at least some of the ugliness of the posts I'm seeing surrounding the horrific shooting in Newtown -- I remain hopeful that one day we'll evolve beyond such filth -- I'll humbly offer a peek into my little political fantasy world, for what it's worth.

Here's a plan for dealing with the major issues facing right now (or really at any given time) that is based on the fact that (1) we live in a representative republic in which our "leaders" (cough) are supposed to confront the major issues we face and make critical decisions on our behalf, and (2) our "leaders" (cough) have been an abject failure at working together like civil, mature, reasonable adults. It's a process I'd love to see for dealing with things like the budget, taxation, abortion, gun control, all the big stuff:

On each issue, a small group (maybe three or five or seven) of lawmakers from each party ("leaders" just doesn't seem like an appropriate word to me) is chosen to represent that party in a select task force. The party as a whole agrees to support not only those members, but the final decisions and plans of the task force.

Ground rules:

  • A time frame is agreed to, whether it's six weeks or six months.
  • An even number is lawmakers is chosen and there must be 75% agreement on a plan for it to continue.
  • Members of the task force know that if a decision cannot be reached, they will longer be eligible to be on future task forces (play on their little egos)
  • Members of the task force are sequestered, and are not allowed to communicate directly or indirectly with any media for the duration of the project - no running out to the teevee cameras, no radio interviews, nothing.
Wait, it gets even more absurd: Task forces will run eight (8) hours per day, with three rooms made available to the team: One strategy room for each party, and one task force meeting room. A task force meeting must be attended by all lawmakers at least four (4) hours per day. A final plan is created, and the task force is not required to report who voted for any given part of the plan or whole thing (a little capitulation on my part to insulate task force members from party crazies and fucking donors).

At the end of the term (or before, if a final agreement is reached) the task force submits its final plan and thirty (30) days is given for conversation, any revisions and public consumption.

Here's the tough part: Task force members are encouraged to provide a humble message to their constituents: We did the best we could in the interests of the country. No, our side didn't get everything we wanted, and yes, we actually did work with the other side. If you feel I have failed you, I know you'll vote me out of my cushy job and I'll have to find real work. But at least I'll know I worked diligently with my peers and created something about which I'm proud and satisfied. Something crazy like that.

I'd even put that fantasy above one I have involving Jennifer Aniston, mashed potatoes, a catcher's mask and a box of AA batteries. But seriously, that one's none of your fucking business.


I can do it quicker. Stop paying them until they balance the budget.

Well hell, now that you bring that up, I'd put this plan on top of my other plan:

1. Balanced Budget Amendment
2. Short, strict term limits
3. Publicly funded elections

Take away the power from those who abuse it the most, politicians.

Now, back to my Jennifer Aniston fantasy...

Last edited:
I'm disgusted but not at all surprised if what i heard is true about this fiscal cliff timeline.
Last I heard was that they were close to a deal but the major issues regarding spending
will now be addressed sometime in January...

Everyone knew this deadline was coming for quite some time and now the really heavy lifting
is going to be postponed.

Still no word from that piece of &^*$ Harry Reid about finally getting a budget passed.

They are all worthless.We keep electing people who seem to love all the trappings of office
and all the perks but none of them are doing their jobs....

Go ahead raise taxes and do nothing about spending...

These people suck...

This is typical of the dishonest left. Tax increases now and cut spending later. Then when the tax increases are firmly in place, re-neg on the spending cuts.
I'm disgusted but not at all surprised if what i heard is true about this fiscal cliff timeline.
Last I heard was that they were close to a deal but the major issues regarding spending
will now be addressed sometime in January...

Everyone knew this deadline was coming for quite some time and now the really heavy lifting
is going to be postponed.

Still no word from that piece of &^*$ Harry Reid about finally getting a budget passed.

They are all worthless.We keep electing people who seem to love all the trappings of office
and all the perks but none of them are doing their jobs....

Go ahead raise taxes and do nothing about spending...

These people suck...

This is typical of the dishonest left. Tax increases now and cut spending later. Then when the tax increases are firmly in place, re-neg on the spending cuts.

It's an insult to anyone with an IQ higher than 20.

In a feeble attempt to take my mind off at least some of the ugliness of the posts I'm seeing surrounding the horrific shooting in Newtown -- I remain hopeful that one day we'll evolve beyond such filth -- I'll humbly offer a peek into my little political fantasy world, for what it's worth.

Here's a plan for dealing with the major issues facing right now (or really at any given time) that is based on the fact that (1) we live in a representative republic in which our "leaders" (cough) are supposed to confront the major issues we face and make critical decisions on our behalf, and (2) our "leaders" (cough) have been an abject failure at working together like civil, mature, reasonable adults. It's a process I'd love to see for dealing with things like the budget, taxation, abortion, gun control, all the big stuff:

On each issue, a small group (maybe three or five or seven) of lawmakers from each party ("leaders" just doesn't seem like an appropriate word to me) is chosen to represent that party in a select task force. The party as a whole agrees to support not only those members, but the final decisions and plans of the task force.

Ground rules:

  • A time frame is agreed to, whether it's six weeks or six months.
  • An even number is lawmakers is chosen and there must be 75% agreement on a plan for it to continue.
  • Members of the task force know that if a decision cannot be reached, they will longer be eligible to be on future task forces (play on their little egos)
  • Members of the task force are sequestered, and are not allowed to communicate directly or indirectly with any media for the duration of the project - no running out to the teevee cameras, no radio interviews, nothing.
Wait, it gets even more absurd: Task forces will run eight (8) hours per day, with three rooms made available to the team: One strategy room for each party, and one task force meeting room. A task force meeting must be attended by all lawmakers at least four (4) hours per day. A final plan is created, and the task force is not required to report who voted for any given part of the plan or whole thing (a little capitulation on my part to insulate task force members from party crazies and fucking donors).

At the end of the term (or before, if a final agreement is reached) the task force submits its final plan and thirty (30) days is given for conversation, any revisions and public consumption.

Here's the tough part: Task force members are encouraged to provide a humble message to their constituents: We did the best we could in the interests of the country. No, our side didn't get everything we wanted, and yes, we actually did work with the other side. If you feel I have failed you, I know you'll vote me out of my cushy job and I'll have to find real work. But at least I'll know I worked diligently with my peers and created something about which I'm proud and satisfied. Something crazy like that.

I'd even put that fantasy above one I have involving Jennifer Aniston, mashed potatoes, a catcher's mask and a box of AA batteries. But seriously, that one's none of your fucking business.


It’s good you know your fantasy is indeed just that, and also unfeasible, as all politics are local.

As to your other plan:

1. Balanced Budget Amendment
2. Short, strict term limits
3. Publicly funded elections

Take away the power from those who abuse it the most, politicians.

A BBA is naïve, pointless, and potentially harmful, as it’s perfectly appropriate and normal for the government of a First World industrialized nation to manifest a deficit; indeed, it’s perfectly appropriate and normal for such a government to go from surplus to deficit back to surplus again. The issue isn’t a deficit per se, but its size and duration.

We already have term limits, they’re called elections, and voters have the right to elect whomever they wish, for how long they wish, as many times as they wish.

Publicly funded elections will likely run afoul of Citizens United, if that entails prohibiting corporations and unions from participating in the political process, which would be the logical inference in your proposal.

Your frustration with our current system is understandable, but any change must start at the very bottom, at the very local level, will likely take decades to achieve, and will come into conflict with powerful special interests who have frankly been running this country almost from the outset.

In a feeble attempt to take my mind off at least some of the ugliness of the posts I'm seeing surrounding the horrific shooting in Newtown -- I remain hopeful that one day we'll evolve beyond such filth -- I'll humbly offer a peek into my little political fantasy world, for what it's worth.

Here's a plan for dealing with the major issues facing right now (or really at any given time) that is based on the fact that (1) we live in a representative republic in which our "leaders" (cough) are supposed to confront the major issues we face and make critical decisions on our behalf, and (2) our "leaders" (cough) have been an abject failure at working together like civil, mature, reasonable adults. It's a process I'd love to see for dealing with things like the budget, taxation, abortion, gun control, all the big stuff:

On each issue, a small group (maybe three or five or seven) of lawmakers from each party ("leaders" just doesn't seem like an appropriate word to me) is chosen to represent that party in a select task force. The party as a whole agrees to support not only those members, but the final decisions and plans of the task force.

Ground rules:

  • A time frame is agreed to, whether it's six weeks or six months.
  • An even number is lawmakers is chosen and there must be 75% agreement on a plan for it to continue.
  • Members of the task force know that if a decision cannot be reached, they will longer be eligible to be on future task forces (play on their little egos)
  • Members of the task force are sequestered, and are not allowed to communicate directly or indirectly with any media for the duration of the project - no running out to the teevee cameras, no radio interviews, nothing.
Wait, it gets even more absurd: Task forces will run eight (8) hours per day, with three rooms made available to the team: One strategy room for each party, and one task force meeting room. A task force meeting must be attended by all lawmakers at least four (4) hours per day. A final plan is created, and the task force is not required to report who voted for any given part of the plan or whole thing (a little capitulation on my part to insulate task force members from party crazies and fucking donors).

At the end of the term (or before, if a final agreement is reached) the task force submits its final plan and thirty (30) days is given for conversation, any revisions and public consumption.

Here's the tough part: Task force members are encouraged to provide a humble message to their constituents: We did the best we could in the interests of the country. No, our side didn't get everything we wanted, and yes, we actually did work with the other side. If you feel I have failed you, I know you'll vote me out of my cushy job and I'll have to find real work. But at least I'll know I worked diligently with my peers and created something about which I'm proud and satisfied. Something crazy like that.

I'd even put that fantasy above one I have involving Jennifer Aniston, mashed potatoes, a catcher's mask and a box of AA batteries. But seriously, that one's none of your fucking business.


It’s good you know your fantasy is indeed just that, and also unfeasible, as all politics are local.

As to your other plan:

1. Balanced Budget Amendment
2. Short, strict term limits
3. Publicly funded elections

Take away the power from those who abuse it the most, politicians.

A BBA is naïve, pointless, and potentially harmful, as it’s perfectly appropriate and normal for the government of a First World industrialized nation to manifest a deficit; indeed, it’s perfectly appropriate and normal for such a government to go from surplus to deficit back to surplus again. The issue isn’t a deficit per se, but its size and duration.

We already have term limits, they’re called elections, and voters have the right to elect whomever they wish, for how long they wish, as many times as they wish.

Publicly funded elections will likely run afoul of Citizens United, if that entails prohibiting corporations and unions from participating in the political process, which would be the logical inference in your proposal.

Your frustration with our current system is understandable, but any change must start at the very bottom, at the very local level, will likely take decades to achieve, and will come into conflict with powerful special interests who have frankly been running this country almost from the outset.

The ledger should always be zero with no undue burden to the citizenry.

In a feeble attempt to take my mind off at least some of the ugliness of the posts I'm seeing surrounding the horrific shooting in Newtown -- I remain hopeful that one day we'll evolve beyond such filth -- I'll humbly offer a peek into my little political fantasy world, for what it's worth.

Here's a plan for dealing with the major issues facing right now (or really at any given time) that is based on the fact that (1) we live in a representative republic in which our "leaders" (cough) are supposed to confront the major issues we face and make critical decisions on our behalf, and (2) our "leaders" (cough) have been an abject failure at working together like civil, mature, reasonable adults. It's a process I'd love to see for dealing with things like the budget, taxation, abortion, gun control, all the big stuff:

On each issue, a small group (maybe three or five or seven) of lawmakers from each party ("leaders" just doesn't seem like an appropriate word to me) is chosen to represent that party in a select task force. The party as a whole agrees to support not only those members, but the final decisions and plans of the task force.

Ground rules:

  • A time frame is agreed to, whether it's six weeks or six months.
  • An even number is lawmakers is chosen and there must be 75% agreement on a plan for it to continue.
  • Members of the task force know that if a decision cannot be reached, they will longer be eligible to be on future task forces (play on their little egos)
  • Members of the task force are sequestered, and are not allowed to communicate directly or indirectly with any media for the duration of the project - no running out to the teevee cameras, no radio interviews, nothing.
Wait, it gets even more absurd: Task forces will run eight (8) hours per day, with three rooms made available to the team: One strategy room for each party, and one task force meeting room. A task force meeting must be attended by all lawmakers at least four (4) hours per day. A final plan is created, and the task force is not required to report who voted for any given part of the plan or whole thing (a little capitulation on my part to insulate task force members from party crazies and fucking donors).

At the end of the term (or before, if a final agreement is reached) the task force submits its final plan and thirty (30) days is given for conversation, any revisions and public consumption.

Here's the tough part: Task force members are encouraged to provide a humble message to their constituents: We did the best we could in the interests of the country. No, our side didn't get everything we wanted, and yes, we actually did work with the other side. If you feel I have failed you, I know you'll vote me out of my cushy job and I'll have to find real work. But at least I'll know I worked diligently with my peers and created something about which I'm proud and satisfied. Something crazy like that.

I'd even put that fantasy above one I have involving Jennifer Aniston, mashed potatoes, a catcher's mask and a box of AA batteries. But seriously, that one's none of your fucking business.


One addition: For each day beyond the deadline that an agreement is not reached, one member of each party will be taken to the Washington Monument and publicly shot. :D

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