A question for white racists

Has any Republican ever given ANY minority a reason to vote for them? This isn`t the first time I`ve asked this question here.
And your minority status doesnt even matter. They use race to divide us.

The question is has the GOP ever given poor people a reason to vote GOP.

Lots of rich monorities vote GOP for good reasons. Greed.
And the poor whites find the "guns for all" policy very attractive.
Are you strong enough to be a poor black person in a ghetto neighborhood with police brutality and no hope - without going postal?

We'd get jobs. Stay in school. Follow the law. And LEAVE the ghetto.

So....no. Thats why responsible people dont stay in the ghetto.

Yeah, like the white gang members in ghetto neighborhoods. If you were a young black in a ghetto neighborhood, having slave ancestors who worked for centuries without pay - wouldn't you be highly pissed?

No. Lots of people were oppressed in the past. Jews were gassed. Indians land was stolen. White Southerners...97% didnt own slaves...live in a devastated post civil war era and suffered generations of poverty.

Its an EXCUSE. Thats the problem. They're letting idiots like you convince them that shit from the 1800s is why they cant succeed.

Wrong. They can succeed. Stay in school. Dont commit crime. Get an entry level job and work your way up.

Libtards are the stupid ones.
Are you strong enough to be a poor black person in a ghetto neighborhood with police brutality and no hope - without going postal?

We'd get jobs. Stay in school. Follow the law. And LEAVE the ghetto.

So....no. Thats why responsible people dont stay in the ghetto.

Yeah, like the white gang members in ghetto neighborhoods. If you were a young black in a ghetto neighborhood, having slave ancestors who worked for centuries without pay - wouldn't you be highly pissed?

No. Lots of people were oppressed in the past. Jews were gassed. Indians land was stolen. White Southerners...97% didnt own slaves...live in a devastated post civil war era and suffered generations of poverty.

Its an EXCUSE. Thats the problem. They're letting idiots like you convince them that shit from the 1800s is why they cant succeed.

Wrong. They can succeed. Stay in school. Dont commit crime. Get an entry level job and work your way up.

Libtards are the stupid ones.

The poorest state in America is also the most conservative state America. You do the math.
Are you strong enough to be a poor black person in a ghetto neighborhood with police brutality and no hope - without going postal?
Smart enough to get out of the ghetto then staying and selling drugs.

My grandparents got on a boat came here and figured it out. All blacks have to do is get on a bus. Who cares if 50% of the whites are racist. You know how many people told my dad it wasn't cool he came here from Greece and took a job that could have gone to a real american?

My brother is now a VP making over $500k a year. Wonder what that white trashes kids are doing.
Has any Republican ever given ANY minority a reason to vote for them? This isn`t the first time I`ve asked this question here.
And your minority status doesnt even matter. They use race to divide us.

The question is has the GOP ever given poor people a reason to vote GOP.

Lots of rich monorities vote GOP for good reasons. Greed.
And the poor whites find the "guns for all" policy very attractive.
Yes, another wedge issue. God gays guns racism.
I grew up in a medium sized white neighborhood which was like............

Life was great...........No crime.............And then one day a couple of black families moved in an built a couple of nice houses.............No one cared............they seemed like good people and they were good people...........

Then their relatives and friends came into the neighborhood. Again, no big deal.........It's their home No Problem.........Then Crime started picking up.............More blacks moved into more homes.....Again No big deal but the neighborhood was concerned with the rising thefts in the neighborhood............

Crime increased.........More homes broken into to..........So much so that the neighborhood met with the police at the local school and started a community watch..........it abated for a time.........but then participation went down as people got tired of patrolling the neighborhood as some stopped pitching in to stop the crime............So it eventually folded.............

Some people started selling houses because of the increased crime................More blacks moved in........crime increased and more left tired of worrying about getting broke into...............and so on..............

It got so bad that a neighbors house was burnt down...........some young black kids did it........one of them dropped their wallet while running away and turned in his buddies..............We were told they said it was for fun..........A neighbors house with everything burnt completely down.

When my father died.........I considered buying the home to keep it............but the crime was so great that I decided not to.................even though I really wanted to buy it.

This neighborhood went to shit..................and it was after the blacks moved into it. Not necessarily the blacks who were trying to escape their old crime ridden neighborhoods but those that came with it.................

A nice neighborhood turned, and turned to a crime ridden neighborhood...............

That was a choice of THUGS..............and now you Turkeys can call me a Racist or something like you always do.......................

Look at the crime rates in black neighborhoods and compare it to white ones...............you'll see the difference unless you refuse to see the truth..............

The crime is a CHOICE...........NOT PRESCRIBED BY ANYONE............and they have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES.......................They CHOOSE VIOLENCE AND RIOTS and have been proven to be lying on many of the recent cases..................


That doesn't mean there aren't bad White neighborhoods............Because there are many of those as well....................but I blame those White's for being thugs and DON'T BURN DOWN THE CITY FOR THEIR ACTS.
Now for my mother n law................lived in a mixed neighborhood.....turned completely black...................She had lived there all of her life..............many black friends as these same blacks were also mine and wife's friends.........My wife had grown up with them.................Nice people...................

My Mother N Law was the last white to leave............It was her home..........but her back door got broken into.........kicked the door in............she refused to leave so we bought her a gun.................They tried to break into the front door and Granny shot a hole through it...........Missed them but they left...................

She still didn't want to leave...........neighbor had just gotten out of the hospital for surgery..............They broke into his home and shot him 6 times in his bed for Prescription drugs...........Killed him..............Finally we talked her into leaving..................

She is now out of there...........We cleaned up the place and left there..........after leaving they broke in broke windows............smashed the kitchen counters...........tub.............toilet............punched holes in the walls and ceilings..............DESTROYED THE PLACE..............Insurance covered some of it...............

Sold the house so next to nothing to the neighbor.................and done deal.............

When we moved her every one of us were packing side arms.............That's how bad it got..............

So again another story of how these BLACKS DID THIS TO THEMSELVES..............No one MADE THEM TURN TO CRIME AND DRUGS.............THEY DID THIS TO THEMSELVES.............

I grew up in a medium sized white neighborhood which was like............

Life was great...........No crime.............And then one day a couple of black families moved in an built a couple of nice houses.............No one cared............they seemed like good people and they were good people...........

Then their relatives and friends came into the neighborhood. Again, no big deal.........It's their home No Problem.........Then Crime started picking up.............More blacks moved into more homes.....Again No big deal but the neighborhood was concerned with the rising thefts in the neighborhood............

Crime increased.........More homes broken into to..........So much so that the neighborhood met with the police at the local school and started a community watch..........it abated for a time.........but then participation went down as people got tired of patrolling the neighborhood as some stopped pitching in to stop the crime............So it eventually folded.............

Some people started selling houses because of the increased crime................More blacks moved in........crime increased and more left tired of worrying about getting broke into...............and so on..............

It got so bad that a neighbors house was burnt down...........some young black kids did it........one of them dropped their wallet while running away and turned in his buddies..............We were told they said it was for fun..........A neighbors house with everything burnt completely down.

When my father died.........I considered buying the home to keep it............but the crime was so great that I decided not to.................even though I really wanted to buy it.

This neighborhood went to shit..................and it was after the blacks moved into it. Not necessarily the blacks who were trying to escape their old crime ridden neighborhoods but those that came with it.................

A nice neighborhood turned, and turned to a crime ridden neighborhood...............

That was a choice of THUGS..............and now you Turkeys can call me a Racist or something like you always do.......................

Look at the crime rates in black neighborhoods and compare it to white ones...............you'll see the difference unless you refuse to see the truth..............

The crime is a CHOICE...........NOT PRESCRIBED BY ANYONE............and they have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES.......................They CHOOSE VIOLENCE AND RIOTS and have been proven to be lying on many of the recent cases..................


That doesn't mean there aren't bad White neighborhoods............Because there are many of those as well....................but I blame those White's for being thugs and DON'T BURN DOWN THE CITY FOR THEIR ACTS.

Even as a liberal I can't argue. I can only hope what happened in Detroit doesnt happen here in my neighborhood. White flight. What you describe happened when I lived in Detroit in the 70s. Now blacks are moving into our suburbs and I hope whites dont leave. Where we gonna go? So my hope is the next generation of blacks assimilate into our neighborhoods, get good educations and eventually go to work like the rest of us.

Yes crime has gone up a little but mostly in the low income apartments where they live.

The problem is when whites leave and blacks take over. There goes the neighborhood.
Now for my mother n law................lived in a mixed neighborhood.....turned completely black...................She had lived there all of her life..............many black friends as these same blacks were also mine and wife's friends.........My wife had grown up with them.................Nice people...................

My Mother N Law was the last white to leave............It was her home..........but her back door got broken into.........kicked the door in............she refused to leave so we bought her a gun.................They tried to break into the front door and Granny shot a hole through it...........Missed them but they left...................

She still didn't want to leave...........neighbor had just gotten out of the hospital for surgery..............They broke into his home and shot him 6 times in his bed for Prescription drugs...........Killed him..............Finally we talked her into leaving..................

She is now out of there...........We cleaned up the place and left there..........after leaving they broke in broke windows............smashed the kitchen counters...........tub.............toilet............punched holes in the walls and ceilings..............DESTROYED THE PLACE..............Insurance covered some of it...............

Sold the house so next to nothing to the neighbor.................and done deal.............

When we moved her every one of us were packing side arms.............That's how bad it got..............

So again another story of how these BLACKS DID THIS TO THEMSELVES..............No one MADE THEM TURN TO CRIME AND DRUGS.............THEY DID THIS TO THEMSELVES.............

I have a very similar story though my grandmother never left. She had good neighbors and bars on the doors and windows. No getting in there. Lol

She was mugged twice. Each time some young black boy ripped her purse off her arm. You should have seen the bruises. We sold the house asap and worried looters would break in but luckily they didn't.

We were the last whites in the school. Imagine how hard school was for me and my bro.
We didn't sell the house till after gramma died. Even the muggings didn't get her to move. She just made sure not to go out after dark.
I grew up in a medium sized white neighborhood which was like............

Life was great...........No crime.............And then one day a couple of black families moved in an built a couple of nice houses.............No one cared............they seemed like good people and they were good people...........

Then their relatives and friends came into the neighborhood. Again, no big deal.........It's their home No Problem.........Then Crime started picking up.............More blacks moved into more homes.....Again No big deal but the neighborhood was concerned with the rising thefts in the neighborhood............

Crime increased.........More homes broken into to..........So much so that the neighborhood met with the police at the local school and started a community watch..........it abated for a time.........but then participation went down as people got tired of patrolling the neighborhood as some stopped pitching in to stop the crime............So it eventually folded.............

Some people started selling houses because of the increased crime................More blacks moved in........crime increased and more left tired of worrying about getting broke into...............and so on..............

It got so bad that a neighbors house was burnt down...........some young black kids did it........one of them dropped their wallet while running away and turned in his buddies..............We were told they said it was for fun..........A neighbors house with everything burnt completely down.

When my father died.........I considered buying the home to keep it............but the crime was so great that I decided not to.................even though I really wanted to buy it.

This neighborhood went to shit..................and it was after the blacks moved into it. Not necessarily the blacks who were trying to escape their old crime ridden neighborhoods but those that came with it.................

A nice neighborhood turned, and turned to a crime ridden neighborhood...............

That was a choice of THUGS..............and now you Turkeys can call me a Racist or something like you always do.......................

Look at the crime rates in black neighborhoods and compare it to white ones...............you'll see the difference unless you refuse to see the truth..............

The crime is a CHOICE...........NOT PRESCRIBED BY ANYONE............and they have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES.......................They CHOOSE VIOLENCE AND RIOTS and have been proven to be lying on many of the recent cases..................


That doesn't mean there aren't bad White neighborhoods............Because there are many of those as well....................but I blame those White's for being thugs and DON'T BURN DOWN THE CITY FOR THEIR ACTS.

Even as a liberal I can't argue. I can only hope what happened in Detroit doesnt happen here in my neighborhood. White flight. What you describe happened when I lived in Detroit in the 70s. Now blacks are moving into our suburbs and I hope whites dont leave. Where we gonna go? So my hope is the next generation of blacks assimilate into our neighborhoods, get good educations and eventually go to work like the rest of us.

Yes crime has gone up a little but mostly in the low income apartments where they live.

The problem is when whites leave and blacks take over. There goes the neighborhood.

I wish you the best of luck on that......I still have 2 sisters living in primarily black neighborhoods now as many have left to escape the crime...............One sister had a chow........In a fenced in back yard to deter the crime that is there now................Fenced in the front as well.............They killed the dog with anti freeze..................

Don't know how it will end...............the other sister is in the area that is a better and has a Community Watch.......................

Sounds like a repeat of my original story............They want to move out to escape the crime but can't afford to move..........

and so the story continues..............

Hopefully it will not happen to you.
I grew up in a medium sized white neighborhood which was like............

Life was great...........No crime.............And then one day a couple of black families moved in an built a couple of nice houses.............No one cared............they seemed like good people and they were good people...........

Then their relatives and friends came into the neighborhood. Again, no big deal.........It's their home No Problem.........Then Crime started picking up.............More blacks moved into more homes.....Again No big deal but the neighborhood was concerned with the rising thefts in the neighborhood............

Crime increased.........More homes broken into to..........So much so that the neighborhood met with the police at the local school and started a community watch..........it abated for a time.........but then participation went down as people got tired of patrolling the neighborhood as some stopped pitching in to stop the crime............So it eventually folded.............

Some people started selling houses because of the increased crime................More blacks moved in........crime increased and more left tired of worrying about getting broke into...............and so on..............

It got so bad that a neighbors house was burnt down...........some young black kids did it........one of them dropped their wallet while running away and turned in his buddies..............We were told they said it was for fun..........A neighbors house with everything burnt completely down.

When my father died.........I considered buying the home to keep it............but the crime was so great that I decided not to.................even though I really wanted to buy it.

This neighborhood went to shit..................and it was after the blacks moved into it. Not necessarily the blacks who were trying to escape their old crime ridden neighborhoods but those that came with it.................

A nice neighborhood turned, and turned to a crime ridden neighborhood...............

That was a choice of THUGS..............and now you Turkeys can call me a Racist or something like you always do.......................

Look at the crime rates in black neighborhoods and compare it to white ones...............you'll see the difference unless you refuse to see the truth..............

The crime is a CHOICE...........NOT PRESCRIBED BY ANYONE............and they have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES.......................They CHOOSE VIOLENCE AND RIOTS and have been proven to be lying on many of the recent cases..................


That doesn't mean there aren't bad White neighborhoods............Because there are many of those as well....................but I blame those White's for being thugs and DON'T BURN DOWN THE CITY FOR THEIR ACTS.

Even as a liberal I can't argue. I can only hope what happened in Detroit doesnt happen here in my neighborhood. White flight. What you describe happened when I lived in Detroit in the 70s. Now blacks are moving into our suburbs and I hope whites dont leave. Where we gonna go? So my hope is the next generation of blacks assimilate into our neighborhoods, get good educations and eventually go to work like the rest of us.

Yes crime has gone up a little but mostly in the low income apartments where they live.

The problem is when whites leave and blacks take over. There goes the neighborhood.

I wish you the best of luck on that......I still have 2 sisters living in primarily black neighborhoods now as many have left to escape the crime...............One sister had a chow........In a fenced in back yard to deter the crime that is there now................Fenced in the front as well.............They killed the dog with anti freeze..................

Don't know how it will end...............the other sister is in the area that is a better and has a Community Watch.......................

Sounds like a repeat of my original story............They want to move out to escape the crime but can't afford to move..........

and so the story continues..............

Hopefully it will not happen to you.

Funny we say "why dont good blacks just move?" And you admit your sister can't afford to move. Its not easy.
I grew up in a medium sized white neighborhood which was like............

Life was great...........No crime.............And then one day a couple of black families moved in an built a couple of nice houses.............No one cared............they seemed like good people and they were good people...........

Then their relatives and friends came into the neighborhood. Again, no big deal.........It's their home No Problem.........Then Crime started picking up.............More blacks moved into more homes.....Again No big deal but the neighborhood was concerned with the rising thefts in the neighborhood............

Crime increased.........More homes broken into to..........So much so that the neighborhood met with the police at the local school and started a community watch..........it abated for a time.........but then participation went down as people got tired of patrolling the neighborhood as some stopped pitching in to stop the crime............So it eventually folded.............

Some people started selling houses because of the increased crime................More blacks moved in........crime increased and more left tired of worrying about getting broke into...............and so on..............

It got so bad that a neighbors house was burnt down...........some young black kids did it........one of them dropped their wallet while running away and turned in his buddies..............We were told they said it was for fun..........A neighbors house with everything burnt completely down.

When my father died.........I considered buying the home to keep it............but the crime was so great that I decided not to.................even though I really wanted to buy it.

This neighborhood went to shit..................and it was after the blacks moved into it. Not necessarily the blacks who were trying to escape their old crime ridden neighborhoods but those that came with it.................

A nice neighborhood turned, and turned to a crime ridden neighborhood...............

That was a choice of THUGS..............and now you Turkeys can call me a Racist or something like you always do.......................

Look at the crime rates in black neighborhoods and compare it to white ones...............you'll see the difference unless you refuse to see the truth..............

The crime is a CHOICE...........NOT PRESCRIBED BY ANYONE............and they have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES.......................They CHOOSE VIOLENCE AND RIOTS and have been proven to be lying on many of the recent cases..................


That doesn't mean there aren't bad White neighborhoods............Because there are many of those as well....................but I blame those White's for being thugs and DON'T BURN DOWN THE CITY FOR THEIR ACTS.

Even as a liberal I can't argue. I can only hope what happened in Detroit doesnt happen here in my neighborhood. White flight. What you describe happened when I lived in Detroit in the 70s. Now blacks are moving into our suburbs and I hope whites dont leave. Where we gonna go? So my hope is the next generation of blacks assimilate into our neighborhoods, get good educations and eventually go to work like the rest of us.

Yes crime has gone up a little but mostly in the low income apartments where they live.

The problem is when whites leave and blacks take over. There goes the neighborhood.

I wish you the best of luck on that......I still have 2 sisters living in primarily black neighborhoods now as many have left to escape the crime...............One sister had a chow........In a fenced in back yard to deter the crime that is there now................Fenced in the front as well.............They killed the dog with anti freeze..................

Don't know how it will end...............the other sister is in the area that is a better and has a Community Watch.......................

Sounds like a repeat of my original story............They want to move out to escape the crime but can't afford to move..........

and so the story continues..............

Hopefully it will not happen to you.

I live on a lake with expensive homes. No ones going anywhere. But all up and down the road I live on for about 2 miles are low income apartments. Not as easy committing crime when you are black in a white neighborhood. We already look at them suspect so hard to be sneeky. Especially with that skin tone. Cops profile for a reason.
We didn't sell the house till after gramma died. Even the muggings didn't get her to move. She just made sure not to go out after dark.
Hell of a way to live.................It's crazy..............My wife has some stories growing up there going to the primarily black schools there..................Not leave it to beaver
I grew up in a medium sized white neighborhood which was like............

Life was great...........No crime.............And then one day a couple of black families moved in an built a couple of nice houses.............No one cared............they seemed like good people and they were good people...........

Then their relatives and friends came into the neighborhood. Again, no big deal.........It's their home No Problem.........Then Crime started picking up.............More blacks moved into more homes.....Again No big deal but the neighborhood was concerned with the rising thefts in the neighborhood............

Crime increased.........More homes broken into to..........So much so that the neighborhood met with the police at the local school and started a community watch..........it abated for a time.........but then participation went down as people got tired of patrolling the neighborhood as some stopped pitching in to stop the crime............So it eventually folded.............

Some people started selling houses because of the increased crime................More blacks moved in........crime increased and more left tired of worrying about getting broke into...............and so on..............

It got so bad that a neighbors house was burnt down...........some young black kids did it........one of them dropped their wallet while running away and turned in his buddies..............We were told they said it was for fun..........A neighbors house with everything burnt completely down.

When my father died.........I considered buying the home to keep it............but the crime was so great that I decided not to.................even though I really wanted to buy it.

This neighborhood went to shit..................and it was after the blacks moved into it. Not necessarily the blacks who were trying to escape their old crime ridden neighborhoods but those that came with it.................

A nice neighborhood turned, and turned to a crime ridden neighborhood...............

That was a choice of THUGS..............and now you Turkeys can call me a Racist or something like you always do.......................

Look at the crime rates in black neighborhoods and compare it to white ones...............you'll see the difference unless you refuse to see the truth..............

The crime is a CHOICE...........NOT PRESCRIBED BY ANYONE............and they have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES.......................They CHOOSE VIOLENCE AND RIOTS and have been proven to be lying on many of the recent cases..................


That doesn't mean there aren't bad White neighborhoods............Because there are many of those as well....................but I blame those White's for being thugs and DON'T BURN DOWN THE CITY FOR THEIR ACTS.

Even as a liberal I can't argue. I can only hope what happened in Detroit doesnt happen here in my neighborhood. White flight. What you describe happened when I lived in Detroit in the 70s. Now blacks are moving into our suburbs and I hope whites dont leave. Where we gonna go? So my hope is the next generation of blacks assimilate into our neighborhoods, get good educations and eventually go to work like the rest of us.

Yes crime has gone up a little but mostly in the low income apartments where they live.

The problem is when whites leave and blacks take over. There goes the neighborhood.

I wish you the best of luck on that......I still have 2 sisters living in primarily black neighborhoods now as many have left to escape the crime...............One sister had a chow........In a fenced in back yard to deter the crime that is there now................Fenced in the front as well.............They killed the dog with anti freeze..................

Don't know how it will end...............the other sister is in the area that is a better and has a Community Watch.......................

Sounds like a repeat of my original story............They want to move out to escape the crime but can't afford to move..........

and so the story continues..............

Hopefully it will not happen to you.

Funny we say "why dont good blacks just move?" And you admit your sister can't afford to move. Its not easy.

It's not really funny..............they can't sell the house to leave and with granny we almost gave it away..........................No..............there are no easy answers to these situations...........We paid to get granny out and she lives out in the country now...........The money doesn't matter on it..............but I can't afford to get my sisters out of there...................Unless I won the lottery..............

So it is what it is..................
I grew up in a medium sized white neighborhood which was like............

Life was great...........No crime.............And then one day a couple of black families moved in an built a couple of nice houses.............No one cared............they seemed like good people and they were good people...........

Then their relatives and friends came into the neighborhood. Again, no big deal.........It's their home No Problem.........Then Crime started picking up.............More blacks moved into more homes.....Again No big deal but the neighborhood was concerned with the rising thefts in the neighborhood............

Crime increased.........More homes broken into to..........So much so that the neighborhood met with the police at the local school and started a community watch..........it abated for a time.........but then participation went down as people got tired of patrolling the neighborhood as some stopped pitching in to stop the crime............So it eventually folded.............

Some people started selling houses because of the increased crime................More blacks moved in........crime increased and more left tired of worrying about getting broke into...............and so on..............

It got so bad that a neighbors house was burnt down...........some young black kids did it........one of them dropped their wallet while running away and turned in his buddies..............We were told they said it was for fun..........A neighbors house with everything burnt completely down.

When my father died.........I considered buying the home to keep it............but the crime was so great that I decided not to.................even though I really wanted to buy it.

This neighborhood went to shit..................and it was after the blacks moved into it. Not necessarily the blacks who were trying to escape their old crime ridden neighborhoods but those that came with it.................

A nice neighborhood turned, and turned to a crime ridden neighborhood...............

That was a choice of THUGS..............and now you Turkeys can call me a Racist or something like you always do.......................

Look at the crime rates in black neighborhoods and compare it to white ones...............you'll see the difference unless you refuse to see the truth..............

The crime is a CHOICE...........NOT PRESCRIBED BY ANYONE............and they have NO ONE TO BLAME BUT THEMSELVES.......................They CHOOSE VIOLENCE AND RIOTS and have been proven to be lying on many of the recent cases..................


That doesn't mean there aren't bad White neighborhoods............Because there are many of those as well....................but I blame those White's for being thugs and DON'T BURN DOWN THE CITY FOR THEIR ACTS.

Even as a liberal I can't argue. I can only hope what happened in Detroit doesnt happen here in my neighborhood. White flight. What you describe happened when I lived in Detroit in the 70s. Now blacks are moving into our suburbs and I hope whites dont leave. Where we gonna go? So my hope is the next generation of blacks assimilate into our neighborhoods, get good educations and eventually go to work like the rest of us.

Yes crime has gone up a little but mostly in the low income apartments where they live.

The problem is when whites leave and blacks take over. There goes the neighborhood.

I wish you the best of luck on that......I still have 2 sisters living in primarily black neighborhoods now as many have left to escape the crime...............One sister had a chow........In a fenced in back yard to deter the crime that is there now................Fenced in the front as well.............They killed the dog with anti freeze..................

Don't know how it will end...............the other sister is in the area that is a better and has a Community Watch.......................

Sounds like a repeat of my original story............They want to move out to escape the crime but can't afford to move..........

and so the story continues..............

Hopefully it will not happen to you.

I live on a lake with expensive homes. No ones going anywhere. But all up and down the road I live on for about 2 miles are low income apartments. Not as easy committing crime when you are black in a white neighborhood. We already look at them suspect so hard to be sneeky. Especially with that skin tone. Cops profile for a reason.

I live in the country...........No crime where I'm at.............Love it..............neighbors watch out for each other.............hope it stays that way..................don't want a repeat.
Are you strong enough to be a poor black person in a ghetto neighborhood with police brutality and no hope - without going postal?

Have one myself:

"Did you have a pet dog or cat growing up?"

Most serial murderers grew up sans pets so never learned empathy and compassion like those with pets do. If you can 'write off' entire ethnicities something's going on in your brain much like in a serial murderer.
Are you strong enough to be a poor black person in a ghetto neighborhood with police brutality and no hope - without going postal?

Have one myself:

"Did you have a pet dog or cat growing up?"

Most serial murderers grew up sans pets so never learned empathy and compassion like those with pets do. If you can 'write off' entire ethnicities something's going on in your brain much like in a serial murderer.
Or they had pets and tortured them.
Are you strong enough to be a poor black person in a ghetto neighborhood with police brutality and no hope - without going postal?

Have one myself:

"Did you have a pet dog or cat growing up?"

Most serial murderers grew up sans pets so never learned empathy and compassion like those with pets do. If you can 'write off' entire ethnicities something's going on in your brain much like in a serial murderer.
Or they had pets and tortured them.

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