A simple question for Trump fans: Is Trump above the law?

There is no evidence that Joe Biden received money from China or the Ukraine.

The tax returns of other family members are not public so you’re never going to see those returns.

Also, they’re none of your business. These people don’t work for the US government. They are private individuals, and as such, it’s none of YOUR business what they did with the money.
well sweetie, his son just plead guilty of tax evasion. 2 million worth.
And you won't be able to back that up with a list of my "leftist positions".

I've provided my ACTUAL positions on the ACTUAL issues, and post about them.

You're the liar. But you can fluff yourself all you want. Enjoy.
You are an irrational Trump hating leftard.

Everyone knows it.

Regardless of what you CLAIM your positions are, because leftards lie. It's what they do.
And I thought you liberals supported the right to protest.
well sweetie, his son just plead guilty of tax evasion. 2 million worth.

He didn’t plead guilty to tax evasion. He pled guilty to late filing his tax returns. He wasn’t hiding anything, he simply failed to file.

That’s why it’s a misdemeanour and not a felony.
Get real, The rich & famous Always get a better deal, the more money or power the less likely too lose.
We throw a few rich people off the cliff every year too keep the illusion that No one is above the law.
But its a dam lie. We pay, they play.
make whatever claim you want, we all know that you are a lefty from your history of left loving posts. you are not what you are claiming to be, stop the lying.
Redfish, whatever you write or say, the world knows you are magaturd from your history of orangeturd posts from the presses of the far right cess pool.
Stop lying, we know what you are. we all know that you are a lefty from your history of left loving posts. you are not what you are claiming to be.
To all CTers:
I know believing conspiracy theories makes people feel smart and like they have the inside scoop while the rest of us sheeple bury our heads in the sand, but it sounds like an exhausting and miserable way to live.

Your entire personality turns into being very mad online about objectively fake things that never pan out. Like every time a celebrity dies instead of thinking, "Oh, I liked his movies," your first thought is, "Must've been the COVID vaccine." Can you fathom how withered and hollow your soul has to be to watch screaming, sobbing parents on TV who just learned their first graders' were murdered with an AR-15 and you go, "Damn crisis actors at it again!" Or being convinced that millions of votes were conjured out of thin air in 2020 and just getting angrier and angrier at how widespread the cover-up is because every single judge and every single recount tells you you're full of shit. Can you imagine seeing an 80-year-old man who's dedicated his entire life to public health on the news saying it's a good idea to wear a mask and becoming so apoplectic with rage you think this guy made it all up to keep you from going to the fucking Cracker Barrel?

Anyway, RFK Jr. is a lunatic and if you think vaccines cause autism or that thousands of people dropped dead from the COVID jab, might I suggest going for a walk? Listening to some REM? Dipping your toes in a pond to reconnect you with nature and, hopefully, reality? I know, I know, you did your own research by watching a 15-minute YouTube video so you're basically Jonas Salk, but consider that just because you saw something on the internet doesn't make it true.
SEE above Q-NUT.
what about it? She bleach bit her computer and destroyed her phones under subpoena. What is inaccurate? That's called obstruction. How isn't it? Destruction of evidence during an investigation is obstruction. Are you suggesting she is above the law on the books?
what about it? She bleach bit her computer and destroyed her phones under subpoena. What is inaccurate? That's called obstruction. How isn't it? Destruction of evidence during an investigation is obstruction. Are you suggesting she is above the law on the books?
No, she did not. CTing does not worik.
Get real, The rich & famous Always get a better deal, the more money or power the less likely too lose.
We throw a few rich people off the cliff every year too keep the illusion that No one is above the law.
But its a dam lie. We pay, they play.
Yeah. And this is just the latest blatant example of that. If you or I had done this, we'd be spending our next few years running from Jethro. If you know what I mean.

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