A poll.. what percent does your employer contribute to SS/Medicare?

What is the combined % payment an employer pays on behalf of employee for SS/Medicare?

  • 0% Employers don't pay anything!

    Votes: 4 20.0%
  • 2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 4.2%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 7.6%

    Votes: 17 85.0%

  • Total voters
No, actually they agreed. Because he really WAS brilliant, and a great CEO.

The problem with people like you.... you are so angry and bitter, and cruel, that only other angry bitter cruel people hang around you. Thus you think everyone is that way.

But I have worked at numerous places where there were many people that thought very highly of their CEO. And people like me, tend to hang around other positive, appreciative people.

Oh, so you hang out with the other brownnosers.... You are like the guy who hopes the Cannibals eat you last.
I've seen and worked with a million of 'em. Employees:
  • Who say that people who advance ahead of them are "brown nosers" instead of admitting defeat
  • Who refuse to look in the mirror when they don't advance as quickly as they think they should
  • Who think they deserve something without wondering whether they actually EARNED it over someone else
  • Who say the boss is a greedy asshole if they're not given a big enough raise
  • Who bitch about their boss and/or owner while having absolutely no clue what pressures that person is under or why they make the decisions they do
  • Who bitch about their boss and/or owner while having absolutely no clue what the company's big picture is or what is being planned
  • Who will stab their peers in the back, thinking the boss doesn't see it, then bitch when it's done to them
  • Who would rather bitch and moan and play the victim rather than get education and/or training to improve their skill set
  • Who will bitch and moan at the slightest provocation without offering ANY solutions or ANY ideas on how to fix it
  • Who somehow don't realize that those above them don't exist to attend to their every whim
  • Who have convinced themselves that it's not THEIR responsibility to put food on the table and save for retirement, it's that of their BOSS
  • Who will bitch about ANYTHING and become a cancer because they want everyone around them to be as miserable as they are
  • Who will think nothing of stealing time and/or items from their boss thinking, "fuck him, he's a rich asshole, he won't notice"
  • Who think they're worth FAR more than they really are
  • Who have no idea how easily replaceable they are
  • Who buy into the whole "you didn't build that" schtick without having the balls to put everything on the line and start their own business
  • Who outright deny or ignore or avoid what their employer had to sacrifice to just hire and maintain their FIRST full time employee
We have a fabulous, shining example of that employee, right here at USMB, gang.

Looking forward to seeing the denials of the above.
Did I call it?

"Making excuses for them?" Have they committed a crime of some kind?

uh, yeah. murdering the middle class. If you were more than 15, you'd know what a middle class actually looks like.

"Murdering the middle class?" That's a lot of people to kill. Why aren't the in prison?
Remember - in his world, people who succeed, business owners, managers, anyone who has made it further than him, are evil. They cheated. They stole. They didn't build that. They didn't earn that.

Makes him feel better about his failures, gives him an excuse to not put out the effort they do.
"Making excuses for them?" Have they committed a crime of some kind?

uh, yeah. murdering the middle class. If you were more than 15, you'd know what a middle class actually looks like.

"Murdering the middle class?" That's a lot of people to kill. Why aren't the in prison?
Remember - in his world, people who succeed, business owners, managers, anyone who has made it further than him, are evil. They cheated. They stole. They didn't build that. They didn't earn that.

Makes him feel better about his failures, gives him an excuse to not put out the effort they do.
Joey is incapable of anything other than very broad thinking.

ALL employers are douche bags
ALL gun owners are sexually inferior and will ALL go on a killing spree

Deflection noted.

My question answered.

I really do know you people - my list has you fit to a T.

Yes, the list of someone who wonders why people don't worker harder to benefit you?

Again- why are so many on the right such malignant narcissists?
Just an honest, left-leaning independent, Joe. As you know.

The list describes you (and people like you) perfectly, which is why you're so pissy right now.
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Why don't you work harder to benefit yourself instead of whining so much?

For the same reason I don't go down to the casino and play twice as long on a rigged game...

Because I know it's a rigged game. I figured that out when the company that I put in 60 hours a week working for STILL fucked me over when I had a medical issue.

Maybe you need to go down to the Rape Crisis center and hand out strap on dildos and tell those girls how to do it right by being part of the evil they just experienced.

But here's a chart that puts a lie to the "Work harder" myth.


Just an honest, left-leaning independent, Joe. As you know.

The list describes you (and people like you) perfectly, which is why you're so pissy right now.

You're a whiny apologist for plutocracy.

And, yes, I do get pissy when someone makes excuses for the real bad guys and tries to blame some woman of color for not putting up with their shit anymore.
Why don't you work harder to benefit yourself instead of whining so much?

For the same reason I don't go down to the casino and play twice as long on a rigged game...

Because I know it's a rigged game. I figured that out when the company that I put in 60 hours a week working for STILL fucked me over when I had a medical issue.

Maybe you need to go down to the Rape Crisis center and hand out strap on dildos and tell those girls how to do it right by being part of the evil they just experienced.

But here's a chart that puts a lie to the "Work harder" myth.


Just an honest, left-leaning independent, Joe. As you know.

The list describes you (and people like you) perfectly, which is why you're so pissy right now.

You're a whiny apologist for plutocracy.

And, yes, I do get pissy when someone makes excuses for the real bad guys and tries to blame some woman of color for not putting up with their shit anymore.
Okie dokie, Joe.

As people continue to move past you, you keep providing excuses.

Illustrating my little list.
Why don't you work harder to benefit yourself instead of whining so much?

For the same reason I don't go down to the casino and play twice as long on a rigged game...

Because I know it's a rigged game. I figured that out when the company that I put in 60 hours a week working for STILL fucked me over when I had a medical issue.

Maybe you need to go down to the Rape Crisis center and hand out strap on dildos and tell those girls how to do it right by being part of the evil they just experienced.

But here's a chart that puts a lie to the "Work harder" myth.


Just an honest, left-leaning independent, Joe. As you know.

The list describes you (and people like you) perfectly, which is why you're so pissy right now.

You're a whiny apologist for plutocracy.

And, yes, I do get pissy when someone makes excuses for the real bad guys and tries to blame some woman of color for not putting up with their shit anymore.

We all know (well except you) that productivity has increased mainly because of technology and not the skill of laborers. Today and idiot that can push a button can make dozens of things that in the past would have taken a skilled craftsman days or weeks to produce just one
Okie dokie, Joe.

As people continue to move past you, you keep providing excuses.

Illustrating my little list.

Except people don't move past me. LIke the last job where all the brownnosers had lunch with the GM and his Mid-life crisis every day... Yup. They are closing that plant down while I've moved on to a better paying job. All their jobs are going to Malaysia, baby, where they work for a lot les s....
We all know (well except you) that productivity has increased mainly because of technology and not the skill of laborers. Today and idiot that can push a button can make dozens of things that in the past would have taken a skilled craftsman days or weeks to produce just one

Yup. All that is missing is quality and service, but who needs those things, right?

Man, another "Battered housewife conservative" making excuses for the plutocrats.
We all know (well except you) that productivity has increased mainly because of technology and not the skill of laborers. Today and idiot that can push a button can make dozens of things that in the past would have taken a skilled craftsman days or weeks to produce just one

Yup. All that is missing is quality and service, but who needs those things, right?

Man, another "Battered housewife conservative" making excuses for the plutocrats.

A machine will make anything of better quality than you ever could.

And I'm not a whiner like you. If I see something I want I go get it. You expect it to be given to you and if you don't get it you whine like a little girl
A machine will make anything of better quality than you ever could.

And I'm not a whiner like you. If I see something I want I go get it. You expect it to be given to you and if you don't get it you whine like a little girl

There's nothing you have that a person with more money can't take from you. The fact no one has taken your little dunghill business from you just means it ain't worth having.

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