A Rubicon moment for Trump

Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.

Masks won't save you. Neither will your private health care, Ray. The rate of infection is too high and there is no federal leadership in marshaling resources, or strategies. A "for profit" system is not a responsive manner of dealing with a pandemic. If your parents are in a care facility, get them out of there and take them home. Get in reasonable levels of supplies, and ride it out. My friend went to court to get her 93 year old mother out of her assisted living facility, when there was an outbreak there. Mom is safely at their home, and everyone is hunkered down.

You think that the EU's single-payer system is the answer? Think again. They have no marching orders from the boss. They are incapable of marshaling the resources they need in a nimble manner. Here is the proof. Look at how the EU got swarmed over by the pandemic. In the US we had a better start, and apparently more resources to call on even with too many factories overseas. This graph is for equal populations. I'm hoping that the curves peak by the end of March.
View attachment 314781
The EU is 27 different countries and they all have their own healthcare systems. You people are so ignorant.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.

Masks won't save you. Neither will your private health care, Ray. The rate of infection is too high and there is no federal leadership in marshaling resources, or strategies. A "for profit" system is not a responsive manner of dealing with a pandemic. If your parents are in a care facility, get them out of there and take them home. Get in reasonable levels of supplies, and ride it out. My friend went to court to get her 93 year old mother out of her assisted living facility, when there was an outbreak there. Mom is safely at their home, and everyone is hunkered down.

You think that the EU's single-payer system is the answer? Think again. They have no marching orders from the boss. They are incapable of marshaling the resources they need in a nimble manner. Here is the proof. Look at how the EU got swarmed over by the pandemic. In the US we had a better start, and apparently more resources to call on even with too many factories overseas. This graph is for equal populations. I'm hoping that the curves peak by the end of March.
View attachment 314781
The EU is 27 different countries and they all have their own healthcare systems. You people are so ignorant.

Actually, they all have Socialized Medicine in one form or another.

The President delivered a bizarre and erratic performance from the White House podium on Monday night.
Well, more than erratic. Alarming.
Americans are bracing for the coronavirus hurricane to strike with full intensity in the coming few weeks.
Already the death toll is over 500.
And it’s expected to increase rapidly over the next few days, with New York the national hotspot.
So what is President Trump’s response?
In rambling comments that defy the global consensus he is suggesting that he might soon lift some of the restrictions being imposed on citizens and businesses.
Yes, you read that correctly. Lift the restrictions.

Its certainly a bold move. I think he is gambling that it will work out and he will have saved the world. But the evidence from around the world is that lockdowns work and that this will cause the disease to spread further. He is playing politics with peoples lives.A Rubicon moment indeed.

You gave the game away on your little thread about your chance to nationalize the British railroads, Tommy.

We know your game. "Never let a crisis go to waste".

You lose, now crawl back into your hole

You're an idiot. No one is wanting to nationalize the British Railroads, especially not the Brits. But once again you prove that "better dead than red" is alive and well in what passes for the minds of idiot right wingers.

Libs want to nationalize everything. They look at President Un in The Liberal Utopia of North Korea with envy.

The crazy thing is that Un is actually living it, and he knows it isn't a sustainable situation.
I think Trump is envious of the power he commands.

Certain steps that the North Koreans are taking seem to point to the possibility that they actually have an outbreak:

Commentary: The perfect storm for a COVID-19 outbreak lies in North Korea
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.

Masks won't save you. Neither will your private health care, Ray. The rate of infection is too high and there is no federal leadership in marshaling resources, or strategies. A "for profit" system is not a responsive manner of dealing with a pandemic. If your parents are in a care facility, get them out of there and take them home. Get in reasonable levels of supplies, and ride it out. My friend went to court to get her 93 year old mother out of her assisted living facility, when there was an outbreak there. Mom is safely at their home, and everyone is hunkered down.

You think that the EU's single-payer system is the answer? Think again. They have no marching orders from the boss. They are incapable of marshaling the resources they need in a nimble manner. Here is the proof. Look at how the EU got swarmed over by the pandemic. In the US we had a better start, and apparently more resources to call on even with too many factories overseas. This graph is for equal populations. I'm hoping that the curves peak by the end of March.
View attachment 314781
The EU is 27 different countries and they all have their own healthcare systems. You people are so ignorant.

Actually, they all have Socialized Medicine in one form or another.
And they all have different governments with different policies. You cannot compare Germany and their management of the crisis with that of Italy or the UK. It would be like saying New York is the US.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.

Masks won't save you. Neither will your private health care, Ray. The rate of infection is too high and there is no federal leadership in marshalling resources, or strategies. A "for profit" system is not a responsive manner of dealing with a pandemic. If your parents are in a care facility, get them out of there and take them home. Get in reasonable levels of supplies, and ride it out. My friend went to court to get her 93 year old mother out of her assisted living facility, when there was an outbreak there. Mom is safely at their home, and everyone is hunkered down.
WTF has your metrosexual leader done to solve the problem?

Everyone was told to stay home two weeks ago. Schools were closed. Borders were closed two weeks ago and all Canadians called home. As of today, all non-essential businesses are closed.

Hospitals are equipped with protective equipment and tests, including small town hospitals. That was done starting in December.

Our county nursing homes and assisted living centres are in lock down. Essential workers only. Visits are being arranged via FaceTime, Skype, or through the glass.

All workers are eligible for EI during periods of illness or quarantine, including caring for sick family members. Even the self employed and contract workers who don’t normally qualify.

Businesses with more than 10 employees are getting income support for explorers they keep on the payroll.


The President delivered a bizarre and erratic performance from the White House podium on Monday night.
Well, more than erratic. Alarming.
Americans are bracing for the coronavirus hurricane to strike with full intensity in the coming few weeks.
Already the death toll is over 500.
And it’s expected to increase rapidly over the next few days, with New York the national hotspot.
So what is President Trump’s response?
In rambling comments that defy the global consensus he is suggesting that he might soon lift some of the restrictions being imposed on citizens and businesses.
Yes, you read that correctly. Lift the restrictions.

Its certainly a bold move. I think he is gambling that it will work out and he will have saved the world. But the evidence from around the world is that lockdowns work and that this will cause the disease to spread further. He is playing politics with peoples lives.A Rubicon moment indeed.

He's not trying to save the world. He's not even trying to save America.

If he was trying to save America he never would have said one word about lifting any restrictions, in fact, he would be imposing more.

The only way other nations got a handle on the virus was to stop all movement and limit interaction of people.

What he wants to do is the height of irresponsible.

The reasons are even more irresponsible.

Money and reelection are his reasons.

There are a few who are stupid that will follow what he says but hopefully it won't work out like that couple in Arizona who took some chemical trump claimed would prevent them from having the virus. The couple took that chemical. The man died. The woman is in the hospital fighting for her life.

Personally, I wouldn't take much of any advice, much less medical advice, from a man who looked directly at solar eclipse without protective glasses on.

View attachment 314787

So what medication did he prescribe? If you are talking about hydroxychloroquin, then that has to be prescribed by a doctor. It's not an over the counter medication. And, non-clinical tests have shown it worked for a lot of people.
So.......that's the new Trumpleton narrative? Going from denial, to it's no big deal (and acting like it by not preparing the country), to coming around to the seriousness of the situation (or pretending to), to weighing human life (or should I say dismissing the importance of such) against how the economy will impact Don's chances of re-election (given his culpability for the lack of preparation).

Trump's lack of preparation? Let's see now, what shape would we be in if Hillary was in charge during all this?

By Gabriella Muñoz - The Washington Times - Saturday, March 7, 2020

House Democrats are set to vote on dismantling President Trump’s travel ban this week and rein in the executive branch’s authority to declare travel restrictions.

Known as the No Ban Act, the bill would reverse restrictions on the countries under the travel ban and strengthen provisions in the Immigration and Nationality Act that prohibit religious discrimination.

The legislation would require that any future travel ban be temporary, subject to congressional oversight and be based in response to specific actions from foreign agents that pose a threat to the U.S.

Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.

Masks won't save you. Neither will your private health care, Ray. The rate of infection is too high and there is no federal leadership in marshaling resources, or strategies. A "for profit" system is not a responsive manner of dealing with a pandemic. If your parents are in a care facility, get them out of there and take them home. Get in reasonable levels of supplies, and ride it out. My friend went to court to get her 93 year old mother out of her assisted living facility, when there was an outbreak there. Mom is safely at their home, and everyone is hunkered down.

You think that the EU's single-payer system is the answer? Think again. They have no marching orders from the boss. They are incapable of marshaling the resources they need in a nimble manner. Here is the proof. Look at how the EU got swarmed over by the pandemic. In the US we had a better start, and apparently more resources to call on even with too many factories overseas. This graph is for equal populations. I'm hoping that the curves peak by the end of March.
View attachment 314781
The EU is 27 different countries and they all have their own healthcare systems. You people are so ignorant.

Actually, they all have Socialized Medicine in one form or another.
And they all have different governments with different policies. You cannot compare Germany and their management of the crisis with that of Italy or the UK. It would be like saying New York is the US.
Oh for decades I've been saying NYC isn't even in the US (joke)

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