A small percentage of looting rioters does not discredit the entire racial injustice peaceful protests

And about the protesters themselves stopping people in the crowd from getting violent.

Sure but the all the leaders have yet to come out and say stop the rioting and looting!! This points to huge liberal violence at the heart of the organization. Trump immediately condemned the Floyd murder has did every responsible leader! Liberals cant make up their minds about rioting and looting!!
Here's just a couple. I'm not a librarian; I'm not going to spend the evening collecting articles for you. But they ARE speaking out.
MLK's daughter, Atlanta mayor among leaders condemning riots after George Floyd's death
Listen to them. They mean business.

Black Lives Matter Knoxville to Market Square vandals: 'This is not your movement!'
Activist Constance Every said Saturday night's destruction was completely counter-productive to the large demonstration against police brutality organized by Black Lives Matter Knoxville on Friday, which drew support from Knoxville Mayor Indya Kincannon and other local elected officials.

"We have the attention of the leadership here," Every said in a video posted to the Black Lives Matter Knoxville Facebook page Sunday. "And that is not because we came down here and tore stuff up.

Beautiful lady.

Her comments were met with the sounds of crickets.
Don't move the goal posts.

Show me where her words had any desired effect.
Where were the riots last night?

How many days ago were her comments?
Where were the riots last night?
How many lives were destroyed in the days since she spoke?
In Atlanta? Look it up.
I'm not following that at all. I don't see how liberals are blaming minorities. Why do you say that?
really? really?
Then WHY did you say something so looney? The majority of rioters were black, as were the majority of looters. The media isn't "hiding" the real perps. That's crazy.
You blamed minorities and you called it looney to suggest it was anyone else but minorities...this is such typical white liberal thinking
If I hear credible reporting that it was all white liberals who committed the looting and arson and rioting, okay. But all I've heard is about one here, one there, and plenty of videos showing black people cleaning out stores and breaking windows, etc. I'm not being racist. I'm stating facts. You want to blame it on some Democratic evil cabal, it sounds like. And that has about as much credibility as Comet Ping Pong Pizza.
Do you ever sit down to type something and actually think anything through?

You celebrate any poll that says blacks vote 90%+ for democrats. And swear there’s not a chance they will ever vote republican.

Until there’s a riot. All of a sudden there’s just no way to know how many of the rioting pigs are democrats. It’s a fucking mystery.

You’re an idiot.
I don't think in partisan terms. The last thing I would think of (if I didn't come here) is whether they're Democrats or Republicans!
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
Classic straw man argument...Great job.
Straw man argument? That's straight apples to apples comparison.

What problem do you have with that? Does this apply to you?
Except that nobody is making the argument that the looting rioters are equal to the peaceful protesters, which makes it a strawman argument.

Suck on that.
Then why have vigilante counter protesters all over the country been slinging their AR's over their shoulders and "defending" their white havens? Those people DEFINITELY think that every protester is a threat.
Because that’s what a rational thinking person does. You’re an ideologue and a fool that’s why you say this stupid shit. When throngs of people are running around and some are attacking people, others are looting and still others are starting fires you defend against all of them. You don’t sit there and ask them to fill out a fucking questionnaire about their intentions. You treat the entire group as if they may be the worst ones, because they very well may be.
NOT A SINGLE PERSON was running around attacking people, looting or starting fires in ANY of the situations I was talking about. Just white crackers with AR's scared to death of the protesters. Who were NOT rioting.
What situations are you talking about you fucking fruit cake. It sure as hell wasn't anywhere meaningful. You’re like that retard on CNN talking about the peaceful demonstrations standing in front of a burning building. Fuck you and your ignorant spin. The cat is out of the bag and you’re never getting it back in.



Maybe later tonight those rioters will show up in your neighborhood and burn your place down.
It's time both sides stopped threatening.
Both sides have not threatened. They left has destroyed many businesses in America. George Floyd is still gone and the cops faces 2nd degree murder charges. And the rioters, looters, pillagers and arsonists have Burnt their cities to the ground. Oh, and they also helped themselves to some free stuff. I think they also did great damage to their cries for justice. The cops justice is coming. When will the criminal left be charged?
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
Classic straw man argument...Great job.
Straw man argument? That's straight apples to apples comparison.

What problem do you have with that? Does this apply to you?
Except that nobody is making the argument that the looting rioters are equal to the peaceful protesters, which makes it a strawman argument.

Suck on that.
Then why have vigilante counter protesters all over the country been slinging their AR's over their shoulders and "defending" their white havens? Those people DEFINITELY think that every protester is a threat.
Because that’s what a rational thinking person does. You’re an ideologue and a fool that’s why you say this stupid shit. When throngs of people are running around and some are attacking people, others are looting and still others are starting fires you defend against all of them. You don’t sit there and ask them to fill out a fucking questionnaire about their intentions. You treat the entire group as if they may be the worst ones, because they very well may be.
NOT A SINGLE PERSON was running around attacking people, looting or starting fires in ANY of the situations I was talking about. Just white crackers with AR's scared to death of the protesters. Who were NOT rioting.
What situations are you talking about you fucking fruit cake. It sure as hell wasn't anywhere meaningful. You’re like that retard on CNN talking about the peaceful demonstrations standing in front of a burning building. Fuck you and your ignorant spin. The cat is out of the bag and you’re never getting it back in.




I can tell you about this image.

You see that building behind these gentlemen? Do you know what that building is?

The "peaceful protesters" agreed to NOT approach that building or even go down that street. THESE LAW-ABIDING CIVILIANS knew better than to trust the "peaceful protesters" and decided to righteously guard this historic building from those "peaceful protester's" looting/vandalizing commie asses.

There is NOTHING wrong about what these gentlemen are doing.

As for the other photos, all I see is people standing guard in front of their property to prevent any violent attacks, looting, or vandalism. Are you saying they were not justified, given the shit that went down elsewhere?

What do you think these people will do with their weapons if you defund the police? Because, we will not stand by and let a bunch of lawless commies destroy our shit. We will use force.



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View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
I think calling it a small percentage is a lie. It was more like an invasion of locusts!

there were many looters, but FAR more others---at any given moment. For some reason, the vacuous among us INSIST that the non-looters FAR FAR out numbered the tiny tiny number of looters. <<<< that's moronic------if the NON-LOOTERS were not delighted with the filth of the looters-----it would have been easy for them ---the MANY ---to stop that tiny tiny group of starving looters
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
Classic straw man argument...Great job.
Straw man argument? That's straight apples to apples comparison.

What problem do you have with that? Does this apply to you?
Except that nobody is making the argument that the looting rioters are equal to the peaceful protesters, which makes it a strawman argument.

Suck on that.
Then why have vigilante counter protesters all over the country been slinging their AR's over their shoulders and "defending" their white havens? Those people DEFINITELY think that every protester is a threat.
Because that’s what a rational thinking person does. You’re an ideologue and a fool that’s why you say this stupid shit. When throngs of people are running around and some are attacking people, others are looting and still others are starting fires you defend against all of them. You don’t sit there and ask them to fill out a fucking questionnaire about their intentions. You treat the entire group as if they may be the worst ones, because they very well may be.
NOT A SINGLE PERSON was running around attacking people, looting or starting fires in ANY of the situations I was talking about. Just white crackers with AR's scared to death of the protesters. Who were NOT rioting.
What situations are you talking about you fucking fruit cake. It sure as hell wasn't anywhere meaningful. You’re like that retard on CNN talking about the peaceful demonstrations standing in front of a burning building. Fuck you and your ignorant spin. The cat is out of the bag and you’re never getting it back in.



View attachment 347973
I can tell you about this image.

You see that building behind these gentlemen? Do you know what that building is?

The "peaceful protesters" agreed to NOT approach that building or even go down that street. THESE LAW-ABIDING CIVILIANS knew better than to trust the "peaceful protesters" and decided to righteously guard this historic building from those "peaceful protester's" looting/vandalizing commie asses.

There is NOTHING wrong about what these gentlemen are doing.

As for the other photos, all I see is people standing guard in front of their property to prevent any violent attacks, looting, or vandalism. Are you saying they were not justified, given the shit that went down elsewhere?

What do you think these people will do with their weapons if you defund the police? Because, we will not stand by and let a bunch of lawless commies destroy our shit. We will use force.

Millions have shown up for peaceful protests all over this country in the past two weeks. From what I've heard, the looting and rioting has been in large cities and was by and large contained early last week. It does not sit right with me when people arm themselves and go out to intimidate a group of protesters doing nothing but exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Maybe the pic of the guys on the roof--looks like it was a business--maybe there was looting go on there, so I could see that if there was. If there were no police there and it stopped the looters from targeting that business, good on them.

To me, it doesn't justify intimidating protesters because in some other place, on another day, some protests devolved into riots. Millions of protesters who have not looted, rioted, destroyed anything or burned anything have come together to call for righting what they see as a wrong. To me, it looks like nothing but racial intimidation.

I don't know what building that was--was there some reason the protesters would target it for destruction? What made these men think they would?
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
I think calling it a small percentage is a lie. It was more like an invasion of locusts!

there were many looters, but FAR more others---at any given moment. For some reason, the vacuous among us INSIST that the non-looters FAR FAR out numbered the tiny tiny number of looters. <<<< that's moronic------if the NON-LOOTERS were not delighted with the filth of the looters-----it would have been easy for them ---the MANY ---to stop that tiny tiny group of starving looters
The way I understand it, at least the way it went down in NYC was that as the protesters left en masse, some bent on rioting and looting split off from the main crowd and went their own way. And that peaceful protests earlier in the day gradually were replaced by folks intent on doing damage as the evening wore on. That was according to the police accounts I saw. You are there in NY, aren't you? What did you see happen? Only the locals really have a good picture of what actually went on. So what did you see?
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
I think calling it a small percentage is a lie. It was more like an invasion of locusts!

there were many looters, but FAR more others---at any given moment. For some reason, the vacuous among us INSIST that the non-looters FAR FAR out numbered the tiny tiny number of looters. <<<< that's moronic------if the NON-LOOTERS were not delighted with the filth of the looters-----it would have been easy for them ---the MANY ---to stop that tiny tiny group of starving looters
The way I understand it, at least the way it went down in NYC was that as the protesters left en masse, some bent on rioting and looting split off from the main crowd and went their own way. And that peaceful protests earlier in the day gradually were replaced by folks intent on doing damage as the evening wore on. That was according to the police accounts I saw. You are there in NY, aren't you? What did you see happen? Only the locals really have a good picture of what actually went on. So what did you see?

I saw what I saw many times before------in other LOOTING SPREES. Most of the Looting happens in the early evening by the PARTICIPANTS. -----young males and some sluts in the PRESENCE of all the rest who virtually CHEER them on
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
Classic straw man argument...Great job.
Straw man argument? That's straight apples to apples comparison.

What problem do you have with that? Does this apply to you?
Except that nobody is making the argument that the looting rioters are equal to the peaceful protesters, which makes it a strawman argument.

Suck on that.
Then why have vigilante counter protesters all over the country been slinging their AR's over their shoulders and "defending" their white havens? Those people DEFINITELY think that every protester is a threat.
Because that’s what a rational thinking person does. You’re an ideologue and a fool that’s why you say this stupid shit. When throngs of people are running around and some are attacking people, others are looting and still others are starting fires you defend against all of them. You don’t sit there and ask them to fill out a fucking questionnaire about their intentions. You treat the entire group as if they may be the worst ones, because they very well may be.
NOT A SINGLE PERSON was running around attacking people, looting or starting fires in ANY of the situations I was talking about. Just white crackers with AR's scared to death of the protesters. Who were NOT rioting.
What situations are you talking about you fucking fruit cake. It sure as hell wasn't anywhere meaningful. You’re like that retard on CNN talking about the peaceful demonstrations standing in front of a burning building. Fuck you and your ignorant spin. The cat is out of the bag and you’re never getting it back in.




These guys with guns serve to discredit whatever the hell their cause actually is. What is anyone doing on a roof with a gun? these people should go back to Russia where they belong.
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
Classic straw man argument...Great job.
Straw man argument? That's straight apples to apples comparison.

What problem do you have with that? Does this apply to you?
Except that nobody is making the argument that the looting rioters are equal to the peaceful protesters, which makes it a strawman argument.

Suck on that.
Then why have vigilante counter protesters all over the country been slinging their AR's over their shoulders and "defending" their white havens? Those people DEFINITELY think that every protester is a threat.
Because that’s what a rational thinking person does. You’re an ideologue and a fool that’s why you say this stupid shit. When throngs of people are running around and some are attacking people, others are looting and still others are starting fires you defend against all of them. You don’t sit there and ask them to fill out a fucking questionnaire about their intentions. You treat the entire group as if they may be the worst ones, because they very well may be.
NOT A SINGLE PERSON was running around attacking people, looting or starting fires in ANY of the situations I was talking about. Just white crackers with AR's scared to death of the protesters. Who were NOT rioting.
What situations are you talking about you fucking fruit cake. It sure as hell wasn't anywhere meaningful. You’re like that retard on CNN talking about the peaceful demonstrations standing in front of a burning building. Fuck you and your ignorant spin. The cat is out of the bag and you’re never getting it back in.




These guys with guns serve to discredit whatever the hell their cause actually is. What is anyone doing on a roof with a gun? these people should go back to Russia where they belong.
I found the origin of that pic in a Business Insider article about armed vigilantes and said they were protecting businesses. Now, I admit, the guy with the rifle looks like he was having WAY too much fun. And he was aiming it at someone below. But I don't know what was going on below and the accounts of the looting were that there was way too much of it going on here there and everywhere for the cops to be every place they needed to be. So I could see a business owner showing a little threat of force if there were a bunch of looters below. If it was people just walking home from a protest, which the other two pics seem to show, it was OUT OF LINE.
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I found the origin of that pic in a Business Insider article about armed vigilantes and said they were protecting businesses. Now, I admit, the guy with the rifle looks like he was having WAY too much fun. And he was aiming it at someone below.
Well.. It's clear you don't know how to aim a gun. I strongly suggest you don't talk about things you have no idea about. In fact, with a comment like that I doubt you've ever even held a gun.

But I don't know what was going on below and the accounts of the looting were that there was way too much of it going on here there and everywhere for the cops to be every place they needed to be. So I could see a business owner showing a little threat of force if there were a bunch of looters below. If it was people just walking home from a protest, which the other two pics seem to show, it was OUT OF LINE.

An opinion. Were they doing anything illegal?
it's getting more and more clear that both 'old lady'
and 'lysie..." are clueless old ladies
View attachment 347662

I think the above meme says it best. What do you think?
Allow me to get this out of the way first: To the family and friends of George Floyd...I'm sorry for your loss. That's it. That's as sympathetic as I get. As for the cop that knelt on his neck, that's for the court to hash out during the trial.
NOW....having said that, here's what I'm not particularly sympathetic over.....the inner-city black community. Why?
Rather than publicly praising the blacks who graduate college and go on to great things (I'm a fan of Neil DeGrasse Tyson), you celebrate and praise low-life repetitive criminals, over and over. You call them martyrs and consider them the same....martyrs of.....criminal behavior?!
In the early twentieth century, there used to be successful business townships...they were sadly destroyed by none other than Dixiecrat Democrat racists. Those successful businessmen and women in those communities were looked up to and when they died at the hands of racist southerners, they were indeed martyrs...but martyrs who should have been looked up to, not the low-life criminals you praise today. Distance yourselves from them and get the cities away from politicians who claim to be on your side, but only stand by you when it's an election year.
I was impressed with the LOVE AND AFFECTION AND
LAUDS....... showered upon George Lloyd by one and all. In the sublime borough of NYC---Brooklyn, bullets
seem to find their way into the heads of fine, healthy,
young, black males almost weekly. Not from the guns of cops. It's been 'ho hum' for years.

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