A question about affirmative action

Apr 23, 2012
I am in a university Native American Studies class and I feel like I'm getting the "your evil because your white" spheal stuffed down my throat. I am not responsible for my ancestor’s wrongs. The word ancestor even makes me laugh because I am 1/16 Cherokee. I had no part in the wrongs done to the Indian nations or the African American people and now I am punished for what I did not do. You may say that I benefit from being born in a white family but if you put a black or a full blooded native American with the same credentials, same personality, same exact words coming out of our mouths and I get rejected for the job because I am white, dose that not seem racist to you. Is the black man or Native American superior to me because they are not white? All men are created equal, is that not what our dear country is founded on?
almost everyone, no matter their color, is superior to you.

thanks for asking
I am in a university Native American Studies class and I feel like I'm getting the "your evil because your white" spheal stuffed down my throat. I am not responsible for my ancestor’s wrongs. The word ancestor even makes me laugh because I am 1/16 Cherokee. I had no part in the wrongs done to the Indian nations or the African American people and now I am punished for what I did not do. You may say that I benefit from being born in a white family but if you put a black or a full blooded native American with the same credentials, same personality, same exact words coming out of our mouths and I get rejected for the job because I am white, dose that not seem racist to you. Is the black man or Native American superior to me because they are not white? All men are created equal, is that not what our dear country is founded on?

No your white guilt is showing.
NO, but you sure as hell benefitting from them. The land you live on was stolen from Indians so I think you are guilty as your ancestors. Village idiots affirmative action do not exist anymore. If you did not get the job its because you were not qualified. White do not make you superior.
Created equal do not mean treated equal. Blacks men are at the bottom of the bucket. Ilegal aliens get hired before they do.
Your country was founded on lies, greed and genocide.
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I am in a university Native American Studies class and I feel like I'm getting the "your evil because your white" spheal stuffed down my throat. I am not responsible for my ancestor’s wrongs. The word ancestor even makes me laugh because I am 1/16 Cherokee. I had no part in the wrongs done to the Indian nations or the African American people and now I am punished for what I did not do. You may say that I benefit from being born in a white family but if you put a black or a full blooded native American with the same credentials, same personality, same exact words coming out of our mouths and I get rejected for the job because I am white, dose that not seem racist to you. Is the black man or Native American superior to me because they are not white? All men are created equal, is that not what our dear country is founded on?

No your white guilt is showing.
NO, but you sure as hell benefitting from them. The land you live on was stolen from Indians so I think you are guilty as your ancestors. Village idiots affirmative action do not exist anymore. If you did not get the job its because you were not qualified. White do not make you superior.
Created equal do not mean treated equal. Blacks men are at the bottom of the bucket. Ilegal aliens get hired before they do.
Your country was founded on lies, greed and genocide.

wow... you really are a piece of work, LOL...

what kind of guilt do you suffer from that compels you to say racist, America-hating, white-hating crazy stuff...?
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I am in a university Native American Studies class and I feel like I'm getting the "your evil because your white" spheal stuffed down my throat. I am not responsible for my ancestor’s wrongs. The word ancestor even makes me laugh because I am 1/16 Cherokee. I had no part in the wrongs done to the Indian nations or the African American people and now I am punished for what I did not do. You may say that I benefit from being born in a white family but if you put a black or a full blooded native American with the same credentials, same personality, same exact words coming out of our mouths and I get rejected for the job because I am white, dose that not seem racist to you. Is the black man or Native American superior to me because they are not white? All men are created equal, is that not what our dear country is founded on?

Nobody will hire you because you whine too much
If I had a choice between 3 murkins for $30/hr or one "illegal immigrant" for $30/hr, I'll take the latter.
I'm saying everything is equal except for the skin color, that includes what they would be paid (yes I know there is a disparity there sometimes but that is not what my question is about), did I come to the wrong place to get actual answers?
I'm saying everything is equal except for the skin color, that includes what they would be paid (yes I know there is a disparity there sometimes but that is not what my question is about), did I come to the wrong place to get actual answers?

Consider yourself lucky. There are nowhere near the affirmative action based quotas there were thirty years ago. Employers are required to maintain data on the racial, ethnic and sex makeup of their companies.
Your moaning about the unfairness of being a white male is not impressing anyone

If it makes you feel any better, white males still do pretty well in our society
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This is in response to a discussion in class and is in no way related to an assignment or anything my teacher asked me to do, thanks for the link tho! And by the way I am a senior in engineering in a top 50 engineering school in the nation

I didn't ask to be born a white male but with my determination I believe any way I would've been born I'd of made a way for myself. I just feel that two wrongs don't make a right.
This is in response to a discussion in class and is in no way related to an assignment or anything my teacher asked me to do, thanks for the link tho! And by the way I am a senior in engineering in a top 50 engineering school in the nation

I didn't ask to be born a white male but with my determination I believe any way I would've been born I'd of made a way for myself. I just feel that two wrongs don't make a right.

you should start planning what you're going to do when you get laid off at 50, and your job gets given to some freshfaced kid who'll work for peanuts.
I am in a university Native American Studies class and I feel like I'm getting the "your evil because your white" spheal stuffed down my throat. I am not responsible for my ancestor’s wrongs. The word ancestor even makes me laugh because I am 1/16 Cherokee. I had no part in the wrongs done to the Indian nations or the African American people and now I am punished for what I did not do. You may say that I benefit from being born in a white family but if you put a black or a full blooded native American with the same credentials, same personality, same exact words coming out of our mouths and I get rejected for the job because I am white, dose that not seem racist to you. Is the black man or Native American superior to me because they are not white? All men are created equal, is that not what our dear country is founded on?

Affirmative action, like Jim Crow laws, are just a form of institutional racism.

I feel bad you were discriminated against, first hand, based on your race through affirmative action.

This would be a very good angle to use in your class, in my opinion, since its my opinion :lol:
This is in response to a discussion in class and is in no way related to an assignment or anything my teacher asked me to do, thanks for the link tho! And by the way I am a senior in engineering in a top 50 engineering school in the nation

I didn't ask to be born a white male but with my determination I believe any way I would've been born I'd of made a way for myself. I just feel that two wrongs don't make a right.

It's unlikely that you're being impacted by affirmative action in your school. Most universities did away with quotas about ten years ago.

However, if there were quotas, you'd benefit from them...women now outnumber men in terms of college admissions, and Asians outnumber whites by nearly 2 to 1 in admissions to engineering programs.

p.s. I see from your posts that you're specializing in civil engineering.
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Nope, not civil, and where I saw the discrimination was as a high school graduate. I was top of my class, had started or helped start 2-3 clubs, I had participated in winning college bowl and other teams and was a varsity wrestler. I did not get one scholarship I applied for.

Thats not my main problem though, were all taught equality but all I've seen in my Native American lit class is that they should get preferential treatment because of their race. Specifically we were talking about Twilight (yes the vampire werewolf one) and about the Indian tribe that the werewolf's were based on. It was apparently much worse that it was a Native American tribe than another group of people.
Nope, not civil, and where I saw the discrimination was as a high school graduate. I was top of my class, had started or helped start 2-3 clubs, I had participated in winning college bowl and other teams and was a varsity wrestler. I did not get one scholarship I applied for.

And you believe this is because you're white? I suspect it's because college admissions are far more competitive than they were 20 years ago.

MY daughter is a bi-racial high school senior, has 4.0 GPA (took 9 AP classes during high school, including physics, calculus, euro lit, world lit, chemistry, biology, world history, euro history), drum major in the marching band (which received multiple statewide awards), president of several clubs, and involved with MAO. She hasn't received a single scholarship at this point, either. The competition for them is fierce. I don't believe her race has anything to do with it. And, the race-related scholarships tend to be endowed by Hispanics for Hispanics, for instance, so you can't really bitch about not qualifying for them because of AA.

I don't actually think you understand what AA is, to be blunt. I think you're just using it as a lame excuse for your own failures.

Specifically we were talking about Twilight (yes the vampire werewolf one) and about the Indian tribe that the werewolf's were based on. It was apparently much worse that it was a Native American tribe than another group of people.

I guess people have a right to be offended if their culture is equated with that silly Twilight novel.
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