A Rant on the Zimmerman Fallout


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
A letter to the editor of my local birdcage liner, written by a City policeman, triggered a response in me that I have to express.

The writer, a caucasian cop in a city with four major African-American neighborhoods, was reacting to a recent series of "rallies" in these communities, attempting to "create a dialog" between the Police and the Citizens, to "diffuse the tension."

But the rallies and the rhetoric are based on the extremely dubious proposition that the "white" cops are somehow coming into these neighborhoods and victimizing them. And the attitudes that the police experience from the locals in these neighborhoods are consistent with this perception, but it is pure, unadulterated bullshit.

The numbers don't lie. The victimizers in these neighborhoods are the residents themselves. The amount of "white-on-black" crime is negligible, while "black-on-black" crimes, particularly involving violence, is astronomical. And when the (majority white) police come into the neighborhoods in the aftermath of a violent crime, the locals refuse to talk to them and treat them as though THEY WERE THE ONES perpetrating the violence! It is reality turned on its head.

Invariably, when there is a physical altercation between any Black resident and a cop, it arises out of some criminal activity that took place in that neighborhood, and all the cop is trying to do is figure out who did it and to take appropriate police action. But there is a groundswell of public outrage AGAINST THE POLICE when this happens.

How would they feel if the police just said, "Fuck this neighborhood," and refused to come when someone calls 911? Would the neighborhood be better off? There are those who stupidly claim that it would.

Why on earth would any sane person (white person) become a police officer, then risk his life going into such a community, to try to make it a safer place to live, only to face this abuse? It is perverse.

Saint TrayVonn's mother has been cavorting around the country saying that she is going to dedicate her pain and her efforts from now on to "...see that this doesn't happen to anyone else's child..."

What, exactly, would that be? To be shot by an armed white man in the context of committing an aggravated assault?

Just how big a problem does she think this is? Can she ever remember it happening before in her fucking lifetime? Does she think it's an epidemic?

From the time that Saint TrayVonn was killed in Florida until Zimmerman's acquittal, more than a thousand Black "Yoots" were killed by other Blacks in the U.S. Blacks killed by whites? Not so much.

But the problem in the so-called African-American community is rogue Neighborhood Watch volunteers and white police officers.

The denial of reality is breathtaking.
The denial of reality is breathtaking.

See, you can't blame Trayvon's parents for pushing their son's innocence. They're his parents and obviously they're going to defend him to the end (especially given the relatively fuzzy circumstances around his death).

You want to get mad? Point your anger here: THE MEDIA.

They're out for one thing and one thing only - MONEY. And in the media business you make money by grabbing ratings. And to grab ratings, you must stir controversy. So here we have a situation where the blood-sucking "news" organizations are intentionally stirring the pot, suggesting this case was race related, suggesting that Trayvon deserves justice, etc, all in the name of the almighty dollar.

Don't get mad at the parents, as they're just doing what parents do. Get made at the assholes trying to profit off the whole thing while ignoring the widespread societal consequences.

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See the problem I see here is that you think that every time the police interact with the people in these neighborhoods, they start off kind and gentle and the black folks just go off for no reason. You are so wrong. First of all the distrust of the police comes from when decent folks call the police for help because of let's say people standing in front of my house selling drugs. The police act like they don't have time for that nonsense. Yet if I'm having a get together they have time to mess with everyone that shows up. Then somehow the dealers find out that I called the police. Now if I live through this I know never to call the police on them again.
Then they want to treat us like we are all criminals. Sometimes they treat law abiding citizens worse than they treat the criminals. Then they want to come talk to me about what happened to Joe? First of all I ain't got shit to say to you because you have been an asshole to me for the last five years and I don't trust you to use my info for an investigation and not tell everyone and they momma what I told you. Then when he leaves I will call an officer that I know I can trust or just leave the info on an anonymous tip line. Not every cop is a bad cop just like not every black person that lives in the hood is a criminal. Cops know that people can't be seen talking to them. So why would they even want to put a person in that situation? It's just like when a good cop doesn't say anything when a cop is kicking some kids ass for no reason. The good cop will stop it but he wont report it. So why do they expect any different from citizens? They will most certainly not protect you if you do help. They also know that as soon as info starts spreading about the crime their phones will start lighting up.
I grew up in "the hood" I know how the police are. Some are very coll and others are very much ass holes. It don't really make a difference what color the cop is. Some times a black cop acts more racist than the white cop.
This situation is no where near as cut and dry as you are trying to make it sound. It would take so much to understand the relation of the people in these neighborhoods and the police than this board could stand. But it goes way deeper than what you posted
@ BBC you will find out very quickly that even tho they have no experience with blacks at all. They will shout you down telling your how wrong you are.

Its like a Falcon and Eagle having a conversation. Except the Eagle is going to tell the Falcon how he acts and why he acts that way.
I do feel sorry for Trayvon's parents and the grief they felt and are still feeling.
But...........who is financing the mothers trips and what is the real purpose of this?

The sad thing is that one day they will kick her to the curb as they did Cindy Sheehan.
At least Cindy is still anti war as compared to all the liberals who embraced her and kicked her under the bus when it's the great one and only drone assassin President who kills Americans without a trial.

Apparently that's "cool" with liberals.
Let's face it. Trayvon is still the little boy in that ancient picture of him. He's not the son with the tattoos. He's not the son with the gold teeth. He's not the son caught with drug residue. He's not the son that had women's jewelry in his locker. He's not the son that kept getting suspended from school. And the list appears to be endless on what sad path he was going down.

Trayvon was their baby and always will be.

Now on the other hand the media telling moi that I have to admire young Saint Trayvon because he was an angel despite all the evidence to the contrary?

They can go have a sexual experience with themselves.
Zimmerman's father, Robert, wrote a book I just down loaded for my Kindle, "Florida v. Zimmerman: Uncovering the Malicious Prosecution of my Son, George"

BTW, Robert Zimmerman is a retired Magistrate.
Zimmerman's father, Robert, wrote a book I just down loaded for my Kindle, "Florida v. Zimmerman: Uncovering the Malicious Prosecution of my Son, George"

BTW, Robert Zimmerman is a retired Magistrate.

Ok now how do I get hold of this book? Bearing in mind I've progressed from the days of stroking out when the big blue screen comes up with fatal exception and thought I killed the computer.

AND bearing in mind my service is so slow you have to think the Flintstones and imagine me pedalling really really hard to make two posts in succession quickly.

AND I'm from the days when a "hoe" was a gardening instrument.


Can I order it from somewhere?
"The worthless and offensive members of society, whose existence is a social pest, invariably think themselves the most ill-used people alive, and never get over their astonishment at the ingratitude and selfishness of their contemporaries." Ralph Waldo Emerson
I do feel sorry for Trayvon's parents and the grief they felt and are still feeling.
But...........who is financing the mothers trips and what is the real purpose of this?

The sad thing is that one day they will kick her to the curb as they did Cindy Sheehan.

Black Liberation Front and the purpose is to kill whitey :eusa_hand:
At least Cindy is still anti war as compared to all the liberals who embraced her and kicked her under the bus when it's the great one and only drone assassin President who kills Americans without a trial.

Apparently that's "cool" with liberals.

I love how you avoid talking about yourself and what you believe.
Let's face it. Trayvon is still the little boy in that ancient picture of him. He's not the son with the tattoos. He's not the son with the gold teeth. He's not the son caught with drug residue. He's not the son that had women's jewelry in his locker. He's not the son that kept getting suspended from school. And the list appears to be endless on what sad path he was going down.

Trayvon was their baby and always will be.

Now on the other hand the media telling moi that I have to admire young Saint Trayvon because he was an angel despite all the evidence to the contrary?

They can go have a sexual experience with themselves.

Did you not know about Zimmermans arrest record or are you leaving that out for effect?
Zimmerman's father, Robert, wrote a book I just down loaded for my Kindle, "Florida v. Zimmerman: Uncovering the Malicious Prosecution of my Son, George"

BTW, Robert Zimmerman is a retired Magistrate.

Ok now how do I get hold of this book? Bearing in mind I've progressed from the days of stroking out when the big blue screen comes up with fatal exception and thought I killed the computer.

AND bearing in mind my service is so slow you have to think the Flintstones and imagine me pedalling really really hard to make two posts in succession quickly.

AND I'm from the days when a "hoe" was a gardening instrument.


Can I order it from somewhere?

You can order the physical copy from Amazon.com.


I was wrong. It is only available in an "E" edition. You may have to take your kindle or nook to a Starbucks and download it there.
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Americans may not know their Constitutional Rights but at least Blacks know when the Cops are hassling them. Most stupid White people just cheer their Oppressors.

White People need to be more like Blacks when it comes to dealing with the Po Po, but they won't.
Zimmerman's father, Robert, wrote a book I just down loaded for my Kindle, "Florida v. Zimmerman: Uncovering the Malicious Prosecution of my Son, George"

BTW, Robert Zimmerman is a retired Magistrate.

Ok now how do I get hold of this book? Bearing in mind I've progressed from the days of stroking out when the big blue screen comes up with fatal exception and thought I killed the computer.

AND bearing in mind my service is so slow you have to think the Flintstones and imagine me pedalling really really hard to make two posts in succession quickly.

AND I'm from the days when a "hoe" was a gardening instrument.


Can I order it from somewhere?

You can order the physical copy from Amazon.com.


I was wrong. It is only available in an "E" edition. You may have to take your kindle or nook to a Starbucks and download it there.

Kindle to me is something you do with weaving. Winnipeg is two hours north and I have to check to see if they have a Starbucks. And how would I download it?

Don't answer. It's cool. I am really this primitive. I have mail. Not the Pony Express but other than that, yeah I'm in the middle of nowhere.
I do feel sorry for Trayvon's parents and the grief they felt and are still feeling.
But...........who is financing the mothers trips and what is the real purpose of this?

The sad thing is that one day they will kick her to the curb as they did Cindy Sheehan.

Black Liberation Front and the purpose is to kill whitey :eusa_hand:


didn't think so..........nice deflection.
At least Cindy is still anti war as compared to all the liberals who embraced her and kicked her under the bus when it's the great one and only drone assassin President who kills Americans without a trial.

Apparently that's "cool" with liberals.

I love how you avoid talking about yourself and what you believe.

Hello? I hated Cindy from the get go believing she was a left wing tool. Over the years I have come to admire her.

She really believes her shit. Sheehans still going on it. So no matter how much I disagree with her, I know her heart is in the right place for her.

And she's still fighting the good fight. She hasn't given up. I admire that tenacity in a person.

No matter how I feel about her position against the wars and some I do believe she's right on, she's honest and true blue.

Kudos to her.
Let's face it. Trayvon is still the little boy in that ancient picture of him. He's not the son with the tattoos. He's not the son with the gold teeth. He's not the son caught with drug residue. He's not the son that had women's jewelry in his locker. He's not the son that kept getting suspended from school. And the list appears to be endless on what sad path he was going down.

Trayvon was their baby and always will be.

Now on the other hand the media telling moi that I have to admire young Saint Trayvon because he was an angel despite all the evidence to the contrary?

They can go have a sexual experience with themselves.

Did you not know about Zimmermans arrest record or are you leaving that out for effect?

All that I know about, and you may correct me is an incident where him and a friend were partying hardy cop tried to arrest his friend and Z shoved the cop.

On the issue of ex girlfriend both sought restraining orders.

Give er by all means if you have something else.

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