a question for democrats about abortion ..

Not on its own.

"an embryo or fetus before it is able to survive independently".

Beth and Rick Hutchinson call Richard their miracle baby. The couple had struggled to conceive for years, but in February 2020, they found out they were expecting! While they were elated by the news, the unexpected happened.

In June, Beth went to the doctor with discomfort only to find out she was already three centimeters dilated – Richard was making his debut. Born at 21 weeks, Richard was ready to defy all the odds.

Most hospitals in the nation only resuscitate babies at 22 weeks. A baby only 21 weeks and two days old was too young, and something like is extremely rare to do.

After more than six months in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), Richard was finally healthy enough to go home.
So we could kill the elderly that need help to survive?
Which is exactly my point. We recognize that mechanically-sustained life that WILL RECOVER is worth preserving.

Now apply that to a developing baby.
We do apply that standard when the fetus is viable outside the womb.

No Doctor is going to try to save a baby born at 12 weeks
Which is exactly my point. We recognize that mechanically-sustained life that WILL RECOVER is worth preserving.

Now apply that to a developing baby.
It's not the same. Babies born before 26 weeks don't have much of a chance.
Your stance makes no stance to me. If you truly believe that an embryo is a living being and abortion is murder then why would you excuse the murder of an innocent life for any reason? Rape and incest included…
that's my opinion, I do not have to justify it to you or anyone else.
the amount of debate on this subject proves that it is very controversial and sensitive. So what exactly is wrong with letting the voters of each state decide whether abortion is legal or illegal and under what circumstances? Why not let democracy decide? Do those on the left not trust the "will of the people"?
so that makes it Ok to kill them? some premies do survive if born that early

1% or less of all abortions occur after 21 weeks

The vast majority take place in the first trimester and about half of those tale place before week 6
1% or less of all abortions occur after 21 weeks

The vast majority take place in the first trimester and about half of those tale place before week 6
then when your state has a referendum on it you should vote what you believe.

One of the issues not being discussed is the fact that the majority of abortions in the US are to black and hispanic mothers. is that not a form of racism that should be called out by the left?
the amount of debate on this subject proves that it is very controversial and sensitive. So what exactly is wrong with letting the voters of each state decide whether abortion is legal or illegal and under what circumstances? Why not let democracy decide? Do those on the left not trust the "will of the people"?
And what happens of the will of the people violates the rights of pregnant women?

What happens if people in a state decide to put an unborn fetus's rights above the mother's?

Is it Ok for a state to tell a pregnant woman she is forbidden to travel to a state that allows abortion?
Is it OK for a state to charge a woman with fetus abuse if she smokes a cigarette or eats a poor diet and doesn't take her prenatal vitamins?
then when your state has a referendum on it you should vote what you believe.

One of the issues not being discussed is the fact that the majority of abortions in the US are to black and hispanic mothers. is that not a form of racism that should be called out by the left?

It's not racism since no one is forcing those women to get abortions
And what happens of the will of the people violates the rights of pregnant women?

What happens if people in a state decide to put an unborn fetus's rights above the mother's?

Is it Ok for a state to tell a pregnant woman she is forbidden to travel to a state that allows abortion?
Is it OK for a state to charge a woman with fetus abuse if she smokes a cigarette or eats a poor diet and doesn't take her prenatal vitamins?
extreme examples, I doubt that a majority of voters in any state would vote for those kinds of restrictions. But if they did, it would be the will of the people, which you on the left keep screaming must be heard. your hypocrisy continues unabated.
It's not racism since no one is forcing those women to get abortions
PP encourages them to get them, and pays them to get them, and then sells the baby body parts. So it is a cruel form of racism whether you understand it or not.
extreme examples, I doubt that a majority of voters in any state would vote for those kinds of restrictions. But if they did, it would be the will of the people, which you on the left keep screaming must be heard. your hypocrisy continues unabated.
OK so now quote me where I screamed about the will of the people.

When you can't will you admit you are a lying sack of shit?

And are you really so fucking stupid that you think a majority vote can cancel a person's human rights?

Maybe a majority vote will make people who think that be forced to get sterilized.

And you'd \be OK with that even if that person was you right?

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