A question for the anti-choice crowd.

There is no right to life. You make it or you don't.

You don't seem to be able to fully comprehend what a right is.

The life you are living right now. Who does it belong to?

A complicated question, but let's skip that part and you tell me, when a fetus is spontaneously aborted, was its right to life violated, and if so, by whom?

The question is not complicated at all if are are honest.

Do you have a right to defend yourself if you are being attacked?

If you don't have a right to your life. . . What right would you have to defend it?

As far as your question about spontaneous abortion. It's just more telling about your lack of any understanding about rights.

The right that individuals have to their lives is not a shield or barrier that protects against that person ever being killed. It's more akin to a claim. Like miners have.

A tree has a right to the life it is living because the life that the tree is living belongs to that tree.

Does that mean that the tree can not die or be killed? Of course not.

But the tree still has the right to live for as long as it is able to maintain the life it is living.

The same applies to human beings only we add LEGEAL consequences for the violation of some rights more than others.
Who is a fault when the right to life for a fetus ends because it is spontaneous aborted?
There is no fault. Consider it natural selection.

The Declaration of Independence should be enough for you:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-
Nice words, just not true, then or now.
Okay, answer me this then. Does a person in a deep coma lose the right to own a gun? Yes or no.

But they aren't going to have much luck expressing said right.

Wrong, a person in a coma is technically incompetent and can't handle their own affairs, and incompetent people under the current law may not own a gun.

This is news to me. So when my wife was in her coma, what other rights did she loose?

If she didn't have an advance directive or a living will, her right to self determination. But the VA reports people to the NICS data base all the time when they just can't handle their own finances or elects to have someone else to do them for them as incompetent and their gun rights are lost.

My wife is not a veteran and she came out of her coma with all her Constitutional rights intact.
Perhaps the LGTBQ fraternity and baby killers will understand this IF it is put in their language....BUT I wouldn't bet on it!

Have you lost your cotton pickin' mind? If we didn't have the right to life, the human species wouldn't even exist. None of us would be here to debate the topic.

No rights exist in a vacuum, or are absolute.

If you claim the right to life is absolute, then it must override the right to property, and therefore all of your worldly possessions must be confiscated and sold to save lives elsewhere.

So, do you claim the right to life is absolute?
You don't seem to be able to fully comprehend what a right is.

The life you are living right now. Who does it belong to?

A complicated question, but let's skip that part and you tell me, when a fetus is spontaneously aborted, was its right to life violated, and if so, by whom?

The question is not complicated at all if are are honest.

Do you have a right to defend yourself if you are being attacked?

If you don't have a right to your life. . . What right would you have to defend it?

As far as your question about spontaneous abortion. It's just more telling about your lack of any understanding about rights.

The right that individuals have to their lives is not a shield or barrier that protects against that person ever being killed. It's more akin to a claim. Like mines have.

A tree has a right to the life it is living because the life that the tree is living belongs to that tree.

Does that mean that the tree can not die or be killed? Of course not.

But the tree still has the right to live for as long as it is able to maintain the life it is living.

The same applies to human beings only we add LEGEAL consequences for the violation of some rights more than others.
Who is a fault when the right to life for a fetus ends because it is spontaneous aborted?
There is no fault. Consider it natural selection.

The Declaration of Independence should be enough for you:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-
Nice words, just not true, then or now.
So, explain why those words are no longer true.
There is no right to life

Really now? Just who isn't entitled to the right to live, hmm? You people think you can just play God and determine what is or isn't life. Such arrogance.
We do play God, since he doesn't.
What does that mean? Who is "he"?
So, you are an atheist. That is what is wrong. You have no values for human life other than your own.
Okay, answer me this then. Does a person in a deep coma lose the right to own a gun? Yes or no.

But they aren't going to have much luck expressing said right.

Wrong, a person in a coma is technically incompetent and can't handle their own affairs, and incompetent people under the current law may not own a gun.

This is news to me. So when my wife was in her coma, what other rights did she loose?

If she didn't have an advance directive or a living will, her right to self determination. But the VA reports people to the NICS data base all the time when they just can't handle their own finances or elects to have someone else to do them for them as incompetent and their gun rights are lost.

My wife is not a veteran and she came out of her coma with all her Constitutional rights intact.

Do you understand what "technically incompetent", or current gun laws mean? Also I was't implying your wife was a Vet, just providing an example of a lesser condition, where rights are being removed.
Perhaps the LGTBQ fraternity and baby killers will understand this IF it is put in their language....BUT I wouldn't bet on it!

Actually, that has no such ability.
If that is not a person to you...something is definitely wrong.

When someone murders a pregnant lady and the child is killed with that act, the murder is charged with two murders. For that to be true, that life had a right to live and the murder took it away.
There is no right to life

Really now? Just who isn't entitled to the right to live, hmm? You people think you can just play God and determine what is or isn't life. Such arrogance.
We do play God, since he doesn't.
What does that mean? Who is "he"?
So, you are an atheist. That is what is wrong. You have no values for human life other than your own.
Unlike the children here, I value most, but not all, lives.
Perhaps the LGTBQ fraternity and baby killers will understand this IF it is put in their language....BUT I wouldn't bet on it!

Actually, that has no such ability.

It doesn't have to...the PERSON there has different DNA than its HOST! Thus, even in science, it is a separate entity simply getting nourishment from the host!
Perhaps the LGTBQ fraternity and baby killers will understand this IF it is put in their language....BUT I wouldn't bet on it!

Actually, that has no such ability.
If that is not a person to you...something is definitely wrong.

When someone murders a pregnant lady and the child is killed with that act, the murder is charged with two murders. For that to be true, that life had a right to live and the murder took it away.
You can't murder a fetus, it's not a person.
Perhaps the LGTBQ fraternity and baby killers will understand this IF it is put in their language....BUT I wouldn't bet on it!

Actually, that has no such ability.
If that is not a person to you...something is definitely wrong.

When someone murders a pregnant lady and the child is killed with that act, the murder is charged with two murders. For that to be true, that life had a right to live and the murder took it away.
You can't murder a fetus, it's not a person.
Under the 2004 Unborn Victims of Violence law...IT CERTAINLY IS!
Perhaps the LGTBQ fraternity and baby killers will understand this IF it is put in their language....BUT I wouldn't bet on it!

Actually, that has no such ability.
If that is not a person to you...something is definitely wrong.

When someone murders a pregnant lady and the child is killed with that act, the murder is charged with two murders. For that to be true, that life had a right to live and the murder took it away.
You can't murder a fetus, it's not a person.
Do you really deny that baby that was posted is not a child?????

Just when does this person qualify for rights? At 2? At 10? 30? When the being gets a job? You can't make rules up as you go along.

Vigilante posted what is in the mother. Doesn't that resemble something you've seen before? Two arms, 2 legs and a head..By golly it's a child!!!!! And you are denying that human being rights it has under the law.
Really now? Just who isn't entitled to the right to live, hmm? You people think you can just play God and determine what is or isn't life. Such arrogance.
We do play God, since he doesn't.
What does that mean? Who is "he"?
So, you are an atheist. That is what is wrong. You have no values for human life other than your own.
Unlike the children here, I value most, but not all, lives.
We have no right to choose who lives and who does not without a court determining that the person of interest took another's life without provocation.
Perhaps the LGTBQ fraternity and baby killers will understand this IF it is put in their language....BUT I wouldn't bet on it!

Actually, that has no such ability.
If that is not a person to you...something is definitely wrong.

When someone murders a pregnant lady and the child is killed with that act, the murder is charged with two murders. For that to be true, that life had a right to live and the murder took it away.
You can't murder a fetus, it's not a person.
Under the 2004 Unborn Victims of Violence law...IT CERTAINLY IS!
They can pass whatever law they like. It doesn't stop spontaneous abortions. Guess they don't have a right to life.
We do play God, since he doesn't.
What does that mean? Who is "he"?
So, you are an atheist. That is what is wrong. You have no values for human life other than your own.
Unlike the children here, I value most, but not all, lives.
We have no right to choose who lives and who does not without a court determining that the person of interest took another's life without provocation.
Utter nonsense.

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