a question for democrats about abortion ..

Yes, both will keep happening.

If a woman has been to a doctor and been found to be pregnant and then they are no longer pregnant do you not think it should be determined why?

If a woman had a one month old at home and then one day they did not would you not want it to be determined why?
of course, but your liberal friends disagree on that.
In the case of abortion there is a roll reversal where the Right are acting like Big gov leftists pushing for the state to regulate womens bodies and choices.
totally wrong, we want to let the voters of each state decide as the constitution requires, why are you afraid to let the voters decide?
Regarding patients dependent on life support machines the decision to pull the plug is between the persons family and doctor, not the state. Plugs get pulled all the time. A decision/situation I wish upon nobody but unfortunately has to be made in a daily basis. Are you advocating for the state to take over that decision and not the family/doctors?
nice analogy attempt, but its not the same in any way.
totally wrong, we want to let the voters of each state decide as the constitution requires, why are you afraid to let the voters decide?
Haha, nice one. What would you want your state to decide. Abortions legal or no?

I’m fine with states deciding or a national policy
it isn't up to republicans or democrats to educate the public on contraception and as I said almost everyone knows about it already.

Results. 81% of the adolescents/young adults stated that their knowledge of contraception is sufficient for them to be in charge of their own sexual lives,


of sexually experienced U.S. women aged 15–44 have
used at least one contraceptive method as of 2008.6
ok, then why do you need abortion as a form of birth control? you just defeated your own argument.
Haha, nice one. What would you want your state to decide. Abortions legal or no?

I’m fine with states deciding or a national policy
I would vote my conscience and beliefs. but all states would probably not get the same results. I suspect that abortion would remain legal in Cal and Mass and most blue states.
I would vote my conscience and beliefs. but all states would probably not get the same results. I suspect that abortion would remain legal in Cal and Mass and most blue states.
Nice dodge… Which side of the issue would your conscience and beliefs lead you to vote for. Legal abortions or no?
a national policy would be unconstitutional, that's all the released opinion said.
A national policy certainly is not unconstitutional if a policy is made following the constitutional legislative process.
Nice dodge… Which side of the issue would your conscience and beliefs lead you to vote for. Legal abortions or no?
legal for rape, incest, or the life of the mother, illegal for all other causes including "inconvenient time for pregnancy". Yours?
A national policy certainly is not unconstitutional if a policy is made following the constitutional legislative process.
yes, a constitutional amendment would do it. but that takes ratification by 38 states. but a bill passed by congress would be unconstitutional, that is exactly what the leaked opinion said.
legal for rape, incest, or the life of the mother, illegal for all other causes including "inconvenient time for pregnancy". Yours?
Legal until a certain stage of fetal development.

So going back to my original comment about role reversals. Your view is on the “Leftist” government regulation spectrum while mine is more in the personal freedom and Liberty spectrum. You see that don’t you?
legal for rape, incest, or the life of the mother, illegal for all other causes including "inconvenient time for pregnancy". Yours?
Your stance makes no stance to me. If you truly believe that an embryo is a living being and abortion is murder then why would you excuse the murder of an innocent life for any reason? Rape and incest included…
I cannot argue before there is a heart beat, but when the heart starts beating. It's a baby.
Is it a functional heart pumping blood through a fully formed circulatory system? Or is it electric pulses in a forming life form? What about that element of formation, besides the emotional connection we have with a “heartbeat” makes you think that’s the point where an embryo becomes an independent being?

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