A positive view of Trump/CNN Town Hall

He said they let you do it. That’s consent.

And it’s rather a personal question, but yes….I have let men (not too many, mind you) do things. Haven’t you?

It's not consensual when a man pounces and pins you. It's assault and deserves a kick in the groin if you aren't wearing a pencil skirt and high heels.
No evidence of a sexual assault…..just an anti-Trump jury who chose to believe lies.
As said before, Trumps lawyer chose the jurors that he accepted. One male Trump supporter was part of a rightwing broadcast, prosecutors objected but Trump's lawyer got the judge to accept him.

Even that male juror, found Trump liable.
Trump can't win without increasing his base support, he needs all republicans, including never trumpers, and some DEMOCRATS too...

Having a town hall with only his supporters allowed, does not help him, imo.

CNN did Americans a favor. Trump is still a lying bully. They needed to hear him attack Jean Carroll and promise to pardon the January 6 mob. They needed to hear him say he could end the Ukraine war in 24 hours. They needed to be reminded about the documents he took and the lies he told.
Few members of the la la lib ranting mob are Trump’s equal

She was an ugly bitch who was clearly in over her head

It's all good .. Trump exposed himself. The more he talks the better.

I am not a lib who believed that lie
It's all good .. Trump exposed himself. The more he talks the better.
Trump did ok

a CNN quack reporter conducted a focus group after the town hall and accused trump of being fixed on 2020 while ignoring current problems

He challenged a trump supporter to agree with him

But the trump supporter shut him down by pointing out that CNNs first question was about 2020
Can you imagine how flustered Biden would get if he had to endure even two minutes of that treatment? I’d love to see it.
I can't say I encourage that kind of treatment of anybody. But Biden would never be able to handle even a small fraction of that kind of treatment without becoming totally unglued.

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