A Rubicon moment for Trump

Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.
Poor people die from being poor...people that have lost everything sometimes give up and kill themselves...death and destruction comes in many forms and so Trump doesn't want the cure to be more harmful and deadly than the virus itself...everyone I talk to liberal and conservative understands that concept except the libs on this board....
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.
Poor people die from being poor...people that have lost everything sometimes give up and kill themselves...death and destruction comes in many forms and so Trump doesn't want the cure to be more harmful and deadly than the virus itself...everyone I talk to liberal and conservative understands that concept except the libs on this board....

I knew people that killed themselves after the mills closed during the steel collapse. Some quickly, others slowly with drink. Being broke and without hope is bad for life expectancy.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.
So, you and your commie ilk better knock it off.


Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.

Masks won't save you. Neither will your private health care, Ray. The rate of infection is too high and there is no federal leadership in marshalling resources, or strategies. A "for profit" system is not a responsive manner of dealing with a pandemic. If your parents are in a care facility, get them out of there and take them home. Get in reasonable levels of supplies, and ride it out. My friend went to court to get her 93 year old mother out of her assisted living facility, when there was an outbreak there. Mom is safely at their home, and everyone is hunkered down.

Actually, there is a huge amount of federal leadership in this, with capable people like Senior Advisor Jared Kushner advising the President every step of the way.

Capable people? How's that Arab/Isreali Peace Plan coming along? Or any of the other projects Jared has been assigned? That's like saying don't worry about Moe because Larry and Curly are giving him good advice, especially Curly.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.

Masks won't save you. Neither will your private health care, Ray. The rate of infection is too high and there is no federal leadership in marshalling resources, or strategies. A "for profit" system is not a responsive manner of dealing with a pandemic. If your parents are in a care facility, get them out of there and take them home. Get in reasonable levels of supplies, and ride it out. My friend went to court to get her 93 year old mother out of her assisted living facility, when there was an outbreak there. Mom is safely at their home, and everyone is hunkered down.

Actually, there is a huge amount of federal leadership in this, with capable people like Senior Advisor Jared Kushner advising the President every step of the way.

Capable people? How's that Arab/Isreali Peace Plan coming along? Or any of the other projects Jared has been assigned? That's like saying don't worry about Moe because Larry and Curly are giving him good advice, especially Curly.

No reasonable person would criticize an American President for failing to broker peace between Arabs and Jews.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.
I hope everyone realizes that these particle masks provide absolutely no protection against this or any other virus infection. Viruses are very very small and the pores in the masks are in comparison very very large. It is like trying to sift flour with chicken wire. However if you are sick they will help limit the aerosols from your sneezes and coughs but that's all the good they do. Surgical masks help guard the patient undergoing surgery, not the medical staff performing the operation.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.
The lieutenant governor of Texas said that grandparents would be happy to die to give their grandchildren a better economy.
Dear me. I would not be happy dying to enrich their grand children.

If Donald Trump is the first to sacrifice himself for the sake of Ivanka, Don Jr., Eric, Tiffany, and Barron, and their kids, I'd be willing to consider it.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.
The lieutenant governor of Texas said that grandparents would be happy to die to give their grandchildren a better economy.
Dear me. I would not be happy dying to enrich their grand children.

I've lived through economically terrible times. Late 70's/early 80's were very trying times but at least there was hope. If the whole country/the whole world goes under, life expectancy will collapse too.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.

Masks won't save you. Neither will your private health care, Ray. The rate of infection is too high and there is no federal leadership in marshalling resources, or strategies. A "for profit" system is not a responsive manner of dealing with a pandemic. If your parents are in a care facility, get them out of there and take them home. Get in reasonable levels of supplies, and ride it out. My friend went to court to get her 93 year old mother out of her assisted living facility, when there was an outbreak there. Mom is safely at their home, and everyone is hunkered down.

Actually, there is a huge amount of federal leadership in this, with capable people like Senior Advisor Jared Kushner advising the President every step of the way.

Capable people? How's that Arab/Isreali Peace Plan coming along? Or any of the other projects Jared has been assigned? That's like saying don't worry about Moe because Larry and Curly are giving him good advice, especially Curly.

No reasonable person would criticize an American President for failing to broker peace between Arabs and Jews.

But Trump Bear promised that Jared would get it done.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.

Masks won't save you. Neither will your private health care, Ray. The rate of infection is too high and there is no federal leadership in marshalling resources, or strategies. A "for profit" system is not a responsive manner of dealing with a pandemic. If your parents are in a care facility, get them out of there and take them home. Get in reasonable levels of supplies, and ride it out. My friend went to court to get her 93 year old mother out of her assisted living facility, when there was an outbreak there. Mom is safely at their home, and everyone is hunkered down.

Actually, there is a huge amount of federal leadership in this, with capable people like Senior Advisor Jared Kushner advising the President every step of the way.

Capable people? How's that Arab/Isreali Peace Plan coming along?

As well as can be expected, as well as it ever will until all outside players vacate the discussion and let a natural order take place.

The President delivered a bizarre and erratic performance from the White House podium on Monday night.
Well, more than erratic. Alarming.
Americans are bracing for the coronavirus hurricane to strike with full intensity in the coming few weeks.
Already the death toll is over 500.
And it’s expected to increase rapidly over the next few days, with New York the national hotspot.
So what is President Trump’s response?
In rambling comments that defy the global consensus he is suggesting that he might soon lift some of the restrictions being imposed on citizens and businesses.
Yes, you read that correctly. Lift the restrictions.

Its certainly a bold move. I think he is gambling that it will work out and he will have saved the world. But the evidence from around the world is that lockdowns work and that this will cause the disease to spread further. He is playing politics with peoples lives.A Rubicon moment indeed.
Well, if a particular community is not showing an imminent threat of having its health resources over run, do restaurants and bars need to close? It's not possible to shutter a service economy for months, and Trump's not being crazy for listening to economic advisors saying there is a "trade off." Of course, he could fuck up by causing a worse economic debacle through a surge in cases. But there's not absolute right or wrong thing to do. It's a judgment call that varies from community to community.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.
The lieutenant governor of Texas said that grandparents would be happy to die to give their grandchildren a better economy.
Dear me. I would not be happy dying to enrich their grand children.

I've lived through economically terrible times. Late 70's/early 80's were very trying times but at least there was hope. If the whole country/the whole world goes under, life expectancy will collapse too.

Life expectancy is the USA has been declining for the past 4 years. So much for the "best healtcare system in the world". The US is good at treating illness, the rest of the world is better at preventing it from happening. A healthy population is a safer population. That's why ensuring universal health care with equal access for all really is a matter of national security.

Americans are about to understand why the rest of the world considers universal health care a right, not a luxury reserved for the wealthy. Because the poor and marginalized workers you rely on to keep your economy running, need to be well fed and healthy, or they will spread disease throughout the land.

The President delivered a bizarre and erratic performance from the White House podium on Monday night.
Well, more than erratic. Alarming.
Americans are bracing for the coronavirus hurricane to strike with full intensity in the coming few weeks.
Already the death toll is over 500.
And it’s expected to increase rapidly over the next few days, with New York the national hotspot.
So what is President Trump’s response?
In rambling comments that defy the global consensus he is suggesting that he might soon lift some of the restrictions being imposed on citizens and businesses.
Yes, you read that correctly. Lift the restrictions.

Its certainly a bold move. I think he is gambling that it will work out and he will have saved the world. But the evidence from around the world is that lockdowns work and that this will cause the disease to spread further. He is playing politics with peoples lives.A Rubicon moment indeed.
Well, if a particular community is not showing an imminent threat of having its health resources over run, do restaurants and bars need to close? It's not possible to shutter a service economy for months, and Trump's not being crazy for listening to economic advisors saying there is a "trade off." Of course, he could fuck up by causing a worse economic debacle through a surge in cases. But there's not absolute right or wrong thing to do. It's a judgment call that varies from community to community.

Why not? Because your service economy workers aren't well enough paid to stay home and they have no health care or sick leave?

There is a trade off. You can be prepared for things like this and have a plan for them, or you can "go with your gut" like Trumpy Bear always does. Because preparing is boring, and costs money, and you have to fucking think about it.

My government has shut down the nation and we're riding this out with EI, and increased income support to those low wage Canadians already receiving government income supports. Business is also being given supports to keep workers on the payroll. Our hospitals are busy cancelled elective surgeries, and our schools and all non-essential businesses are closed.

I've been social distancing for three weeks now. I'll do a grocery run on Friday morning during the "seniors' hour" between 7:00 and 8:00, and then head back home. I have sewing and gardening to keep me busy but really miss live sports on TV. I'd be gearing up for basketball playoffs right about now, following the clay court season in preparation for the French Open, and getting excited for the Blue Jay's opening day. Sports networks are rerunning events from two and three years ago, which aren't nearly as much fun when you know who won already.

Living in Canada is so boring in a crisis. Even Doug Ford is doing a better job than Dumb Donald.
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Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.
The lieutenant governor of Texas said that grandparents would be happy to die to give their grandchildren a better economy.
Dear me. I would not be happy dying to enrich their grand children.

I've lived through economically terrible times. Late 70's/early 80's were very trying times but at least there was hope. If the whole country/the whole world goes under, life expectancy will collapse too.

Life expectancy is the USA has been declining for the past 4 years. So much for the "best healtcare system in the world". The US is good at treating illness, the rest of the world is better at preventing it from happening. A healthy population is a safer population. That's why ensuring universal health care with equal access for all really is a matter of national security.

Americans are about to understand why the rest of the world considers universal health care a right, not a luxury reserved for the wealthy. Because the poor and marginalized workers you rely on to keep your economy running, need to be well fed and healthy, or they will spread disease throughout the land.

If the economy collapses because of a year-long lockdown, America won't be able to afford Socialized Medicine, or actually any quality health care.

The President delivered a bizarre and erratic performance from the White House podium on Monday night.
Well, more than erratic. Alarming.
Americans are bracing for the coronavirus hurricane to strike with full intensity in the coming few weeks.
Already the death toll is over 500.
And it’s expected to increase rapidly over the next few days, with New York the national hotspot.
So what is President Trump’s response?
In rambling comments that defy the global consensus he is suggesting that he might soon lift some of the restrictions being imposed on citizens and businesses.
Yes, you read that correctly. Lift the restrictions.

Its certainly a bold move. I think he is gambling that it will work out and he will have saved the world. But the evidence from around the world is that lockdowns work and that this will cause the disease to spread further. He is playing politics with peoples lives.A Rubicon moment indeed.
Well, if a particular community is not showing an imminent threat of having its health resources over run, do restaurants and bars need to close? It's not possible to shutter a service economy for months, and Trump's not being crazy for listening to economic advisors saying there is a "trade off." Of course, he could fuck up by causing a worse economic debacle through a surge in cases. But there's not absolute right or wrong thing to do. It's a judgment call that varies from community to community.

Why not? Because your service economy workers aren't well enough paid to stay home and they have no health care or sick leave?

There is a trade off. You can be prepared for things like this and have a plan for them, or you can "go with your gut" like Trumpy Bear always does. Because preparing is boring, and costs money, and you have to fucking think about it.

Obama didn't "prepare" for anything either. It isn't like he left warehouses full of surgical masks for his successor
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.

If the nation breaks they will soon be dead anyway.

500 is nothing. Not even a blip.

I believe the choice will come down to this: Either we re-flip the ON switch and take our chances with the treatments currently available, or we spend the rest of our lives ekeing out a life in a third-world shithole.

The death toll from that will be incomprehensible.
Waiting a few more weeks is not the end of the world. The Chinese have cracked it and are starting to rebuild. We can do it as well if we are sensible.

We're not saying to open everything at once. Just that offices may open with a limited staff, golf courses, stores with limits on shoppers, etc. We need to start opening things up to get the economy up from 60% to maybe 90%. Keep schools closed, sports venues closed, all social gatherings and crowds prohibited.

You can't do half measures. You're either isolating yourself or you're not. Golf courses, and any non-essential activities should be eliminated for a time. You can either shut it down for a period now, or you will be dealing with this virus for a year or more as it gets passed around and back and forth, and people build an immunity to it. But your death toll will be enormous, and as they're seeing in New York, it's not just the elderly who are ending up in hospital.

I think we should remain in isolation until there are enough masks for every citizen. Afterwards we go back to normal and wear masks whenever in public or gathering in groups of people.

Masks won't save you. Neither will your private health care, Ray. The rate of infection is too high and there is no federal leadership in marshalling resources, or strategies. A "for profit" system is not a responsive manner of dealing with a pandemic. If your parents are in a care facility, get them out of there and take them home. Get in reasonable levels of supplies, and ride it out. My friend went to court to get her 93 year old mother out of her assisted living facility, when there was an outbreak there. Mom is safely at their home, and everyone is hunkered down.

Actually, there is a huge amount of federal leadership in this, with capable people like Senior Advisor Jared Kushner advising the President every step of the way.

Capable people? How's that Arab/Isreali Peace Plan coming along? Or any of the other projects Jared has been assigned? That's like saying don't worry about Moe because Larry and Curly are giving him good advice, especially Curly.

No reasonable person would criticize an American President for failing to broker peace between Arabs and Jews.

But Trump Bear promised that Jared would get it done.

All politicians promises, are AT BEST, statements of intent. President Trump cannot control what those fools in the middle east do, and if he thought he could, he was overestimating himself.

As so many other American Presidents have done.

That this is a surprise to you, does not reflect well on your....

Well. Let's just say it is not good.
Being broke is better than being dead. Trump is taking an enormous gamble with peoples lives.
The lieutenant governor of Texas said that grandparents would be happy to die to give their grandchildren a better economy.
Dear me. I would not be happy dying to enrich their grand children.

I've lived through economically terrible times. Late 70's/early 80's were very trying times but at least there was hope. If the whole country/the whole world goes under, life expectancy will collapse too.

Life expectancy is the USA has been declining for the past 4 years.

Due to illegal immigration dragging the numbers down.

I can walk into my GP's office and see him within 20 minutes without an appointment, or I can email him and get an answer within an hour. My longest delay in seeing a specialist has been four days.

Why should I trade that for what you people have?

So much for the "best healtcare system in the world". The US is good at treating illness, the rest of the world is better at preventing it from happening.

So they say themselves. :auiqs.jpg:

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