A president shouldn't have free speech rights.....

ok then give me a context of what an elected official can or cant say so we can write it down to give them before they agree to take the job???

if it can be done for government employees it should be done for elected officials,,
I just linked an elected official being punished in congress for speech.

You didn't even click the link, did you?
A presidents words can cause the stock market to go up or down, influence people to do and say things, etc. When you are an ordinary citizen I understand, but if you become the president your words matter. When you’re the president, it's not a game.
Words Warren Buffet, Musk, even LeBron James or Tom Brady says can influence people and impact the stock market....
I got one for you,,
should POTUS be allowed to lie to the world that we have cured cancer?? if not what should be his punishment??
What did I say about the president earlier. You have to have a memory longer than a goldfish so think real hard. If you cant remember, scroll up. It's right there.
that is because of a house rule,, not a law that puts someone in jail,,

so YOU LOOSE again,,,
uh, no. We are talking about the first that protects you from retribution from speech, particularly from a governmental source.

You asked for examples. I furnished them and now you have to run away because you cant admit you were wrong.
Except he is not charged with ANYTHING whatsoever to do with the first amendment or speech. If you think he is then you could easily cite the test in one of the indictments that dose so.

Or you can run away.
my apologies,,
I thought I was talking to someone that KNEW WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING,,
uh, no. We are talking about the first that protects you from retribution from speech, particularly from a governmental source.

You asked for examples. I furnished them and now you have to run away because you cant admit you were wrong.
you mean like trumps being pprosecuted right now for his speech??
my apologies,,
I thought I was talking to someone that KNEW WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING,,
I do know what the fuck is happening. Do you?

The charges are all public. Since you are sure he is being charged for claims of a stolen election, the text should be easy to cite. Go on, give me a citation.
I do know what the fuck is happening. Do you?

The charges are all public. Since you are sure he is being charged for claims of a stolen election, the text should be easy to cite. Go on, give me a citation.
exactly,, he claimed it which means he SAID it,,,

thats prosecuting him for his speech,,,

there was a time I thought you guys were just liars and not braindead morons,, but I'm starting to rethink that,,

should a POTUS be allowed to lie to the world and claim we have cured cancer??
exactly,, he claimed it which means he SAID it,,,

thats prosecuting him for his speech,,,

there was a time I thought you guys were just liars and not braindead morons,, but I'm starting to rethink that,,

should a POTUS be allowed to lie to the world and claim we have cured cancer??
I still do not see the text of the charge.

Are you confused on how to post a link?
I still do not see the text of the charge.

Are you confused on how to post a link?
so youre telling me youre speaking on a subject you know nothing about??

ignorance may be bliss but its still ignorance,,

get back to me when you know what youre talking about,,
Military personnel while they are part of the military don't have many of the Constitutional rights granted to citizens while thye are serving. Free speech is one.

Look, I don't know why people confuse free speech with recklessness---- what you list is just the military's version of essentially not yelling fire in a theater. Everyone has freedom of speech, up to a point, the point where their speech harms or encroaches on another's rights (or national security, etc.).
so youre telling me youre speaking on a subject you know nothing about??

ignorance may be bliss but its still ignorance,,

get back to me when you know what youre talking about,,
I do know about it.

You, apparently do not. You cant seem to link to a charge. Here, I will help you and even give you an example.

This is called a link:

And if you read it you will see this text in the indictment under point 3:
"The Defendant had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won. "

Oops. That indictment does not charge Trump because he said the election was stolen. I guess you will have to try another one.

Do you understand how to cite your claim now?
A presidents words can cause the stock market to go up or down, influence people to do and say things, etc. When you are an ordinary citizen I understand, but if you become the president your words matter. When you’re the president, it's not a game.
"Trayvon could have been my son" " The police acted stupidly."The first set race relations back 50 fucking years. The second started the war on the police. Obama said those things. Don't be a hypocrite.

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