A second downgrade to our credit is right around the corner, will congress get seriou

Which is why the downgrades will continue until our international credit is foiled and we're forced to either make massive cuts to spending to pay down the debt (highly unlikely that congress will get this one together in time) OR we can be forced into aliquidity trap and set the stage for hyperinflation (a much more likely scenario).

The federal govt. is already borrowing .42 cents to every dollar it spends. Right now, China has already backed off buying our monetized debt. Japan and the UK (the two most indebted countries on the planet) are buying these bonds. How long can the fiat money scheme keep going??

Only time will tell. But it will not sustain. There will be a breaking point.
Congress will get serious when the electorate gets serious. Pray the downgrade happens in early fall/late summer if it happens. Hope even more it never happens at all.

If it happens then, and inflation starts to spike and create stagflation, you can bet there's going to be a purge in congress as well as the states and presidency. It will be very very ugly as the nation sinks further into this depression and the ability to maintain the illusion it's not happening slips more.

Beware socialism using this coming crisis to destroy the character of this nation though. They will try it. Let no good crisis go to waste
Each member of congress will get serious about cutting spending on what THEY want to cut. but spend on what THEY want to spend on.

It is the nature of the lobbyist driven beast.
Each member of congress will get serious about cutting spending on what THEY want to cut. but spend on what THEY want to spend on.

It is the nature of the lobbyist driven beast.
Two problems easily fixed by a 'no rider' rule, Term limits and lifetime caps for all elected positions and the line item veto.

Maybe we can hope to see those three things happen soon.
Each member of congress will get serious about cutting spending on what THEY want to cut. but spend on what THEY want to spend on.

It is the nature of the lobbyist driven beast.
Two problems easily fixed by a 'no rider' rule, Term limits and lifetime caps for all elected positions and the line item veto.

Maybe we can hope to see those three things happen soon.
No chance since congress would be the ones making those rules.

I would like to see a single item/single bill rule. Is that the no rider rule you spoke of?
Congress will never vote in favor of a proposition to stifle their ability to play power broker to businesses adn line their pockets. That's a fools hope.

Afterall, they are not spending their own money, they are spending ours. More accurately, they are spending my grand childrens, childrens money.

It's a little late now to start thinking something is going to change before we find ourselves in a serious economic calamity. The best thing people can do right now is start hedging their bets against the dollar in commodities. Prefferrably, physical holdings instead of notes for delivery demand later.
Yep why I put 2/3 of my funds in physical gold in 2006 that I hold.
200% increase or so at this point.
Each member of congress will get serious about cutting spending on what THEY want to cut. but spend on what THEY want to spend on.

It is the nature of the lobbyist driven beast.
Two problems easily fixed by a 'no rider' rule, Term limits and lifetime caps for all elected positions and the line item veto.

Maybe we can hope to see those three things happen soon.
No chance since congress would be the ones making those rules.

I would like to see a single item/single bill rule. Is that the no rider rule you spoke of?
Hence voters need to elect those who would support such rules It can happen, but it requires a culture change for the electorate. And let me tell you, poverty and destitution is a GREAT motivator for culture change.

The left is counting on it to hand them the nation, but it just as easily could backfire and end them.
Two problems easily fixed by a 'no rider' rule, Term limits and lifetime caps for all elected positions and the line item veto.

Maybe we can hope to see those three things happen soon.
No chance since congress would be the ones making those rules.

I would like to see a single item/single bill rule. Is that the no rider rule you spoke of?
Hence voters need to elect those who would support such rules It can happen, but it requires a culture change for the electorate. And let me tell you, poverty and destitution is a GREAT motivator for culture change.

The left is counting on it to hand them the nation, but it just as easily could backfire and end them.

elect whom? Like those TP cacus members who said they were against homeland security and then voted to expand and renew it once elected?
They all lie. Well maybe not Ron Paul.
No chance since congress would be the ones making those rules.

I would like to see a single item/single bill rule. Is that the no rider rule you spoke of?
Hence voters need to elect those who would support such rules It can happen, but it requires a culture change for the electorate. And let me tell you, poverty and destitution is a GREAT motivator for culture change.

The left is counting on it to hand them the nation, but it just as easily could backfire and end them.

elect whom? Like those TP cacus members who said they were against homeland security and then voted to expand and renew it once elected?
They all lie. Well maybe not Ron Paul.
If all you're going to do is bemoan the loss of the nation to unchallenged fascists, why bother posting? You've better ways to spend your time than be here.

If everyone's a liar, the why are you voting for them?
Hence voters need to elect those who would support such rules It can happen, but it requires a culture change for the electorate. And let me tell you, poverty and destitution is a GREAT motivator for culture change.

The left is counting on it to hand them the nation, but it just as easily could backfire and end them.

elect whom? Like those TP cacus members who said they were against homeland security and then voted to expand and renew it once elected?
They all lie. Well maybe not Ron Paul.
If all you're going to do is bemoan the loss of the nation to unchallenged fascists, why bother posting? You've better ways to spend your time than be here.

If everyone's a liar, the why are you voting for them?

I vote against the ones I consider to be the most dangerous to my country.
I almost never vote "for" any politician.
Yeah, go champion us a repair single3 handedly, USC.


the change has to come from a mass movement of active citizens that demand change. That isn't going to happen. Most people don't have a fucking clue regarding economics or the political landscape we're in.

Vote, dont vote. Start a thread, a club, a petition....do whatever makes you feel good. But a few 100,000 of us against 300 million morons is not going to produce the needed change in time.
Yeah, go champion us a repair single3 handedly, USC.


the change has to come from a mass movement of active citizens that demand change. That isn't going to happen. Most people don't have a fucking clue regarding economics or the political landscape we're in.

Vote, dont vote. Start a thread, a club, a petition....do whatever makes you feel good. But a few 100,000 of us against 300 million morons is not going to produce the needed change in time.

So sad but so true....
Won't happen TASB until after it has pretty much all fallen apart.
We are controlled by the media programming.
They call it programs and programming for a reason.

We are a spoiled and lazy culture.
elect whom? Like those TP cacus members who said they were against homeland security and then voted to expand and renew it once elected?
They all lie. Well maybe not Ron Paul.

I direct a small NPO, the river advocacy group for two rivers in the Sumter National Forest. A group that I work with a little is the SC Rural Water Association. They help small water authorities with waste water upgrades and improving handling of discharge and implementing source water protection. They were slated to lose their funding, entirely, under USDA cuts to funding for groups like theirs. When they heard about this, they began asking all of their fellow water advocates to write our Senators and Reps to have them make specific request to keep them funded. And who were these Senators and Reps?

Jim DeMint
Lindsey Graham
Mick Mulvaney
Trey Gowdy

One of these persons even OWNS THE OFFICE that the SCRWA rents from him.... no conflict there eh? At any rate, these supposed fiscal budget hawks, one by one, requested that the rural water groups here keep their funding. And they did. These guys didn't even put up a fight about it, they rolled right over mostly because they could do it quietly and no one would notice. And virtually no one has, save the few of us who wroite the letters asking them to extend the funding.

The conservative budget hawks and Tea Party types folded like lawn chairs when we sent a few letters in.
elect whom? Like those TP cacus members who said they were against homeland security and then voted to expand and renew it once elected?
They all lie. Well maybe not Ron Paul.
If all you're going to do is bemoan the loss of the nation to unchallenged fascists, why bother posting? You've better ways to spend your time than be here.

If everyone's a liar, the why are you voting for them?

I vote against the ones I consider to be the most dangerous to my country.
I almost never vote "for" any politician.
Ah yes... the lesser evil argument. Too bad it happens to be the ultimate reason people do get elected.
I recommend Rand Paul's budget from the Senate and Ron Paul's budget as President.

I really don't care to debate this any further because I/we get called names for offering such "crazy" and "undoable" ideas. In fact I remember reading a thread talking about how Paul has never accomplished anything, due to the fact that he always tries to cut but sometimes is the only vote to do so… and that makes him bad.
Ron Paul would never get his budget approved in congress. He will also not be allowed to be president, so it's all a mute point.
Congress will get serious when the electorate gets serious. Pray the downgrade happens in early fall/late summer if it happens. Hope even more it never happens at all.

If it happens then, and inflation starts to spike....

If the cost of FEDERAL borrowing goes UP?

That's anti-inflationary.

If anything, a dramatic increase in the cost of government spending will result in a DEFLATIONARY depression because that would ALSO drive up the cost of ALL borrowing.

And with a depressed economy, the value of assets (and prices) tends to go down, not up.
Takeastepback probably has made the correct observations about this. (Sorry I got a bit off topic in the last post). We are likely beyond the point of return with our economic situation. Just aren't enough people who understand the situation AND have the desire to correct it AND acknowledge the kind of sacrifice, indeed suffering, it would require at this point. Many who can understand where we are headed won't do anything about it, not because they are evil or stupid, they just understand that at this point, we're talking about starving people dying in the streets if we make the extreme corrections that would be needed at this point. About the most we can expect is that we will prop this thing up for as long as we can, borrow every thing we can until there is no more to borrow and then we'll face the consequences of a full fledged melt down. And the thing is, that's pretty much just how a free market, capitalist, fiat system plays out. It doesn't hurt the wealthy so much... maybe some that thought they were wealthy. But to the real wealth, this is all just numbers in a board game of sorts. And when the Monopoly money is all played out, they have an answer for the next game, I'm sure. I'm just hoping they opt for a friendly round of Boggle and not Risk!
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