Zone1 A Question For Pro-Choicers

" Entangled With Idolatry For Ignorance "

* Synonymous With More On *

The terms left and right are antonyms .

The terms orthogonal denotes a perpendicular , a mathematical norm , an expected value , whereas the term right to specifically denote a 90 degree angle was devised and is perpetrated by half wits .

Run along moron.
SMFH. For the umpteenth time, go back and READ and COMPREHEND my post #197 and 225.
This ^^^ is EXACTLY what I have said EXCEPT in cases of rape, incest or imminent threat to the life of the mother--all of which are covered by law in EVERY state.

You are asking the same question redundantly. Abortion is murder. In cases of rape, incest and imminent threat to the life of the mother, abortion is allowed in all 50 states. That is my stance. You advocate for murder for the convenience of the irresponsible parents. Your position is also clear. Troll somewhere else.
My point is, that you claim " irresponsible parents" while at the same time not allowing for the parents to take reasonable actions that would allow them to have an abortion.

The only foolproof solution to not become pregnant is not to have vaginal sex. Something I claimed was your position and you called a strawman.

If birth control, no matter how diligently applicated doesn't confer the right to an abortion in your opinion. Then your opinion isn't based on the responsibility of the parents.

I'm not sure if you're lying to me or yourself. But you aren't being honest.
Did you not know that when you chose to get pregnant?

Ever hear of ADOPTION? Much better option for all concerned than murder.

Murder for many people has the consequence of long prison sentences and sometimes death. Is it the height of arrogance to demand that people bear the consequences of their actions. How old are you? Three?
Did you not know that when you chose to get pregnant?
Yes. Do you know that most people have sex plenty of times without the intention of getting pregnant? A choice implies an action in furthering of a goal. Most of the time people have sex because it's fun.
Ever hear of ADOPTION?
Sure, I have. Ever hear that people don't want a baby and still get pregnant? In other words, they don't choose to become pregnant it just happens.
Murder for many people has the consequence of long prison sentences and sometimes death.
That's why SCOTUS has long since decided that a fetus is not a person. You can not murder a non-person.
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" Hailing Attendance From A Herd Of Fools Beguiled By Disingenuous Propaganda "

* All Hung Up On Sex Acts While Ignoring Obvious Realities *

Did you not know that when you chose to get pregnant?
Do you know the difference between with cause and without cause abortion ?

Do you feel it is a prerogative of a collect state to dictate how women and families disposition with cause abortions , given that with cause abortions are determined most often in the fetus by ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks , and given that those burdened by dilemmas of developmental anomalies actually want to give birth to a healthy child ?

" Conditioned To Be Too Ignorant To Rationalize Otherwise "

* Freak Farm Fanatics Want More Disability Welfare And Self Validation *

You keep it term !

You keep it for life !


There is a difference between without cause and with cause abortion , where with cause abortion occurs due to developmental anomalies that are most often determined through ultrasound between 13 and 20 weeks of pregnancy .

That without cause abortion occurs , when with cause abortion is valid , is the biggest LIE constructed and perpetrated by the sanctimonious , sacrosanct , psychopath , wanna be dictators , who are blubbering because INDIVIDUALS are optioning not to carry 90% of trisomy fetuses to term .

* Dictating Morbid Costs Of Freak Farm Management While Fomenting Angst While Burdened By None Of It *
Ever hear of ADOPTION? Much better option for all concerned than murder.
Who has heard of moochers on the government dole , pandering humanitarian relief as 501c3 charitable organizations to institutionalize and surrogate severe congenital conditions ?

A parallel with a reich officer , resolute in directing that euthanasia and liquidation projects be carried out against the institutionalized and dysfunctional , is not equivalent with individuals choosing for themselves how to disposition with cause abortion .

* Imbecilic Understanding Of Legal Positivism *
Murder for many people has the consequence of long prison sentences and sometimes death. Is it the height of arrogance to demand that people bear the consequences of their actions. How old are you? Three?
The conjectural letter of the law can go fuck itself , sincerely , antinomianism from the gospel .
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Just like I use the 100 percent chance that having a child places huge lifelong responsibilities on a person unless they give the child up.

That's how I have a sister. In 1966, a young rape victim gave birth to a baby girl that she was not prepared to raise. She put the baby up for adoption, and my parents adopted her.

You would rather have seen my sister murdered before she even had a chance to take here first breath, than see her adopted into a good home, to see her live the life that she has lived, to see her have five children and however many grandchildren she now has.
That's how I have a sister. In 1966, a young rape victim gave birth to a baby girl that she was not prepared to raise. She put the baby up for adoption, and my parents adopted her.

You would rather have seen my sister murdered before she even had a chance to take here first breath, than see her adopted into a good home, to see her live the life that she has lived, to see her have five children and however many grandchildren she now has.
An idiotic asshole post.

He proposes that the rape victim have a choice.

You propose that she does not.

Whittle away your little baby tantrum based on an anecdote you probably made up, and this is the real issue.
take reasonable actions
Murder is not reasonable by any stretch of the imagination.
Something I claimed was your position and you called a strawman.
Appropriately. I said it was one of many options. You don't seem to understand that you cannot change things to meet what is rolling around in your head. I stated a fundamental fact. Abstention is one of MANY options that are easily available to prevent pregnancy.
The word ^^^ you are searching for is "applied"--be that as it may, ABORTION is MURDER. Except for the reasons that I have stated numerous times abortion is not an option. You can play your trolling pretzel logic games all day long and that will not change. People do not have a right to murder another human for their own convenience or to cover for their lack of control or responsibility.
Most of the time people have sex because it's fun.
You could say the same for a game of Russian Roulette because that is what you are doing when you have sex for fun without considering the consequences. That is the most childish argument you've presented in this thread.
don't choose to become pregnant
So if you point a gun at your head and pull the trigger--wrongly hoping that chamber is empty, you would still be dead--correct? You aren't a child. You know that the likely outcome of unprotected sex is pregnancy. Grow up.
That's why SCOTUS has long since decided that a fetus is not a person.
Please link that decision. I would be interested in reading it.
That's how I have a sister. In 1966, a young rape victim gave birth to a baby girl that she was not prepared to raise. She put the baby up for adoption, and my parents adopted her.

You would rather have seen my sister murdered before she even had a chance to take here first breath, than see her adopted into a good home, to see her live the life that she has lived, to see her have five children and however many grandchildren she now has.
I'm the oldest of 4. My parents wanted children but were both pretty irresponsible. I had to grow up fast and had a lousy childhood so did my brothers and sister. So did my parents.
I love my siblings but the point of fact is they shouldn't have had me or my siblings. It sure as hell would have prevented a lot of pain.

My wife has a half sister. She had her first baby when she was twelve. Conceived by a fifteen years old. Both her and her kid dealt and are dealing with the consequences even now.

Anecdotes work both ways. They are however not good arguments.
I'm the oldest of 4. My parents wanted children but were both pretty irresponsible. I had to grow up fast and had a lousy childhood so did my brothers and sister. So did my parents.
I love my siblings but the point of fact is they shouldn't have had me or my siblings. It sure as hell would have prevented a lot of pain.

My wife has a half sister. She had her first baby when she was twelve. Conceived by a fifteen years old. Both her and her kid dealt and are dealing with the consequences even now.

Anecdotes work both ways. They are however not good arguments.

If you truly believe that you never should have lived, then you do have the power to remedy this error. I fully support your right to make this choice for yourself.

The problem here is that you want some people to have the “right” to make that choice for others.
Murder is not reasonable by any stretch of the imagination.

Appropriately. I said it was one of many options. You don't seem to understand that you cannot change things to meet what is rolling around in your head. I stated a fundamental fact. Abstention is one of MANY options that are easily available to prevent pregnancy.

The word ^^^ you are searching for is "applied"--be that as it may, ABORTION is MURDER. Except for the reasons that I have stated numerous times abortion is not an option. You can play your trolling pretzel logic games all day long and that will not change. People do not have a right to murder another human for their own convenience or to cover for their lack of control or responsibility.

You could say the same for a game of Russian Roulette because that is what you are doing when you have sex for fun without considering the consequences. That is the most childish argument you've presented in this thread.

So if you point a gun at your head and pull the trigger--wrongly hoping that chamber is empty, you would still be dead--correct? You aren't a child. You know that the likely outcome of unprotected sex is pregnancy. Grow up.

Please link that decision. I would be interested in reading it.
Oh lord. Being deliberately obtuse doesn't help.

I'm not talking about abortion but about your claim that there's no amount of birth control that would allow for an abortion.

Birth control is how you reasonably prevent pregnancy.

Look a few years ago they bombed Charlie Hebdo.I perceived that as an attack on free speech. A few weeks later a sports team put out a really offensive banner and I advocated for the perpetrators to not be allowed in the stadium.

My brother pointed out that those positions were incompatible. He was right and I realized I had only two intellectually honest options. Or I changed the original premise or how I felt towards the people putting up the banner. I choose the latter.

You are justifying not allowing for abortions because you claim pregnancy is because the parents are irresponsible. I pointed out that people can and do get pregnant although they do act responsible. Yet you still don't want to allow for abortions.

In my view you have two intellectually honest choices. Or you change your reason for not allowing for abortions to something else. Or you change your position on allowing for abortions if the parents practice reasonable birth control.

Taking the third option of hemming and hawing, deflecting and attacking just shows dishonesty.
hemming and hawing
Intentionally obtuse? I think that describes you to a T. You are frustrated because in spite of your pretzel logic, I am unbending in my opposition to murder/abortion. You would have me agree that there is an excuse for parents to murder their offspring and you'll not get it. Murder is NOT ACCEPTABLE. Again, is that clear to you? I wouldn't want you to think I was hemming and hawing. It has nothing to do with whether or not there are birth control options. You can feel fortunate that you have those--however if you get pregnant, it was your choice to have sex knowing full well that the result very likely could be pregnancy. You aren't a rabbit and you aren't controlled by your penis/vagina whatever the case may be. Grow up and accept responsibility for your actions.
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Speaking for me, I differentiate between human DNA and a person. If you think of a few strands of DNA in a cell too small to see, you certainly have that right. I just don't share that view, a person has a brain that is unique in the animal world.
Well speaking for myself, a human embryo is a life that is replicating all the cells necessary to produce a living person. Killing that life for convenience before it has a chance to defend itself is lowly, sickening and cowardly.

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