A Third of Republicans Now View Trump Unfavorably


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
A new Pew Research poll finds Donald Trump’s “unfavorable” rating among Republicans has risen from 24% in 2022 to 32% in 2023.

The shine is wearing off and the stink is setting in even among Repblicans....interesting.
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A new Pew Research poll finds Donald Trump’s “unfavorable” rating among Republicans has risen from 24% in 2022 to 32% in 2023.

The shine is wearing off and the stink is setting in even among Repblicans....interesting.

Heap big pile of propaganda there.

Thought provoking post.

A new Pew Research poll finds Donald Trump’s “unfavorable” rating among Republicans has risen from 24% in 2022 to 32% in 2023.

The shine is wearing off and the stink is setting in even among Repblicans....interesting.
See, you got nothing to worry about.

Will you stop posting about Trump every day?
That means two thirds of Republicans don't see Trump as unfavorable. What are those people smoking and where can I get some?
Notice how the Racist Prick leaves out that 66.6% of Democrats find Joe Biden unfavorable... That means 1/3 of Democrat voters think Joe is okay.

Biden voter.jpg
A new Pew Research poll finds Donald Trump’s “unfavorable” rating among Republicans has risen from 24% in 2022 to 32% in 2023.

The shine is wearing off and the stink is setting in even among Repblicans....interesting.
And a majority of Dimwingers don’t want Tater to run again.
Here's the thing: I, along with many Republicans, view Trump unfavorably. I would have no interest in going out to lunch with him, or see him in any social context, and I don't consider him a Role Model of any sort.

And yet, he was the best President of my lifetime (1949-Present), and if it comes down to it, I will vote for him for President...early and often. Probably won't vote for him in the Pennsylvania Primary, depending on which other R's survive to that late date in the Primary season. But I have no doubt he will ultimately be our nominee.
Here's the thing: I, along with many Republicans, view Trump unfavorably. I would have no interest in going out to lunch with him, or see him in any social context, and I don't consider him a Role Model of any sort.

And yet, he was the best President of my lifetime (1949-Present), and if it comes down to it, I will vote for him for President...early and often. Probably won't vote for him in the Pennsylvania Primary, depending on which other R's survive to that late date in the Primary season. But I have no doubt he will ultimately be our nominee.
You wouldn't have lunch with him if it was offered? The man you consider to the best President of our lifetime? Really?
A new Pew Research poll finds Donald Trump’s “unfavorable” rating among Republicans has risen from 24% in 2022 to 32% in 2023.

The shine is wearing off and the stink is setting in even among Repblicans....interesting.
I guess that explains him blowing away all other challengers by double digits and poopie pants by a solid 5 points in the latest HAVARD Poll?
A new Pew Research poll finds Donald Trump’s “unfavorable” rating among Republicans has risen from 24% in 2022 to 32% in 2023.

The shine is wearing off and the stink is setting in even among Repblicans....interesting.
even more shocking...almost everyone that is not on drugs view Joey Buydem as a near vegatable
You can stay home and not vote or you can vote. There still going to be a winner and loser.

Some may be motivated to vote because they hate the other guy so much that they have to vote. Living with regret for the next 4 years leaves bitter memories of what if I vote and those other lazy people voted.
You wouldn't have lunch with him if it was offered? The man you consider to the best President of our lifetime? Really?
The Don has a way of rubbing people the wrong way, because the Don has a super ego, which pisses of the left to the Nth Degree. That was why back in 2016 he was able to surprise everyone when the normal Joe US citizen said, damn that guy really speaks for me, so i will vote for him anyday. I have known others like that, you take them with a grain of salt. Again, we all bleed the same color, so i treat everyone with respect, but want respect back.

Unless you are a dumbass Joe Biden voter, then you get no respect, because i cant respect stupid people.

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