a question for democrats about abortion ..

deliberate or not is a huge difference. murder vs accidental death.

yet the end result is the same and when someone dies the cause of death is determined.

why do you not want this for the baby in the womb?
yet the end result is the same and when someone dies the cause of death is determined.

why do you not want this for the baby in the womb?
Even people who cause an accidental death can be found guilty of manslaughter or negligent homicide.
And when someone dies the cause of death is determined.

Should this not be the case with every miscarriage?
It is already if a doctor or hospital is involved, how would you investigate a miscarriage that occurs at home and is not reported? For that matter how would you investigate an abortion that is performed at home and is not reported? legal or not, abortions and miscarriages will continue to happen. to think otherwise is ignorant.
It is already if a doctor or hospital is involved, how would you investigate a miscarriage that occurs at home and is not reported? For that matter how would you investigate an abortion that is performed at home and is not reported? legal or not, abortions and miscarriages will continue to happen. to think otherwise is ignorant.

Yes, both will keep happening.

If a woman has been to a doctor and been found to be pregnant and then they are no longer pregnant do you not think it should be determined why?

If a woman had a one month old at home and then one day they did not would you not want it to be determined why?
which side has done a good job of educating the public about contraception?, and support your answer with factual data.
it isn't up to republicans or democrats to educate the public on contraception and as I said almost everyone knows about it already.

Results. 81% of the adolescents/young adults stated that their knowledge of contraception is sufficient for them to be in charge of their own sexual lives,


of sexually experienced U.S. women aged 15–44 have
used at least one contraceptive method as of 2008.6
so you want abortionists held liable?

Like I said I have little or no problem with first trimester abortions. I have no problem with second trimester abortions if the fetus is abnormal or the mother's life is in jeopardy after about the 21 week mark I have no problem with abortions if the mother's life is in jeopardy.
Those old people are entirely depending on life support provided by others.

Your entire argument wreaks of Hitler's policies for eliminating the undesirables in the 30's and 40's.

What will you be suggesting next, lobotomies for repeat violent offenders, EST as a treatment for mental disease and hysterectomies/castration for those below a given IQ level?

You're joining quite the parade of the most disgusting humans to ever walk the planet.
If I need to explain the difference between growing a human being in a mothers womb vs an old person that needs help getting groceries then I’m arguing with a level of stupid that is simply wasting my time.
If you want to argue with a sledgehammer and no subtleties than so will I. These people on machines are not independent. Without significant help from others they would die. The only material difference between them and a mother/baby is that the dependent person is not inside the other. But in the case of a sick or injured person, they are usually reliant on compassionate strangers to sustain their lives. In the vast majority of cases, the person who created the human in the womb *knowingly* engaged in behavior she knew could lead to a baby. It would be like saying here, I'm going to repeatedly injure you but if you end up in ICU I'm gonna pull the plug because you're inconvenient.
Regarding patients dependent on life support machines the decision to pull the plug is between the persons family and doctor, not the state. Plugs get pulled all the time. A decision/situation I wish upon nobody but unfortunately has to be made in a daily basis. Are you advocating for the state to take over that decision and not the family/doctors?
Regarding patients dependent on life support machines the decision to pull the plug is between the persons family and doctor, not the state. Plugs get pulled all the time. A decision/situation I wish upon nobody but unfortunately has to be made in a daily basis. Are you advocating for the state to take over that decision and not the family/doctors?

When is the plug pulled? Let's start there.
I never said that all laws were passed by a vote of citizens. What I said was that the citizens send their elected representatives to act for them. In the case of a sensitive controversial issue like abortion, it only makes sense to put it to a vote of the entire electorate of each state and let the people decide. Why do leftists object to that?
In the case of abortion there is a roll reversal where the Right are acting like Big gov leftists pushing for the state to regulate womens bodies and choices.

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