A president shouldn't have free speech rights.....

I think 90% of his indictments are bullshit, if i understand them correctly.
There goes your assumption, Mr.butthurt :lol:
you thinking they are BS has nothing to do with it,,

you said POTUS is the government and doesnt have rights,, and the government cant oppress the government but yet they are doing it,,
you thinking they are BS has nothing to do with it,,

you said POTUS is the government and doesnt have rights,, and the government cant oppress the government but yet they are doing it,,
I havent been commenting on a specific case. And I just said most of what they are doing to him is bullshit.
The inconsistency you speak of doesnt exist. Just like your assumptions.
he enlisted and agrred to the conditions of that enlistment,,

That is the point, when you are an agent of the government it comes with certain limitations on speach. That is pretty common. I was under the impression you thought that was not the case.

Now you agree that there may be restrictions placed on government officials?
I havent been commenting on a specific case. And I just said most of what they are doing to him is bullshit.
The inconsistency you speak of doesnt exist. Just like your assumptions.
do you have a list of things an elected official can and cant say or not??
Except that holding office does this in many, many, many cases.

As GG already pointed out, joining the military does this.
That's part of the contract you sign when joining the military. There is no such contract when one is elected president.
If you say so.
Crazy how you want the government to have rights. Or is it just in this particular case? :rolleyes:
I never said the government should have rights.

You suck at making stuff up. Doesn’t slow you down, but you do suck at it.

That is the point, when you are an agent of the government it comes with certain limitations on speach. That is pretty common. I was under the impression you thought that was not the case.

Now you agree that there may be restrictions placed on government officials?
the point is you volunteer to join the military under their direct orders,,

elected officials dont do that,,

do you have a list of things an elected official can and cant say??
DO ANY OF YOU BLOW HARDS HAVE A LIST OF THINGS AN ELECTED OFFICIAL CAN OR CANT SAY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
DO ANY OF YOU BLOW HARDS HAVE A LIST OF THINGS AN ELECTED OFFICIAL CAN OR CANT SAY?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
A presidents words can cause the stock market to go up or down, influence people to do and say things, etc. When you are an ordinary citizen I understand, but if you become the president your words matter. When you’re the president, it's not a game.
The President has the right to free speech, even the right to lie, what he does not have, is the right to incite a riot.
I never said the government should have rights.

You suck at making stuff up. Doesn’t slow you down, but you do suck at it.
When people are acting in official capacity of the government, they ARE the govt.
So, let me see if I have this right, AirHead---- the highest office in the land should not have the right to enjoy the very liberties he is there to protect under our laws granted to all citizens?

You don't think things through very well, do you?

Military personnel while they are part of the military don't have many of the Constitutional rights granted to citizens while thye are serving.

Free speech is one. You cannot criticize or speak out against your officers or people appointed above you, your service, the government or even the president of the US.

Double Jeopardy (which is against the Constitution) is another. Citizens of this country cannot be tried for the same crime twice. However, in the military, you can be tried for the same crime in both civil and military courts. Saw it happen even. A guy in one of the commands I was in got nailed for DUI and was tried and convicted by a civil court. He got back to the command and was tried again under the UCMJ for the same thing.

Also saw it happen with another guy who got stupid and did some illegal stuff at a party he was at against another servicemember. Not only did the civilian courts get ahold of him (it happened out in town), but he was also taken to courts martial and prosecuted as well. Civilian court gave him 7 years, and the military gave him a courts martial, reduced him in rank and kicked him out with a Dishonorable.

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