A simple question for Trump fans: Is Trump above the law?

For those that have trouble with basic fundamentals - JOE BIDEN IS NOT HUNTER BIDEN. They are two different adults, even if closely related.

Like those paintings hunter made that got millions of dollars?

Aside from the fact that SOME OTHER person's means of income don't make Joe Biden's income illegitimate, there were no criminal complaints associated with his paintings....and oh by the way they aren't half bad either.


If you seriously know something re. this matter that others don't, then go ahead and file it with authorities.

Legitimate income is reported to the IRS on your tax return. Where did all the millions and millions from, China, Ukraine and elsewhere to Hunter and Joe go?

And IT WAS for Joe Biden as lack of any findings by a Republican examination of his financials proves.

Plenty of evidence Hunter treads greenbacks wherever he can and hasn't kept his IRS filings above board, but there has never been evidence that Joe did anything improper.
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Very few of them have read the indictment, since it was written by evil demonic fake news Hitler Deep State swamp commies.

They don't need to. They just deny everything, regardless.

How easy that must be. No thought or honor required.

This poster claimed to have read the indictment and pronounced it “bullshit”. I think the only “bullshit” involved is his posts on the subject.

Interesting piece in today’s WAPO showing that the Justice Department resisted investigating Trump for January 6th.

Shameful. It just encouraged Trump to keep up with the “stolen election” bullshit.

He should have been put under house arrest on January 7th.

Legitimate income is reported to the IRS on your tax return. Where did all the millions and millions from, China, Ukraine and elsewhere to Hunter and Joe go? I don't see any of it on their tax returns!

Isn't that was defines the difference between legitimate business and the mob? One obeys the laws and pays taxation to the government while the other does not.

There is no evidence that Joe Biden received money from China or the Ukraine.

The tax returns of other family members are not public so you’re never going to see those returns.

Also, they’re none of your business. These people don’t work for the US government. They are private individuals, and as such, it’s none of YOUR business what they did with the money.
Very few of them have read the indictment, since it was written by evil demonic fake news Hitler Deep State swamp commies.
They don't need to. They just deny everything, regardless.
How easy that must be. No thought or honor required.

You keep saying read the indictment? I ask you why should I read fiction? You turds shot your wad on Trump Russian collusion conspiracy theory. You've thrown everything up to the kitchen sink at Trump and had nothing but fake news. So tell me what about this fiction is real this time ?

And there ya go. As predicted.

Don't read it. I don't care.
Ummm, you DO know 'indicted' doesn't mean 'guilty', right?

At this point it's simply a technicality, until his trial is over. They basically have the murder weapon, so you do the math on that one. And his sexual assault trial has already been concluded. I think you know the outcome of that one.
The tax returns of other family members are not public so you’re never going to see those returns.
Also, they’re none of your business. These people don’t work for the US government.

Sweet! So in other words, if Trump's kid's were pulling a quid pro quo selling US favors like Hillary and giving part to Donald while selling the nation out to a hostile foreign power for personal gain, you'd be OK WITH IT.


Blow me some more smoke, Honey.
At this point it's simply a technicality, until his trial is over. They basically have the murder weapon, so you do the math on that one. And his sexual assault trial has already been concluded. I think you know the outcome of that one.
Murder weapon? Who was murdered?

The -sexual assault case was a CIVIL trial, not a criminal trial.


How many times have you pusses claomed 'We've got him this time' over the last 7 years only to end up like...

At this point it's simply a technicality, until his trial is over.
Indicted simply means accused, Bumfest. Only Marxists fond of railroaded drumhead trials like one gets in a communist country consider the law a "technicality," and Trump is the least guilty of a plethora of recent democrats who went before him doing far worse whose response every time by the government was:


Until Trump came along and the Deep State suddenly saw such conventional, perennial behavior now as a president declassifying and taking what he needs now a crime against humanity worse than Hitler and a threat greater than death. Imagine, the party that sanctioned burning down 350 cities over an arrest that went bad mostly because of the thug himself and celebrated the killing of cops and jumping on their burned out cars now sees Trump as a threat to "democracy" in a nation that was never even BASED on it.
Maybe the ones he's been indicted for? I don't know, pick one. Sexual abuse, defamation, hush money, steal classified documents and refusing to return them.
In a banana republic lies become true
Indicted simply means accused, Bumfest. Only Marxists fond of railroaded drumhead trials like one gets in a communist country consider the law a "technicality," and Trump is the least guilty of a plethora of recent democrats who went before him doing far worse whose response every time by the government was:


Until Trump came along and the Deep State suddenly saw such conventional, perennial behavior now as a president declassifying and taking what he needs now a crime against humanity worse than Hitler and a threat greater than death. Imagine, the party that sanctioned burning down 350 cities over an arrest that went bad mostly because of the thug himself and celebrated the killing of cops and jumping on their burned out cars now sees Trump as a threat to "democracy" in a nation that was never even BASED on it.

So you believe that Trump should be above the law, gotcha. We know where you stand.

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