"a shot heard round the world": Crazy Bernie praises Bezos for raising Amazon workers minimum wage

I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.

Who defines what the employee deserves?
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.

Who defines what the employee deserves?
Evidently the rupub retards and anti up there are the arbitors of such things.
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.

Ill be damned if I support a fair wage
Who defines what the employee deserves?

1. The portion of their employers income that has been determined to equate to the value of their work to produce that income.

2. The amount contractually agreed to by the Union that represents the employee and the employer.
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.

That might be one of the stupidest post I have ever read on this forum! Well done.

Amazon, like most companies today is having trouble finding and keeping good employees due to the tightening labor market. When this happens companies that want quality employees will pay more to attract them and keep them.

Do you really think Bezos is doing this for some political reason? Are you that ill-informed?
Who defines what the employee deserves?

1. The portion of their employers income that has been determined to equate to the value of their work to produce that income.

2. The amount contractually agreed to by the Union that represents the employee and the employer.

So, Amazon has determined their value has increased and your response is to punish Amazon for doing so?

What a simply amazing response.
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.
Yep, Someone somewhere will have to pay for that ridiculousness.
There are many jobs such as service jobs that do not deserve anything more than seven dollars an hour. Because they are not careers, they will never be careers they are just beginners jobs/service jobs....
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.

Who defines what the employee deserves?

This pesky little thing called the market.
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.
Yep, Someone somewhere will have to pay for that ridiculousness.
There are many jobs such as service jobs that do not deserve anything more than seven dollars an hour. Because they are not careers, they will never be careers they are just beginners jobs/service jobs....

Many people get paid well beyond what they deserve. Albert Pujols did not deserve 27 million dollars this year, yet his employer paid it to him and nobody ever whines about it. But a company decides to pay its employees more and it is the end of the fucking world as we know it.

You people are just amazing some days
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.

Who defines what the employee deserves?
Well, ultimately It should be up to the individual employer.
Giving out raises due to political correctness will increase pricing across the board...
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.
Yep, Someone somewhere will have to pay for that ridiculousness.
There are many jobs such as service jobs that do not deserve anything more than seven dollars an hour. Because they are not careers, they will never be careers they are just beginners jobs/service jobs....

Many people get paid well beyond what they deserve. Albert Pujols did not deserve 27 million dollars this year, yet his employer paid it to him and nobody ever whines about it. But a company decides to pay its employees more and it is the end of the fucking world as we know it.

You people are just amazing some days
How many people can do what Albert Pujols does?
How many people can stock shelves? Hell, I know you could probably train monkeys to stock shelves....
corporate leaders around the world will follow Jeff's lead!
I will believe it when I see it

The funny thing is that Bezos does not believe they will. He is calling for the law to be changed to force other companies to follow his lead. Amazon already pays above par for comparable job.

Democrats would be foolish to praise Bezos. This is part PR stunt. But it's also a very shrewd attack against his competitors. Given the recent negative press Amazon has received, this makes them look like heroes. But the secret behind the curtain is that Bezos knows that most of his competitors won't be able to survive a $15 minimum wage. Amazon can, but many others can't.

The end result would be that many Amazon jobs that currently pay more than the minimum, but not more than $15 an hour, will be instantly transformed into minimum wage jobs. This will help Amazon to reduce employees expectations of higher pay for better jobs. Meanwhile, if the federal minimum wage is raised to match, Bezos now gets away with paying minimum wage while his market share increases when competitors fall off. Eventually, when the economy has adjusted with inflation et al, Amazon has successfully transformed itself to being a predominantly minimum wage labor force, while the broader American economy has more nominal cash, a larger share of which gets spent at Amazon when competitors are sent to the poorhouse.
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.
Yep, Someone somewhere will have to pay for that ridiculousness.
There are many jobs such as service jobs that do not deserve anything more than seven dollars an hour. Because they are not careers, they will never be careers they are just beginners jobs/service jobs....

Many people get paid well beyond what they deserve. Albert Pujols did not deserve 27 million dollars this year, yet his employer paid it to him and nobody ever whines about it. But a company decides to pay its employees more and it is the end of the fucking world as we know it.

You people are just amazing some days

It's not the company paying more, it's that living wage people will use this as an example to bully businesses that CAN'T afford to do this to do it, either via laws or pressure.

And baseball player salaries, as they are tied to the massive revenue stream known as professional baseball, are not a good comparison.

That and while you can find millions of people who meet the job performance and qualifications of an Amazon worker, you can't find more than a handful of people who can play (or played) like Pujols.
I told my wife last night - “If anything you buy on Amazon, or any service you get from them, goes up even $0.01; you get it somewhere else... even if it’s more expensive.”

I will not support a company that artificially inflates pay beyond what the employees deserve. An employee who was making $7.25 yesterday doesn’t deserve $15.00 today simply for political grandstanding.
Yep, Someone somewhere will have to pay for that ridiculousness.
There are many jobs such as service jobs that do not deserve anything more than seven dollars an hour. Because they are not careers, they will never be careers they are just beginners jobs/service jobs....

Many people get paid well beyond what they deserve. Albert Pujols did not deserve 27 million dollars this year, yet his employer paid it to him and nobody ever whines about it. But a company decides to pay its employees more and it is the end of the fucking world as we know it.

You people are just amazing some days
How many people can do what Albert Pujols does?
How many people can stock shelves? Hell, I know you could probably train monkeys to stock shelves....

How many people can hit .245 with 19 home runs? A shit ton actually! :21::21:

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