A sensible conservative


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2010
Baltimore adjacent
"The United States did not vote for socialism. It could not do so, because neither party offers socialism. Both parties champion a free enterprise economy cushioned by a certain amount of social insurance. The Democrats (mostly) want more social insurance, the Republicans want less. National politics is a contest to move the line of scrimmage, in a game where there's no such thing as a forward pass, only a straight charge ahead at the defensive line. To gain three yards is a big play."

Conservatives, don't despair - CNN.com
The only people that find Frum remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) are the lolberal lamestream media Boiking pompom wavers, like those at the Comrade News Network.

But thanks for the good lulz. :lol:
"The United States did not vote for socialism. It could not do so, because neither party offers socialism. Both parties champion a free enterprise economy cushioned by a certain amount of social insurance. The Democrats (mostly) want more social insurance, the Republicans want less. National politics is a contest to move the line of scrimmage, in a game where there's no such thing as a forward pass, only a straight charge ahead at the defensive line. To gain three yards is a big play."

Conservatives, don't despair - CNN.com

You'd appear so much more perceptive if you'd stick to words that you can actually define.

'Conservative' comes to mind.
The only people that find Frum remotely "conservative" (whatever the hell that's supposed to mean anymore) are the lolberal lamestream media Boiking pompom wavers, like those at the Comrade News Network.

But thanks for the good lulz. :lol:

More gobble-de-gook that doesn't really mean anything. It's the conservatism we grew up with, not the foam-at-the-mouth variety you apparently favor. Got anything besides cutesy name calling? :eusa_boohoo:
David Frum?....Srsly? :rolleyes:

You're deciding who is and isn't a conservative these days? When did they have that election? I demand a recount! :rolleyes:

He is no different than Caribou Barbie telling people who were and were not "Real" Americans during her campaign stumps. This of course occured before the people spoke and sent her ass back to Alaska.
"The United States did not vote for socialism. It could not do so, because neither party offers socialism. Both parties champion a free enterprise economy cushioned by a certain amount of social insurance. The Democrats (mostly) want more social insurance, the Republicans want less. National politics is a contest to move the line of scrimmage, in a game where there's no such thing as a forward pass, only a straight charge ahead at the defensive line. To gain three yards is a big play."

Conservatives, don't despair - CNN.com

You'd appear so much more perceptive if you'd stick to words that you can actually define.

'Conservative' comes to mind.

I wasn't defining it. The author of the article, a self-professed conservative, was. Apparently these days you have have to pass some sort of ideological purity test first. Big Tent, my ass!
"The United States did not vote for socialism. It could not do so, because neither party offers socialism. Both parties champion a free enterprise economy cushioned by a certain amount of social insurance. The Democrats (mostly) want more social insurance, the Republicans want less. National politics is a contest to move the line of scrimmage, in a game where there's no such thing as a forward pass, only a straight charge ahead at the defensive line. To gain three yards is a big play."

Conservatives, don't despair - CNN.com

You'd appear so much more perceptive if you'd stick to words that you can actually define.

'Conservative' comes to mind.

I wasn't defining it. The author of the article, a self-professed conservative, was. Apparently these days you have have to pass some sort of ideological purity test first. Big Tent, my ass!

May I be more direct?
What is the meaning of 'conservative'?
You'd appear so much more perceptive if you'd stick to words that you can actually define.

'Conservative' comes to mind.

I wasn't defining it. The author of the article, a self-professed conservative, was. Apparently these days you have have to pass some sort of ideological purity test first. Big Tent, my ass!

May I be more direct?
What is the meaning of 'conservative'?

Could I be more obvious, it's not for me to say. It's for self-professed conservatives to say. Reread the article for your answer. I'll tell you what I believe, it's up to conservatives to say what conservatism is. My only opinion on the matter is that it's counter-productive to insist on some sort of ideological purity, if the party ever hopes to win a national election again.
I wasn't defining it. The author of the article, a self-professed conservative, was. Apparently these days you have have to pass some sort of ideological purity test first. Big Tent, my ass!

May I be more direct?
What is the meaning of 'conservative'?

Could I be more obvious, it's not for me to say. It's for self-professed conservatives to say. Reread the article for your answer. I'll tell you what I believe, it's up to conservatives to say what conservatism is. My only opinion on the matter is that it's counter-productive to insist on some sort of ideological purity, if the party ever hopes to win a national election again.

See if you can get behind this logic:

If you don't know what a conservative is, how can you give any credence to the claims of the writer based on his being one?
David Frum?....Srsly? :rolleyes:

wait you where just in the jindal thread arguing about how the party needs to stop listening to the radical right, and yet here you are doing EXACTLY what the loons did with Jindal.

You are a fucking fraud.
"The United States did not vote for socialism. It could not do so, because neither party offers socialism. Both parties champion a free enterprise economy cushioned by a certain amount of social insurance. The Democrats (mostly) want more social insurance, the Republicans want less. National politics is a contest to move the line of scrimmage, in a game where there's no such thing as a forward pass, only a straight charge ahead at the defensive line. To gain three yards is a big play."

Conservatives, don't despair - CNN.com

isn't it funny how just being sane separates him from the pack?
It's amazing how all these wingnuts ostracize any conservative that doesn't walk lock-step (or should I say goose-step) with them.

Then they're shocked that they lose elections!

They just can't get any dumber!
I wasn't defining it. The author of the article, a self-professed conservative, was. Apparently these days you have have to pass some sort of ideological purity test first. Big Tent, my ass!

May I be more direct?
What is the meaning of 'conservative'?

Could I be more obvious, it's not for me to say. It's for self-professed conservatives to say. Reread the article for your answer. I'll tell you what I believe, it's up to conservatives to say what conservatism is. My only opinion on the matter is that it's counter-productive to insist on some sort of ideological purity, if the party ever hopes to win a national election again.
We can't win against ACORN rules of 30 votes per Democrat to 1 vote per conservative. Our only recourse is revolution.
May I be more direct?
What is the meaning of 'conservative'?

Could I be more obvious, it's not for me to say. It's for self-professed conservatives to say. Reread the article for your answer. I'll tell you what I believe, it's up to conservatives to say what conservatism is. My only opinion on the matter is that it's counter-productive to insist on some sort of ideological purity, if the party ever hopes to win a national election again.

See if you can get behind this logic:

If you don't know what a conservative is, how can you give any credence to the claims of the writer based on his being one?

Why should you care if I know or not? The point is that you shouldn't be dismissing him so readily. He says he's a conservative. Why shouldn't I take him at his word? He seems a lot like the ones I grew up with and occasionally voted for. You're don't realy care if I know or not, you just want to see if I accept your definition, when yours is no better than his.
O'Reilly's analysis is echoed across the conservative blogosphere. The (non-white) takers now outnumber the (white) makers. They will use their majority to pillage the makers and redistribute to the takers. In the process, they will destroy the sources of the country's wealth and end the American experiment forever.

You'll hear O'Reilly's view echoed wherever conservatives express themselves.

Happily, the view is wrong, and in every respect.

America is not a society divided between "makers" and "takers." Instead, almost all of us proceed through a life cycle where we sometimes make and sometimes take as we pass from schooling to employment to retirement.

The line between "making" and "taking" is not a racial line. The biggest government program we have, Medicare, benefits a population that is 85% white.

President Barack Obama was not re-elected by people who want to "take." The president was re-elected by people who want to work -- and who were convinced, rightly or wrongly, that the president's policies were more likely to create work than were the policies advocated by my party.

And, unfortunately, a very rare conservative.

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