Zone1 A Simple Experiment That Can Demonstrate WHY You Don't See Racism While Others Do

I read plenty to get my B.A., and read and wrote even more to get my two M.S. degrees. I learned a lot from all my reading, and it included
Important words for all to read.

And so he read some civil rights laws. I wonder has he read how courts have interpreted some of those laws over the years?
I will to. Because it will be 1 day before the dollar collapses and becomes worthless :auiqs.jpg:

Better spend it quick! :D
Sounds like a intentional scheme to me. Like when a person or company or some other entity owes money to another and they intentionally drag out turning over the account so that by the time they do pay it out, the portfolio has lost several hundred dollars in value
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They are also your classic bullies. I would have hated to be around them in junior high.

Yeah, it's awesome that you read a lot, it really is. Considering the insanely low black literacy rates, you are an excellent role model and I hope you don't get accused of "acting white" because of your love of reading.

I read plenty to get my B.A., and read and wrote even more to get my two M.S. degrees. I learned a lot from all my reading, and it included

Important words for all to read.

But . . . in order to form a valid world view, you would need to . . . view the world. Not just what you read in books. You need to use your book learning as a foundation from which to understand what you see around you, and vice-versa.

But, if you only read books that prime you to view the world through the lens of Critical Race Theory or any other guiding philosophy that tell you that you are a victim, then of course you will see your own victimization every place you look.
So I guess you missed the part where I said "of necessity"? Reading about our legal system and seeing how it works first hand as a plaintiff or defendant are two different experiences. Having to figure it out on your own instead of it being taught to you is an entirely different realm as well but this discussion is uncovering things I hadn't even thought of.

So if I understand you correctly, your position is that I and most other Black people see racism EVERYWHERE and not only is that not feasible but it makes us suspect as well, is this correct?
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I and most other Black people see racism EVERYWHERE and not only is that not feasible but it makes us suspect as well,

It's good you finally admit it! Don't you feel better now!

Now you can move on with life and get things for yourself without expecting others to pay for you to exist!
My current rate for my "valueless opinions" is $150/hr
And a bargain at that. 😂
Please stop posting on my threads since you have nothing to contribute otherwise my report will indicate harassment.
Rest assured that I post where and as I wish. Free speech. Perhaps you’ve heard of it?

You are entitled to post whatever bullshit you wish. Others are free to post replies as they wish. Your permission is not required.

Are you starting to see how a message board works, yet?

Your OP was a story. Not a very good one, either.
It's good you finally admit it! Don't you feel better now!

Now you can move on with life and get things for yourself without expecting others to pay for you to exist!
You left off the beginning of my statement; "So if I understand you correctly, your position is that.........I and most other Black people see racism EVERYWHERE and not only is that not feasible but it makes us suspect as well?"

So who is more suspect, the person who has date & time stamped documented electronic evidence in the form of video, audio, email, text messages, social media posting, data pulled from a vehicle's gps and other online systems (and a license to stalk)
a person who has to modify the words of another person to make it appear as if they said something that they did not?
  • Brilliant
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It's good you finally admit it! Don't you feel better now!

Now you can move on with life and get things for yourself without expecting others to pay for you to exist!
We have paid for whites to exist here. Since 1619.
Where do these people come up with such idiotic beliefs?
In reference to the company rule you mentioned above. Do black people naturally have blond streaks in their hair? If they don't have blond streaks in their hair would that not mean the hair style is unnatural and a violation of the rules. When you work for a company, they have a right to expect you, the employee, to meet their expectations; after all, it is their money that is at risk.
I disagree. White people dye their hair. It doesn’t matter if it’s a natural color, it isn’t THEIR natural color. I see no problem with her hair.
Let's make things clear for the ignoramuses who always want to bring up reparations and run their mouths about slavery. We are demanding reparations for these things(and it's not a complete list):

Slavery, black codes, convict leasing, the fraud perpetrated on blacks landowners after slavery, redlining, restrictive covenants, contract selling, the exclusion of blacks from New Deal Programs and GI Bill, Housing segregation, predatory lending, Human rights violations in law enforcement, medical racism, retail redlining, terrorism, and much more.

So it doesn't matter what you didn't own or what you say you didn't do. You guys are not in the decision making position. This is about the government.
I didn't write that...that is a mis-quote and a serious violation of forum rules...I would ask you to fix that please.
Sorry about the mixup and not apologizing in the comment in which I notified you the citation had been corrected. It was just an oversight, not intentional.

And thank you for bringing to my attention the mistake so that i could correct it. I appreciate it.

So I guess you missed the part where I said "of necessity"? Reading about our legal system and seeing how it works first hand as a plaintiff or defendant are two different experiences. Having to figure it out on your own instead of it being taught to you is an entirely different realm as well
I don't know anything about you. So when you said that you had read cases, I assumed that it was due to studying law, or studying about the law as part of studying the civil rights movement. I didn't assume that you were involved with the justice system in a negative way. Why would I stereotype you that way?
but this discussion is uncovering things I hadn't even thought of.
For me as well. That's the learning process.
So if I understand you correctly, your position is that I and most other Black people see racism EVERYWHERE and not only is that not feasible but it makes us suspect as well, is this correct?
You do not understand me correctly at all, then. I said nothing about what "most other Black people," see, and especially not that Black people are suspect.

For one, I don't know that you are Black, you may be another poser. You may even be the same poser, for all I know. But I give you the benefit of the doubt until you prove yourself to be a fraud as another has.

More importantly, if I were to assume a set of beliefs that apply to most Black people, I would base it on the Black people I know IRL, not random internet posters. The ones I know are teachers and they mainly talk about how better to get children to read and do math, and secondarily about their family and other personal aspects. They do not incessantly complain about racism being everywhere.

My position is that being constantly exposed to a steady stream of propaganda about how racist the American system is can make some people see racism where there is no racism, such as in the natural tendency to be leery of strangers in public, or to judge people by their behavior and their dress, or see continuing racism in the ill effects of past racism.

If I own a store and a couple of guys walk in talking loudly, with pants below their butts, hoodies and masks, and walking aimlessly around the store, you bet I'm keeping my eyes on them until they leave which I would hope would be soon. That would happen if they were albinos from Sweden, nothing to do with skin color.
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