A question for Dems about the TEA Party

I have heard tea party people talk and all of them believe in the Confederacy. Don't tell me about tea party people damn it. I know them and they hate the idea of Obama.
Really? You know ALL of them?

Probably not. You're letting your bigotry against conservatives do your thinking for you, and it's not very good at it.

Hey did I spell Confederacy right
Yes. But spelling was the only thing you got right.

WHAT?!! You brought up the national debt and now you want to change the subject?
I don't think so.
Spending cuts AND tax reductions, yes.
It has worked before ( JFK..Reagan) and WILL work again.
Increasing taxes to give to politicians who have no self control over their spending is equivalent to giving a fat person who needs to lose weight, more to eat.

Actually you did, saying you opposed paying down debt with taxes ... when first trying to wiggle out of your baseless contention: Revenue is not the problem, spending is the problem.

So either show it, or don't. Trying to wiggle out, with me anyway, will not work; I'll call ya on it.

Okie doke?

Postscript: Kennedy lowered the top rate to about 70%; Reagan brought 'er down to about 50% and only briefly took it real low, which Bush 41 and Clinton fixed in realitively short order. And we've had lower taxes, since 2000, when revenue tanked, deficits soared and the Great Recession topped it all off. Definitely, that's not working. Perhaps too much of a good thing.

So, if advocating for Kennedy and Reagan policies, are you saying we need to raise taxes back up to mid 60s or mid 80s levels?

If so, I agree. Dang it; I'm getting misty. Imagine. You and me agreeing. :)

You'd generate a lot more revenue by closing all the loopholes in the 73,608 page tax code.
Actually you did, saying you opposed paying down debt with taxes ... when first trying to wiggle out of your baseless contention: Revenue is not the problem, spending is the problem.

So either show it, or don't. Trying to wiggle out, with me anyway, will not work; I'll call ya on it.

Okie doke?

Postscript: Kennedy lowered the top rate to about 70%; Reagan brought 'er down to about 50% and only briefly took it real low, which Bush 41 and Clinton fixed in realitively short order. And we've had lower taxes, since 2000, when revenue tanked, deficits soared and the Great Recession topped it all off. Definitely, that's not working. Perhaps too much of a good thing.

So, if advocating for Kennedy and Reagan policies, are you saying we need to raise taxes back up to mid 60s or mid 80s levels?

If so, I agree. Dang it; I'm getting misty. Imagine. You and me agreeing. :)

You'd generate a lot more revenue by closing all the loopholes in the 73,608 page tax code.

Cool. How much?
I have heard tea party people talk and all of them believe in the Confederacy. Don't tell me about tea party people damn it. I know them and they hate the idea of Obama.
Really? You know ALL of them?

Probably not. You're letting your bigotry against conservatives do your thinking for you, and it's not very good at it.

Hey did I spell Confederacy right

You'll have to excuse Dave. He is from Kentucky, a place where men are men and cattle are nervous - and a prime catchment area for the Tea Baggers....
Let me tell you, flooding the labor market with 30 million illegal aliens is what has driven wages into the toilet. Employers will pay whatever they must to get enough help to get the job done. Having been in the construction industry for my entire life, I know what I'm talking about.

Not that long ago it was 10 million, then suddenly it became 20, now its 30 million. Make up your mind, and give us credible info to back up your assertion of the figures...

The accepted figure is roughly 20 million. It is said there are 400,000 illegals here in NC. I think it's over one million. WHY? Because every 4th person I see is Latino.
Like the Sheriff's Lieutenant said "those are the ones we know about. There are probably twice that."
Look here is my solution to illegal immigration. Make them all citizens. Let them enjoy and participate in all benefits and RESPONSIBILITIES of citizenship.
Of course this would be met with howls of protest from Latinos and Latino advocates. The fact is illegals DO NOT wish to become citizens of the US nor do they wish to become registered aliens. What they want is to reap the benefits of working here and take none of the responsibilities. For the most part, once these people have made their money, they self deport. They return to their nation of origin and live like kings.
Yes you are. You goddamn right you are. We will die before we let you tea party racist put us back in chains:mad:

You're "mad"?...Good. Mission accomplished. On the other hand you can go fuck yourself.

I'm mad LOL I won plus Ill smack the fuck out of a tea party member mentally all day everyday. I'm your worse nightmare tea party bitch

You have a vivid imagination.....Nightmare? LOL I have already lost that nano-second of sleep thinking about you.
Try not to worry about the debt, quite yet. Try to stay with me (and you) here: We're just trying to get to balance with cuts alone, which you advocate. Remember?

So how's the math coming along? Any progress?

Thanks in advance.


We have a couple hundred military bases in other countries, staffed by American soldiers spending American dollars supporting another country's economy.

I think we could safely close half of them and save a LOT of money.

We've got plenty of mothballed bases here at home that could use an economic shot in the arm, too.

The idea of mandating that all money not spent be dedicated to debt reduction is a solid winner, IMHO, but thereisnospoon is correct, it'll NEVER happen.

Getting between a politician and his money is as dangerous as getting between an addict and their stash.

All good. How's it add up? (that's a number, by the way)

Military statistics don't reveal the exact yearly cost of operating the overseas facilities, but an estimate from Foreign Policy in Focus puts it at approximately $250 billion (roughly 1/3rd of the military budget). How does this compare to other parts of the U.S. federal budget? When combined, the "big government regulators" at the EPA, CPSC, NRC and OSHA receive 1/23rd as much. Annual aid to all countries in Latin America and the Caribbean totals less than 1/59th of this cost.

Add that $125 billion with the hundreds of billions from the closing down/restructuring of all the unnecessary Cabinet Departments (Education, Commerce, Energy, Homeland Security, HUD, Agriculture).

Add in $70 billion in foreign aid...

$3 Billion to the UN

Now we're getting somewhere...
WHAT?!! You brought up the national debt and now you want to change the subject?
I don't think so.
Spending cuts AND tax reductions, yes.
It has worked before ( JFK..Reagan) and WILL work again.
Increasing taxes to give to politicians who have no self control over their spending is equivalent to giving a fat person who needs to lose weight, more to eat.

Actually you did, saying you opposed paying down debt with taxes ... when first trying to wiggle out of your baseless contention: Revenue is not the problem, spending is the problem.

So either show it, or don't. Trying to wiggle out, with me anyway, will not work; I'll call ya on it.

Okie doke?

Postscript: Kennedy lowered the top rate to about 70%; Reagan brought 'er down to about 50% and only briefly took it real low, which Bush 41 and Clinton fixed in realitively short order. And we've had lower taxes, since 2000, when revenue tanked, deficits soared and the Great Recession topped it all off. Definitely, that's not working. Perhaps too much of a good thing.

So, if advocating for Kennedy and Reagan policies, are you saying we need to raise taxes back up to mid 60s or mid 80s levels?

If so, I agree. Dang it; I'm getting misty. Imagine. You and me agreeing. :)
This is why I find discussing issues with liberals so pleasant.
Google Image Result for http://www.urbanarson.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/picard_facepalm1-500x328.jpg
Let me tell you, flooding the labor market with 30 million illegal aliens is what has driven wages into the toilet. Employers will pay whatever they must to get enough help to get the job done. Having been in the construction industry for my entire life, I know what I'm talking about.

Not that long ago it was 10 million, then suddenly it became 20, now its 30 million. Make up your mind, and give us credible info to back up your assertion of the figures...

The accepted figure is roughly 20 million. It is said there are 400,000 illegals here in NC. I think it's over one million. WHY? Because every 4th person I see is Latino.
Like the Sheriff's Lieutenant said "those are the ones we know about. There are probably twice that."
Look here is my solution to illegal immigration. Make them all citizens. Let them enjoy and participate in all benefits and RESPONSIBILITIES of citizenship.
Of course this would be met with howls of protest from Latinos and Latino advocates. The fact is illegals DO NOT wish to become citizens of the US nor do they wish to become registered aliens. What they want is to reap the benefits of working here and take none of the responsibilities. For the most part, once these people have made their money, they self deport. They return to their nation of origin and live like kings.

Actually if you go back to the year 2000 and start with the 9+ million asserted by the US Census, add the 3+ million a year the USBP estimated until 2005, add the 4.5 million that came THAT YEAR for the 'comprehensive immigration reform' (read: Amnesty) proposed by G.W. Bush, the 2 million more a year in '06 & '07, you get to 30 million with room to spare.
Let's take these one at a time, shall we?

1.) Obamacare = Fascism
If fascism is the marriage of corporations and the state, why wouldn't a government takeover of 1/6 of our TOTAL economy qualify?

2.) Bury Obamacare with Kennedy
I don't see any reason for you to get all butthurt over that one. Over 50% of Americans want to do just that.

3.) Come and Take it
If this one bothers you it can only be because you have an issue with the 2nd Amendment. Get over it.

4.) Excuse me, we ARE a Christian Nation
78.4% of Americans claim to be Christian. Deal with it.

5.) Witchdoctor
This is the one you all think is 'racist'. How you cannot see that it is a statement on Obamacare is beyond me, but it is obvious to anyone that looks beyond the superficial.

6.) Obama = Anti-Christ
Yeah, it's over the top, but since when has our politics NOT been?

7.) Don't tread on me
Why you would have a problem with the Gadsden flag escapes me. Americans have NEVER supported a government that abuses it's citizens until RECENTLY.

8.) Stars and Bars
Conservatives see this as a states rights icon, Liberals see it as support for slavery. Your mileage may vary.

We are not racists.....that cross we are burning on your lawn is just a celebration of our lord and savior Jesus Christ

Please show me where anyone in the TEA Party movement has burned a cross ANYWHERE. This is another ridiculous assertion that has NO BASIS in REALITY.

Not surprising from you, Winger...

Just commenting on those who make excuses for racist displays
We are not racists.....that cross we are burning on your lawn is just a celebration of our lord and savior Jesus Christ

Please show me where anyone in the TEA Party movement has burned a cross ANYWHERE. This is another ridiculous assertion that has NO BASIS in REALITY.

Not surprising from you, Winger...

Just commenting on those who make excuses for racist displays

I haven't seen ANYONE make excuses for burning crosses. Could you point it out to me?
Really? You know ALL of them?

Probably not. You're letting your bigotry against conservatives do your thinking for you, and it's not very good at it.

Hey did I spell Confederacy right

You'll have to excuse Dave. He is from Kentucky, a place where men are men and cattle are nervous - and a prime catchment area for the Tea Baggers....
Please show me where anyone in the TEA Party movement has burned a cross ANYWHERE. This is another ridiculous assertion that has NO BASIS in REALITY.

Not surprising from you, Winger...

Just commenting on those who make excuses for racist displays

I haven't seen ANYONE make excuses for burning crosses. Could you point it out to me?

Google "analogy"

Then look at the lame excuses you made for racism
We have a couple hundred military bases in other countries, staffed by American soldiers spending American dollars supporting another country's economy.

I think we could safely close half of them and save a LOT of money.

We've got plenty of mothballed bases here at home that could use an economic shot in the arm, too.

The idea of mandating that all money not spent be dedicated to debt reduction is a solid winner, IMHO, but thereisnospoon is correct, it'll NEVER happen.

Getting between a politician and his money is as dangerous as getting between an addict and their stash.

All good. How's it add up? (that's a number, by the way)

Military statistics don't reveal the exact yearly cost of operating the overseas facilities, but an estimate from Foreign Policy in Focus puts it at approximately $250 billion (roughly 1/3rd of the military budget). How does this compare to other parts of the U.S. federal budget? When combined, the "big government regulators" at the EPA, CPSC, NRC and OSHA receive 1/23rd as much. Annual aid to all countries in Latin America and the Caribbean totals less than 1/59th of this cost.

Add that $125 billion with the hundreds of billions from the closing down/restructuring of all the unnecessary Cabinet Departments (Education, Commerce, Energy, Homeland Security, HUD, Agriculture).

Add in $70 billion in foreign aid...

$3 Billion to the UN

Now we're getting somewhere...

No argument. Just nowhere near enough to balance to avoid tax increases. Therein lies the rub.

Are you seeing?
All good. How's it add up? (that's a number, by the way)

Military statistics don't reveal the exact yearly cost of operating the overseas facilities, but an estimate from Foreign Policy in Focus puts it at approximately $250 billion (roughly 1/3rd of the military budget). How does this compare to other parts of the U.S. federal budget? When combined, the "big government regulators" at the EPA, CPSC, NRC and OSHA receive 1/23rd as much. Annual aid to all countries in Latin America and the Caribbean totals less than 1/59th of this cost.

Add that $125 billion with the hundreds of billions from the closing down/restructuring of all the unnecessary Cabinet Departments (Education, Commerce, Energy, Homeland Security, HUD, Agriculture).

Add in $70 billion in foreign aid...

$3 Billion to the UN

Now we're getting somewhere...

No argument. Just nowhere near enough to balance to avoid tax increases. Therein lies the rub.

Are you seeing?
We are overtaxed now but,

feel free to write a check.

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