A president shouldn't have free speech rights.....

I do know about it.

You, apparently do not. You cant seem to link to a charge. Here, I will help you and even give you an example.

This is called a link:

And if you read it you will see this text in the indictment under point 3:
"The Defendant had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won. "

Oops. That indictment does not charge Trump because he said the election was stolen. I guess you will have to try another one.

Do you understand how to cite your claim now?

then whats the illegal action he took??

and dont say requesting alternate electors because thats his speech and legal to do,,

the whole thing is based on his speech,,
then whats the illegal action he took??

and dont say requesting alternate electors because thats his speech and legal to do,,

the whole thing is based on his speech,,
Alternate electors is speech? Do tell.

The indictment is conspiracy to alter the election. And it lists co-conspirators and the actions that he conspired with them to commit. Actions.

I am still waiting for your link to him being prosecuted for speech....

Or are you finally going to admit the obvious...
Alternate electors is speech? Do tell.

The indictment is conspiracy to alter the election. And it lists co-conspirators and the actions that he conspired with them to commit. Actions.

I am still waiting for your link to him being prosecuted for speech....

Or are you finally going to admit the obvious...
asking for alternate electors which is a legal thing is based on speech just like everything else in the charges,,

what action did he take that was illegal??
asking for alternate electors which is a legal thing is based on speech just like everything else in the charges,,
That is not speech.

Seeking legal means was mentioned in the post I quoted.
what action did he take that was illegal??
The indictment is conspiracy to alter the election. And it lists co-conspirators and the actions that he conspired with them to commit. Actions.

Still waiting for you to cite where they are charging him with saying the election was stolen. You are still trying to run from that.
That is not speech.

Seeking legal means was mentioned in the post I quoted.

Still waiting for you to cite where they are charging him with saying the election was stolen. You are still trying to run from that.
yes it is speech,, asking for something that is legal isnt against the law,,
And that is not what he is charged with.

I STILL notice you have cited nothing.
then what is he charged with,, cause everything in the charges is based on his speech for legal actions,,

the burden of proof is on you and the prosecution,,
Look, I don't know why people confuse free speech with recklessness---- what you list is just the military's version of essentially not yelling fire in a theater. Everyone has freedom of speech, up to a point, the point where their speech harms or encroaches on another's rights (or national security, etc.).

Saying that someone is a crappy leader and knows nothing about leadership isn't something that harms or encroaches on their rights (or national security, etc.), but a military person cannot say that about their superiors or their president. That isn't the military's version of not yelling fire in a theater, that is an opinion that someone might have that the military says they cannot express.

And yes, I've had that opinion of several officers that it was my bad luck to work for while active duty, but I was not allowed to express that opinion as it was against good order and discipline. Sorry, but you're wrong, the military suspends many of your Constitutional rights while you are serving.
then what is he charged with,, cause everything in the charges is based on his speech for legal actions,,

the burden of proof is on you and the prosecution,,
I have linked and repeated the charge over and over. You are just playing dumb at this point and outright lying. Your first claim is that he was charged for claiming the election was stolen. now that is an outright lie but you cant admit that so you pretend that asking someone for something is speech when it is clearly not. You have failed to provide a single citation because you don't have one. You never read a damn thing, some bobblehead told you what to think and you just swallowed it utterly and when you find out that you have no clue what you are talking about you just spin spin spin.

The link is there. You do not even have to follow it, it can be scrolled through right here on USMB but you cant do that because it shows you have no fucking clue whatsoever. It is okay, we all knew you had no clue to begin with which is why you cant put a single original source link and cite any text for any claim you have made. Make shit up as you go I guess.
A presidents words can cause the stock market to go up or down, influence people to do and say things, etc. When you are an ordinary citizen I understand, but if you become the president your words matter. When you’re the president, it's not a game.

A President should be very careful what he says and be aware of the repercussions.

Voters should have the brains not to vote for a loose canon sociopath.
So you want a president that isn't allowed to tell the truth or speak his mind?

So basically you want a president that never talks and instead have someone else to just read pre written pre approved messages?

And if something bad is going on, even if it's the truth you don't want to know about it for fear of effecting stocks or might influence what people do?
Not sure what you mean, but that's not what I said. I'm saying a presidents words should be more measured and precise. You don’t just say anything because you know your words as a president has real consequences.
Not sure what you mean, but that's not what I said. I'm saying a presidents words should be more measured and precise. You don’t just say anything because you know your words as a president has real consequences.

That is exactly what you said, measured and precise. In other words, pre approved wording as to not make any waves and softball everything.

And absolutely not, I want a president that isn't a fucking tool carefully calculating every single word and only phrasing things in a manner as to not cause any problems. Not saying should talk like a ghetto thug moron, but they should have free speech. It's America, if the president can't have free speech then that's a lousy example for America.

Because where does it stop? Ok the president has to be careful when saying X as to not upset the stock market, but it could upset something else over there because he had to sanitize what he said over here.

If worrying about the president saying something wrong that could maybe, somehow, somewhere, sometimes, perhaps, by chance, possibly effecting something else on a off chance then you need to get off the internet, turn off your tv and stay in your house because you're going to be irrationally worried about everything no matter how unlikely or mundane.

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