A question for the Trump supporters...

Don't care what Trump does...dems are always worse. Once Trump becomes worse than dems, then will support dems or just not vote. Are you a dem? Do you understand why we don't support any dems? Probably not, just as reps don't understand why dems vote dem with the bad economy we got. Both are stupid.

I do not support either side of the duopoly as one is no better or worse than the other
I was watching one of those interviews with hardcore Trump supporters at one of his rallies a while back, and it fully opened my eyes.

The interviewer laid out a bunch of clear facts for which the Trumpster simply didn't have an answer.

The Trumpster looked down and thought about it for a moment. Then he looked back up at the interviewer, shrugged his shoulders, and said, "I don't care".

That really hit me. That's when I knew, beyond any shadow of a doubt, how bad this is. They're just GONE.
They don’t care because of what he represents… A screw you to the Dems and establishment government who they hate. He is their Robin Hood so they don’t care when he gets caught stealing
Is Corcoran lying, halfwit?
Cite his testimony. Oh. That’s right. You can’t. You couldn’t make it all the way up to half wit if you found another half wit.
Think you can stop wailing because you've been brainwashed by Trump & his asseaters?
I think your imbecility is beyond correcting.

Now get back down on Brandon. President Potato asks for your salad tossing, by name.
No. The only way I would change my mind is if I saw indictments or at least serious investigations of the Clintons, Obama, and Biden along with Trump. The hypocrisy and witch hunt bother me. There are plenty of Candidates besides Trump I would vote for but the more they press on him and ignore the other dirty politicians it becomes a thing where on principle I would vote for him out of disgust at what they are doing to him.

If he goes it's Vivek or Robert Kennedy jr for me.
:thankusmile: :TH_WAY~113: :yes_text12: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Aren’t you putting the cart of ahrad of the horse here? First you need to investigate claims, determine if they have enough merit to go further, you need to indict him, and a jury needs to find him guilty. You even got to the merit part yet.
Why? Demscum don't play fair. Screw Biden, he's a thug.
Cite his testimony. Oh. That’s right. You can’t. You couldn’t make it all the way up to half wit if you found another half wit.

I think your imbecility is beyond correcting.

Now get back down on Brandon. President Potato asks for your salad tossing, by name.
You'll be mumbling out of the side of your yap when Trump is sentenced to prison by the time this is over, jerkoff.

Oh, did I forget to mention J6, Manhattan & Georgia, ass breath?
I don't. This "banana republic" shit needs to stop.
Of course you don't. You're nothing but predictable in your state of magaturd conditioning. You seem to believe Mr. Trump is a perfect human. Rational people find it rather annoying.
You'll be mumbling out of the side of your yap when Trump is sentenced to prison by the time this is over, jerkoff.
Won’t happen you total retard scumbag cocksucker. 😎
Oh, did I forget to mention J6, Manhattan & Georgia, ass breath?

No need to sign your posts. We all know you have assbreath.

And J6 and Trump liability are mutually exclusive Manhattan is a Bragg fictional case. Even a conviction in that deep blue wasteland won’t stick. And Georgia is a big empty bag of nothing.
Of course you don't. You're nothing but predictable in your state of magaturd conditioning. You seem to believe Mr. Trump is a perfect human. Rational people find it rather annoying.
Wrong again, low-IQ democrat.
I'm not a Trump fan. I like Desantis, BUT when I see the FBI Gestapo fucking with our democracy in favor of the slimy Bidens I'm choosing Trump's side over the Gestapo.

That said, Trump is no prize. General Kelly called him a very flawed man. The stupid fuck was president and couldn't "act" presidential to get re-elected.
So IMHO Trump is the lesser of the evils.

What's "annoying" is that you people can't see how crooked the Bidens are, with their shell companies and money laundering schemes.
Navy flunkout and druggie Hunter is now worth $230,000,000 by selling us out, and you're just fine with it, moron.
We have been told that there is an audio recording of Trump showing papers to people at MLG and telling them they were indeed still classified.

Now, I have no idea if such a thing exist or not and have no good reason to assume it does.

My question to you all, if there is such a recording, and Trump was showing people classified documents that he clearly says are still classified...would that alter you opinion of the indictment at all?
If Trump actually broke the law I would have no problem with his being prosecuted

My problem is that I see Democrats like Hillary and Joe Biden breaking the law and nothing ever seems to happen to them. They waltz away scot-free and laughing.

The rule of law should apply equally to all.

I'm not a Trump fan. I like Desantis, BUT when I see the FBI Gestapo fucking with our democracy in favor of the slimy Bidens I'm choosing Trump's side over the Gestapo.
So your talking out of both sides of your mouth. 'I'm not a Trump fan, until I am'. Dude, I don't give any fucks who you hate/support, but have some real conviction. Populist hackery makes you just as big of sheep as the 'libtards' you detest. I have zero respect for it.

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