a question for democrats about abortion ..

does the ninth mention abortion? the ninth amendment refers to natural rights (from God if you believe, of just from being alive if you don't)
The Ninth does not mention any gods

So you think that the state can prevent you from getting any medical procedure if enough people vote to ban it right?
The left has been going on about easily available contraception and it’s stymied by the right at every turn. Accurate science based responsible sex education (not abstinence only). Free contraception. NO ONE I know or have heard has ever promoted abortion as birth control to girls. Countries with legal abortion, good education on how to have responsible sex and not get pregnant, and free contraception have far lower rates of teen pregnancies AND abortions then we do. So why aren’t you hearing this? I have certainly been obnoxiously vocal about it here, I have read about it, I have seen proposal after proposal shot down to.

Up until a certain point in pregnancy, she still has the right to make her own decision on her body even if she behaved stupidly, it is still her body.

I can’t ever agree that her rights are subsumed from conception by what is living in her body. Pregnancy is not a giving up of fundamental rights regardless of the reason and that is a slipper slope. Abortion occurs for many reasons, not just careless sex. The idea that the only exception is an eminent threat to the mother’s life is horrendous as is tbe growing support among the right for no exception for rape or incest.
if you are so worried about losing abortion rights, move to a blue state where they will always be unlimited. Cal and Mass will be abortion mills even if the issue is put to a state referendum vote.

the problem is that you libs want to force your views on everyone and have no tolerance for other beliefs.

most on the right want the issue decided by the voters of each state with limits or no limits as voted by those citizens.
if you are so worried about losing abortion rights, move to a blue state where they will always be unlimited. Cal and Mass will be abortion mills even if the issue is put to a state referendum vote.

the problem is that you libs want to force your views on everyone and have no tolerance for other beliefs.

most on the right want the issue decided by the voters of each state with limits or no limits as voted by those citizens.
No you can certainly choose not to have an abortions

YOU want to force your choices on others via mob rule.
So you're just incapable of talking to a person as an individual and can't help but to group everyone into neat little pigeonholes so you can make sense of things that are too complicated for you..

And in no law does a fetus have rights of personhood. No fetus is a citizen of the US until it is born (14th Amendment)

Parents have always made decisions for their children and that is still part of US law.

And the issue should be decided by the woman who is pregnant and no one else because the mob cannot violate the rights of anyone.
you state your opinion quite well and should lobby the voters to agree with you. I disagree and hope that the majority of voters in my state think as I do.
No you can certainly choose not to have an abortions

YOU want to force your choices on others via mob rule.
NO, I want the voters of each state to decide, you want federal mandates. Federal mandates are tyranny, so you must support tyranny
you state your opinion quite well and should lobby the voters to agree with you. I disagree and hope that the majority of voters in my state think as I do.
What other people CHOOSE to do to their own bodies is NOT subject to mob rule.
NO, I want the voters of each state to decide, you want federal mandates. Federal mandates are tyranny, so you must support tyranny
Same thing.

You want to be able to tell other people who live in your state what to do or not to do via mob rule.

I wonder how you'll feel when the mob steps on your rights.
is abortion the killing of a human being ? many on the left claim that until the baby is delivered it isnt a baby and therefor it has no right to life [ an absolutely evil vile concept ] so dems answer this question is abortion the killing of a human being in the womb ?
I'm not a Dem, but here's what I think. The soul is eternal and goes through time in different bodies, so the body is more like a vessel for the soul. If you abort a body, the soul will simply take another vessel, as I don't think that the soul enters the body in the womb, otherwise we'd all have memories of being in the womb.
there are videos of that exact conversation taking place, there are also videos of PP selling baby body parts. educate yourself.
So then you should be able to provide a link to one.

Prove your own assertions
I'm not a Dem, but here's what I think. The soul is eternal and goes through time in different bodies, so the body is more like a vessel for the soul. If you abort a body, the soul will simply take another vessel, as I don't think that the soul enters the body in the womb, otherwise we'd all have memories of being in the womb.
interesting viewpoint and you have the right to state it, but its your opinion only and has no legal implications.
but you want it to be, and you don't even see your own contradiction
Wrong YOU want it to be.

No one is forcing anyone to get an abortion and never has. YOU want to control other people by prohibiting them from getting a medical procedure.

Like I said I wonder how you'll feel when the mob votes your freedom away.
interesting viewpoint and you have the right to state it, but its your opinion only and has no legal implications.
I realize that, so you think that when we die our soul goes to heaven and that's it? No more lives?
Wrong YOU want it to be.

No one is forcing anyone to get an abortion and never has. YOU want to control other people by prohibiting them from getting a medical procedure.

Like I said I wonder how you'll feel when the mob votes your freedom away.
NO, I want the majority of the voters in each state to decide the issue, not the federal government. We are not China or North Korea where they do what you want.

the mob voted our freedom away when they mandated masks and vax, that did not work. Were you ok with that mob action?
That has nothing to do with PP nurses and Doctors encouraging patients to have abortions.
that was on PP selling body parts, there are videos of PP pushing abortions on young black and hispanic girls. Do your own research, I am not her to educate you.
NO, I want the majority of the voters in each state to decide the issue, not the federal government. We are not China or North Korea where they do what you want.

the mob voted our freedom away when they mandated masks and vax, that did not work. Were you ok with that mob action?
Right you want the MOB to dictate what medical procedures anyone in the state can have .

No one was forced to get a vaccine and there was an option for testing in lieu of a shot.

And wearing a mask was nothing but a minor inconvenience.

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