A Rant on the Zimmerman Fallout

George Zimmerman caused global warming

Gunman on the knoll

Funded the 9/11 attacks

Killed John Lennon, Buddy Holly and Sweet Polly Purbread

Come on people!

You make as much sense as the above
I do feel sorry for Trayvon's parents and the grief they felt and are still feeling.
But...........who is financing the mothers trips and what is the real purpose of this?

The sad thing is that one day they will kick her to the curb as they did Cindy Sheehan.

White people used to say stuff like this about a young black guy who had his trips financed by somebody else, too. This mouthy kid was pushing for a bus boycott in Montgomery, AL in 1955. Imagine! Punk. Good thing his ass was arrested for that boycott, too. Hmmmph.

Again why are you throwing suspicion toward TM and not toward GZ whos been arrested for resisting arrest with violence, beating his GF and had to attend classes for drunks?

Did you ever "wonder" about GZ and his character?

You gotta try EXTRA EXTRA hard to ignore that...which you are

There is no evidence whatsoever that he beat his girlfriend. Where are the charges? Where is the conviction for allegedly beating his girlfriend?

This is a fairy tale. Geeze louise if he had been charged and convicted of battering his girlfriend, man oh man she would have been feted by all the media outlets and been on air 24/7.
I do feel sorry for Trayvon's parents and the grief they felt and are still feeling.
But...........who is financing the mothers trips and what is the real purpose of this?

The sad thing is that one day they will kick her to the curb as they did Cindy Sheehan.

White people used to say stuff like this about a young black guy who had his trips financed by somebody else, too. This mouthy kid was pushing for a bus boycott in Montgomery, AL in 1955. Imagine! Punk. Good thing his ass was arrested for that boycott, too. Hmmmph.


Not even the same, not even close.

Only a fool wouldn't know this is about party politics and not about civil rights.
So sad for you
The denial of reality is breathtaking.

See, you can't blame Trayvon's parents for pushing their son's innocence. They're his parents and obviously they're going to defend him to the end (especially given the relatively fuzzy circumstances around his death).

You want to get mad? Point your anger here: THE MEDIA.

They're out for one thing and one thing only - MONEY. And in the media business you make money by grabbing ratings. And to grab ratings, you must stir controversy. So here we have a situation where the blood-sucking "news" organizations are intentionally stirring the pot, suggesting this case was race related, suggesting that Trayvon deserves justice, etc, all in the name of the almighty dollar.

Don't get mad at the parents, as they're just doing what parents do. Get made at the assholes trying to profit off the whole thing while ignoring the widespread societal consequences.


Well....to be precise, the media was attracted by the protests that occurred in the streets everywhere when Zimmerman by March 2012, a month later, was not even arrested much less arraigned or charged with anything. That will definitely attract the media.

Rallies And Protests Are Breaking Out Everywhere Over The Trayvon Martin Shooting
Mar. 23, 2012,

Read more: Rallies And Protests Are Breaking Out Everywhere Over The Trayvon Martin Shooting - Business Insider

I do feel sorry for Trayvon's parents and the grief they felt and are still feeling.
But...........who is financing the mothers trips and what is the real purpose of this?

The sad thing is that one day they will kick her to the curb as they did Cindy Sheehan.

White people used to say stuff like this about a young black guy who had his trips financed by somebody else, too. This mouthy kid was pushing for a bus boycott in Montgomery, AL in 1955. Imagine! Punk. Good thing his ass was arrested for that boycott, too. Hmmmph.


Not even the same, not even close.

Only a fool wouldn't know this is about party politics and not about civil rights.
So sad for you

Only a white person would say this is not about civil rights. Black people would like to be able to walk down the street armed with only a bag of candy and not be confronted by assholes like you.
Save your pity for whoever has to listen to you whenever you open your piehole.
The denial of reality is breathtaking.

See, you can't blame Trayvon's parents for pushing their son's innocence. They're his parents and obviously they're going to defend him to the end (especially given the relatively fuzzy circumstances around his death).

You want to get mad? Point your anger here: THE MEDIA.

They're out for one thing and one thing only - MONEY. And in the media business you make money by grabbing ratings. And to grab ratings, you must stir controversy. So here we have a situation where the blood-sucking "news" organizations are intentionally stirring the pot, suggesting this case was race related, suggesting that Trayvon deserves justice, etc, all in the name of the almighty dollar.

Don't get mad at the parents, as they're just doing what parents do. Get made at the assholes trying to profit off the whole thing while ignoring the widespread societal consequences.


Well....to be precise, the media was attracted by the protests that occurred in the streets everywhere when Zimmerman by March 2012, a month later, was not even arrested much less arraigned or charged with anything. That will definitely attract the media.

Rallies And Protests Are Breaking Out Everywhere Over The Trayvon Martin Shooting
Mar. 23, 2012,

Read more: Rallies And Protests Are Breaking Out Everywhere Over The Trayvon Martin Shooting - Business Insider


I'm waiting for your outcry regarding black on black violence. :eusa_whistle:
White people used to say stuff like this about a young black guy who had his trips financed by somebody else, too. This mouthy kid was pushing for a bus boycott in Montgomery, AL in 1955. Imagine! Punk. Good thing his ass was arrested for that boycott, too. Hmmmph.


Not even the same, not even close.

Only a fool wouldn't know this is about party politics and not about civil rights.
So sad for you

Only a white person would say this is not about civil rights. Black people would like to be able to walk down the street armed with only a bag of candy and not be confronted by assholes like you.
Save your pity for whoever has to listen to you whenever you open your piehole.
I guess you ARE too foolish. :(
Well....to be precise, the media was attracted by the protests that occurred in the streets everywhere when Zimmerman by March 2012, a month later, was not even arrested much less arraigned or charged with anything. That will definitely attract the media.

Rallies And Protests Are Breaking Out Everywhere Over The Trayvon Martin Shooting
Mar. 23, 2012,

Read more: Rallies And Protests Are Breaking Out Everywhere Over The Trayvon Martin Shooting - Business Insider


NoTeaParty- From what I’ve seen, the media had a heyday with the trial. The networks were covering it religiously while ignoring other very important stories that ACTUALLY might have an impact on my life.

I believe they covered the case so heavily because it turned into a ratings extravaganza, not because of its significance in relation to other stories.

Also, I believe that the protests were occurring BECAUSE the media was covering and perpetuating the story on a national level. Without the media, no one would know who George Zimmerman was except for a handful of folks in Florida…

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Only a white person would say this is not about civil rights. Black people would like to be able to walk down the street armed with only a bag of candy and not be confronted by assholes like you.
Save your pity for whoever has to listen to you whenever you open your piehole.

NoTeaParty- Zimmerman was wrong in pursing Martin so aggressively – in my opinion – and there was likely some racial profiling going on there. HOWEVER, at some point Martin made the decision to beat the living shit out of Zimmerman and this ended unfortunately in a tragic fashion.

You portray this as a young kid walking down the street with a bag of candy, and Zimmerman coming from behind and executing him before the kid knew what happened. Not the case here.

An altercation occurred, and Martin (at some point) made the decision to pummel a man he viewed as threatening. If he hadn’t, he’d be alive today. I don't think he was a bad kid or anything, he just happened to make a poorly-timed decision that cost him his life. It’s a sad situation – definitely – and my heart goes out to his parents, but don’t think you’re portraying it in a very honest fashion.

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Again why are you throwing suspicion toward TM and not toward GZ whos been arrested for resisting arrest with violence, beating his GF and had to attend classes for drunks?

Did you ever "wonder" about GZ and his character?

You gotta try EXTRA EXTRA hard to ignore that...which you are

He was not arrested beating his girfriend and he has no convictions whatsoever... same as Martin.
Again why are you throwing suspicion toward TM and not toward GZ whos been arrested for resisting arrest with violence, beating his GF and had to attend classes for drunks?

Did you ever "wonder" about GZ and his character?

You gotta try EXTRA EXTRA hard to ignore that...which you are

He was not arrested beating his girfriend and he has no convictions whatsoever... same as Martin.

But he was arrested

And he did beat his girlfriend

And went to AA classes for his drinking problem

But you neglect to call him a raging alcoholic woman abuser

But TM was a "thug" :doubt:
[Only a white person would say this is not about civil rights. Black people would like to be able to walk down the street armed with only a bag of candy and not be confronted by assholes like you.
Save your pity for whoever has to listen to you whenever you open your piehole.

Perhaps if Trayvon had been walking on the street or the sidewalks he would still be alive today instead of walking next to the houses, trespassing, thus getting the attention of the Neighborhood Watch Captain.
Again why are you throwing suspicion toward TM and not toward GZ whos been arrested for resisting arrest with violence, beating his GF and had to attend classes for drunks?

Did you ever "wonder" about GZ and his character?

You gotta try EXTRA EXTRA hard to ignore that...which you are

He was not arrested beating his girfriend and he has no convictions whatsoever... same as Martin.

But he was arrested

And he did beat his girlfriend

And went to AA classes for his drinking problem

But you neglect to call him a raging alcoholic woman abuser

But TM was a "thug" :doubt:

Trayvon is a thug. He admitted to enjoying watching people bleed when he hit them.
This was scrubbed from YouTube

LiveLeak.com - Trayvon Martin Participating in Local Fight Club

Also, St Skittles wasn't living with his Mother.

Or his Father.

He was living with his Uncle, a former Marine. Who, by all accounts, Trayvon did listen to and respect.

Some kids are born rotten and just plain 'no good'. I wouldn't say that about Trayvon.

I think if given enough time and work by his Uncle, he might have turned out okay.

But his parents? Neither one of them could handle him. Or were capable of handling him.

There was still that bit of 'Street Thug' in him that hadn't gone away yet.

And what parents, huh?

Like the kid ever had a chance.....?

Within three days of his death, his family hired a Media Consulting Firm.

Within two weeks, his Mother (I use the word biologically only) filed to Trademark his name.

With Al Sharpton and their Attorneys in tow, they then set out across the Country on a Tour to collect money...



After their Coast to Coast Grande Tour, they headed to Europe for more money gubbing.

Then, not too long ago they settled with the HO Association for One Million Dollars or more(??).

Trayvon's parents don't really care about much other than making money off of his dead body.

His own Mother didn't even travel to Sanford until .... I give up.

Just look at what we KNOW..

Consider what is factually known – against the back drop of what was stated:

We know Trayvon missed 53 days of school in a school year only half over.

We know Trayvon was suspended from school three times in the school year only half over (2011-2012).

We know Trayvon was specifically engaged in drug use and the culture thereof since at least the summer of 2010, and was prolific prior to school start (August 2011).

We know on at least one occasion Trayvon was found in school with unidentified jewelry and what officials described as a burglary tool.

We know Trayvon was found with drug paraphernalia in school and disciplined.

We know officers within the Miami-Dade School Police Dept were under pressure to find alternate ways to direct black offenders away from the criminal justice system.

We know Trayvon had encounters with these School Police Officers.

…And finally we know Trayvon was not physically living with Mom or Dad prior to the final suspension.

We also know family attorney Benjamin Crump immediately moved to seal all of Trayvon’s records. Even before Trayvon’s Mom, Sybrina, had stepped foot in Sanford to present the boy-child skittles narrative.

Give it a rest. The kid is dead and ain't nothing anybody can do to bring him back
This was scrubbed from YouTube

LiveLeak.com - Trayvon Martin Participating in Local Fight Club

Also, St Skittles wasn't living with his Mother.

Or his Father.

He was living with his Uncle, a former Marine. Who, by all accounts, Trayvon did listen to and respect.

Some kids are born rotten and just plain 'no good'. I wouldn't say that about Trayvon.

I think if given enough time and work by his Uncle, he might have turned out okay.

But his parents? Neither one of them could handle him. Or were capable of handling him.

There was still that bit of 'Street Thug' in him that hadn't gone away yet.

And what parents, huh?

Like the kid ever had a chance.....?

Within three days of his death, his family hired a Media Consulting Firm.

Within two weeks, his Mother (I use the word biologically only) filed to Trademark his name.

With Al Sharpton and their Attorneys in tow, they then set out across the Country on a Tour to collect money...



After their Coast to Coast Grande Tour, they headed to Europe for more money gubbing.

Then, not too long ago they settled with the HO Association for One Million Dollars or more(??).

Trayvon's parents don't really care about much other than making money off of his dead body.

His own Mother didn't even travel to Sanford until .... I give up.

Just look at what we KNOW..

Consider what is factually known – against the back drop of what was stated:

We know Trayvon missed 53 days of school in a school year only half over.

We know Trayvon was suspended from school three times in the school year only half over (2011-2012).

We know Trayvon was specifically engaged in drug use and the culture thereof since at least the summer of 2010, and was prolific prior to school start (August 2011).

We know on at least one occasion Trayvon was found in school with unidentified jewelry and what officials described as a burglary tool.

We know Trayvon was found with drug paraphernalia in school and disciplined.

We know officers within the Miami-Dade School Police Dept were under pressure to find alternate ways to direct black offenders away from the criminal justice system.

We know Trayvon had encounters with these School Police Officers.

…And finally we know Trayvon was not physically living with Mom or Dad prior to the final suspension.

We also know family attorney Benjamin Crump immediately moved to seal all of Trayvon’s records. Even before Trayvon’s Mom, Sybrina, had stepped foot in Sanford to present the boy-child skittles narrative.

Give it a rest. The kid is dead and ain't nothing anybody can do to bring him back

:thup: :thup: :thup: :thup:
This was scrubbed from YouTube

LiveLeak.com - Trayvon Martin Participating in Local Fight Club

Also, St Skittles wasn't living with his Mother.

Or his Father.

He was living with his Uncle, a former Marine. Who, by all accounts, Trayvon did listen to and respect.

Some kids are born rotten and just plain 'no good'. I wouldn't say that about Trayvon.

I think if given enough time and work by his Uncle, he might have turned out okay.

But his parents? Neither one of them could handle him. Or were capable of handling him.

There was still that bit of 'Street Thug' in him that hadn't gone away yet.

And what parents, huh?

Like the kid ever had a chance.....?

Within three days of his death, his family hired a Media Consulting Firm.

Within two weeks, his Mother (I use the word biologically only) filed to Trademark his name.

With Al Sharpton and their Attorneys in tow, they then set out across the Country on a Tour to collect money...



After their Coast to Coast Grande Tour, they headed to Europe for more money gubbing.

Then, not too long ago they settled with the HO Association for One Million Dollars or more(??).

Trayvon's parents don't really care about much other than making money off of his dead body.

His own Mother didn't even travel to Sanford until .... I give up.

Just look at what we KNOW..

Consider what is factually known – against the back drop of what was stated:

We know Trayvon missed 53 days of school in a school year only half over.

We know Trayvon was suspended from school three times in the school year only half over (2011-2012).

We know Trayvon was specifically engaged in drug use and the culture thereof since at least the summer of 2010, and was prolific prior to school start (August 2011).

We know on at least one occasion Trayvon was found in school with unidentified jewelry and what officials described as a burglary tool.

We know Trayvon was found with drug paraphernalia in school and disciplined.

We know officers within the Miami-Dade School Police Dept were under pressure to find alternate ways to direct black offenders away from the criminal justice system.

We know Trayvon had encounters with these School Police Officers.

…And finally we know Trayvon was not physically living with Mom or Dad prior to the final suspension.

We also know family attorney Benjamin Crump immediately moved to seal all of Trayvon’s records. Even before Trayvon’s Mom, Sybrina, had stepped foot in Sanford to present the boy-child skittles narrative.

Give it a rest. The kid is dead and ain't nothing anybody can do to bring him back

His own Mother didn't even travel to Sanford until .... I give up.
Her first media interview.
Again why are you throwing suspicion toward TM and not toward GZ whos been arrested for resisting arrest with violence, beating his GF and had to attend classes for drunks?

Did you ever "wonder" about GZ and his character?

You gotta try EXTRA EXTRA hard to ignore that...which you are

He was not arrested beating his girfriend and he has no convictions whatsoever... same as Martin.

But he was arrested.

Yep, not convicted. TM was suspended.

[And he did beat his girlfriend.

That is denied and he was not even arrested.

[And went to AA classes for his drinking problem:

Yep, and TM was doped up on Marijuana and out prurchasing the ingredients of lean.

But TM was a "thug" :doubt:

A dope smoking, lean drinking school suspended hater of creepy ass crackers thug.

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