A Rant on the Zimmerman Fallout

I see the full on excuses are coming out. TM had gold teeth = Thug, Zimmerman resisted arrest with violence. Then entered a Alcohol program = but but the cop was undercover and the drinks were uh...watered down...and drunk fighting random people is ok, not cops but the cop shoulda blah blah blah...

When talking about TM you seem to jump to conclusions and have a negative take on every action then excuse every run in GZ ever had or fail to mention them all together. I'm sure you're interested in an honest debate :doubt:

There is no debate to be had.

St Skittles is dead and Zimmerman is a free man.


The question can be asked, "Why?"

But the left isn't qualified to participate in such a discussion due to a conflict of interest.

You, your side, has no interest in improving the 'Black Condition'. At all.

You have a guaranteed, locked-up, slam-dunk, 95% loyal dimocrap vote every two years. Without even breaking a sweat.

The more you can keep Black People on the dimocrap plantation, the more you like it.

You know I'm right.

If Black People were to become just like White People, successful, productive, law-abiding, family-oriented, College-tuition-paying, two-car-garage......

They might become (GASP!!!)....


Personally, I would like that.

I would like for Black People to become successful and independent Americans, because the truth is, MANY of them WOULD become Republicans.

But as long as you and your side can keep them poor and stupid.... They're a slam-dunk, no-worries, dimocrap voting bloc.

I gotta say this over and over until you understand. There are many blacks that are conservatives, blacks aren't all liberal or all conservative many are a little of both.

The reason blacks VOTE dem is because you cant catch bees with vinegar, finger wags and outright meanness. That's what the repubs offer. Character is what you do or believe about the people who can do nothing for you. I never see repubs trying to do or say anything for the little guys AND THEN they are just fucking outright cruel to every other race and issue. Its like Pepe Lepew wondering why no one wants to hug him and concludes its because EVERYONE ELSE stinks.

Especially when the democrats take the bag of sugar and pours vinegar on it.
There is no debate to be had.

St Skittles is dead and Zimmerman is a free man.


The question can be asked, "Why?"

But the left isn't qualified to participate in such a discussion due to a conflict of interest.

You, your side, has no interest in improving the 'Black Condition'. At all.

You have a guaranteed, locked-up, slam-dunk, 95% loyal dimocrap vote every two years. Without even breaking a sweat.

The more you can keep Black People on the dimocrap plantation, the more you like it.

You know I'm right.

If Black People were to become just like White People, successful, productive, law-abiding, family-oriented, College-tuition-paying, two-car-garage......

They might become (GASP!!!)....


Personally, I would like that.

I would like for Black People to become successful and independent Americans, because the truth is, MANY of them WOULD become Republicans.

But as long as you and your side can keep them poor and stupid.... They're a slam-dunk, no-worries, dimocrap voting bloc.

I gotta say this over and over until you understand. There are many blacks that are conservatives, blacks aren't all liberal or all conservative many are a little of both.

The reason blacks VOTE dem is because you cant catch bees with vinegar, finger wags and outright meanness. That's what the repubs offer. Character is what you do or believe about the people who can do nothing for you. I never see repubs trying to do or say anything for the little guys AND THEN they are just fucking outright cruel to every other race and issue. Its like Pepe Lepew wondering why no one wants to hug him and concludes its because EVERYONE ELSE stinks.

Stupid beyond belief. And delusional.

Nobody believes your shit, why do you even bother with it? To delude yourself? Are you that incredibly stupid that you believe your own lies?


African-American Vote in GOP Race Falls Below Measurable Levels | The Nation

In Georgia, where African-Americans make up 31 percent of the electorate, the African-American turnout in this year’s Republican primary was—according to exit polls—barely 3 percent of the total GOP vote on Super Tuesday.

So few African-Americans voted in the Republican primary that it was impossible for the exit pollsters to determine whether Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul was the favorite. The numbers are so slight that they cannot be accurately assigned, so each candidate’s support level is simply identified as “N/A”—not available.

In Michigan, where African-American citizens make up almost 15 percent of the population, the African-American turnout in this year’s Republican primary was—according to the exit polls—barely 2 percent of the total GOP vote.

So few African-Americans voted in the Republican primary that it was impossible to ascertain whether Romney, Santorum, Gingrich or Paul was preferred.

In Florida, where African-American citizens make up 16 percent of the population, the African-American turnout in this year’s Republican primary was—according to the exit polls—barely 1 percent of the total GOP vote.

As in Georgia and Michigan, the African-American participation level in the GOP primary was so low that it was impossible to determine whether Romney, Santorum, Gingrich or Paul was favored.

In South Carolina, where African-American citizens make up 28 percent of the population, the African-American turnout in this year’s Republican primary was—according to exit polls—barely 1 percent of the total GOP vote.

I say blacks don't vote Repub because...

Then you post that I'm a liar

With a link that shows black don't vote repub

I see the full on excuses are coming out. TM had gold teeth = Thug, Zimmerman resisted arrest with violence. Then entered a Alcohol program = but but the cop was undercover and the drinks were uh...watered down...and drunk fighting random people is ok, not cops but the cop shoulda blah blah blah...

When talking about TM you seem to jump to conclusions and have a negative take on every action then excuse every run in GZ ever had or fail to mention them all together. I'm sure you're interested in an honest debate :doubt:

Not making any excuses for him. I'm just stating that the cop was undercover and wasn't a uniform cop. Also stating that because Z didn't know he was a cop, they didn't throw the book at him in a court of law.
If he had been a uniformed cop and Z punched him, do you really think they would consider reducing the charges??? Do you really think that?

I have no idea what your other rants are in your post and won't address them.

I was just stating the facts....take it for what it's worth.

You're not making excuses then proceed to type more excuses....surre. I'm saying he resisted arrest with violence (that's what the cops says) then he entered a alcohol program to get the charges reduced. You can explain WHY that happened but you cant explain away that IT HAPPENED.

His daddy is a judge anyway. He has a restraining order filed from his girlfriend. I bet SHE was undercover too!!

Tell me why TM is a gangsta for possessing gold teeth but GZ is just a poor misunderstood soul who assaulted a police officer and beat his GF..but make sure you type "Im not making excuses.." when you start


Don't look now but St Skittles is dead.

And George Zimmerman is a free man.

Take a pill and deal with it. Or not.

I love my Town and, right now, especially my State.

We know the difference between hoodlums and a man defending himself from hoodlums

I see the full on excuses are coming out. TM had gold teeth = Thug, Zimmerman resisted arrest with violence. Then entered a Alcohol program = but but the cop was undercover and the drinks were uh...watered down...and drunk fighting random people is ok, not cops but the cop shoulda blah blah blah...

When talking about TM you seem to jump to conclusions and have a negative take on every action then excuse every run in GZ ever had or fail to mention them all together. I'm sure you're interested in an honest debate :doubt:

Not making any excuses for him. I'm just stating that the cop was undercover and wasn't a uniform cop. Also stating that because Z didn't know he was a cop, they didn't throw the book at him in a court of law.
If he had been a uniformed cop and Z punched him, do you really think they would consider reducing the charges??? Do you really think that?

I have no idea what your other rants are in your post and won't address them.

I was just stating the facts....take it for what it's worth.

You're not making excuses then proceed to type more excuses....surre. I'm saying he resisted arrest with violence (that's what the cops says) then he entered a alcohol program to get the charges reduced. You can explain WHY that happened but you cant explain away that IT HAPPENED.

His daddy is a judge anyway. He has a restraining order filed from his girlfriend. I bet SHE was undercover too!!

Tell me why TM is a gangsta for possessing gold teeth but GZ is just a poor misunderstood soul who assaulted a police officer and beat his GF..but make sure you type "Im not making excuses.." when you start

Why don't you argue with someone who was talking about "gold teeth", I certainly haven't.
All I'm doing is stating facts in the case with Z at the bar, you're talking about his daddy and his girlfriend. Sheesh, try and stay on topic with me, ok?
I see the full on excuses are coming out. TM had gold teeth = Thug, Zimmerman resisted arrest with violence. Then entered a Alcohol program = but but the cop was undercover and the drinks were uh...watered down...and drunk fighting random people is ok, not cops but the cop shoulda blah blah blah...

When talking about TM you seem to jump to conclusions and have a negative take on every action then excuse every run in GZ ever had or fail to mention them all together. I'm sure you're interested in an honest debate :doubt:

Not making any excuses for him. I'm just stating that the cop was undercover and wasn't a uniform cop. Also stating that because Z didn't know he was a cop, they didn't throw the book at him in a court of law.
If he had been a uniformed cop and Z punched him, do you really think they would consider reducing the charges??? Do you really think that?

I have no idea what your other rants are in your post and won't address them.

I was just stating the facts....take it for what it's worth.

You're not making excuses then proceed to type more excuses....surre. I'm saying he resisted arrest with violence (that's what the cops says) then he entered a alcohol program to get the charges reduced. You can explain WHY that happened but you cant explain away that IT HAPPENED.

His daddy is a judge anyway. He has a restraining order filed from his girlfriend. I bet SHE was undercover too!!

Tell me why TM is a gangsta for possessing gold teeth but GZ is just a poor misunderstood soul who assaulted a police officer and beat his GF..but make sure you type "Im not making excuses.." when you start

There is absolutely no proof that he beat his girlfriend. BOTH were given restraining orders.

The cop was undercover. How the hell should someone know they are shoving a cop when they aren't in uniform?
The denial of reality is breathtaking.

See, you can't blame Trayvon's parents for pushing their son's innocence. They're his parents and obviously they're going to defend him to the end (especially given the relatively fuzzy circumstances around his death).

You want to get mad? Point your anger here: THE MEDIA.

They're out for one thing and one thing only - MONEY. And in the media business you make money by grabbing ratings. And to grab ratings, you must stir controversy. So here we have a situation where the blood-sucking "news" organizations are intentionally stirring the pot, suggesting this case was race related, suggesting that Trayvon deserves justice, etc, all in the name of the almighty dollar.

Don't get mad at the parents, as they're just doing what parents do. Get made at the assholes trying to profit off the whole thing while ignoring the widespread societal consequences.


I agree that the media is ultimately to blame, but they're not just motivated by money.

They're motivated by power, that's why they push the leftist agenda. Empowering leftist political whores only cements the power of the media establishment, if you own the whores who make the laws you're in a pretty good spot.

So I feel it's much more sinister than simply promoting racial strife and general discontent for the sake of profit.
To address the gold teeth.

From the get go I wondered how Trayvon could afford them. When the evidence came out that wasn't presented at trial that Martin had vandalized the school with some graffiti and consequently his locker was opened and women's jewelry was found inside (with a burglary tool) that answered my question on how he afforded those teeth.

Trayvon was no angel.

The bottom line is still this. All the evidence supported Zimmerman's account of that evening.

Trayvon went el snappola and attacked Z. Creepy ass cracker had a gun to defend himself.

And a jury has acquitted Zimmerman.

Trayvon suspended THREE times for 'drugs, truancy, graffiti and carrying burglary tool' and did he attack bus driver too? New picture emerges of victim as parents claim it's all a smear

The teen was suspended from school three times
He was on suspension when he was shot in February, after officials caught him with a 'marijuana pipe' and a baggie with drug residue
Trayvon was kicked out of school in October for graffiti after he was allegedly caught with a 'burglary tool' and a bag full of women's jewelry
Officials also suspended him once for skipping school and tardiness
Tearful parents say their son is now the victim of a smear campaign
New poll shows 73 percent of Americans think Zimmerman should be arrested

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Again why are you throwing suspicion toward TM and not toward GZ whos been arrested for resisting arrest with violence, beating his GF and had to attend classes for drunks?

Did you ever "wonder" about GZ and his character?

You gotta try EXTRA EXTRA hard to ignore that...which you are
You know its bizzaro land when a weed smoker is being portrayed in a worse way than a woman beater
Again why are you throwing suspicion toward TM and not toward GZ whos been arrested for resisting arrest with violence, beating his GF and had to attend classes for drunks?

Did you ever "wonder" about GZ and his character?

You gotta try EXTRA EXTRA hard to ignore that...which you are

ok fine.

let's discuss why the two were in the same place at the same time

Zimm to prevent a crime
Saint Martin to commit a burglary.

Burglary, assault and possibly murder thwarted by use of deadly force

case closed :eusa_boohoo:
Again why are you throwing suspicion toward TM and not toward GZ whos been arrested for resisting arrest with violence, beating his GF and had to attend classes for drunks?

Did you ever "wonder" about GZ and his character?

You gotta try EXTRA EXTRA hard to ignore that...which you are

What was GZ CONVICTED of?

If he was convicted of either of those charges, he never would have gotten a CHL.

It's funny how bed wetters usually second quess the police, now the cops couldn't possibly have overcharged GZ in order to gain leverage on him? He did defend a black man against the police if you haven't forgetten.

The DV charge has a %50 chance of being bullshit too. It's her word against his.
Again why are you throwing suspicion toward TM and not toward GZ whos been arrested for resisting arrest with violence, beating his GF and had to attend classes for drunks?

Did you ever "wonder" about GZ and his character?

You gotta try EXTRA EXTRA hard to ignore that...which you are
When you jump into a thread, do you always ignore what others have said in previous posts?

Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.
A letter to the editor of my local birdcage liner, written by a City policeman, triggered a response in me that I have to express.

The writer, a caucasian cop in a city with four major African-American neighborhoods, was reacting to a recent series of "rallies" in these communities, attempting to "create a dialog" between the Police and the Citizens, to "diffuse the tension."

But the rallies and the rhetoric are based on the extremely dubious proposition that the "white" cops are somehow coming into these neighborhoods and victimizing them. And the attitudes that the police experience from the locals in these neighborhoods are consistent with this perception, but it is pure, unadulterated bullshit.

The numbers don't lie. The victimizers in these neighborhoods are the residents themselves. The amount of "white-on-black" crime is negligible, while "black-on-black" crimes, particularly involving violence, is astronomical. And when the (majority white) police come into the neighborhoods in the aftermath of a violent crime, the locals refuse to talk to them and treat them as though THEY WERE THE ONES perpetrating the violence! It is reality turned on its head.

Invariably, when there is a physical altercation between any Black resident and a cop, it arises out of some criminal activity that took place in that neighborhood, and all the cop is trying to do is figure out who did it and to take appropriate police action. But there is a groundswell of public outrage AGAINST THE POLICE when this happens.

How would they feel if the police just said, "Fuck this neighborhood," and refused to come when someone calls 911? Would the neighborhood be better off? There are those who stupidly claim that it would.

Why on earth would any sane person (white person) become a police officer, then risk his life going into such a community, to try to make it a safer place to live, only to face this abuse? It is perverse.

Saint TrayVonn's mother has been cavorting around the country saying that she is going to dedicate her pain and her efforts from now on to "...see that this doesn't happen to anyone else's child..."

What, exactly, would that be? To be shot by an armed white man in the context of committing an aggravated assault?

Just how big a problem does she think this is? Can she ever remember it happening before in her fucking lifetime? Does she think it's an epidemic?

From the time that Saint TrayVonn was killed in Florida until Zimmerman's acquittal, more than a thousand Black "Yoots" were killed by other Blacks in the U.S. Blacks killed by whites? Not so much.

But the problem in the so-called African-American community is rogue Neighborhood Watch volunteers and white police officers.

The denial of reality is breathtaking.

"Saint TrayVonn's mother has been cavorting around the country..."

What message is that supposed to convey, exactly?
The denial of reality is breathtaking.

See, you can't blame Trayvon's parents for pushing their son's innocence. They're his parents and obviously they're going to defend him to the end (especially given the relatively fuzzy circumstances around his death).

You want to get mad? Point your anger here: THE MEDIA.

They're out for one thing and one thing only - MONEY. And in the media business you make money by grabbing ratings. And to grab ratings, you must stir controversy. So here we have a situation where the blood-sucking "news" organizations are intentionally stirring the pot, suggesting this case was race related, suggesting that Trayvon deserves justice, etc, all in the name of the almighty dollar.

Don't get mad at the parents, as they're just doing what parents do. Get made at the assholes trying to profit off the whole thing while ignoring the widespread societal consequences.


I agree that the media is ultimately to blame, but they're not just motivated by money.

They're motivated by power, that's why they push the leftist agenda. Empowering leftist political whores only cements the power of the media establishment, if you own the whores who make the laws you're in a pretty good spot.

So I feel it's much more sinister than simply promoting racial strife and general discontent for the sake of profit.
Oh, I thought they did it because they liked the life they can live as a reporter and enjoyed the low expectations have of them character-wise. And when they redefined journalism to mean anything they wanted it to mean, it was easier to write fiction than pound the pavement for the truth their predecessors engaged in, making journalism a respected occupation. Now, it's just all about ratings.

Oddly, the few who have the best ratings still seek and find the facts rather than the dopey hopey-changey.
A letter to the editor of my local birdcage liner, written by a City policeman, triggered a response in me that I have to express.

The writer, a caucasian cop in a city with four major African-American neighborhoods, was reacting to a recent series of "rallies" in these communities, attempting to "create a dialog" between the Police and the Citizens, to "diffuse the tension."

But the rallies and the rhetoric are based on the extremely dubious proposition that the "white" cops are somehow coming into these neighborhoods and victimizing them. And the attitudes that the police experience from the locals in these neighborhoods are consistent with this perception, but it is pure, unadulterated bullshit.

The numbers don't lie. The victimizers in these neighborhoods are the residents themselves. The amount of "white-on-black" crime is negligible, while "black-on-black" crimes, particularly involving violence, is astronomical. And when the (majority white) police come into the neighborhoods in the aftermath of a violent crime, the locals refuse to talk to them and treat them as though THEY WERE THE ONES perpetrating the violence! It is reality turned on its head.

Invariably, when there is a physical altercation between any Black resident and a cop, it arises out of some criminal activity that took place in that neighborhood, and all the cop is trying to do is figure out who did it and to take appropriate police action. But there is a groundswell of public outrage AGAINST THE POLICE when this happens.

How would they feel if the police just said, "Fuck this neighborhood," and refused to come when someone calls 911? Would the neighborhood be better off? There are those who stupidly claim that it would.

Why on earth would any sane person (white person) become a police officer, then risk his life going into such a community, to try to make it a safer place to live, only to face this abuse? It is perverse.

Saint TrayVonn's mother has been cavorting around the country saying that she is going to dedicate her pain and her efforts from now on to "...see that this doesn't happen to anyone else's child..."

What, exactly, would that be? To be shot by an armed white man in the context of committing an aggravated assault?

Just how big a problem does she think this is? Can she ever remember it happening before in her fucking lifetime? Does she think it's an epidemic?

From the time that Saint TrayVonn was killed in Florida until Zimmerman's acquittal, more than a thousand Black "Yoots" were killed by other Blacks in the U.S. Blacks killed by whites? Not so much.

But the problem in the so-called African-American community is rogue Neighborhood Watch volunteers and white police officers.

The denial of reality is breathtaking.

"Saint TrayVonn's mother has been cavorting around the country..."

What message is that supposed to convey, exactly?

That she's making millions by standing on the corpse of her little boy?

FUCK, but dimocraps are stupid bitches

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