Zone1 A Simple Experiment That Can Demonstrate WHY You Don't See Racism While Others Do

I'm a little surprised that you use that example.

You research over one particular brand of car and you're thinking about even when you're not researching it, and it is in the back of your mind even when you're doing something not related to buying your car, then of course you will notice all of that type car and it will seem as if that car is almost everywhere you look.

Yes, seeing racism around every corner will happen to people who constantly seek it out due to obsessively reading about, watching shows/Youtubes about it, and thinking about it. That doesn't mean that everyone is racist, any more than the car example means that every car is a Honda Civic all of a sudden.

Why not take a week off from hating, and spend that week researching examples of whites helping and showing kindness to people of color? Trump got an award from the NAACP for doing just that, and there are many others not so famous, but just as kind.

Why not start a thread for white people to give examples of their kindness to people of color? Sadly from about half of them, their "kindness" will consist of voting for welfare increases and voting against Trump - an NCAAP Award winner. But many of do have stories to tell, of either kindness to people of color as such, or kindness to people who just happened to be people of color. Maybe such a thread would brighten your outlook?
I'm honestly surprised by your comment but several posters here have expressed the same thing.

I don't know if it's because I attempted to use that as an example of why we (Black people) have the ability to recognize racism when we encounter it, by using the example of the car you never noticed before but are now seeing everywhere once you become interested in it, I thought was a pretty clear cut example.

You all are barking up the wrong tree however. Those individuals who work in our justice system are required to research past cases in order to see if they can be used to support the points they're attempting to make and win in their arguments to the courts. This is true in both criminal and civil cases. Of course the most apparent individuals are the prosecutors, and attorneys, and judges but there are a lot of other people who do work that requires the same type of research into both current and past events. If your specialty is civil rights or constitution rights in an employment or housing situation, then yes all of these prior incidents make up a body of evidence that is of interest to those individuals attempting to obtain a win for their clients.

For you and others to attempt to portray our knowledge, ability and interests in this particular area of law and society as hatred categorizes you as an adversary even if that's not what your intent was.

There is a wealth of information and evidence on this website that can and is currently being used to show the reality of life in the United States of America when it comes to the topic of racial harmony and those who would do just about anything to keep this from happening.

Perfect thesis and dissertation material.
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I'm honestly surprised by your comment but several posters here have expressed the same thing.

I don't know if it's because I attempted to use that as an example of why we (Black people) have the ability to recognize racism when we encounter it, by using the example of the car you never noticed before but are now seeing everywhere once you become interested in it, I thought was a pretty clear cut example.

You all are barking up the wrong tree however. Those individuals who work in our justice system are required to research past cases in order to see if they can be used to support the points they're attempting to make and win in their arguments to the courts. This is true in both criminal and civil cases. Of course the most apparent individuals are the prosecutors, and attorneys, and judges but there are a lot of other people who do work that requires the same type of research into both current and past events. If your specialty is civil rights or constitution rights in an employment or housing situation, then yes all of these prior incidents make up a body of evidence that is of interest to those individuals attempting to obtain a win for their clients.

For you and others to attempt to portray our knowledge, ability and interests in this particular area of law and society as hatred categorizes you as an adversary even if that's not what your intent was.

There is a wealth of information and evidence on this website that can and is currently being used to show the reality of life in the United States of America when it comes to the topic of racial harmony and those who would do just about anything to keep this from happening.

Perfect thesis and dissertation material.
Let's agree to disagree and have you focus on looking for examples of the kindness of whites toward people of color.

I you will agree to do that, I will notice and report on here about acts of examples of racism I see.
Let's agree to disagree and have you focus on looking for examples of the kindness of whites toward people of color.

I you will agree to do that, I will notice and report on here about acts of examples of racism I see.
She does not have to look for that. Who in the hell do you think you are? Why don't you work in this forum to expose white racism and then oppose it? Then you can be the example you want Newsvine to look for.
That’s actually a great idea. When people are mired in resentment and focusing on all the negatives, a good thing that helps is for them to write down five things every evening for which they are grateful.

For therapeutic purposes, perhaps Newsvine and IM2 can reflect on positive encounters they’ve had with whites tomorrow, and write them down. Then they can share them with us on Tuesday.

Again, good idea.
I'm the only Black person on my team that I've worked on for the last 4 1/2 years. Not everyone else is white we have/had two Asian Indians, a Pakistani Indian, and an East Asian, but everyone else is white with the males just slightly outweighing the females totaling 13 in all with my manager being a white female.

I have been grateful everyday for each and every one of my team members and they know it because I tell them how much I appreciate them. Not as white people, for those who are, but just as my team members. They don't treat me any different than they treat anyone else so we're a very close and cohesive team and consider each other our work family.

I don't have a need to express to a bunch of strangers on the internet an appreciation for white people when I live in appreciation of my work family and friends every day. Some of them I talk with outside of work, some of them I meet with at a restaurant outside of work, some of them I recommend for jobs when I am contacted by recruiters, many of them have written recommendations for me, providing accolades for the work I do, and ways that I have helped them.

While I can't and won't speak for IM2, I know that he has experienced many of the same things that I have, such as being one of only a small handful of Black students in school, etc. so I know that he has no need either to relate to a bunch of suspect individuals on the internet his positive experiences with white people that he experienced on Monday.
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Exactly...and her wife barak said "you have no idea what it does to a young black mans phyche when he's walking down the street and hears car doors lock".

If a black man has developed a complex because he heard car doors lock...he had better seek professional help!
People lock their doors at the sight of a young black man because they know that young black men have sky high crime rates. A young black man walking in a white neighborhood after dark will have his feelings hurt. Nevertheless, he will be a lot safer than he would be walking in a black neighborhood after dark.
People who think the world is full of enemies and who act that way will make enemies everywhere they go. This is particularly true of Negroes who go around looking for micro microaggressions and evidence of systemic racism.
She does not have to look for that. Who in the hell do you think you are? Why don't you work in this forum to expose white racism and then oppose it? Then you can be the example you want Newsvine to look for.
Instead of looking for white racism to expose Negroes should look for ways they generate white racism with their performance and behavior.
"For therapeutic purposes, perhaps Newsvine and IM2 can reflect on positive encounters they’ve had with whites tomorrow, and write them down. Then they can share them with us on Tuesday."

For therapeutic purposes, perhaps Lisa, Hector, Seymore and others here begin seeking psychiatric help for the racism they exhibit. Because I'm not going to do what you guys don't do for blacks. Not one of you have EVER posted a positive statement about blacks. When I started a thread showing good deeds done by blacks, I got the same dumb ass about black crime and illegitimate births that always comes up regardless of the subject.

So I am going to respond to the racism I read from whites here. And that's the way its going to be until the whites here who consistently practice racism stop doing it.
In reference to the company rule you mentioned above. Do black people naturally have blond streaks in their hair? If they don't have blond streaks in their hair would that not mean the hair style is unnatural and a violation of the rules. When you work for a company, they have a right to expect you, the employee, to meet their expectations; after all, it is their money that is at risk.
The use of the word "unnatural" is probably the worse part of what the company said. Let's use the "reasonable man" standard. Without ever having seen the company's policy I would infer that when they say so "unnatural" colors they're speak on Crayon colors - purple, pink, blue, green, yellow and shades thereof.

The fact that there are people at that worksite that believe that blond is an unnatural color for Black people is where the problem lies. And the fact that they sent her home on an alleged violation of their dress code.

Black people often get singled out and hassled/punished for our hair styles so much so that the EEOC which enforces the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits discrimination against workers based on their protected class status of race, now gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion, etc.

American Screening Sued by EEOC for Race Discrimination

According to the EEOC’s lawsuit, American Screening interviewed and selected the worker for an office job. About a month into the job, the worker — who until then had been wearing a wig made of straight hair — stopped wearing the wig and began wearing her own tightly curled hair in a neat bun. The worker’s hair — considered type “4-A” on the Andre Walker Hair Typing System — is commonly associated with people who, like the worker, are African American.​
Soon after, the owner told managers to “talk to [the worker] about her hair and looking more professional,” complaining that the worker “came in with beautiful hair,” the EEOC said. The owner nonetheless allowed other workers who did not have tightly curled hair like the Black worker to wear their hair in buns or ponytails. The owner then told the worker that her hair was unacceptable and that she should begin wearing the wig with straight hair again. The worker did not, however, and about a week later, the owner discharged her, the EEOC said, and the company then hired a worker who was not African American in her place.​
Such alleged conduct violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits race-related discrimination. The EEOC filed suit in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Louisiana (Civil Action No. 2:21-cv-01978) after first attempting to reach a pre-litigation settlement through its conciliation process.​
"For therapeutic purposes, perhaps Newsvine and IM2 can reflect on positive encounters they’ve had with whites tomorrow, and write them down. Then they can share them with us on Tuesday."

For therapeutic purposes, perhaps Lisa, Hector, Seymore and others here begin seeking psychiatric help for the racism they exhibit. Because I'm not going to do what you guys don't do for blacks. Not one of you have EVER posted a positive statement about blacks. When I started a thread showing good deeds done by blacks, I got the same dumb ass about black crime and illegitimate births that always comes up regardless of the subject.
I like colored people when they live up to my mild standards. All they need to do is to behave and perform as well as most whites do.
In reference to the company rule you mentioned above. Do black people naturally have blond streaks in their hair? If they don't have blond streaks in their hair would that not mean the hair style is unnatural and a violation of the rules. When you work for a company, they have a right to expect you, the employee, to meet their expectations; after all, it is their money that is at risk.
There are Black people with naturally blond hair. Have you ever seen a photo of O.J. Simpson's daughter Sidney I think is here name. I remember seeing photos of her as a little girl and her hair was blond then, but she's bi-racial and her mother was a blond.
Let's agree to disagree and have you focus on looking for examples of the kindness of whites toward people of color.

I you will agree to do that, I will notice and report on here about acts of examples of racism I see.
It's already been addressed and without your prompting. See my comment #73
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Melanesians: Exploring The Origins Of Natural Black Blondes​


It's already been addressed and without your prompting. See my comment #73
The idea was to look for more examples starting tomorrow. Otherwise you risk falling into the common trap of thinking that 'sure the ________ folks that I work with are fine and good people, but I know that them others that I don't know are blah blah blah because I read about it or see it on tv.'

I mean, really. How likely is it that you happen to work at an oasis of good and decent white people in a desert of evil racist white people? Isn't it much more likely that when you get to know individual white people, it turns out that they are no better nor no worse than any other color?
I pretty much lock my door when anyone gets too close to my car.

Those ladies with strollers are especially suspect.
I'm glad to hear you say this because there were a couple of white women pushing a baby stroller through my flower bed and until my patio.

F'ing prowlers, so inconsiderate.

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