A poll.. what percent does your employer contribute to SS/Medicare?

What is the combined % payment an employer pays on behalf of employee for SS/Medicare?

  • 0% Employers don't pay anything!

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • 2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4.2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7.6%

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters
I am curious as to what amount people think employers pay into SS/Medicare

As an employer, I can tell you we pay zero. We calculate it into the salary we pay you. The idea we pay half and you pay half is government lying to you. If you don't provide enough value to cover all our costs of paying you ... we shit can you ... And that's on you, not us. You weren't worth the cost
Of course it is calculated into the salary. That doesn't mean we don't pay it.
Why would any employer keep someone who they are losing money on?
Because support staff becomes a necessary element and cost to the business as the business.

A janitor doesn't create revenue. It could be argued, I suppose, that a dirty office costs the company revenue, but that's reaching into silly-ville.
A human resources assistant doesn't create revenue. Same as above, some indirect benefit could be claimed, but the fact is they are a necessary fixed cost.

And, of course, one employee or one department or one unit not making a profit is not cause for deletion if they fit into the overall business picture, or if it's possible that they will make a profit in the future.

Amazon.com went YEARS without a profit as a BUSINESS.

Basic stuff.

They all create revenue

Janitor doesn't create revenue? Try running a business overrun with rats

You don't need an employee, you get rid of him. Happens all the time

Please tell us how support staff generate revenue... this oughtta be good.

You mean those worthless people that don't actually "do" anything?

Much like the military where only 20% do the actual fighting, they still rely on a support structure to keep them fighting

Same thing in business......you don't need them, you fire them

You obviously lack a very basic understanding of business... but then, you're a lib. And nobody said anything about worthless. Hell. we could get rid of our receptionist and just go automated, but it isn't the way I want to go. We don't have a janitor, we have a cleaning service, same thing. You suggesting the cleaning service is a revenue generator?
If you don't need a cleaning service, don't hire one and pay the consequences with disgruntled customers and employees or having your business shut down

Then look at your profit
I am curious as to what amount people think employers pay into SS/Medicare

As an employer, I can tell you we pay zero. We calculate it into the salary we pay you. The idea we pay half and you pay half is government lying to you. If you don't provide enough value to cover all our costs of paying you ... we shit can you ... And that's on you, not us. You weren't worth the cost

Very true

Employers make a profit off of EVERY employee.

While I am shocked that out of all people on this forum, this guy said something accurate..... he's right. In this one single example, he is in fact right.

"Employers make a profit off of EVERY employee."

This is true. The only technical exception, would be companies that have to hire lobbyists in Washington, to keep the government from destroying them. Essentially mafia protection money.

But for the average business, the employer makes money on every single employee, including support staff. If the business lost money an employee... they wouldn't hire them.

Think about it. If you made $50,000 profit this year without employee X. And then made only $30,000 profit next year after hiring employee X..... then you wouldn't hire employee X.

I'll give you a real life example, involving a janitor, and an assembly line. Company here in Ohio I worked for.

At one point they had 30 people working assembling product. Of course with that much product and people, the trash cans and floors got filled and dirty quite fast. So the company hired a janitor. The janitor emptied all the trash cans in the planet, broke down boxes, and put them in the bin, and cleaned the floors daily.

Because the Janitor was doing these duties, the assembly people could focus on work. The result was higher production across the entire company. So the Janitor created revenue, by taking over duties that hindered production. Thus production was much higher, even though the individual in question, the janitor, created no production.

There was a massive profit from hiring this one employee.

At the same time, when production slowed down, and assembly employees had plenty of spare time between jobs, then the janitor created zero profit, because there was no production increase from him doing those jobs. We laid him off. At the end we were emptying the trash and mopping the floors ourselves, because production was slow.

Now obviously hiring multiple janitors has diminishing returns, because the time savings doesn't double each time you hire another janitor. Emptying the trash twice, doesn't have a production benefit, from emptying it once. So it's not like hiring a 3rd sales guy which will increase sales proportional to the number of sales people you have.

So as much as I'm surprised this poster said something accurate.... he is in fact correct on this one. Companies make a profit on every employee... or they wouldn't have that employee.
I am curious as to what amount people think employers pay into SS/Medicare

As an employer, I can tell you we pay zero. We calculate it into the salary we pay you. The idea we pay half and you pay half is government lying to you. If you don't provide enough value to cover all our costs of paying you ... we shit can you ... And that's on you, not us. You weren't worth the cost

Very true

Employers make a profit off of EVERY employee.

While I am shocked that out of all people on this forum, this guy said something accurate..... he's right. In this one single example, he is in fact right.

"Employers make a profit off of EVERY employee."

This is true. The only technical exception, would be companies that have to hire lobbyists in Washington, to keep the government from destroying them. Essentially mafia protection money.

But for the average business, the employer makes money on every single employee, including support staff. If the business lost money an employee... they wouldn't hire them.

Think about it. If you made $50,000 profit this year without employee X. And then made only $30,000 profit next year after hiring employee X..... then you wouldn't hire employee X.

I'll give you a real life example, involving a janitor, and an assembly line. Company here in Ohio I worked for.

At one point they had 30 people working assembling product. Of course with that much product and people, the trash cans and floors got filled and dirty quite fast. So the company hired a janitor. The janitor emptied all the trash cans in the planet, broke down boxes, and put them in the bin, and cleaned the floors daily.

Because the Janitor was doing these duties, the assembly people could focus on work. The result was higher production across the entire company. So the Janitor created revenue, by taking over duties that hindered production. Thus production was much higher, even though the individual in question, the janitor, created no production.

There was a massive profit from hiring this one employee.

At the same time, when production slowed down, and assembly employees had plenty of spare time between jobs, then the janitor created zero profit, because there was no production increase from him doing those jobs. We laid him off. At the end we were emptying the trash and mopping the floors ourselves, because production was slow.

Now obviously hiring multiple janitors has diminishing returns, because the time savings doesn't double each time you hire another janitor. Emptying the trash twice, doesn't have a production benefit, from emptying it once. So it's not like hiring a 3rd sales guy which will increase sales proportional to the number of sales people you have.

So as much as I'm surprised this poster said something accurate.... he is in fact correct on this one. Companies make a profit on every employee... or they wouldn't have that employee.

Of course, why would anyone rational spend money on an employee if they don't make a profit? Would you grow a garden if you got no vegetables?
Very true

Employers make a profit off of EVERY employee.

Otherwise those employees wouldn't be there.

It's almost as if these RWers have this notion in their little pea brains that employers are being magnanimous by giving workers jobs.

It is part of conservative dogma

No poor person ever gave me a job

Employers make a profit off of every employee and it is the employees who are creating wealth and having less and less to show for it

Contrary to you wet dream, that is not conservative dogma.

That is how capitalism works.

And if enough employees band together, they can compete against their former bosses.

The only problem is our wonderful system of government makes it tough for them to do that.

Good job.
Very true

Employers make a profit off of EVERY employee.

Otherwise those employees wouldn't be there.

It's almost as if these RWers have this notion in their little pea brains that employers are being magnanimous by giving workers jobs.

It is part of conservative dogma

No poor person ever gave me a job

Employers make a profit off of every employee and it is the employees who are creating wealth and having less and less to show for it

First off, the employers create wealth too. And by far the most wealth is created by the employers.

If you doubt that.... take away the employers and see what happens. If your argument is correct, then the employer could just quit, and the employees by themselves should be able to keep things going.

That never happens. Why? Because you have to have someone who has the money to keep the place running. What happens when the machines break? You think the employees know how to keep the machines running? You think they have the money to hire a professional repairman to fix everything?

OF course not.

Moreover, it's the employers money that bought the machine in the first place.

And lastly, when you say that they have less and less to show for it, that's just flat out a lie.

How many employers now offer 2 or 3 weeks of vacation. Where do you think the employer gets the money to pay you to not work? Lower wages. You are sacrificing wages for benefits.

When the employer has to pay higher and higher unemployment compensation, where do you think it gets that money? From paying lower wages. You sacrifice your wages, for the sake of your left-wing program.

When the employer has to pay a fee to the EPA, or a fine to OSHA, or has to pay to install special lights. Now you might even argue that those 'regulations' are needed and required. And it is even possible that you are right. But the fact is, every dollar the employer has to pay out to meet some regulation, is one less dollar paid out in wages.

Whenever people complain about wages not keeping pace with productivity, the reality is, they are right. It hasn't, because you have forced employers to pay out money everywhere else, but wages. And thus wages have not kept pace with productivity.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe all of that.

See? We can agree!

I believe that because it's true.

Words NEVER heard in a working class bar "My boss is brilliant, we wouldn't know what to do without him."
And what you don't understand is:

Words NEVER heard by a business owners: "All of my employees are honest team players".

Run a business with a few employees and you'll know. But you'll never do that. So you can just exist in your ideological vacuum.
And what you don't understand is:

Words NEVER heard by a business owners: "All of my employees are honest team players".

Run a business with a few employees and you'll know. But you'll never do that. So you can just exist in your ideological vacuum.

Nope. Frankly, I have no desire to exploit working people to know exploiting working people is bad.

I also don't advise rape victims to buy strap on dildos to they can understand their rapists better.
Then let them all quit and see what they would do

Or not. Again, you guys aren't as important as you think you are. Just remember, if you are the kind of boss who has contempt for working people, it runs both ways.
Every employee thinks they are irreplaceable

Guess what they aren't.

Go ahead and tell your boss you want a raise or you'll quit and see what happens
And what you don't understand is:

Words NEVER heard by a business owners: "All of my employees are honest team players".

Run a business with a few employees and you'll know. But you'll never do that. So you can just exist in your ideological vacuum.

Nope. Frankly, I have no desire to exploit working people to know exploiting working people is bad.

I also don't advise rape victims to buy strap on dildos to they can understand their rapists better.
I think I'll head over to the Automotive Forum and tell them how to rebuild a transmission.

Of course, I don't know shit about rebuilding transmissions.

But I have OPINIONS.

And what you don't understand is:

Words NEVER heard by a business owners: "All of my employees are honest team players".

Run a business with a few employees and you'll know. But you'll never do that. So you can just exist in your ideological vacuum.

Nope. Frankly, I have no desire to exploit working people to know exploiting working people is bad.

I also don't advise rape victims to buy strap on dildos to they can understand their rapists better.
So you work for someone else and choose to be exploited because you can't hack working for yourself

You remind me of a story

Tom just moved into a new neighborhood recently. He liked his house and his environment, but there was one thing he didn’t get.

His neighbor, Mr Tan, had a dog that kept howling non-stop. Literally. Day in, day out.


“Auuuuuhhhh………. Aaaauhhhh……….”

Initially Tom thought the dog was just going through a phase, so he ignored the howls, thinking it would eventually stop.

But it didn’t. It continued howling.


1 day passed. Nothing changed. 2 days passed. Still howling. 3 days. 5 days. 1 week. 2 weeks. 1 month. Still howling, with no signs of stopping.

“Auuuhhh………….Oouuuuuhhhhh…….Au au auuhhhhh..”

Finally, Tom couldn’t stand it anymore. One fine day, he walked over to Mr Tan’s house to see what was going on.

Sure enough, there was the dog, sitting at the front porch, howling pitifully to whoever was walking by.


“Auuuhhh…Ouuuhhh….Auuuuuuuuuuuuuu………Au au au auu au au auuuuhhhhh….”

On the other hand, Mr Tan was relaxing on his bench at the lawn, leisurely reading his newspapers and sipping a cup of coffee.

Wondering what was going on, Tom walked up to Mr Tan.

Tom: “Hi Mr Tan, is that your dog?”

Mr Tan: “Which dog?” He glanced around. “Oh that. Yep he’s mine.”

Tom: “Why does he keep howling?”

Mr Tan: “Oh, that’s cause he’s sitting on a nail.”

Tom: “Sitting on a nail?!?” Tom gave the dog a bewildered look.

“..Okay… so why doesn’t he just get away from the nail then??”

“Well, Tom………”, Mr Tan took a slow sip of his coffee before replying.

“…That’s because he doesn’t find it painful enough yet.”
Every employee thinks they are irreplaceable

Guess what they aren't.

Go ahead and tell your boss you want a raise or you'll quit and see what happens

Guess what happened. I did exactly that at my last job. And then I quit and got an offer for 25% more.

Meanwhile, my old boss hired one of his drinking buddies, and they missed a bunch of shipping deadlines because they can't get resupply on parts.

So you work for someone else and choose to be exploited because you can't hack working for yourself

You remind me of a story

Didn't read it.. and the fact you wasted time posting it is kind of funny.

I'm greatly enjoying the space I occupy in your head.
All I did was copy and paste it

You know how hard that is after that's your "business" isn't it?

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