A question for the anti-choice crowd.

It turns out a supermajority of Americans are opposed to Roe v. Wade, but many of them don't even know it.

There are a lot of people who self-identify as "pro-choice" who believe abortion should be illegal after the first trimester, which puts them into direct conflict with Roe v. Wade.
You're right. I am among those.
Then you are anti-choice.
No, I'm not. I am pro-choice, just like most Pro-Choice activists. Until a fetus is viable, it is not a person, and abortion should be between a woman, and her doctor. If you agree that, prior to viability (second trimester), an abortion is the personal choice of a woman, and her doctor, then you are pro-choice, and why are you arguing?
You are opposed to Roe v. Wade. That makes you anti-choice.
You're a fucking moron. I'm done with you.
You don't handle defeat very well.

Sorry to make your butt hurt.
Nearly half of all abortions are the result of not using birth control during sex. Another fifth are the result of improper or inconsistent use of birth control.

We could easily and dramatically reduce the number of abortions in America through education.

Birth control is easily accessible to all. No one is unable to access birth control. They are just CHOOSING not to use it.

Sexually active people need to make their choice BEFORE they have sex. Not after, when the child has no choice in being murdered.
Not sure I agree with your numbers, but I absolutely agree with your position. And the beauty of your observation is that we could accomplish that without a single law restricting women's access to abortion.
You're right. I am among those.
Then you are anti-choice.
No, I'm not. I am pro-choice, just like most Pro-Choice activists. Until a fetus is viable, it is not a person, and abortion should be between a woman, and her doctor. If you agree that, prior to viability (second trimester), an abortion is the personal choice of a woman, and her doctor, then you are pro-choice, and why are you arguing?
You are opposed to Roe v. Wade. That makes you anti-choice.
You're a fucking moron. I'm done with you.
You don't handle defeat very well.

Sorry to make your butt hurt.
What I don't handle is retards incapable of anything beyond simplistic black/white linear thinking. "If you are not in favour of abortion, unrestricted right up until deliver, then you are against Roe v Wade, and anti-choice."

That's retarded. If that is the best you have, then you are not worth my time. The fact is, I have never liked Roe v. Wade; not because I disagreed with the results, but because I disagreed with the premise. The attorneys in RvW argued the wrong principle. It should never have been about privacy; it should have been about property rights. The argument should have been that a fetus is the property of a pregnant woman, and she, therefore, had the right to dispose of it as she wished. Had that been the findings of that decision, you anti-choice retards would have had no where to go with your retarded "fetuses are persons" arguments, because the question would have been settled law. Furthermore the retarded, self-contradictory "fetal homicide" laws would never have existed; instead we would have treated pregnant women miscarrying due to violent crimes the way it should have been - deprivation of property.
Liberals are okay with killing a child in the womb, but if a dentist traveled to Africa to kill an elephant in the womb, the liberals would be screaming for his head. Big dramatic tears and pickets outside his office.
No one would be screaming if the mother of said dead elephant in the womb killed it.
When you ask Americans if they support Roe v Wade, you get about a 50-50 split. But when you ask them about second trimester abortions, you get this:


Majority of Americans Still Support Roe v. Wade Decision

Almost two-thirds of Americans are in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade, with many of them believing they support it.
Why lie?

The percentage of folks supporting Roe v. Wade is more like 53% to 29%; with 18% offering no opinion.

While you tried to portray support for Roe v. Wade as somewhat evenly split, in reality, it's almost 2 to 1 in favor of it as opposed to it.
When you ask Americans if they support Roe v Wade, you get about a 50-50 split. But when you ask them about second trimester abortions, you get this:


Majority of Americans Still Support Roe v. Wade Decision

Almost two-thirds of Americans are in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade, with many of them believing they support it.
Why lie?

The percentage of folks supporting Roe v. Wade is more like 53% to 29%; with 18% offering no opinion.

While you tried to portray support for Roe v. Wade as somewhat evenly split, in reality, it's almost 2 to 1 in favor of it as opposed to it.
You'll notice, suddenly no response.

And the Gallup analysis that he pulled his chart from even disagrees with his assessment:

Roe v. Wade is synonymous with abortion rights. Thus it follows that because the majority of Americans favor keeping abortion legal, at least under certain circumstances, the majority wants to see Roe continue to be the law of the land.

That's the part that g5000 doesn't want anyone to notice - that the majority still favour Roe v Wade being the "law of the land".
Our laws already define and recognize the fact that a human being in the fetal stage of their life is a child and is a human being.

You deniers lost that debate. So. If you ever want me to share in your denial of the facts? It's not going to happen. Your side lost. Get over it or change the law. Just like this side has to deal with Roe v Wade.

Why are you taking so long to answer my simple question?

"Answer this question: If a doctor tells the mother that it is either her or the fetus because carrying it will kill her, do you still believe she should be able to choose to have an abortion, or are you one of those who thinks it's tough shit for her and she shouldn't have an abortion?"
You deniers lost that debate. So. If you ever want me to share in your denial of the facts? It's not going to happen. Your side lost. Get over it or change the law. Just like this side has to deal with Roe v Wade.

Really? Abortion is legal, and the stupid laws that conservatives have passed under the guise of caring about the women but in fact are just created to thwart abortions have now been struck down, so, I don't know how you can say you have won. You're delusional.

If you have won, then why do you all keep coming up with innocuous laws to try and circumvent abortions?

Idiot, go back and read the exchange again. It was about the legal recognition of a child in the womb AS A CHILD by our fetal HOMICIDE laws. I even specifically mentioned ROE V WADE and the fact that it has not yet been overturned for context.

You clearly only read and see what you think fits your fu king template. Don't you.

I believe you're the idiot....claiming victory when all your party can do is submit bogus bills to circumvent what the Supreme Court has deemed legal. Go back and do some research, moron....it doesn't matter what fetal homicide laws dictate, as far as Roe v Wade is concerned, a fetus is not a person, and a woman has the right to end a pregnancy in accordance with the laws of the state she is having it done.

And, why do you keep ignoring my question about whether a woman who is at risk should be able to choose to have an abortion or do you condemn her to death and insist that she carry the fetus to delivery? Why are you afraid to answer that simple question, moron.
You deniers lost that debate. So. If you ever want me to share in your denial of the facts? It's not going to happen. Your side lost. Get over it or change the law. Just like this side has to deal with Roe v Wade.

Really? Abortion is legal, and the stupid laws that conservatives have passed under the guise of caring about the women but in fact are just created to thwart abortions have now been struck down, so, I don't know how you can say you have won. You're delusional.

If you have won, then why do you all keep coming up with innocuous laws to try and circumvent abortions?

Idiot, go back and read the exchange again. It was about the legal recognition of a child in the womb AS A CHILD by our fetal HOMICIDE laws. I even specifically mentioned ROE V WADE and the fact that it has not yet been overturned for context.

You clearly only read and see what you think fits your fu king template. Don't you.
Anbd when I pointed out that those very laws are stupid, retarded, irrational, and self-contradictory, and will be overturned once we have a Supreme Court that does not have a conservative agenda, you insisted that they are based on a law that defines PERSONS as "human beings", and would, thus, never be overturned.

I am still waiting for you to produce that mythical law.

Your fucking selective reading is even worse than hers is fucktard. Quote where I said it was based on a law.

I said that It's the fucking LEGAL DEFINITION that defines a natural person as "a human being."

Now where do you fucking suppose you should look for a "legal definition" shitstain?

Bwahahaha, guess you rightturds can't handle the truth.....look at you, acting like a child calling names...I bet you're sticking your tongue out at him too, while defending anti-abortion ideas. You're pissed because your antiquated ideas are not supported by the majority of Americans.

And, your passion is feigned, at best, because if you really cared about the unborn, you would care more about the "born" and support helping those that are in need instead of supporting a party that wants to do away with all the help to the poor and needy. The hell with the children, right?
You deniers lost that debate. So. If you ever want me to share in your denial of the facts? It's not going to happen. Your side lost. Get over it or change the law. Just like this side has to deal with Roe v Wade.

Really? Abortion is legal, and the stupid laws that conservatives have passed under the guise of caring about the women but in fact are just created to thwart abortions have now been struck down, so, I don't know how you can say you have won. You're delusional.

If you have won, then why do you all keep coming up with innocuous laws to try and circumvent abortions?

Idiot, go back and read the exchange again. It was about the legal recognition of a child in the womb AS A CHILD by our fetal HOMICIDE laws. I even specifically mentioned ROE V WADE and the fact that it has not yet been overturned for context.

You clearly only read and see what you think fits your fu king template. Don't you.
Anbd when I pointed out that those very laws are stupid, retarded, irrational, and self-contradictory, and will be overturned once we have a Supreme Court that does not have a conservative agenda, you insisted that they are based on a law that defines PERSONS as "human beings", and would, thus, never be overturned.

I am still waiting for you to produce that mythical law.

Your fucking selective reading is even worse than hers is fucktard. Quote where I said it was based on a law.

I said that It's the fucking LEGAL DEFINITION that defines a natural person as "a human being."

Now where do you fucking suppose you should look for a "legal definition" shitstain?
The Supreme Court has no right to define a human being.

But you right-wingers do? Bwahahaha!

Hell, they overturned "late term" abortions 10 years ago. So even these fuckstains suggest that the fetus in the womb is a human being, depending on the amount of time in the womb.
Exactly. The majority of states prohibit late term "selective" abortions, and that is okay, but you right-wingers want to do away with Roe v Wade altogether thinking that it will end abortions once and for all. Do some research, abortions have been going on forever, and they will continue...and if by some fat chance in hell Roe v Wade ever gets overturned, the states will then make their own laws about it, like before, and the only ones that will be screwed are the poor....as always, the Republican party puts the screws to the poor people, because the rich will just go to a state where it is legal.

I find it amazing how these libs want to protect our children outside the womb, but fight to murder them inside the womb. Sick fucks.
I think you're a sicker fuck, who wants to protect a clump of cells but turns the other way at a real human child and supports a party that would allow them to starve to death. Being anti-abortion doesn't cost you anything, but helping the poor does, that's why you're on that side, greedy fuck.
Liberals are okay with killing a child in the womb, but if a dentist traveled to Africa to kill an elephant in the womb, the liberals would be screaming for his head. Big dramatic tears and pickets outside his office.

And, conservatives are okay with killing a child on earth. They feign caring for a clump of cells but when it comes to helping the poor, they claim that the poor are just lazy and don't want to work (including the children) and then go to church and proclaim they love Jesus.
When you ask Americans if they support Roe v Wade, you get about a 50-50 split. But when you ask them about second trimester abortions, you get this:


Majority of Americans Still Support Roe v. Wade Decision

Almost two-thirds of Americans are in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade, with many of them believing they support it.
Why lie?

The percentage of folks supporting Roe v. Wade is more like 53% to 29%; with 18% offering no opinion.

While you tried to portray support for Roe v. Wade as somewhat evenly split, in reality, it's almost 2 to 1 in favor of it as opposed to it.
You'll notice, suddenly no response.

And the Gallup analysis that he pulled his chart from even disagrees with his assessment:

Roe v. Wade is synonymous with abortion rights. Thus it follows that because the majority of Americans favor keeping abortion legal, at least under certain circumstances, the majority wants to see Roe continue to be the law of the land.

That's the part that g5000 doesn't want anyone to notice - that the majority still favour Roe v Wade being the "law of the land".

Actually, the majority feel that RvW is bad law. You're still lying, I see.
When you ask Americans if they support Roe v Wade, you get about a 50-50 split. But when you ask them about second trimester abortions, you get this:


Majority of Americans Still Support Roe v. Wade Decision

Almost two-thirds of Americans are in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade, with many of them believing they support it.
Why lie?

The percentage of folks supporting Roe v. Wade is more like 53% to 29%; with 18% offering no opinion.

While you tried to portray support for Roe v. Wade as somewhat evenly split, in reality, it's almost 2 to 1 in favor of it as opposed to it.
You'll notice, suddenly no response.

And the Gallup analysis that he pulled his chart from even disagrees with his assessment:

Roe v. Wade is synonymous with abortion rights. Thus it follows that because the majority of Americans favor keeping abortion legal, at least under certain circumstances, the majority wants to see Roe continue to be the law of the land.

That's the part that g5000 doesn't want anyone to notice - that the majority still favour Roe v Wade being the "law of the land".

Actually, the majority feel that RvW is bad law. You're still lying, I see.

Yeah....that's why you provided some links to back up your made-up facts....bwahaha!
When you ask Americans if they support Roe v Wade, you get about a 50-50 split. But when you ask them about second trimester abortions, you get this:


Majority of Americans Still Support Roe v. Wade Decision

Almost two-thirds of Americans are in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade, with many of them believing they support it.
Why lie?

The percentage of folks supporting Roe v. Wade is more like 53% to 29%; with 18% offering no opinion.

While you tried to portray support for Roe v. Wade as somewhat evenly split, in reality, it's almost 2 to 1 in favor of it as opposed to it.
Again, when you get specific, like ask about second trimester abortions, you find two thirds of Americans are opposed to Roe v. Wade. It isn't 53 to 29 (which is nowhere near 2 to 1 as you tried to claim) in favor, it is 64 to 27, which actually is MORE than 2 to 1.

I was very clear that many people who think they support Roe v. Wade are actually in direct opposition to it.

If you believe second trimester abortions should be illegal, which two thirds of Americans do, you do not support Roe v Wade.

Nice try.
Liberals are okay with killing a child in the womb, but if a dentist traveled to Africa to kill an elephant in the womb, the liberals would be screaming for his head. Big dramatic tears and pickets outside his office.

And, conservatives are okay with killing a child on earth. They feign caring for a clump of cells but when it comes to helping the poor, they claim that the poor are just lazy and don't want to work (including the children) and then go to church and proclaim they love Jesus.
This is the usual hostage taking we see from liberals. "Pay for my kid, or I will kill it."

Nice. Very nice. :rolleyes:
When you ask Americans if they support Roe v Wade, you get about a 50-50 split. But when you ask them about second trimester abortions, you get this:


Majority of Americans Still Support Roe v. Wade Decision

Almost two-thirds of Americans are in direct opposition to Roe v. Wade, with many of them believing they support it.
Why lie?

The percentage of folks supporting Roe v. Wade is more like 53% to 29%; with 18% offering no opinion.

While you tried to portray support for Roe v. Wade as somewhat evenly split, in reality, it's almost 2 to 1 in favor of it as opposed to it.
You'll notice, suddenly no response.

BZZZZT! You wish.

And the Gallup analysis that he pulled his chart from even disagrees with his assessment:

Roe v. Wade is synonymous with abortion rights. Thus it follows that because the majority of Americans favor keeping abortion legal, at least under certain circumstances, the majority wants to see Roe continue to be the law of the land.

That's the part that g5000 doesn't want anyone to notice - that the majority still favour Roe v Wade being the "law of the land".

As I keep pointing out, when someone says they "support" Roe v. Wade, they do not understand what Roe v Wade is. Because when you then ask them specifically whether or not second trimester abortions should be illegal, TWO THIRDS say such abortions should be illegal.


Roe v Wade legalized second trimester abortions. So if you think they should be illegal, then you do not support Roe v. Wade.

Liberals are okay with killing a child in the womb, but if a dentist traveled to Africa to kill an elephant in the womb, the liberals would be screaming for his head. Big dramatic tears and pickets outside his office.

And, conservatives are okay with killing a child on earth. They feign caring for a clump of cells but when it comes to helping the poor, they claim that the poor are just lazy and don't want to work (including the children) and then go to church and proclaim they love Jesus.
This is the usual hostage taking we see from liberals. "Pay for my kid, or I will kill it."

Nice. Very nice. :rolleyes:

This is the usual hostage taking we see from conservatives. "We don't want you to end your pregnancy, but we don't give a shit whether you are able to provide for the child, that's not our problem."
Liberals are okay with killing a child in the womb, but if a dentist traveled to Africa to kill an elephant in the womb, the liberals would be screaming for his head. Big dramatic tears and pickets outside his office.

And, conservatives are okay with killing a child on earth. They feign caring for a clump of cells but when it comes to helping the poor, they claim that the poor are just lazy and don't want to work (including the children) and then go to church and proclaim they love Jesus.
This is the usual hostage taking we see from liberals. "Pay for my kid, or I will kill it."

Nice. Very nice. :rolleyes:

This is the usual hostage taking we see from conservatives. "We don't want you to end your pregnancy, but we don't give a shit whether you are able to provide for the child, that's not our problem."
See? You want others to pay for your kid. "Pay for my kid, or I will kill it."

Here's an idea. CHOOSE to use birth control BEFORE AND DURING sex. Don't use abortion as birth control.

By the way, I've started two non-profits which have taken care of hundreds of families. What have you done?
Liberals are okay with killing a child in the womb, but if a dentist traveled to Africa to kill an elephant in the womb, the liberals would be screaming for his head. Big dramatic tears and pickets outside his office.

And, conservatives are okay with killing a child on earth. They feign caring for a clump of cells but when it comes to helping the poor, they claim that the poor are just lazy and don't want to work (including the children) and then go to church and proclaim they love Jesus.
This is the usual hostage taking we see from liberals. "Pay for my kid, or I will kill it."

Nice. Very nice. :rolleyes:

This is the usual hostage taking we see from conservatives. "We don't want you to end your pregnancy, but we don't give a shit whether you are able to provide for the child, that's not our problem."
See? You want others to pay for your kid. "Pay for my kid, or I will kill it."
That's bullshit.....you're not paying for my kids and they are all alive and healthy. But it's a fact that you are against abortion but at the same time you don't give a shit about those that are born, so you come up with your lame meme to try and justify the fact that you really don't give a shit about them.

Here's an idea. CHOOSE to use birth control BEFORE AND DURING sex. Don't use abortion as birth control.
And FYI, your party is trying to do away with birth-control. You're so misinformed if you really believe that any woman would try to use abortion as "birth control" - that's a load of bullshit. Abortions are not comparable to someone getting vaccinated....there's some serious pain involved, but you know-nothings think you know everything.
By the way, I've started two non-profits which have taken care of hundreds of families. What have you done?

What have I done, I've stared four non-profits which have taken care of thousands of families. See, I can post bullshit, too. But, you're the one that supports a party that wants to cut all help to the poor, because being vocal about being against abortions doesn't cost you anything, but caring for the poor takes a bite out of your taxes, which you would rather it go to the rich and corporations because they do stuff for you.

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