a question for democrats about abortion ..

It's implicit throughout the thread. Caterpillars, appendix. Your arguments are a hash, so asking us to quote you is a fool's errand. The argument you're making by implication is that it's acceptable to abort a fetus because it's akin to a caterpillar or an appendix (which is horridly stupid btw). I am telling you that we take great care to make sure that even people hooked up to many life-sustaining machines have no chance of recovery before we pull the plug, but you stupidly--and unscientifically--want to compare a fetus to an appendix. Be stupid then but expect to be called out on it.
I never made those points. You trying to define my “argument by implication” is just silly. Try sticking to my actual words in the future
I never made those points. You trying to define my “argument by implication” is just silly. Try sticking to my actual words in the future

What was the point of bringing up an appendix then genius?

Let's see the tapdancing
Because there are some serious birth defects that can't be tested for before the 16 th week.

You could make exceptions for cases like spina bifida. But it's not really about that is it? It's about virtually no limits to abortion at all.
Had to do with a comment that the guy I was responding to said. It was a question

You brought it up and it was stone-cold stupid. An appendix is an organ. It will always be an organ. Left alone it will still be an organ. Forever.

You know this, you've barfed up a bunch of stupidity on this thread, and now you're trying to tiptoe around the mess and smell. Well. Good luck.
I don't think it's for you actually. But for many on the Left it is. And they're alienating a lot of people because of it.
Check this out about twins raised in different cultures.

so your views are based on location ?
No. Viability takes into account the current level of medical technology.

Right now about 22 weeks is about the earliest a fetus can survive outside the womb and even that's not guaranteed.

Like I said I have no issue with first trimester abortions and indeed that is when the vast majority occur. 1% or less occur after the 21 week mark.

I have no issue with second trimester abortions if the life of the mother is in jeopardy or if the fetus is abnormal

Third trimester abortions should only occur if the mother's life is in jeopardy

To me this is the only rational course.
Because some tests for serious birth defects can't be done until the 16th week
I have always said I have no problem with second trimester abortions if the life of the mother is in jeopardy or if the fetus us abnormal.

WHen some asks why millions of people do this or that as if they are one homogeneous group my answer will always be "How the fuck should I know?"
Why don't I hear much from the Left about a woman's right to say NO? Or to use contraceptives or a morning after pill? Is it a good thing to tell our girls it's okay to have unprotected sex cuz if you get knocked up we'll take care of it like it's nothing more than a pimple?

When a woman voluntarily has unprotected sex and subsequently gets pregnant, it's hard for me to get too concerned with her right to an abortion. She took the risk, knowing full well what the consequences could be. And she should face those consequences IMHO if she becomes pregnant, along with the father BTW. But the responsibility ultimately rests with the future mom, that's why the fathers don't get much say in the matter of an abortion.

If the mother has an abortion she lives to see another day, but the aborted baby does not. That's why the unborn child's rights ought to be paramount. I can see an exception for when the mother's life is at risk more than usual. But otherwise she assumed the risk of childbirth when she had unprotected sex, whereas the unborn baby is blameless.
That is such bullshit.

  • In 2018, 65% of U.S. women aged 15–49 were using a contraceptive method.5

of sexually experienced U.S. women aged 15–44 have

used at least one contraceptive method as of 2008.6
You could make exceptions for cases like spina bifida. But it's not really about that is it? It's about virtually no limits to abortion at all.
Even without limits 1% or less of all abortions take place in the third trimester

So despite all the vluster about late term abortions they are the exception not the rule and the vast majority of all abortions occur in the first trimester

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