A Rubicon Is Crossed

A Rubicon Is Crossed

31 Mar 2023 ~~ By John Hinderaker

So the Democrats decided to indict Donald Trump after all. (I assume that Alvin Bragg would not have proceeded without a green light from higher-ups in the party.) Here, as in so many other areas, we are in uncharted waters. The Democrats have launched a sort of blitzkrieg against our traditions, our Constitution, our culture (at least, our culture as it was), and every form of restraint that makes civil society possible. They have unleashed a wind, and seem serenely confident that they will never face a whirlwind. I don’t know, maybe they are right. I do know that after today, our country will never be the same again.
In the short term, the indictment will help Donald Trump politically. Perhaps that was the Democrats’ intention. But I don’t think any of us can foresee how it will play out. Legally speaking, the indictment is a joke. No doubt Trump will try to have it dismissed, but I don’t know enough about criminal procedure in New York to have any idea how long that will take, or what his prospects of success are. Bear in mind that any motion to dismiss will most likely be heard by a Trump-hating Democratic judge. If the case makes it to trial, it will go before a New York jury that probably will consist entirely of Democrats and–once again–Trump haters. There is no way a conviction can be ruled out. Appeals would follow, likely taking a year or more.
But I do know that today is an evil day in America’s history. The Democrats are behaving like a party from a pre-Enlightenment, pre-constitutional era. Seeing themselves in the driver’s seat, they are making a naked grab for totalitarian power across a broad range of issues and institutions. Indicting a former president on frivolous grounds is shocking, but it is of a piece with the strategies Democrats are following in Washington and across the country.

Maoist Democrats are not only dangerous totalitarians, they also have a monopoly on the levers of power - the “press”, the Judiciary, the legal profession, many in professional sports, the hollowed-out military, Big Business, the trash in what’s left of Hollywood, the Democratic Senate and 80 percent of the so-called Rs in the Senate. What do we have?? Smarts, ingenuity, numbers, the rising Red States, and the House of Representatives.
Logic dictates that Alvin Bragg would not have proceeded without a green light from higher-ups in the party. Say, like the Atty. General Merrick Garland.
Then there's the new legal standard created by Pelosi that you must prove your innocence. That is only true with respect to conservatives in a Maoist Democrat Commie kangaroo court similar to our brothers and sisters locked up in DC. If you are okay with that, I guess it is okay for us to stand there and do nothing when you're wrongly accused and convicted.
According to the U.S. Constitution, its Amendments and the Bill of Rights you are innocent until proven guilty. The prosecution must prove your guilt beyond all reason.
You're right about being in uncharted water. Trump is the first ex-president to have committed so many crimes. Before now, we might have disagreed with the actions of some presidents, but they were bound by ethics to do the best job for the country that they could do. Trump changed all that, and if he is allowed to get away with it, we will all suffer. Nobody is above the law. I just wish you crazy MAGAs knew that.
You're right about being in uncharted water. Trump is the first ex-president to have committed so many crimes. Before now, we might have disagreed with the actions of some presidents, but they were bound by ethics to do the best job for the country that they could do. Trump changed all that, and if he is allowed to get away with it, we will all suffer. Nobody is above the law. I just wish you crazy MAGAs knew that.
They wanted a bull in the china shop, and they damn sure got it.

Evidently this madness was the goal.
You called Trump a sleaze ball. If Trump is a sleaze ball because he had sexual relations with women outside of his marriage, many if not most of our Presidents are also sleaze balls.

So are you ready to appologize to Clinton?
You called Trump a sleaze ball. If Trump is a sleaze ball because he had sexual relations with women outside of his marriage, many if not most of our Presidents are also sleaze balls.

Most would mean 23+; so the figure isn't so high. Many of the ones in your link are allegations...not proven as it is with your blob.

Another swing and a miss.
You called Trump a sleaze ball. If Trump is a sleaze ball because he had sexual relations with women outside of his marriage, many if not most of our Presidents are also sleaze balls.

How many took campaign contributions and used them to pay hush money?
You're right about being in uncharted water. Trump is the first ex-president to have committed so many crimes. Before now, we might have disagreed with the actions of some presidents, but they were bound by ethics to do the best job for the country that they could do. Trump changed all that, and if he is allowed to get away with it, we will all suffer. Nobody is above the law. I just wish you crazy MAGAs knew that.
In all seriousness, I don't know what they're upset about.

What did they think was going to happen when they put a bull in the china shop in power?

Isn't chaos and destruction what they want?


You're right about being in uncharted water. Trump is the first ex-president to have committed so many crimes. Before now, we might have disagreed with the actions of some presidents, but they were bound by ethics to do the best job for the country that they could do. Trump changed all that, and if he is allowed to get away with it, we will all suffer. Nobody is above the law. I just wish you crazy MAGAs knew that.
Klaus and the gang are in charge. World government and evil expands. Progs are condemned as they are out of control.
Just angrier than hell. I don't cry. I pay it back in spades. Payback served well when cold and least expected.
Didn't you say you were an octogenarian in another thread? Your body is going to be cold before we can expect this geriatric retatliation. 😄

A Rubicon Is Crossed

31 Mar 2023 ~~ By John Hinderaker

So the Democrats decided to indict Donald Trump after all. (I assume that Alvin Bragg would not have proceeded without a green light from higher-ups in the party.) Here, as in so many other areas, we are in uncharted waters. The Democrats have launched a sort of blitzkrieg against our traditions, our Constitution, our culture...
Please, the hysteria is too to much here. Trump is in trouble because he broke laws. Just like Bill Clinton did, who faced Justice. Trump's turn.
Okay..he was president in this century for either a little over a year or 21 day depending on how you look at it. Hardly relevant to today's discussion.
Neither was your original comment.
So this means Bill Clinton and Joe Biden are next right Blob?

Trump was in the middle of a fraud trial when you elected him President. His entire presidency was one long crime spree. In 2020, his campaign had to refund $122 million in credit card fraud claims. That's money they stole from his supporters' bank accounts. The Campaign didn't even lose their ability to process credit card payments over this.

Dangling pardons, threatening witnesses via Twitter, 2 impeachments, the Inauguration Fund - what happened to that $100 million, and the PPP program with no accountability and billions in fraud, all administered by the White House.

Last but not least, Trump spent his whole term investigating Clinton, 0bama, Biden, and the FBI trying to bring charges against all of them, all while obstructing any and all oversight of his Administration. So quit whining about this being a "perversion of justice".

Trump thought that being President would shield him from the consequences of a lifetime of bribery, corruption, tax evasion and fraud. All it did was shine a light on what a crook he really is. And with his deliberate theft of classified documents, and his lying and obstruction over their return, coming on the heels of his coup attempt, nobody has worked harder to get himself arrested.

A Rubicon Is Crossed

31 Mar 2023 ~~ By John Hinderaker

So the Democrats decided to indict Donald Trump after all. (I assume that Alvin Bragg would not have proceeded without a green light from higher-ups in the party.) Here, as in so many other areas, we are in uncharted waters. The Democrats have launched a sort of blitzkrieg against our traditions, our Constitution, our culture (at least, our culture as it was), and every form of restraint that makes civil society possible. They have unleashed a wind, and seem serenely confident that they will never face a whirlwind. I don’t know, maybe they are right. I do know that after today, our country will never be the same again.
In the short term, the indictment will help Donald Trump politically. Perhaps that was the Democrats’ intention. But I don’t think any of us can foresee how it will play out. Legally speaking, the indictment is a joke. No doubt Trump will try to have it dismissed, but I don’t know enough about criminal procedure in New York to have any idea how long that will take, or what his prospects of success are. Bear in mind that any motion to dismiss will most likely be heard by a Trump-hating Democratic judge. If the case makes it to trial, it will go before a New York jury that probably will consist entirely of Democrats and–once again–Trump haters. There is no way a conviction can be ruled out. Appeals would follow, likely taking a year or more.
But I do know that today is an evil day in America’s history. The Democrats are behaving like a party from a pre-Enlightenment, pre-constitutional era. Seeing themselves in the driver’s seat, they are making a naked grab for totalitarian power across a broad range of issues and institutions. Indicting a former president on frivolous grounds is shocking, but it is of a piece with the strategies Democrats are following in Washington and across the country.

Maoist Democrats are not only dangerous totalitarians, they also have a monopoly on the levers of power - the “press”, the Judiciary, the legal profession, many in professional sports, the hollowed-out military, Big Business, the trash in what’s left of Hollywood, the Democratic Senate and 80 percent of the so-called Rs in the Senate. What do we have?? Smarts, ingenuity, numbers, the rising Red States, and the House of Representatives.
Logic dictates that Alvin Bragg would not have proceeded without a green light from higher-ups in the party. Say, like the Atty. General Merrick Garland.
Then there's the new legal standard created by Pelosi that you must prove your innocence. That is only true with respect to conservatives in a Maoist Democrat Commie kangaroo court similar to our brothers and sisters locked up in DC. If you are okay with that, I guess it is okay for us to stand there and do nothing when you're wrongly accused and convicted.
According to the U.S. Constitution, its Amendments and the Bill of Rights you are innocent until proven guilty. The prosecution must prove your guilt beyond all reason.

Trump hasn't been found guilty. So the rubicon hasn't be crossed. This is just fear mongering for those who don't realize what an indictment is. It's neither guilty or not guilty. It's simply set to go to trial.
That's where the verdict will come.
Trump hasn't been found guilty. So the rubicon hasn't be crossed. This is just fear mongering for those who don't realize what an indictment is. It's neither guilty or not guilty. It's simply set to go to trial.
That's where the verdict will come.
The Rubicon that was crossed is the change in the criminal standard. You are guilty until you can prove your innocence. There need not even be a crime. Just the allegation is enough to charge the crime and apportion guilt.

That's the Rubicon that was crossed. Trump was merely the vehicle.
The Rubicon that was crossed is the change in the criminal standard. You are guilty until you can prove your innocence. There need not even be a crime. Just the allegation is enough to charge the crime and apportion guilt.

That's the Rubicon that was crossed. Trump was merely the vehicle.

He's not been found guilty yet. He's only been indicted. HUGE difference.

If you're going on some BS that Pelosi said, you really shouldn't. She's old and senile.

A Rubicon Is Crossed

31 Mar 2023 ~~ By John Hinderaker

So the Democrats decided to indict Donald Trump after all. (I assume that Alvin Bragg would not have proceeded without a green light from higher-ups in the party.) Here, as in so many other areas, we are in uncharted waters. The Democrats have launched a sort of blitzkrieg against our traditions, our Constitution, our culture (at least, our culture as it was), and every form of restraint that makes civil society possible. They have unleashed a wind, and seem serenely confident that they will never face a whirlwind. I don’t know, maybe they are right. I do know that after today, our country will never be the same again.
In the short term, the indictment will help Donald Trump politically. Perhaps that was the Democrats’ intention. But I don’t think any of us can foresee how it will play out. Legally speaking, the indictment is a joke. No doubt Trump will try to have it dismissed, but I don’t know enough about criminal procedure in New York to have any idea how long that will take, or what his prospects of success are. Bear in mind that any motion to dismiss will most likely be heard by a Trump-hating Democratic judge. If the case makes it to trial, it will go before a New York jury that probably will consist entirely of Democrats and–once again–Trump haters. There is no way a conviction can be ruled out. Appeals would follow, likely taking a year or more.
But I do know that today is an evil day in America’s history. The Democrats are behaving like a party from a pre-Enlightenment, pre-constitutional era. Seeing themselves in the driver’s seat, they are making a naked grab for totalitarian power across a broad range of issues and institutions. Indicting a former president on frivolous grounds is shocking, but it is of a piece with the strategies Democrats are following in Washington and across the country.

Maoist Democrats are not only dangerous totalitarians, they also have a monopoly on the levers of power - the “press”, the Judiciary, the legal profession, many in professional sports, the hollowed-out military, Big Business, the trash in what’s left of Hollywood, the Democratic Senate and 80 percent of the so-called Rs in the Senate. What do we have?? Smarts, ingenuity, numbers, the rising Red States, and the House of Representatives.
Logic dictates that Alvin Bragg would not have proceeded without a green light from higher-ups in the party. Say, like the Atty. General Merrick Garland.
Then there's the new legal standard created by Pelosi that you must prove your innocence. That is only true with respect to conservatives in a Maoist Democrat Commie kangaroo court similar to our brothers and sisters locked up in DC. If you are okay with that, I guess it is okay for us to stand there and do nothing when you're wrongly accused and convicted.
According to the U.S. Constitution, its Amendments and the Bill of Rights you are innocent until proven guilty. The prosecution must prove your guilt beyond all reason.

great post

I 100% concur

The prosecution must prove your guilt beyond all reason.​

According to Nancy Pelosi, you must prove your innocence. At least if you're Trump, or any of the 74 million Americans who voted for him.

And, also, George Floyd was actually named George Kirby.
He's not been found guilty yet. He's only been indicted. HUGE difference.

If you're going on some BS that Pelosi said, you really shouldn't. She's old and senile.
Pelosi is old and senile or she would not have articulated the new standard. It doesn't mean that there isn't a new standard.

The eventual verdict doesn't matter. The line was crossed when the grand jury was seated.
Bragg is a liberal prog hack. They can't have trump standing pushing for national sovereignty. They hate it. They have to destroy him and funnel the numbed, dumbed, conditioned populace into the one world system. Baaaa.

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