A question for the anti-choice crowd.

A woman kills sperm like Hitler could only dream of when killing the Jews. She is an unholy terror on that front.

Learn biology.

"“The vagina is a very hostile environment for sperm. When a female is inseminated, the presence of the semen triggers an immune reaction, so semen—and particularly the sperm—are treated as pathogens. Male seminal plasma contains all kinds of chemicals that are designed to take this into account. Seminal plasma is alkaline, and a couple seconds after ejaculation the pH of the vagina approaches neutrality, which makes it a friendly environment for sperm. Sperm also contains a lot of immunosuppressants that suppress the female’s immune system and counteract this immune reaction to semen.”"
Reproductive Warfare: Sperm Invasion on Battlefield Vagina
Amazon.com: Between XX and XY: Intersexuality and the Myth of Two Sexes (9781556527852): Gerald N. Callahan PhD: Books

LOL. Is that it?
I could do it all day long, but you'd still be a know-nothing child.
Maternal physiological changes in pregnancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the end, in a healthy pregnancy, the woman's body adapts to accommodate the unborn child as it develops. Your study is bunk.
If my study is bunk, why are there so many maternal deaths?

Maternal death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What does that have to do with what I said? Besides:

"The most common causes are postpartum bleeding (15%), complications from unsafe abortion (15%), hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (10%), postpartum infections (8%), and obstructed labour (6%).[5] Other causes include blood clots (3%) and pre-existing conditions (28%).[6] Indirect causes are malaria, anaemia,[7] HIV/AIDS, and cardiovascular disease, all of which may complicate pregnancy or be aggravated by it."

You lose.
Getting pregnant is a good way to get very, very dead.


Then pregnant women should just wear chastity belts instead?
…the typical regressive sodomite enabler…

There's that sodomy thing, again. I'm still waiting for you to explain what sodomy has to do with abortion?

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It has everything to do with the people pushing to kill babies, you suck the dicks of the ones that take it in the back and want to kill the offspring of the ones who take it in the front. I guess that's a pretty effective way to pursue population control, if you swing that way.
You get that what you said doesn't even remotely resemble anything like reason, right?

Ya know what? Never mind. You are clearly batshit crazy irrational extremist. Welcome to my ignore pile.

Ya know, I gotta say, I like this forum. The fucknut extremists make it easy to recognise them quickly.

Buh bye.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Oh boy, my first ignore threat. BTW do you give your buddy a reach around while you're pounding his ass, just to keep him excited for when he does you? And don't get offended, according to your ilk this is perfectly normal behavior, so no reason to be ashamed.

BTW it's you folks that are the extremist, I'm just trying to catch up.

You keep calling me a child, but even a child knows the difference between a boy and a girl.
So you believe only, you don't know.

If I have a baby with both male and female parts, what sex is it?
Maternal physiological changes in pregnancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the end, in a healthy pregnancy, the woman's body adapts to accommodate the unborn child as it develops. Your study is bunk.
If my study is bunk, why are there so many maternal deaths?

Maternal death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What does that have to do with what I said? Besides:

"The most common causes are postpartum bleeding (15%), complications from unsafe abortion (15%), hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (10%), postpartum infections (8%), and obstructed labour (6%).[5] Other causes include blood clots (3%) and pre-existing conditions (28%).[6] Indirect causes are malaria, anaemia,[7] HIV/AIDS, and cardiovascular disease, all of which may complicate pregnancy or be aggravated by it."

You lose.
Getting pregnant is a good way to get very, very dead.


Then pregnant women should just wear chastity belts instead?
If the want to live, they should not get pregnant. That is a killer, 800 a day worldwide.
Maternal physiological changes in pregnancy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In the end, in a healthy pregnancy, the woman's body adapts to accommodate the unborn child as it develops. Your study is bunk.
If my study is bunk, why are there so many maternal deaths?

Maternal death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What does that have to do with what I said? Besides:

"The most common causes are postpartum bleeding (15%), complications from unsafe abortion (15%), hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (10%), postpartum infections (8%), and obstructed labour (6%).[5] Other causes include blood clots (3%) and pre-existing conditions (28%).[6] Indirect causes are malaria, anaemia,[7] HIV/AIDS, and cardiovascular disease, all of which may complicate pregnancy or be aggravated by it."

You lose.
Getting pregnant is a good way to get very, very dead.


Then pregnant women should just wear chastity belts instead?
If the want to live, they should not get pregnant. That is a killer, 800 a day worldwide.

Yet there are 7 billion of us living on this planet. You're insane.

If the woman chooses to become pregnant, that's her choice. Not yours. To wit, if she wants an abortion, or chooses to not become pregnant, that is also her choice. Not yours.

It is the woman's prerogative to risk herself becoming pregnant.
If my study is bunk, why are there so many maternal deaths?

Maternal death - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What does that have to do with what I said? Besides:

"The most common causes are postpartum bleeding (15%), complications from unsafe abortion (15%), hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (10%), postpartum infections (8%), and obstructed labour (6%).[5] Other causes include blood clots (3%) and pre-existing conditions (28%).[6] Indirect causes are malaria, anaemia,[7] HIV/AIDS, and cardiovascular disease, all of which may complicate pregnancy or be aggravated by it."

You lose.
Getting pregnant is a good way to get very, very dead.


Then pregnant women should just wear chastity belts instead?
If the want to live, they should not get pregnant. That is a killer, 800 a day worldwide.

Yet there are 7 billion of us living on this planet. You're insane.

If the woman chooses to become pregnant, that's her choice. Not yours. To wit, if she wants an abortion, or chooses to not become pregnant, that is also her choice. Not yours.

It is the woman's prerogative to risk herself becoming pregnant.
And risk it she does, a good damn deal.
Well, I just waded through three pages of absolute garbage and crap posted by the liberal fuckgoofs here regarding fetuses and living human organisms and it strikes me as interesting... the people who are rejecting biology and insisting a fetus isn't a human being are also non-believers in God. Isn't that amazing? They totally reject science but they don't believe in God. You'd think that might be the other way around, but nope.... here it is in black and white for everyone to read.
Well, I just waded through three pages of absolute garbage and crap posted by the liberal fuckgoofs here regarding fetuses and living human organisms and it strikes me as interesting... the people who are rejecting biology and insisting a fetus isn't a human being are also non-believers in God. Isn't that amazing? They totally reject science but they don't believe in God. You'd think that might be the other way around, but nope.... here it is in black and white for everyone to read.
A fetus being a person isn't science. Like a belief in God, it's dogma.
Its only a short period of time after the sperm cell penetrates the egg before it starts to divide.

The new organism that the sperm and egg united to form is often referred to as a single cell at that point. That is the zygote stage and like I said, it is only in that stage for a very short time.

It's a semantics misnomer and it causes little shitheads to make outrageous assumptions that aren't true and defy biology. The zygote is comprised of two cells, the male and female gametes. One is inside the walls of the other but it's still two cells. They call it a single "fused" cell because everything is happening inside the walls of the single egg cell, but there is another cell already present. If there wasn't another cell, reproduction couldn't happen.

The important thing is note the reproduction. All this single cell nonsense amounts to is a silly semantics argument with shitheads. A new living organism begins whenever reproduction of new cells happen. Nothing else is added or needs to happen for it to be an independent new living organism. Viability and personhood are criteria placed on the organism that do not have any bearing whatsoever on what the organism is. Likewise, terminology for various stages of development have nothing to do with what something is. An adult seal is the same organism as a baby seal.... there is no difference in what they are, only in their developmental stage.

So, whether it is a fetus, a baby, an infant, a zygote, a toddler, a blastocyst, an adolescent... it's a human being in a certain stage of development.
If you are against sex with children you too are anti-choice. Anyone can use your stupid rhetoric to try to bolster their case. It isn't the right that's inconsistent here, it's the left. The right tends to want to limit abortion to need and not use it as a form of birth control. State sanctioned killing is reserved for those that earned it. Murder means unjustified, go ahead and look it up since words confuse you.

Also, if a woman wants her baby and is stabbed, let's say, and it's killed, or they both are, the perp is charged with homicide or two counts homicide respectively. Now ponder that and get back to us with an explanation that makes sense if you can.

Doesn't it make a difference what trimester the woman is in?
A fetus being a person isn't science. Like a belief in God, it's dogma.

A fetus is a human being... I don't know what a "person" is... it's ambiguous terminology that can mean virtually anything you want it to mean.
Learn what a person is? And learn what a human being is? You can be human without being a person, like a dead body, You can't murder a dead body even though it's human.

Since a fetus is also not a person, you can't murder it either but you can kill it.

These are legal things more than science. Science already knows a fetus isn't a baby, you don't.
Learn what a person is? And learn what a human being is? You can be human without being a person, like a dead body, You can't murder a dead body even though it's human.

Since a fetus is also not a person, you can't murder it either but you can kill it.

These are legal things more than science. Science already knows a fetus isn't a baby, you don't.

Well a baby isn't a teenager either. A teenager isn't an adult. A senior citizen isn't an infant. Science already knows that as well, right?

"Murder" is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. Abortions are legal in this country since 1973, so there is nothing unlawful about an abortion. It is premeditated, it is one human killing another human... but it's perfectly legal.

Like I said... "PERSON" is an ambiguous abstract term... I don't know what that means. Perhaps Hitler would say that if you don't have blond hair and blue eyes, you don't qualify as a person? An Islamic Jihadist might say, if you are a Christian or Jew, you don't constitute a person? In 1850s America, a plantation owner might have said a slave he owned wasn't a person? So you see... "person" is simply an arbitrary term that can mean virtually anything to anyone.

I mean... you're free to keep on framing your arguments around "persons" and "personhood" but frankly, I don't know what the fuck you mean by that.

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