A simple question for Trump fans: Is Trump above the law?

Well Trump does have to keep talking about all those lies the democrats keep saying about him. Just to show it's a lie.
Well, Trump does have to keep talking about all those lies in order to keep The Following misinformed. Gullible rubes like yourself being a prime example.
When Biden is removed from office Garland will be replaced as will many in the DOJ. Then you'll see charges being brought
How do we believe this? Schiff is an example of the lies Republicans told us for years and decades. FOX showing us folksy music and their people showing us restaurants giving us Mayberry everything is all right broadcasts is not doing it. We are fed crap over and over and FOX is part of it.
When Biden is removed from office Garland will be replaced as will many in the DOJ. Then you'll see charges being brought
Gee, given that any information warranting an indictment has been accessible to Repubs for years why would another Repub administration change anything? Unless, of course, what you are suggesting is Trump (I presume) will once again abuse his power in an attempt to "lock her up."
There is no evidence that Joe Biden received money from China or the Ukraine.

The tax returns of other family members are not public so you’re never going to see those returns.

Also, they’re none of your business. These people don’t work for the US government. They are private individuals, and as such, it’s none of YOUR business what they did with the money.
Where did the Penn Biden Center come from? :rolleyes-41:
Well, Trump does have to keep talking about all those lies in order to keep The Following misinformed. Gullible rubes like yourself being a prime example.
So says the conspiracy theorist of trump Russian collusion
make whatever claim you want, we all know that you are a lefty from your history of left loving posts. you are not what you are claiming to be, stop the lying.
And you won't be able to back that up with a list of my "leftist positions".

I've provided my ACTUAL positions on the ACTUAL issues, and post about them.

You're the liar. But you can fluff yourself all you want. Enjoy.
About half the Republican Party are no longer conservatives. They are the Trump party that is grievance based, conspiracy theory, hate motivated cult. Facts are whatever the cult leader says they are.
About half the Republican Party are no longer conservatives. They are the Trump party that is grievance based, conspiracy theory, hate motivated cult. Facts are whatever the cult leader says they are.
Yeah. The question now is the percentages. It could be just half, since that half is so feral and loud.
About half the Republican Party are no longer conservatives. They are the Trump party that is grievance based, conspiracy theory, hate motivated cult. Facts are whatever the cult leader says they are.
71 million voted for trump. 71 million is about one qtr of the population in the US.
Legitimate income is reported to the IRS on your tax return. Where did all the millions and millions from, China, Ukraine and elsewhere to Hunter and Joe go? I don't see any of it on their tax returns!

Isn't that was defines the difference between legitimate business and the mob? One obeys the laws and pays taxation to the government while the other does not.
Hunter just plead guilty to not paying taxes.
There is no evidence that Joe Biden received money from China or the Ukraine.

The tax returns of other family members are not public so you’re never going to see those returns.

Also, they’re none of your business. These people don’t work for the US government. They are private individuals, and as such, it’s none of YOUR business what they did with the money.
You're nuts.

Go tell Al Capone.
that she committed obstruction and wasn't charged. Seems clearly she is above the law.
According to???????????????
NOT in court.
OR even a charge.

"It was a political hit job"............Believe me.

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