A poll.. what percent does your employer contribute to SS/Medicare?

What is the combined % payment an employer pays on behalf of employee for SS/Medicare?

  • 0% Employers don't pay anything!

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • 2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4.2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7.6%

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters
Every employee thinks they are irreplaceable

Guess what they aren't.

Go ahead and tell your boss you want a raise or you'll quit and see what happens

Guess what happened. I did exactly that at my last job. And then I quit and got an offer for 25% more.

Meanwhile, my old boss hired one of his drinking buddies, and they missed a bunch of shipping deadlines because they can't get resupply on parts.

Yeah like I believe one word of that hunk of bullshit
Yeah like I believe one word of that hunk of bullshit

Of course you don't. Your whole life is based on believing people who disagree with your worldview must be bad people.

I on the other hand, pity you. Stuff you've told us about your upbringing explains your lack of compassion.
Wow pot kettle.

All employers are douche bags
all gun owners are sexually frustrated and will go on a killing spree
etc ad nauseum

And I think people that disagree with me are stupid like you not bad people
People who live in glass houses and all that, little boy

Guy, here's the thing. Every time you post, you demonstrate what a horrible person you are.

Want to keep kids from being gunned down by madmen? Oh, heck no, you might have to fill out extra paperwork.

Think working folks should get paid a living wage? Screw that, you might have to pay an extra nickel for a cheeseburger.

You are a awful person to the point of even defeating your own philosophy. You "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality creates more government, not less.
People who live in glass houses and all that, little boy

Guy, here's the thing. Every time you post, you demonstrate what a horrible person you are.

Want to keep kids from being gunned down by madmen? Oh, heck no, you might have to fill out extra paperwork.

Think working folks should get paid a living wage? Screw that, you might have to pay an extra nickel for a cheeseburger.

You are a awful person to the point of even defeating your own philosophy. You "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality creates more government, not less.

Says the idiot with anger and jealousy issues.

You're so fucking full of resentment and jealousy that all you can do is whine about what other people have and that they shouldn't have it but you don't have the stones to quit the job you hate because all employers are douhce bags and make it on your own
People who live in glass houses and all that, little boy

Guy, here's the thing. Every time you post, you demonstrate what a horrible person you are.

Want to keep kids from being gunned down by madmen? Oh, heck no, you might have to fill out extra paperwork.

Think working folks should get paid a living wage? Screw that, you might have to pay an extra nickel for a cheeseburger.

You are a awful person to the point of even defeating your own philosophy. You "I've got mine, fuck you" mentality creates more government, not less.

Says the idiot with anger and jealousy issues.

You're so fucking full of resentment and jealousy that all you can do is whine about what other people have and that they shouldn't have it but you don't have the stones to quit the job you hate because all employers are douhce bags and make it on your own

He is clearly one of the most judgemental bitter, cruel people here. Some people say awful things because they want to get a rise out of others. This guy is simply an arrogant obnoxious jerk.
I absolutely believe that you absolutely believe all of that.

See? We can agree!

I believe that because it's true.

Words NEVER heard in a working class bar "My boss is brilliant, we wouldn't know what to do without him."

LOL. I personally have said exactly that, to my co-workers. Almost verbatim. Of course I'm a hate filled, bitter, arrogant fool, like some on this forum.
Says the idiot with anger and jealousy issues.

You're so fucking full of resentment and jealousy that all you can do is whine about what other people have and that they shouldn't have it but you don't have the stones to quit the job you hate because all employers are douhce bags and make it on your own

Wow, that was a rant that wasn't even close. Where did I say I wanted what someone else had?

What I want is for the government to do things government should do.

And, yes, most employers are douchebags. I've seen so much crap over the last 25 years I simply am amazed I remained in denial as long as I did.
LOL. I personally have said exactly that, to my co-workers. Almost verbatim. .

Did they let you know you had some brown stuff on your nose?

No, actually they agreed. Because he really WAS brilliant, and a great CEO.

The problem with people like you.... you are so angry and bitter, and cruel, that only other angry bitter cruel people hang around you. Thus you think everyone is that way.

But I have worked at numerous places where there were many people that thought very highly of their CEO. And people like me, tend to hang around other positive, appreciative people.

Worse, in my experience, people like you rarely get very far in life, because those who routinely talk badly about their boss, are never promoted. Some exceptions here and there, but generally, If I was your boss, why the heck would I promote someone as much of a jerk as you? I would have to deal with you more. I don't want to deal with you at all, and I only know you as an idiot online poster.

So people like you tend to never get raises, or promotions, and that confirms their arrogant selfish envious hatred.

Now don't get me wrong, I have had some really crappy bosses too. A few. And people tend to remember the crappy boss, more than the really good bosses. I buck that trend. The majority of people I have worked for, have been fine people.

Unfortunately, there are ton of crappy co-workers. Especially at the low-income levels... which is why they are low-income. Because they are like you, and total jerks. No one likes a jerk, no matter how smart they are, or how much money they make. A jerk is a jerk, no matter what 'job title' they have, or how big their paycheck is, or isn't.

Most jerks don't move up very much. Some do. But not often. Unless they are in politics, and thats only because how you are in front of the camera, matters more than how are you are in real life.
Says the idiot with anger and jealousy issues.

You're so fucking full of resentment and jealousy that all you can do is whine about what other people have and that they shouldn't have it but you don't have the stones to quit the job you hate because all employers are douhce bags and make it on your own

Wow, that was a rant that wasn't even close. Where did I say I wanted what someone else had?

What I want is for the government to do things government should do.

And, yes, most employers are douchebags. I've seen so much crap over the last 25 years I simply am amazed I remained in denial as long as I did.
Where did I say you wanted what other people have I said you don't want them to have it
You really want everyone to be as fucking miserable as you are because you know you can't make it on your own and that you will always be dependent on someone else for a job

And one thing the government shouldn't do is take people's property and give it to other people
I've seen and worked with a million of 'em. Employees:
  • Who say that people who advance ahead of them are "brown nosers" instead of admitting defeat
  • Who refuse to look in the mirror when they don't advance as quickly as they think they should
  • Who think they deserve something without wondering whether they actually EARNED it over someone else
  • Who say the boss is a greedy asshole if they're not given a big enough raise
  • Who bitch about their boss and/or owner while having absolutely no clue what pressures that person is under or why they make the decisions they do
  • Who bitch about their boss and/or owner while having absolutely no clue what the company's big picture is or what is being planned
  • Who will stab their peers in the back, thinking the boss doesn't see it, then bitch when it's done to them
  • Who would rather bitch and moan and play the victim rather than get education and/or training to improve their skill set
  • Who will bitch and moan at the slightest provocation without offering ANY solutions or ANY ideas on how to fix it
  • Who somehow don't realize that those above them don't exist to attend to their every whim
  • Who have convinced themselves that it's not THEIR responsibility to put food on the table and save for retirement, it's that of their BOSS
  • Who will bitch about ANYTHING and become a cancer because they want everyone around them to be as miserable as they are
  • Who will think nothing of stealing time and/or items from their boss thinking, "fuck him, he's a rich asshole, he won't notice"
  • Who think they're worth FAR more than they really are
  • Who have no idea how easily replaceable they are
  • Who buy into the whole "you didn't build that" schtick without having the balls to put everything on the line and start their own business
  • Who outright deny or ignore or avoid what their employer had to sacrifice to just hire and maintain their FIRST full time employee
We have a fabulous, shining example of that employee, right here at USMB, gang.

Looking forward to seeing the denials of the above.
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Ironically sometimes even the smartest of people, end up being the worst of employees.

Simply because one is smart, doesn't make you worth anything. One employer had one of these guys that had 3 or 4 degrees. The employee told the boss "people with my level of education are paid more than I am".

The boss told him, "prove it. Go get that job where you are paid more than you are here. Until then, your raise is effective when you are".

Oddly, the guy never did find that magical job where he was paid more simply because he had degrees.

I just had a conversation about 2 sisters, where one has a masters degree in humanities, and the other never went to college. The Humanities master, is working for $30,000 as a low level secretary, and no college girl, is working at a bank in their mortgage and finance department making $120K a year.

Now I'll give you one chance to guess which girl is left-leaning.... and one guess which girl has an extremely negative attitude toward her employer.

(FYI, the no-college girl didn't wake up the day after high school earning six figures. While smarty-girl was going to college for 8 years to get her masters, no-college girl was working her way up the corporate ladder, starting out as a low level bank teller)

So much for the "wealthy 1% are holding people down" theory. Apparently no-college girl missed that memo.
Funny, you'll never see me in the Automotive Forum, telling people how to rebuild a transmission.

That's because I don't know shit about rebuilding transmissions.

Such intellectual restrictions don't hold you back, that's for sure.

Again, your side doesn't get to lecture the rest of us on economics after 2008.

We did everything your guys said to do, and it was a flaming bag of dogshit on our front porch.

Yeah, that. Somehow inheriting massive wealth, or making unearned income off of dividends or stock and house bubbles is good, but some chump change amount of food stamps for the unemployed are bad cuz it makes people lazy or something. They can get ridiculous about their contradictory ideological gibberish. The dumbasss anecdotes they invent are always similar, too. You would think their Hive would invent some newer ones.

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