a question for democrats about abortion ..

PP encourages them to get them, and pays them to get them, and then sells the baby body parts. So it is a cruel form of racism whether you understand it or not.
No it doesn't

Offering a service is not encouraging
OK so now quote me where I screamed about the will of the people.

When you can't will you admit you are a lying sack of shit?

And are you really so fucking stupid that you think a majority vote can cancel a person's human rights?

Maybe a majority vote will make people who think that be forced to get sterilized.

And you'd \be OK with that even if that person was you right?
no vote, majority or otherwise, can violate the constitution, so you are wrong again. you libs always ignore the constitutional rights and freedoms in your pro-abortion rants. your senile president is violating federal immigration law every day and you ignore that, but you scream about it on abortion. again, you are hypocrites but are too ignorant to know it.

as to "lying piece of shit" you fit that description quite well.
post language from it that supports your claims, or STFU and stop lying.

you want me to post what does not exist?

That is a new low even for you.

You claimed that decision said it would be unconstitutional for congress to pass the bill, I say that is not in the decision. I cannot show you want is not in there
no vote, majority or otherwise, can violate the constitution, so you are wrong again. you libs always ignore the constitutional rights and freedoms in your pro-abortion rants. your senile president is violating federal immigration law every day and you ignore that, but you scream about it on abortion. again, you are hypocrites but are too ignorant to know it.

as to "lying piece of shit" you fit that description quite well.

So I'll take you're not being able to provide any quotes of me saying I was "screaming about the will of the people" as an admission that you are a lying sack of shit.

And your assumption that I am a democrat and voted for Biden proves you are a simplistic thinker who cannot understand that there are always more than 2 choices.

And even if a majority of people vote for anything it can still be a violation of a person's rights the rights of a minority are always protected from the mob.

And if any woman wants to undergo a medical procedure on her own body the mob has no power to deny her.
you want me to post what does not exist?

That is a new low even for you.

You claimed that decision said it would be unconstitutional for congress to pass the bill, I say that is not in the decision. I cannot show you want is not in there
Alito said that abortion is not addressed anywhere in the constitution, therefore it is not a constitutional right. unless 38 states ratify an amendment to the constitution adding abortion as a right, it is up to each state to decide, either by a public referendum or legislative action. All that leaked decision would do, if made final, would put the issue back to the states where it belongs. why do you have a problem with that?
Alito said that abortion is not addressed anywhere in the constitution, therefore it is not a constitutional right. unless 38 states ratify an amendment to the constitution adding abortion as a right, it is up to each state to decide, either by a public referendum or legislative action. All that leaked decision would do, if made final, would put the issue back to the states where it belongs. why do you have a problem with that?

Murder is not addressed anywhere in the constitution, yet there is a Fed law against it.

You truly are just not a very smart person
All that leaked decision would do, if made final, would put the issue back to the states where it belongs. why do you have a problem with that?

Where did I say I had a problem with it?
So I'll take you're not being able to provide any quotes of me saying I was "screaming about the will of the people" as an admission that you are a lying sack of shit.

And your assumption that I am a democrat and voted for Biden proves you are a simplistic thinker who cannot understand that there are always more than 2 choices.

And even if a majority of people vote for anything it can still be a violation of a person's rights the rights of a minority are always protected from the mob.

And if any woman wants to undergo a medical procedure on her own body the mob has no power to deny her.
I was grouping you with liberals in general who have made such claims. if you don't go along with them say so.

We do not have pure democracy so the idea of the majority eliminating someone's constitutional rights could not happen because such a vote would be deemed unconstitutional and would not stand.

an abortion is a medical procedure on two human bodies, one has a choice and one does not. The issue is whether the one with no choice is a human being with rights. That issue should be decided by the voters, not 9 clowns in black robes.
Alito said that abortion is not addressed anywhere in the constitution, therefore it is not a constitutional right. unless 38 states ratify an amendment to the constitution adding abortion as a right, it is up to each state to decide, either by a public referendum or legislative action. All that leaked decision would do, if made final, would put the issue back to the states where it belongs. why do you have a problem with that?
No medical procedure is specifically mentioned in the Constitution so I guess we should put all of those to a vote and decide which are illegal right?

The 9th amendment states that people have rights that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution
Why don't I hear much from the Left about a woman's right to say NO? Or to use contraceptives or a morning after pill? Is it a good thing to tell our girls it's okay to have unprotected sex cuz if you get knocked up we'll take care of it like it's nothing more than a pimple?

The left has been going on about easily available contraception and it’s stymied by the right at every turn. Accurate science based responsible sex education (not abstinence only). Free contraception. NO ONE I know or have heard has ever promoted abortion as birth control to girls. Countries with legal abortion, good education on how to have responsible sex and not get pregnant, and free contraception have far lower rates of teen pregnancies AND abortions then we do. So why aren’t you hearing this? I have certainly been obnoxiously vocal about it here, I have read about it, I have seen proposal after proposal shot down to.

When a woman voluntarily has unprotected sex and subsequently gets pregnant, it's hard for me to get too concerned with her right to an abortion. She took the risk, knowing full well what the consequences could be. And she should face those consequences IMHO if she becomes pregnant, along with the father BTW. But the responsibility ultimately rests with the future mom, that's why the fathers don't get much say in the matter of an abortion.

Up until a certain point in pregnancy, she still has the right to make her own decision on her body even if she behaved stupidly, it is still her body.

If the mother has an abortion she lives to see another day, but the aborted baby does not. That's why the unborn child's rights ought to be paramount. I can see an exception for when the mother's life is at risk more than usual. But otherwise she assumed the risk of childbirth when she had unprotected sex, whereas the unborn baby is blameless.

I can’t ever agree that her rights are subsumed from conception by what is living in her body. Pregnancy is not a giving up of fundamental rights regardless of the reason and that is a slipper slope. Abortion occurs for many reasons, not just careless sex. The idea that the only exception is an eminent threat to the mother’s life is horrendous as is tbe growing support among the right for no exception for rape or incest.
Murder is not addressed anywhere in the constitution, yet there is a Fed law against it.

You truly are just not a very smart person
federal murder laws are limited, state murder laws are cited in the vast majority of murder cases, you are obviously uneducated and I will put my IQ up against yours any day and come out way ahead.
No medical procedure is specifically mentioned in the Constitution so I guess we should put all of those to a vote and decide which are illegal right?

The 9th amendment states that people have rights that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution
does the ninth mention abortion? the ninth amendment refers to natural rights (from God if you believe, of just from being alive if you don't)
federal murder laws are limited, state murder laws are cited in the vast majority of murder cases, you are obviously uneducated and I will put my IQ up against yours any day and come out way ahead.

You are indeed the walking, living, breathing example that the Dunning Kruger effect is real.
I was grouping you with liberals in general who have made such claims. if you don't go along with them say so.

We do not have pure democracy so the idea of the majority eliminating someone's constitutional rights could not happen because such a vote would be deemed unconstitutional and would not stand.

an abortion is a medical procedure on two human bodies, one has a choice and one does not. The issue is whether the one with no choice is a human being with rights. That issue should be decided by the voters, not 9 clowns in black robes.
So you're just incapable of talking to a person as an individual and can't help but to group everyone into neat little pigeonholes so you can make sense of things that are too complicated for you..

And in no law does a fetus have rights of personhood. No fetus is a citizen of the US until it is born (14th Amendment)

Parents have always made decisions for their children and that is still part of US law.

And the issue should be decided by the woman who is pregnant and no one else because the mob cannot violate the rights of anyone.

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