A Rant on the Zimmerman Fallout

Let's face it. Trayvon is still the little boy in that ancient picture of him. He's not the son with the tattoos. He's not the son with the gold teeth. He's not the son caught with drug residue. He's not the son that had women's jewelry in his locker. He's not the son that kept getting suspended from school. And the list appears to be endless on what sad path he was going down.

Trayvon was their baby and always will be.

Now on the other hand the media telling moi that I have to admire young Saint Trayvon because he was an angel despite all the evidence to the contrary?

They can go have a sexual experience with themselves.

Did you not know about Zimmermans arrest record or are you leaving that out for effect?

All that I know about, and you may correct me is an incident where him and a friend were partying hardy cop tried to arrest his friend and Z shoved the cop.

On the issue of ex girlfriend both sought restraining orders.

Give er by all means if you have something else.

The cop was an undercover cop, Z didn't know who he was and that is why they didn't hammer him in the courts
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I do feel sorry for Trayvon's parents and the grief they felt and are still feeling.
But...........who is financing the mothers trips and what is the real purpose of this?

The sad thing is that one day they will kick her to the curb as they did Cindy Sheehan.
When they have outlived their usefulness from the topic of the month.

Why are the left such users anyway?
Did you not know about Zimmermans arrest record or are you leaving that out for effect?

All that I know about, and you may correct me is an incident where him and a friend were partying hardy cop tried to arrest his friend and Z shoved the cop.

On the issue of ex girlfriend both sought restraining orders.

Give er by all means if you have something else.

The cop was an undercover cop, Z didn't who he was and that is why they didn't hammer him in the courts

Hey thanks Meister. Never got that up here and our press was pretty intense on the case.
I do feel sorry for Trayvon's parents and the grief they felt and are still feeling.
But...........who is financing the mothers trips and what is the real purpose of this?

The sad thing is that one day they will kick her to the curb as they did Cindy Sheehan.
When they have outlived their usefulness from the topic of the month.

Why are the left such users anyway?

Sadly it's what they do.
I always thought from the get go this was just one stupid night on the planet. A kid going for candy, a good man fretting on another place being robbed in his neighborhood.

Bad ending.

But Sharpton and Jackson just had to jump in. The media had to make it a race case ( and you fucking bet pardon my french here I want NBC to bleed $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for their edit)

I hope Zimmerman wins quizxzillions.
See the problem I see here is that you think that every time the police interact with the people in these neighborhoods, they start off kind and gentle and the black folks just go off for no reason. You are so wrong. First of all the distrust of the police comes from when decent folks call the police for help because of let's say people standing in front of my house selling drugs. The police act like they don't have time for that nonsense. Yet if I'm having a get together they have time to mess with everyone that shows up. Then somehow the dealers find out that I called the police. Now if I live through this I know never to call the police on them again.
Then they want to treat us like we are all criminals. Sometimes they treat law abiding citizens worse than they treat the criminals. Then they want to come talk to me about what happened to Joe? First of all I ain't got shit to say to you because you have been an asshole to me for the last five years and I don't trust you to use my info for an investigation and not tell everyone and they momma what I told you. Then when he leaves I will call an officer that I know I can trust or just leave the info on an anonymous tip line. Not every cop is a bad cop just like not every black person that lives in the hood is a criminal. Cops know that people can't be seen talking to them. So why would they even want to put a person in that situation? It's just like when a good cop doesn't say anything when a cop is kicking some kids ass for no reason. The good cop will stop it but he wont report it. So why do they expect any different from citizens? They will most certainly not protect you if you do help. They also know that as soon as info starts spreading about the crime their phones will start lighting up.
I grew up in "the hood" I know how the police are. Some are very coll and others are very much ass holes. It don't really make a difference what color the cop is. Some times a black cop acts more racist than the white cop.
This situation is no where near as cut and dry as you are trying to make it sound. It would take so much to understand the relation of the people in these neighborhoods and the police than this board could stand. But it goes way deeper than what you posted

It's because the MEDIA shows the black people that "go off". They don't show the other side, the others that are a little more level headed about things.

To give my take since this is a post about Zimmerman, I do believe he killed Martin in self defense....just wanted to put that in there :)

But I also want to thank you for you post because I think it's the closest to what actually goes on, even tho I've never lived anywhere NEAR someplace that could be called the Hood. But I can imagine it's just as you describe it. I've always lived in a small town in Michigan, where it wasn't until probably the last 15 years that more blacks have started to move in. But my parents raised us to not be racist, even though my grandparents were :).
@ BBC you will find out very quickly that even tho they have no experience with blacks at all. They will shout you down telling your how wrong you are.

Its like a Falcon and Eagle having a conversation. Except the Eagle is going to tell the Falcon how he acts and why he acts that way.


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RE: Saint Tray-Vonn's parents: If I had a nickle for every dead gangbanger whose Mother claimed he had recently "found Jesus," I could retire to Tahiti. Their pain is real, and even if you showed them a videotape of their son holding up a convenience store, their defense of him would not change. That's life.

I have lived in one neighborhood since 1987. Crime is rare, but there have been breakouts of vandalism, a few burglaries, a teen drugdealer who set up shop at the end of my cul-de-sac (what a moron!), and a few other "problems." In each case, the neighbors have been totally supportive of the police. No one is ostracized for speaking to the police. The police are respectful and apparently competent (the bad guys are generally caught).

As I said above, when the police are perceived as the oppressors, the whole crime-fighting paradigm goes to shit. When police are treated disrespectfully (at best) time after time when coming to a given neighborhood, it is understandable that they will often arrive with a negative attitude, regardless of the nature of the complaint or who made it.

But for the neighborhood to focus on the police as the cause of the problem is perverse and self-destructive. Which is the basis of my rant.
Americans may not know their Constitutional Rights but at least Blacks know when the Cops are hassling them. Most stupid White people just cheer their Oppressors.

White People need to be more like Blacks when it comes to dealing with the Po Po, but they won't.

and get your ass tased, bean bagged or shot and killed :up:

when you come down off your "high" write something that makes sense...., OK ?
Did you not know about Zimmermans arrest record or are you leaving that out for effect?

All that I know about, and you may correct me is an incident where him and a friend were partying hardy cop tried to arrest his friend and Z shoved the cop.

On the issue of ex girlfriend both sought restraining orders.

Give er by all means if you have something else.

The cop was an undercover cop, Z didn't know who he was and that is why they didn't hammer him in the courts

I see the full on excuses are coming out. TM had gold teeth = Thug, Zimmerman resisted arrest with violence. Then entered a Alcohol program = but but the cop was undercover and the drinks were uh...watered down...and drunk fighting random people is ok, not cops but the cop shoulda blah blah blah...

•In 2005, Zimmerman, then 20, was arrested and charged with “resisting officer with violence” and “battery of law enforcement officer,” both which are third-degree felonies. The charge was reduced to “resisting officer without violence” and then waived when he entered an alcohol education program. Contemporaneous accounts indicate he shoved an officer who was questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking at an Orange County bar

When talking about TM you seem to jump to conclusions and have a negative take on every action then excuse every run in GZ ever had or fail to mention them all together. I'm sure you're interested in an honest debate :doubt:
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All that I know about, and you may correct me is an incident where him and a friend were partying hardy cop tried to arrest his friend and Z shoved the cop.

On the issue of ex girlfriend both sought restraining orders.

Give er by all means if you have something else.

The cop was an undercover cop, Z didn't know who he was and that is why they didn't hammer him in the courts

I see the full on excuses are coming out. TM had gold teeth = Thug, Zimmerman resisted arrest with violence. Then entered a Alcohol program = but but the cop was undercover and the drinks were uh...watered down...and drunk fighting random people is ok, not cops but the cop shoulda blah blah blah...

•In 2005, Zimmerman, then 20, was arrested and charged with “resisting officer with violence” and “battery of law enforcement officer,” both which are third-degree felonies. The charge was reduced to “resisting officer without violence” and then waived when he entered an alcohol education program. Contemporaneous accounts indicate he shoved an officer who was questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking at an Orange County bar

When talking about TM you seem to jump to conclusions and have a negative take on every action then excuse every run in GZ ever had or fail to mention them all together. I'm sure you're interested in an honest debate :doubt:

why didn't TM call 911 unless he was casing his next burglary?
All that I know about, and you may correct me is an incident where him and a friend were partying hardy cop tried to arrest his friend and Z shoved the cop.

On the issue of ex girlfriend both sought restraining orders.

Give er by all means if you have something else.

The cop was an undercover cop, Z didn't know who he was and that is why they didn't hammer him in the courts

I see the full on excuses are coming out. TM had gold teeth = Thug, Zimmerman resisted arrest with violence. Then entered a Alcohol program = but but the cop was undercover and the drinks were uh...watered down...and drunk fighting random people is ok, not cops but the cop shoulda blah blah blah...

•In 2005, Zimmerman, then 20, was arrested and charged with “resisting officer with violence” and “battery of law enforcement officer,” both which are third-degree felonies. The charge was reduced to “resisting officer without violence” and then waived when he entered an alcohol education program. Contemporaneous accounts indicate he shoved an officer who was questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking at an Orange County bar

When talking about TM you seem to jump to conclusions and have a negative take on every action then excuse every run in GZ ever had or fail to mention them all together. I'm sure you're interested in an honest debate :doubt:

There is no debate to be had.

St Skittles is dead and Zimmerman is a free man.


The question can be asked, "Why?"

But the left isn't qualified to participate in such a discussion due to a conflict of interest.

You, your side, has no interest in improving the 'Black Condition'. At all.

You have a guaranteed, locked-up, slam-dunk, 95% loyal dimocrap vote every two years. Without even breaking a sweat.

The more you can keep Black People on the dimocrap plantation, the more you like it.

You know I'm right.

If Black People were to become just like White People, successful, productive, law-abiding, family-oriented, College-tuition-paying, two-car-garage......

They might become (GASP!!!)....


Personally, I would like that.

I would like for Black People to become successful and independent Americans, because the truth is, MANY of them WOULD become Republicans.

But as long as you and your side can keep them poor and stupid.... They're a slam-dunk, no-worries, dimocrap voting bloc.
The cop was an undercover cop, Z didn't know who he was and that is why they didn't hammer him in the courts

I see the full on excuses are coming out. TM had gold teeth = Thug, Zimmerman resisted arrest with violence. Then entered a Alcohol program = but but the cop was undercover and the drinks were uh...watered down...and drunk fighting random people is ok, not cops but the cop shoulda blah blah blah...

•In 2005, Zimmerman, then 20, was arrested and charged with “resisting officer with violence” and “battery of law enforcement officer,” both which are third-degree felonies. The charge was reduced to “resisting officer without violence” and then waived when he entered an alcohol education program. Contemporaneous accounts indicate he shoved an officer who was questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking at an Orange County bar

When talking about TM you seem to jump to conclusions and have a negative take on every action then excuse every run in GZ ever had or fail to mention them all together. I'm sure you're interested in an honest debate :doubt:

There is no debate to be had.

St Skittles is dead and Zimmerman is a free man.


The question can be asked, "Why?"

But the left isn't qualified to participate in such a discussion due to a conflict of interest.

You, your side, has no interest in improving the 'Black Condition'. At all.

You have a guaranteed, locked-up, slam-dunk, 95% loyal dimocrap vote every two years. Without even breaking a sweat.

The more you can keep Black People on the dimocrap plantation, the more you like it.

You know I'm right.

If Black People were to become just like White People, successful, productive, law-abiding, family-oriented, College-tuition-paying, two-car-garage......

They might become (GASP!!!)....


Personally, I would like that.

I would like for Black People to become successful and independent Americans, because the truth is, MANY of them WOULD become Republicans.

But as long as you and your side can keep them poor and stupid.... They're a slam-dunk, no-worries, dimocrap voting bloc.

I gotta say this over and over until you understand. There are many blacks that are conservatives, blacks aren't all liberal or all conservative many are a little of both.

The reason blacks VOTE dem is because you cant catch bees with vinegar, finger wags and outright meanness. That's what the repubs offer. Character is what you do or believe about the people who can do nothing for you. I never see repubs trying to do or say anything for the little guys AND THEN they are just fucking outright cruel to every other race and issue. Its like Pepe Lepew wondering why no one wants to hug him and concludes its because EVERYONE ELSE stinks.
All that I know about, and you may correct me is an incident where him and a friend were partying hardy cop tried to arrest his friend and Z shoved the cop.

On the issue of ex girlfriend both sought restraining orders.

Give er by all means if you have something else.

The cop was an undercover cop, Z didn't know who he was and that is why they didn't hammer him in the courts

I see the full on excuses are coming out. TM had gold teeth = Thug, Zimmerman resisted arrest with violence. Then entered a Alcohol program = but but the cop was undercover and the drinks were uh...watered down...and drunk fighting random people is ok, not cops but the cop shoulda blah blah blah...

•In 2005, Zimmerman, then 20, was arrested and charged with “resisting officer with violence” and “battery of law enforcement officer,” both which are third-degree felonies. The charge was reduced to “resisting officer without violence” and then waived when he entered an alcohol education program. Contemporaneous accounts indicate he shoved an officer who was questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking at an Orange County bar

When talking about TM you seem to jump to conclusions and have a negative take on every action then excuse every run in GZ ever had or fail to mention them all together. I'm sure you're interested in an honest debate :doubt:

Not making any excuses for him. I'm just stating that the cop was undercover and wasn't a uniform cop. Also stating that because Z didn't know he was a cop, they didn't throw the book at him in a court of law.
If he had been a uniformed cop and Z punched him, do you really think they would consider reducing the charges??? Do you really think that?

I have no idea what your other rants are in your post and won't address them.

I was just stating the facts....take it for what it's worth.
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I see the full on excuses are coming out. TM had gold teeth = Thug, Zimmerman resisted arrest with violence. Then entered a Alcohol program = but but the cop was undercover and the drinks were uh...watered down...and drunk fighting random people is ok, not cops but the cop shoulda blah blah blah...

When talking about TM you seem to jump to conclusions and have a negative take on every action then excuse every run in GZ ever had or fail to mention them all together. I'm sure you're interested in an honest debate :doubt:

There is no debate to be had.

St Skittles is dead and Zimmerman is a free man.


The question can be asked, "Why?"

But the left isn't qualified to participate in such a discussion due to a conflict of interest.

You, your side, has no interest in improving the 'Black Condition'. At all.

You have a guaranteed, locked-up, slam-dunk, 95% loyal dimocrap vote every two years. Without even breaking a sweat.

The more you can keep Black People on the dimocrap plantation, the more you like it.

You know I'm right.

If Black People were to become just like White People, successful, productive, law-abiding, family-oriented, College-tuition-paying, two-car-garage......

They might become (GASP!!!)....


Personally, I would like that.

I would like for Black People to become successful and independent Americans, because the truth is, MANY of them WOULD become Republicans.

But as long as you and your side can keep them poor and stupid.... They're a slam-dunk, no-worries, dimocrap voting bloc.

I gotta say this over and over until you understand. There are many blacks that are conservatives, blacks aren't all liberal or all conservative many are a little of both.

The reason blacks VOTE dem is because you cant catch bees with vinegar, finger wags and outright meanness. That's what the repubs offer. Character is what you do or believe about the people who can do nothing for you. I never see repubs trying to do or say anything for the little guys AND THEN they are just fucking outright cruel to every other race and issue. Its like Pepe Lepew wondering why no one wants to hug him and concludes its because EVERYONE ELSE stinks.

Stupid beyond belief. And delusional.

Nobody believes your shit, why do you even bother with it? To delude yourself? Are you that incredibly stupid that you believe your own lies?


African-American Vote in GOP Race Falls Below Measurable Levels | The Nation

In Georgia, where African-Americans make up 31 percent of the electorate, the African-American turnout in this year’s Republican primary was—according to exit polls—barely 3 percent of the total GOP vote on Super Tuesday.

So few African-Americans voted in the Republican primary that it was impossible for the exit pollsters to determine whether Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul was the favorite. The numbers are so slight that they cannot be accurately assigned, so each candidate’s support level is simply identified as “N/A”—not available.

In Michigan, where African-American citizens make up almost 15 percent of the population, the African-American turnout in this year’s Republican primary was—according to the exit polls—barely 2 percent of the total GOP vote.

So few African-Americans voted in the Republican primary that it was impossible to ascertain whether Romney, Santorum, Gingrich or Paul was preferred.

In Florida, where African-American citizens make up 16 percent of the population, the African-American turnout in this year’s Republican primary was—according to the exit polls—barely 1 percent of the total GOP vote.

As in Georgia and Michigan, the African-American participation level in the GOP primary was so low that it was impossible to determine whether Romney, Santorum, Gingrich or Paul was favored.

In South Carolina, where African-American citizens make up 28 percent of the population, the African-American turnout in this year’s Republican primary was—according to exit polls—barely 1 percent of the total GOP vote.
The cop was an undercover cop, Z didn't know who he was and that is why they didn't hammer him in the courts

I see the full on excuses are coming out. TM had gold teeth = Thug, Zimmerman resisted arrest with violence. Then entered a Alcohol program = but but the cop was undercover and the drinks were uh...watered down...and drunk fighting random people is ok, not cops but the cop shoulda blah blah blah...

•In 2005, Zimmerman, then 20, was arrested and charged with “resisting officer with violence” and “battery of law enforcement officer,” both which are third-degree felonies. The charge was reduced to “resisting officer without violence” and then waived when he entered an alcohol education program. Contemporaneous accounts indicate he shoved an officer who was questioning a friend for alleged underage drinking at an Orange County bar

When talking about TM you seem to jump to conclusions and have a negative take on every action then excuse every run in GZ ever had or fail to mention them all together. I'm sure you're interested in an honest debate :doubt:

Not making any excuses for him. I'm just stating that the cop was undercover and wasn't a uniform cop. Also stating that because Z didn't know he was a cop, they didn't throw the book at him in a court of law.
If he had been a uniformed cop and Z punched him, do you really think they would consider reducing the charges??? Do you really think that?

I have no idea what your other rants are in your post and won't address them.

I was just stating the facts....take it for what it's worth.

You're not making excuses then proceed to type more excuses....surre. I'm saying he resisted arrest with violence (that's what the cops says) then he entered a alcohol program to get the charges reduced. You can explain WHY that happened but you cant explain away that IT HAPPENED.

His daddy is a judge anyway. He has a restraining order filed from his girlfriend. I bet SHE was undercover too!!

Tell me why TM is a gangsta for possessing gold teeth but GZ is just a poor misunderstood soul who assaulted a police officer and beat his GF..but make sure you type "Im not making excuses.." when you start
I see the full on excuses are coming out. TM had gold teeth = Thug, Zimmerman resisted arrest with violence. Then entered a Alcohol program = but but the cop was undercover and the drinks were uh...watered down...and drunk fighting random people is ok, not cops but the cop shoulda blah blah blah...

When talking about TM you seem to jump to conclusions and have a negative take on every action then excuse every run in GZ ever had or fail to mention them all together. I'm sure you're interested in an honest debate :doubt:

Not making any excuses for him. I'm just stating that the cop was undercover and wasn't a uniform cop. Also stating that because Z didn't know he was a cop, they didn't throw the book at him in a court of law.
If he had been a uniformed cop and Z punched him, do you really think they would consider reducing the charges??? Do you really think that?

I have no idea what your other rants are in your post and won't address them.

I was just stating the facts....take it for what it's worth.

You're not making excuses then proceed to type more excuses....surre. I'm saying he resisted arrest with violence (that's what the cops says) then he entered a alcohol program to get the charges reduced. You can explain WHY that happened but you cant explain away that IT HAPPENED.

His daddy is a judge anyway. He has a restraining order filed from his girlfriend. I bet SHE was undercover too!!

Tell me why TM is a gangsta for possessing gold teeth but GZ is just a poor misunderstood soul who assaulted a police officer and beat his GF..but make sure you type "Im not making excuses.." when you start

tell us why Zimmerman was innocent until proven white

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