A Rubicon moment for Trump

Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.
The lieutenant governor of Texas said that grandparents would be happy to die to give their grandchildren a better economy.
Dear me. I would not be happy dying to enrich their grand children.

I've lived through economically terrible times. Late 70's/early 80's were very trying times but at least there was hope. If the whole country/the whole world goes under, life expectancy will collapse too.

Life expectancy is the USA has been declining for the past 4 years. So much for the "best healtcare system in the world". The US is good at treating illness, the rest of the world is better at preventing it from happening. A healthy population is a safer population. That's why ensuring universal health care with equal access for all really is a matter of national security.

Americans are about to understand why the rest of the world considers universal health care a right, not a luxury reserved for the wealthy. Because the poor and marginalized workers you rely on to keep your economy running, need to be well fed and healthy, or they will spread disease throughout the land.

The causes of the decline are not weaknesses in our healthcare but about the decline of our society and family unit.

Alcholism, drug abuse, obesity, suicide, those are the killers bring down our numbers.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

Being broke is a lot more deadly than the Chinese Kung Flu. The death rates among the Homeless, in the Ghetto, in poor countries like Bangladesh and Congo, is a lot higher than in affluent places
How many people died as a direct result of the Great Depression?
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.
The lieutenant governor of Texas said that grandparents would be happy to die to give their grandchildren a better economy.
Dear me. I would not be happy dying to enrich their grand children.

I've lived through economically terrible times. Late 70's/early 80's were very trying times but at least there was hope. If the whole country/the whole world goes under, life expectancy will collapse too.

Life expectancy is the USA has been declining for the past 4 years. So much for the "best healtcare system in the world". The US is good at treating illness, the rest of the world is better at preventing it from happening. A healthy population is a safer population. That's why ensuring universal health care with equal access for all really is a matter of national security.

Americans are about to understand why the rest of the world considers universal health care a right, not a luxury reserved for the wealthy. Because the poor and marginalized workers you rely on to keep your economy running, need to be well fed and healthy, or they will spread disease throughout the land.

As far as the Chinese Kung Flu situation, the nations of Red China and Italy are the hardest hit and both have Socialized systems.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

Being broke is a lot more deadly than the Chinese Kung Flu. The death rates among the Homeless, in the Ghetto, in poor countries like Bangladesh and Congo, is a lot higher than in affluent places
How many people died as a direct result of the Great Depression?

A lot of people died as an indirect result. The libs in the media were excited to hopefully predict 30% or more unemployment rates during this planned year long lockdown
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

Being broke is a lot more deadly than the Chinese Kung Flu. The death rates among the Homeless, in the Ghetto, in poor countries like Bangladesh and Congo, is a lot higher than in affluent places
How many people died as a direct result of the Great Depression?

"Direct"? An interesting qualifier. Would you dismiss numbers of indirect deaths?
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

Being broke is a lot more deadly than the Chinese Kung Flu. The death rates among the Homeless, in the Ghetto, in poor countries like Bangladesh and Congo, is a lot higher than in affluent places
How many people died as a direct result of the Great Depression?

A lot of people died as an indirect result. The libs in the media were excited to hopefully predict 30% or more unemployment rates during this planned year long lockdown
Link. How many? "A lot" equals how many?
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

From what I heard the Chinese are having their numbers are starting to go up again.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.
I hope everyone realizes that these particle masks provide absolutely no protection against this or any other virus infection. Viruses are very very small and the pores in the masks are in comparison very very large. It is like trying to sift flour with chicken wire. However if you are sick they will help limit the aerosols from your sneezes and coughs but that's all the good they do. Surgical masks help guard the patient undergoing surgery, not the medical staff performing the operation.

Understood, but I'm no expert on the subject. That's why I got in touch with my cousin who is a doctor and the supervisor of her lab. She told me kind of the opposite, which is an infected person is not doing anybody any favors with a mask. If you have something like this, you need to be quarantined or hospitalized depending on your condition.

There are masks that do help prevent you from getting this virus, but you can't just buy any mask. That's why there is this frantic rush for people to make masks ASAP.
We’ll deal with our dead and the country will continue to move forward.
Did you get that from a book of Mussolini's quotations?
No, from our own history books. See the Spanish Flu. We fought a world war during that.
So.......that's the new Trumpleton narrative? Going from denial, to it's no big deal (and acting like it by not preparing the country), to coming around to the seriousness of the situation (or pretending to), to weighing human life (or should I say dismissing the importance of such) against how the economy will impact Don's chances of re-election (given his culpability for the lack of preparation).

I thought I had seen it all with respect to how you folks are willing to metaphorically follow Dear Leader off a cliff. I didn't think it would get so bad as to do it in a literal sense.
We’ll deal with our dead and the country will continue to move forward.
Did you get that from a book of Mussolini's quotations?
No, from our own history books. See the Spanish Flu. We fought a world war during that.
So.......that's the new Trumpleton narrative? Going from denial, to it's no big deal (and acting like it by not preparing the country), to coming around to the seriousness of the situation (or pretending to), to weighing human life (or should I say dismissing the importance of such) against how the economy will impact Don's chances of re-election (given his culpability for the lack of preparation).

I thought I had seen it all with respect to how you folks are willing to metaphorically follow Dear Leader off a cliff. I didn't think it would get so bad as to do it in a literal sense.

Ok, you don't like Trump, I get it. You think that a failed economy with 30% unemployment would help Sleepy Joe become President.

But is that really good for the country? Is a Bidenista regime really worth that kind of toll for the country?

And remember this, just because the economy will be destroyed and the people are living in destitution, doesn't mean this pestilence will be resolved. In fact, the decimation of the Private Sector will make it LESS likely a cure will be found.
We’ll deal with our dead and the country will continue to move forward.
Did you get that from a book of Mussolini's quotations?
No, from our own history books. See the Spanish Flu. We fought a world war during that.
So.......that's the new Trumpleton narrative? Going from denial, to it's no big deal (and acting like it by not preparing the country), to coming around to the seriousness of the situation (or pretending to), to weighing human life (or should I say dismissing the importance of such) against how the economy will impact Don's chances of re-election (given his culpability for the lack of preparation).

I thought I had seen it all with respect to how you folks are willing to metaphorically follow Dear Leader off a cliff. I didn't think it would get so bad as to do it in a literal sense.
Nope, it’s the same narrative we’ve always had, make America great, not run it into the ground. We’re already going to get a recession if not a depression because the virus. But it doesn’t need to be a Great Depression nor do we need to live like prisoners and forfeit our rights to the government.

President Trump and the rest of us aren’t concerned about his re-election. Biden has already shown what a useless idiot he is, in addition to being the corrupt asshole that we already know him to be for selling our country out to China and personally benefiting from it. We have all the faith in the world that when it comes time for Dems to do the right thing, they never will. This an easy victory for us.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.

Masks won't save you. Neither will your private health care, Ray. The rate of infection is too high and there is no federal leadership in marshaling resources, or strategies. A "for profit" system is not a responsive manner of dealing with a pandemic. If your parents are in a care facility, get them out of there and take them home. Get in reasonable levels of supplies, and ride it out. My friend went to court to get her 93 year old mother out of her assisted living facility, when there was an outbreak there. Mom is safely at their home, and everyone is hunkered down.

You think that the EU's single-payer system is the answer? Think again. They have no marching orders from the boss. They are incapable of marshaling the resources they need in a nimble manner. Here is the proof. Look at how the EU got swarmed over by the pandemic. In the US we had a better start, and apparently more resources to call on even with too many factories overseas. This graph is for equal populations. I'm hoping that the curves peak by the end of March.

The President delivered a bizarre and erratic performance from the White House podium on Monday night.
Well, more than erratic. Alarming.
Americans are bracing for the coronavirus hurricane to strike with full intensity in the coming few weeks.
Already the death toll is over 500.
And it’s expected to increase rapidly over the next few days, with New York the national hotspot.
So what is President Trump’s response?
In rambling comments that defy the global consensus he is suggesting that he might soon lift some of the restrictions being imposed on citizens and businesses.
Yes, you read that correctly. Lift the restrictions.

Its certainly a bold move. I think he is gambling that it will work out and he will have saved the world. But the evidence from around the world is that lockdowns work and that this will cause the disease to spread further. He is playing politics with peoples lives.A Rubicon moment indeed.

He's not trying to save the world. He's not even trying to save America.

If he was trying to save America he never would have said one word about lifting any restrictions, in fact, he would be imposing more.

The only way other nations got a handle on the virus was to stop all movement and limit interaction of people.

What he wants to do is the height of irresponsible.

The reasons are even more irresponsible.

Money and reelection are his reasons.

There are a few who are stupid that will follow what he says but hopefully it won't work out like that couple in Arizona who took some chemical trump claimed would prevent them from having the virus. The couple took that chemical. The man died. The woman is in the hospital fighting for her life.

Personally, I wouldn't take much of any advice, much less medical advice, from a man who looked directly at solar eclipse without protective glasses on.

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Nope, it’s the same narrative we’ve always had, make America great, not run it into the ground.
Is Trump planning on starting on that before he leaves office?

America will be run into the ground, if we don't pick up the pace and end the lockdown pretty soon.
It is just astonishing how the Conman-in-Chief can get you cultists to change the narrative on a dime. It was just last week when he finally dropped the "virus is a hoax" dogma............which you guys lapped up for a few months. He pivoted, in the wake of a exponential increase in cases to, "let's all beat this together."
Now, despite continued exponential growth of COVID-19 the mantra is "screw human life, let's put people back to work before the economy causes me to lose the election and forces me to face charges for all my criminal activities."
Nope, it’s the same narrative we’ve always had, make America great, not run it into the ground.
Is Trump planning on starting on that before he leaves office?

America will be run into the ground, if we don't pick up the pace and end the lockdown pretty soon.
It is just astonishing how the Conman-in-Chief can get you cultists to change the narrative on a dime. It was just last week when he finally dropped the "virus is a hoax" dogma............which you guys lapped up for a few months. He pivoted, in the wake of a exponential increase in cases to, "let's all beat this together."
Now, despite continued exponential growth of COVID-19 the mantra is "screw human life, let's put people back to work before the economy causes me to lose the election and forces me to face charges for all my criminal activities."

If America goes into the election , 8 months from now, with 30% or more unemployment and the nation is on lockdown, the country will be a shit hole. That's the point.

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