Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

You're arguing for a “right” to savagely murder an innocent child in cold blood. Just how sociopathic and outright evil do you have to be, how deeply fucked up in your very soul (assuming you still have it), to think that any such “right” should exist?
The laws of the land give her that right.
Now we are getting somewhere.
You should have been there about 30 posts or so ago. I have been very clear in my position.
nothing she could responsibly do to allow for an abortion.
Where did you get the idea that I advocated for the murder of an innocent child. Comprehension seems to be beyond you.
her rights should be limited.
I didn't say her rights should be limited. Please link it. She has every right to practice responsible sex. She has every right to ensure she does not become pregnant. She is the master of her destiny. She does not have the right to murder another human because she doesn't exercise the aforementioned rights.
You should have been there about 30 posts or so ago. I have been very clear in my position.

Where did you get the idea that I advocated for the murder of an innocent child. Comprehension seems to be beyond you.

I didn't say her rights should be limited. Please link it. She has every right to practice responsible sex. She has every right to ensure she does not become pregnant. She is the master of her destiny. She does not have the right to murder another human because she doesn't exercise the aforementioned rights.
How do you ensure someone doesn't become pregnant when you also say that there is no amount of birth control that would allow her to have an abortion? Please tread that needle.
What about the right of the mother to not have to deal with morning sickness? The right of the mother to not have to deal with pre-eclampsia? The right of the mother to not have the pain of delivery? The right of the mother to work? The right of the mother to have a stable financial future? The right of the mother not to be confronted with the consequences of rape and incest? The right of the mother to live when pregnancy is threatening her life?

What "rights" do you allow for the mother?


You're putting any of those over the right of an innocent child not to be murdered?

Tell us all that you are a soulless, evil psychopath without saying that you are a soulless, evil psychopath.
How do you ensure someone doesn't become pregnant when you also say that there is no amount of birth control that would allow her to have an abortion? Please tread that needle.
You do understand that pregnancy comes BEFORE abortion don't you? Troll somewhere else. You can't be as stupid as this post ^^^ makes you out to be.

You're putting any of those over the right of an innocent child not to be murdered?

Tell us all that you are a soulless, evil psychopath without saying that you are a soulless, evil psychopath.
Yes, I put those at least at the same level. Her life is at least as important. But it is telling that to you believing so makes me a psychopath.

Let me ask you. If you see someone drowning in a raging river. Does not jumping after that person make you a psychopath or simply someone who values their own life?
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" Vestigial Writs Writes Rites Ignoring Mathematical Norms And Chirality "

* Baffled By Expeditious Brevity For Obvious Dogmatic Over Sight *

I think Monk eye ought to learn that "right" does not contain a "W"
It is correct that the term spelled " right " does not contain a " w " , although the term " wright " does .

Although the debate remains available for any further considerations , it has been decided ; while learning presumes ignorance , rather than an alternative option chosen .

You do understand that pregnancy comes BEFORE abortion don't you? Troll somewhere else. You can't be as stupid as this post ^^^ makes you out to be.
I do know that. I also know that the only way to prevent someone from becoming pregnant is to practice birth control. Birth control -->pregnancy---> abortion. You are saying that no matter the birth control. There is no right to abortion when pregnant.

I'm not trolling you. I'm pinning your position down by asking you questions.
Some people do die from carrying a child to term. Does that make someone who wants to forbid abortion a murderer. Since that's how you look at those that advocate for abortion?

A tiny minority of women die in childbirth.

100% of abortion victims die.

You're trying to use a very small chance of one person dying as an excuse to impose a 100% chance of death on another.
A tiny minority of women die in childbirth.

100% of abortion victims die.

You're trying to use a very small chance of one person dying as an excuse to impose a 100% chance of death on another.
Sure. Just like I use the 100 percent chance that having a child places huge lifelong responsibilities on a person unless they give the child up. Just like I use the fact that pregnancy is a hundred percent of the time uncomfortable for the person being pregnant. Just like I use the fact that pregnancy causes people to miss work for at least a period a hundred percent of the time. Just like I use the fact that having a child that you can't properly take care of causes a lot, sometimes crippling trauma on the kid and the parent in some cases. Etc. etc.

Having a baby has consequences. Some of them unpleasant. I find it the height of arrogance to presume for other people that they are obligated to bear those consequences against their will.

As I said before. That attitude carries unpleasant moral implications. I accept that this is so. The problem is, you on the other hand pretend that your attitude carries none.
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There is no right to abortion when pregnant.
SMFH. For the umpteenth time, go back and READ and COMPREHEND my post #197 and 225.
This ^^^ is EXACTLY what I have said EXCEPT in cases of rape, incest or imminent threat to the life of the mother--all of which are covered by law in EVERY state.
I'm pinning your position down by asking you questions.
You are asking the same question redundantly. Abortion is murder. In cases of rape, incest and imminent threat to the life of the mother, abortion is allowed in all 50 states. That is my stance. You advocate for murder for the convenience of the irresponsible parents. Your position is also clear. Troll somewhere else.
" Entangled With Idolatry For Ignorance "

* Synonymous With More On *

Context moron. Maybe you should learn to use the proper word when you are attempting to make a point. Thank you for making my previous point.
The terms left and right are antonyms .

The terms orthogonal denotes a perpendicular , a mathematical norm , an expected value , whereas the term right to specifically denote a 90 degree angle was devised and is perpetrated by half wits .


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Just like I use the fact that pregnancy is a hundred percent of the time uncomfortable for the person being pregnant.
Did you not know that when you chose to get pregnant?
Just like I use the fact that having a child that you can't properly take care of causes a lot, sometimes crippling trauma on the kid and the parent in some cases.
Ever hear of ADOPTION? Much better option for all concerned than murder.
I find it the height of arrogance to presume for other people that they are obligated to bear those consequences
Murder for many people has the consequence of long prison sentences and sometimes death. Is it the height of arrogance to demand that people bear the consequences of their actions. How old are you? Three?

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