A question for the anti-choice crowd.

For J4J: There was a study done and it was recently reported that when the egg and sperm unite and a zygote is created to form a fetus, a light or sparks are emitted. Isn't that something? It's as though the finger of God touched that union and made it live. Hard to be an atheist after reading that.

When Egg And Sperm Hook Up, You Can Actually See 'Sparks' Fly
Garbage. Just save the religious crap.

Millions of dead souls each day anyway if you try it.

Dr. Thomas V. O’Halloran, a professor of chemistry and molecular biosciences at Northwestern University in Chicago and one of the scientists, said in a written statement.

A paper describing the research was published online on Dec. 15 in the journal Nature Chemistry.

Where was your “doctor” published?
Really now? Just who isn't entitled to the right to live, hmm? You people think you can just play God and determine what is or isn't life. Such arrogance.
We do play God, since he doesn't.


Why does God need to be God when his own creations think they are above their own creator? Who do you think you are? Bruce Almighty?
God might rule heaven, but we rule here. You can ask God why this is true if you like, but it is.
Thank you for giving in that there is God and he dwells in Heaven. That's a start.
Highly doubtful on both accounts but what does it matter, you will never see either.
God only knows...but my guess is that I may have a better chance than you,lol.
We do play God, since he doesn't.


Why does God need to be God when his own creations think they are above their own creator? Who do you think you are? Bruce Almighty?
God might rule heaven, but we rule here. You can ask God why this is true if you like, but it is.
Thank you for giving in that there is God and he dwells in Heaven. That's a start.
Highly doubtful on both accounts but what does it matter, you will never see either.
God only knows...but my guess is that I may have a better chance than you,lol.
Dead is dead. See ya, or, no actually, we won't.
For J4J: There was a study done and it was recently reported that when the egg and sperm unite and a zygote is created to form a fetus, a light or sparks are emitted. Isn't that something? It's as though the finger of God touched that union and made it live. Hard to be an atheist after reading that.

When Egg And Sperm Hook Up, You Can Actually See 'Sparks' Fly
Garbage. Just save the religious crap.

Millions of dead souls each day anyway if you try it.

Dr. Thomas V. O’Halloran, a professor of chemistry and molecular biosciences at Northwestern University in Chicago and one of the scientists, said in a written statement.

A paper describing the research was published online on Dec. 15 in the journal Nature Chemistry.

Where was your “doctor” published?
If she believes that crap, she's an idiot, at least if she thinks that means God is alive and humans have souls.
As per Fetal development: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia the heart doesn't even begin to develop until the 5th week, and the liver is not producing blood cells until between the 11th to the 14th week.

So, how is a fetus pumping it's own blood when it doesn't even produce blood?

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I loved reading this from your own link that you just provided.

"Learn how your BABY is conceived and how your BABY develops inside the mother's womb."

What's priceless is that it refuted every ignorant thing you said about the fetal process.

You are dismissed.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

You haven't refuted anything of the sort. Were I to be at my computer instead of on a phone. I would continue your education on the facts about the fetal circulatory system .

But you still show no signs of being able to concede even the smallest of points, so I am in no hurry.

Still laughing about the baby thing and the link you posted.

That was fucking hilarious.
Oh? What kind of phone do you post with that lets you access this website but not others?
For J4J: There was a study done and it was recently reported that when the egg and sperm unite and a zygote is created to form a fetus, a light or sparks are emitted. Isn't that something? It's as though the finger of God touched that union and made it live. Hard to be an atheist after reading that.

When Egg And Sperm Hook Up, You Can Actually See 'Sparks' Fly
Garbage. Just save the religious crap.

Millions of dead souls each day anyway if you try it.

Dr. Thomas V. O’Halloran, a professor of chemistry and molecular biosciences at Northwestern University in Chicago and one of the scientists, said in a written statement.

A paper describing the research was published online on Dec. 15 in the journal Nature Chemistry.

Where was your “doctor” published?
If she believes that crap, she's an idiot, at least if she thinks that means God is alive and humans have souls.
Who's she?
For J4J: There was a study done and it was recently reported that when the egg and sperm unite and a zygote is created to form a fetus, a light or sparks are emitted. Isn't that something? It's as though the finger of God touched that union and made it live. Hard to be an atheist after reading that.

When Egg And Sperm Hook Up, You Can Actually See 'Sparks' Fly
Garbage. Just save the religious crap.

Millions of dead souls each day anyway if you try it.

Dr. Thomas V. O’Halloran, a professor of chemistry and molecular biosciences at Northwestern University in Chicago and one of the scientists, said in a written statement.

A paper describing the research was published online on Dec. 15 in the journal Nature Chemistry.

Where was your “doctor” published?
If she believes that crap, she's an idiot, at least if she thinks that means God is alive and humans have souls.
Who's she?
This idiot doctor, trying to prove God apparently.
Thank you.
I still say, however, it is a battle that the mothers take well. Their bodies even produce milk for the infant to thrive upon. If mothers were not meant to be the vessels for the child, their bodies would not change for the betterment of the child.
Plenty of dead women, who thought they'd be mothers.
Yeah, they are laying in the streets without any bone marrow or calcium! It a horror here.
Two sets of 23 chromosomes come together and merge in a single cell to make a new human. That's it.

And that's what dumbass doesn't understand, two become one.

Does that new human have any rights to that new life it is now living? Or, no?
There is no right to life. You make it or you don't.

You don't seem to be able to fully comprehend what a right is.

The life you are living right now. Who does it belong to?

A complicated question, but let's skip that part and you tell me, when a fetus is spontaneously aborted, was its right to life violated, and if so, by whom?

The question is not complicated at all if are are honest.

Do you have a right to defend yourself if you are being attacked?

If you don't have a right to your life. . . What right would you have to defend it?

As far as your question about spontaneous abortion. It's just more telling about your lack of any understanding about rights.

The right that individuals have to their lives is not a shield or barrier that protects against that person ever being killed. It's more akin to a claim. Like miners have.

A tree has a right to the life it is living because the life that the tree is living belongs to that tree.

Does that mean that the tree can not die or be killed? Of course not.

But the tree still has the right to live for as long as it is able to maintain the life it is living.

The same applies to human beings only we add LEGEAL consequences for the violation of some rights more than others.
Holyfuck! :cuckoo:

Trees do not have rights. :rolleyes:
You believe a in fairy tale, worthy of children.

I see. And you believe there are more than two genders among the human species. A notion worthy of children.
No, children, like you, believe that there are two sexes and two genders. Science knows there are many sexes, and far more genders.
Oh dear.
"Gender and Genetics
Genetic Components of Sex and Gender
Humans are born with 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs. The X and Y chromosomes determine a person’s sex. Most women are 46XX and most men are 46XY. Research suggests, however, that in a few births per thousand some individuals will be born with a single sex chromosome (45X or 45Y) (sex monosomies) and some with three or more sex chromosomes (47XXX, 47XYY or 47XXY, etc.) (sex polysomies). In addition, some males are born 46XX due to the translocation of a tiny section of the sex determining region of the Y chromosome. Similarly some females are also born 46XY due to mutations in the Y chromosome. Clearly, there are not only females who are XX and males who are XY, but rather, there is a range of chromosome complements, hormone balances, and phenotypic variations that determine sex."
WHO | Gender and Genetics

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