a question for democrats about abortion ..

that was on PP selling body parts, there are videos of PP pushing abortions on young black and hispanic girls. Do your own research, I am not her to educate you.
you didn't prove your point that PP Nurses and Drs actively encourage patients to get abortions.
The Ninth does not mention any gods

So you think that the state can prevent you from getting any medical procedure if enough people vote to ban it right?
of course not. sure abortion is a medical procedure. the issue is whether it involves one or two patients, one having a choice and one not having a choice. That issue is dependent on individual beliefs and opinions and such issues should be decided by a vote of all citizens, not by federal government dictate. Let the people vote, I will abide by whatever the majority wants, will you?
you didn't prove your point that PP Nurses and Drs actively encourage patients to get abortions.
I can post videos of that happening but you learn better if you find them yourself, google "planned parenthood pushing abortion on black pregnant girls"
of course not. sure abortion is a medical procedure. the issue is whether is involves one or two patients, one having a choice and one not having a choice. That issue is dependent on individual beliefs and opinions and such issues should be decided by a vote of all citizens, not by federal government dictate. Let the people vote, I will abide by whatever the majority wants, will you?
It only involves one because there is no law that gives the rights or personhood to a fetus.

The mob is not the decider of rights. Never has been never will be and never should be.

Tell me do you think a pregnant woman has the right to smoke ot drink during pregnancy? If the mob says she doesn't do you agree that she should be forcibly incarcerated?

If a pregnant woman wants to travel out of state and the mob says she's not allowed to travel to any state that allows abortion are you OK with her being forcibly detained?
I can post videos of that happening but you learn better if you find them yourself, google "planned parenthood pushing abortion on black pregnant girls"
And yet you didn't when I asked you to prove your assertion.
What about the fertility clinic that stores all those embryos or sperm cells and loses power by a natural disaster or not paying their electric bill?

THAT must amount to a war crime.
how is a natural disaster a crime? i mean i get you worship your Dear Leader in the dembot cult but you don’t actually believe they control the weather so you?
Wrong. No one was arguing that the government should be allowed to force the vaccine on you.

Do you know what "mandate" means?
It only involves one because there is no law that gives the rights or personhood to a fetus.

The mob is not the decider of rights. Never has been never will be and never should be.

Tell me do you think a pregnant woman has the right to smoke ot drink during pregnancy? If the mob says she doesn't do you agree that she should be forcibly incarcerated?

If a pregnant woman wants to travel out of state and the mob says she's not allowed to travel to any state that allows abortion are you OK with her being forcibly detained?
your fear is making you ask dumb questions. The issue is whether the voters of each state want abortion to be legal in their state, nothing more is at issue. Why are you libs so scared of the voters? Could it be that you know that you hold a minority view on this nationally?
You brought it up and it was stone-cold stupid. An appendix is an organ. It will always be an organ. Left alone it will still be an organ. Forever.

You know this, you've barfed up a bunch of stupidity on this thread, and now you're trying to tiptoe around the mess and smell. Well. Good luck.
Yes the appendix is an organ. I never implied that it was the same thing as an embryo or fetus.
that's my opinion, I do not have to justify it to you or anyone else.
You don’t have to do anything… but if you can’t back up your own Views and comments then that doesn’t say much towards the validity of your arguments.
It's not the same. Babies born before 26 weeks don't have much of a chance.

They're not BORN. You are ABORTING them. Left alone they would live. Get it?

I mean is it okay to say hey you're going to die someday so let me just kill you now? Of course not.
You don’t have to do anything… but if you can’t back up your own Views and comments then that doesn’t say much towards the validity of your arguments.

Why are you talking about arguments? You have blabberings about caterpillars and organs. If you have an argument, make it.
if you are so worried about losing abortion rights, move to a blue state where they will always be unlimited. Cal and Mass will be abortion mills even if the issue is put to a state referendum vote.

the problem is that you libs want to force your views on everyone and have no tolerance for other beliefs.

most on the right want the issue decided by the voters of each state with limits or no limits as voted by those citizens.
Oh? Sounds likeyou cons are the ones forcing your views on others. You even deny women freedom of movement by pursuing them if the cross state lines for a legal abortion.

And stop pretending you are going to stop at states rights.
Why are you talking about arguments? You have blabberings about caterpillars and organs. If you have an argument, make it.
See this is what happens when you jump into the middle of a conversation and don’t follow context. I wasn’t comparing organs and caterpillars to embryos, I asked those questions in context to the discussion I was having with another poster. For you to use those question of mine and assume I was saying they are the same as abortions is not honest or accurate.
A mandate for federal employees. Now tell me, who's forcing you to be a federal employee?
Did I say “everyone”? No. Look up the word “mandate”, fool.
By your idiot logic, no one is forced to do anything because they could kill themselves first. Many on the left were pushing for vaccine mandates on everyone. You know it, I know it, and every honest adult here knows it.

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