A Real President

why didn't donny bring his cheap sweatshop made crap here to be made in the USA? he had 4 years & not one thing that he slapped his name on was manufactured HERE

none of his clothing line, ie suits, shirts, ties etc..........

nor his perfumes...

nor chocolates...

nor his dishes...

Trump owns you. Lol

Imagine, having a real President, the first since President Obama! Let's look at some accomplishments:

Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, with immediate inflation stabilization,
and money to fight climate change and
money to continue Obamacare, and
restrictions on the cost of insulin and drugs for medicare recipients

A new bill to spur semiconductor production.

Passage of the "burn pits" bill to aid our veterans.

The 2021 infrastructure law with direct benefits to all Americans.

And, one of the biggest, with the help of oil companies, reduction in the price of gasoline. (Hard to understand this one since the oil companies usually favor Republicans who fight to protect them. Guess they haven't heard of the 2022 elections coming up; you would think they would want to keep prices up there.

And, what did Trump accomplish? A wall and income tax reduction for wealthy Americans. How about that!
They have operations for those brain tumors that block your ability to reason.
Trump waved that magic wand and brought manufactoring jobs back...sadly Xiden has slowed the trend Trump started: Manufacturing is moving from China to the United States - Prince Manufacturing

American companies are starting to bring manufacturing back to the United States. While there is no by no means a stampede back home, the rate of return or the “reshoring” of American companies is increasing. There are several reasons behind this trend. Some of them are surprising.

The Trump Effect

Without regard for personal political preferences, the tax cut and deregulation activities engaged in by the administration of President Donald Trump deserve some of the credit for luring manufacturing companies back to American shores.

Additionally, Trump’s trade war with China, which has levied significant tariffs on Chinese goods, is another partial reason that manufacturing is moving from China to the United States. Although it is debatable to what extent this additional taxation on commercial trade has had on this trend, it’s impact on companies’ reluctance to continue to outsource production to the Asian powerhouse is significant.

soooooooooooooo............... how much of his OWN crap is being made here - formally manufactured in china, AND mexico, AND vietnam, AND bangladesh?
soooooooooooooo............... how much of his OWN crap is being made here - formally manufactured in china, AND mexico, AND vietnam, AND bangladesh?
I have no idea....he wasn't working for his company for four years...he resigned to be President. Duh.

All I know is that he waved that wand....manufactoring jobs started pouring back into the USA thanks to his policies, as the article highlights for you

CHIPS for America Act & FABS Act​


Congress Passes Investments in Domestic Semiconductor Manufacturing, Research & Design​

In July 2022, Congress passed the CHIPS Act of 2022 to strengthen domestic semiconductor manufacturing, design and research, fortify the economy and national security, and reinforce America’s chip supply chains.
The share of modern semiconductor manufacturing capacity located in the U.S. has eroded from 37% in 1990 to 12% today, mostly because other countries’ governments have invested ambitiously in chip manufacturing incentives and the U.S. government has not. Meanwhile, federal investments in chip research have held flat as a share of GDP, while other countries have significantly ramped up research investments.
To address these challenges, Congress passed the CHIPS Act of 2022, which includes semiconductor manufacturing grants, research investments, and an investment tax credit for chip manufacturing. SIA also supports enactment of an investment tax credit for semiconductor design.
By passing the CHIPS Act, Congress has risen to a defining challenge of our time, seized an historic opportunity to fortify American semiconductor manufacturing, design, and research, and delivered a big win for our country.
CHIPS for America Act & FABS Act
Okay, now where are they going to get the technology and people with the know-how to make chips, hmm?
The racist in the Dem party certainly think that.....they hate that Trump and the GOP passed the First Step Act to undo Xiden and Clinton's racist legislation. They were even more pissed when they cut taxes on all Americans, which created one of the largest booms of the 21st century, and allowed people to become more independent
That’s it?
All Trump did in four years is give tax cuts to his rich buddies?
It's 3.5 percent...currently...which it was in Jan 2020...that's not decades ago...

it's the lowest in decades i said. a lot of the biz'nezs that went belly up due to donny's lying about &sheer incompetence re: covid, never came back.

basically all the people finally went back to the jobs created under Trump, prior to the Chinese Flu,

nope. see above.

and Xiden's horrible policies dealing with it when he first took office.

LOL!!!! donny lowered the unemployment rate only 1.5 % the 4 years he held office. it was +/- 10% when obama took office in 2008 & when he left it was reduced down to +/- 5% DESPITE having a (R) controlled congress 6 of the 8 years he was in office. donny had a (R) controlled congress for the first 2 years.

& in less than 2 years, biden brought it back down from 14% plus some. he still has 2 more years to go!
Trump owns you. Lol

riiiiiiight ...... i'm not the one grabbing my ankles for him.

he's guilty as fuck, & between the DOJ, & GA, & NYS & the various civil suits he's got goin' on from all the people he hurt involving the insurrection & the e jean carroll trial coming in feburary where he will be court ordered to give up some DNA ....

you'll be praising & defending a jailbird soon enough.
I have no idea....

that's why he loves the poorly educated long time!

he wasn't working for his company for four years...he resigned to be President. Duh.

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.............. okey dokey!

All I know is that he waved that wand....manufactoring jobs started pouring back into the USA thanks to his policies, as the article highlights for you

uh ... no. the article said SOME credit goes to him. hardly enough to praise yer chosen one.
riiiiiiight ...... i'm not the one grabbing my ankles for him.

he's guilty as fuck, & between the DOJ, & GA, & NYS & the various civil suits he's got goin' on from all the people he hurt involving the insurrection & the e jean carroll trial coming in feburary where he will be court ordered to give up some DNA ....

you'll be praising & defending a jailbird soon enough.
Do you check under your bed at night, just to make sure Trump isn't there? Lol, no because he lives in your head 24/7. If Mueller didn't get him, nobody will.
riiiiiiight ...... i'm not the one grabbing my ankles for him.

he's guilty as fuck, & between the DOJ, & GA, & NYS & the various civil suits he's got goin' on from all the people he hurt involving the insurrection & the e jean carroll trial coming in feburary where he will be court ordered to give up some DNA ....

you'll be praising & defending a jailbird soon enough.
Sounds like he's already imprisoned between your ears.
...basically all the people finally went back to the jobs created under Trump,...
That's absolutely wrong. Thousands, or even tens of thousands of businesses went under because of Trumps COVID incompetence.

Nearly 100,000 establishments that temporarily shut down due to the pandemic are now out of business

More than 97,966 businesses have permanently shut down during the pandemic
Lets see…

COVID Protection
Infrastructure Investment
Semiconductor Investment
Climate Change

Your turn
Name four years of significant Trump legislation

More have died under xiden than under Trump.

That's absolutely wrong. Thousands, or even tens of thousands of businesses went under because of Trumps COVID incompetence.

Nearly 100,000 establishments that temporarily shut down due to the pandemic are now out of business

More than 97,966 businesses have permanently shut down during the pandemic
wait, you all weren’t calling for lockdowns?

and the numbers don’t lie 3.5 percent, is 3.5 percent.

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