A Touchy Question On Gendercide Or In This Case Homocide

Hey asshole life begins at conception and you know that but you have to make up shit to excuse your love of baby killing.

NO, life begins when they baby can live outside it's mother's womb. This has been the law since 1973.

If life begins at conception, the reality is that only one out of three fertilized zygotes actually attach to the uterine wall.

But we aren't holding funerals over tampons.

I am sorry but how is miscarriage the same as murder?

Good question. How do you tell which is which.

Are we going to throw up crime scene tape around every tampon an then investigate it to see if the woman did something to cause the miscarriage? Do you want doctors to report every miscarriage to homicide detectives and get them to launch an investigation as to the woman's state of mind?

Do you place a woman under house arrest from the day she finds out she's pregnant until the day she gives birth. Because honestly, your thinking that every zygote is a baby leads directly down that road. A woman is the life support system for a uterus and the mass of tissue inside her has more rights than she does.

Of course, in reality, this was never done even before Roe V. Wade. Women who had abortions were never arrested, and the abortionists themselves were never investigated unless they screwed up and injured the woman. Until some smart people finally figured out the laws were the problem, not the abortions, and got rid of them.
Hey asshole life begins at conception and you know that but you have to make up shit to excuse your love of baby killing.

NO, life begins when they baby can live outside it's mother's womb. This has been the law since 1973.

If life begins at conception, the reality is that only one out of three fertilized zygotes actually attach to the uterine wall.

But we aren't holding funerals over tampons.

Is that relevant to something?

Sure it is. If you accept that fertilized zygotes are humans will full human rights, then the woman has to treat every potential zygote as a person. Which means not only would abortions be illegal, so would douches and IUD's.
Fetuses aren't babies. The point at which most abortions happen, the fetus is the size of a kidney bean and pain receptors have not yet been turned on.

Now, yeah, I'd like to see there be less abortions, because it isn't a nice procedure.

But until we have more income equality, better sex education, etc... (you know, all the things "conservatives" are against) we are going to have abortions.

They are babies jackass....You were a fetus too dumbass....

I'm curious about two things.

1) What does being a baby have to do with either of the things JB cited? I don't recall either size or pain receptors being mentioned anywhere in the definition of the word "baby".

2) If fetuses aren't babies, what's "not nice" about abortions, that JB wants to see fewer (not "less", dummy; learn English, please)? Why does it matter, if fetuses aren't babies?

Sorry to piggyback on your post, Thanatos, but I can't see the dumbest among us unless someone quotes them, and you quoted him. ;)

Actually, the size of the fetus has EVERYTHING to do with it. Go back and read the Roe v. Wade decision, where they spent a lot of time on the issue of viability in determining when the cutoff point of an abortion should be. True, a lot of those restrictions were eliminated by the subsequent Doe v. Boland decision that gave doctors a lot of latitude to perform abortions on health grounds after viability.

Besides the fact "fewer" is a perfectly valid word in the context I used it, of course I would like to see there be less abortions. No woman likes to have an abortion, it's an intrusive procedure. I'd like to see there be less root canals, but I don't think there's anything immoral about them.
NO, life begins when they baby can live outside it's mother's womb. This has been the law since 1973.

If life begins at conception, the reality is that only one out of three fertilized zygotes actually attach to the uterine wall.

But we aren't holding funerals over tampons.

Is that relevant to something?

Sure it is. If you accept that fertilized zygotes are humans will full human rights, then the woman has to treat every potential zygote as a person. Which means not only would abortions be illegal, so would douches and IUD's.


It's clear Obama and many on the left don't care if people want to find out what sex their unborn baby is before deciding to abort them or not.

What if it's true that Homosexuality is really genetic?

What if they were to isolate that gene?

What if they were able to say definitively that their child is gonna be straight or Gay and people decided to abort the child accordingly?

What if people started using sexual orientation as a reason to snuff that unborn baby out of existence?

Would you feel the same way about Gendercide...or in this case Homocide.

Just asking.

You need to get a life -- one of your own.
Is that relevant to something?

Sure it is. If you accept that fertilized zygotes are humans will full human rights, then the woman has to treat every potential zygote as a person. Which means not only would abortions be illegal, so would douches and IUD's.


Answer the question.

Is a woman who douches after sex to clear out any fertilized eggs committing murder or not?

(This was, by the way, a very common practice before birth control pills became widely available.)

By the definintion you and your boy Thanatos, life begins at conception, and that would be dousing that new life with a chemical to kill it or wash it out.

So by your own definition, a douche is a murder weapon.

It's clear Obama and many on the left don't care if people want to find out what sex their unborn baby is before deciding to abort them or not.

What if it's true that Homosexuality is really genetic?

What if they were to isolate that gene?

What if they were able to say definitively that their child is gonna be straight or Gay and people decided to abort the child accordingly?

What if people started using sexual orientation as a reason to snuff that unborn baby out of existence?

Would you feel the same way about Gendercide...or in this case Homocide.

Just asking.

You need to get a life -- one of your own.

I cant wait for that day too. Gays vs feminists....and alot of those feminists will be split. delicious! (I dont believe in a gay gene, but liberals will make one up, like they always do)
Sure it is. If you accept that fertilized zygotes are humans will full human rights, then the woman has to treat every potential zygote as a person. Which means not only would abortions be illegal, so would douches and IUD's.


Answer the question.

Is a woman who douches after sex to clear out any fertilized eggs committing murder or not?

(This was, by the way, a very common practice before birth control pills became widely available.)

By the definintion you and your boy Thanatos, life begins at conception, and that would be dousing that new life with a chemical to kill it or wash it out.

So by your own definition, a douche is a murder weapon.

thanks for proving abortion is unecessary.
Sure it is. If you accept that fertilized zygotes are humans will full human rights, then the woman has to treat every potential zygote as a person. Which means not only would abortions be illegal, so would douches and IUD's.


Answer the question.

Is a woman who douches after sex to clear out any fertilized eggs committing murder or not? .

Douching does not prevent pregnancy, you idiot.

Answer the question.

Is a woman who douches after sex to clear out any fertilized eggs committing murder or not?

(This was, by the way, a very common practice before birth control pills became widely available.)

By the definintion you and your boy Thanatos, life begins at conception, and that would be dousing that new life with a chemical to kill it or wash it out.

So by your own definition, a douche is a murder weapon.

thanks for proving abortion is unecessary.

The more JB talks, the more I wonder if he went to a "special" school.

For the mentally- and educationally-challenged among us (read: liberals), douching is not and never has been a birth control method. I don't doubt there were a lot of very stupid women who thought it would work - probably your mothers, given the fact that your brain-damaged selves are here - but ignorant people believe a lot of ignorant stuff. I can recall some very dumb girls in high school who thought having sex standing up would help them not to get pregnant, because they thought gravity would keep the sperm from swimming "upstream". (No, liberals, that doesn't work, either.)

As always in abortion threads, I find myself stating something so blindingly obvious that I can't believe I actually have to say it. Douches clean out the VAGINA. They do not wash out the uterus. Duhhh.

The idea that you can use a douche to wash out fertilized eggs is actually a new level of idiocy, by the way. Most people think you can use douche as birth control by doing it right after sex, to wash the semen out (No, liberals, that ALSO doesn't work). I am astounded to find out there's actually someone out there stupid enough to think that douching solution goes into the uterus.
Answer the question.

Is a woman who douches after sex to clear out any fertilized eggs committing murder or not?

(This was, by the way, a very common practice before birth control pills became widely available.)

By the definintion you and your boy Thanatos, life begins at conception, and that would be dousing that new life with a chemical to kill it or wash it out.

So by your own definition, a douche is a murder weapon.

thanks for proving abortion is unecessary.

The more JB talks, the more I wonder if he went to a "special" school.

For the mentally- and educationally-challenged among us (read: liberals), douching is not and never has been a birth control method. I don't doubt there were a lot of very stupid women who thought it would work - probably your mothers, given the fact that your brain-damaged selves are here - but ignorant people believe a lot of ignorant stuff. I can recall some very dumb girls in high school who thought having sex standing up would help them not to get pregnant, because they thought gravity would keep the sperm from swimming "upstream". (No, liberals, that doesn't work, either.)

As always in abortion threads, I find myself stating something so blindingly obvious that I can't believe I actually have to say it. Douches clean out the VAGINA. They do not wash out the uterus. Duhhh.

The idea that you can use a douche to wash out fertilized eggs is actually a new level of idiocy, by the way. Most people think you can use douche as birth control by doing it right after sex, to wash the semen out (No, liberals, that ALSO doesn't work). I am astounded to find out there's actually someone out there stupid enough to think that douching solution goes into the uterus.

More and More I think Joey B is a paid shill.

It's clear Obama and many on the left don't care if people want to find out what sex their unborn baby is before deciding to abort them or not.

What if it's true that Homosexuality is really genetic?

What if they were to isolate that gene?

What if they were able to say definitively that their child is gonna be straight or Gay and people decided to abort the child accordingly?

What if people started using sexual orientation as a reason to snuff that unborn baby out of existence?

Would you feel the same way about Gendercide...or in this case Homocide.

Just asking.

Here we go again with the rw wanting to pass more and more laws to control the behavior of others.

The right keeps coming up with new excuses in their WAR on women and gays but the bottom line, the final word is simply this -

Its none of your business.

Why a woman gets an abortion is none of your business.

The choice people make when they marry is none of your business.

You (rw's) don't get to whine and cry about "liberty" and "rights" out of one side of your mouth and then deny liberty and rights to whomever you please.

Get your noses out of other people's private lives, out of other people's bedrooms because

NO, life begins when they baby can live outside it's mother's womb. This has been the law since 1973.

If life begins at conception, the reality is that only one out of three fertilized zygotes actually attach to the uterine wall.

But we aren't holding funerals over tampons.

Is that relevant to something?

Sure it is. If you accept that fertilized zygotes are humans will full human rights, then the woman has to treat every potential zygote as a person. Which means not only would abortions be illegal, so would douches and IUD's.

If the nutty right gets their way, menstrual fluid will be considered a person.
thanks for proving abortion is unecessary.

The more JB talks, the more I wonder if he went to a "special" school.

For the mentally- and educationally-challenged among us (read: liberals), douching is not and never has been a birth control method. I don't doubt there were a lot of very stupid women who thought it would work - probably your mothers, given the fact that your brain-damaged selves are here - but ignorant people believe a lot of ignorant stuff. I can recall some very dumb girls in high school who thought having sex standing up would help them not to get pregnant, because they thought gravity would keep the sperm from swimming "upstream". (No, liberals, that doesn't work, either.)

As always in abortion threads, I find myself stating something so blindingly obvious that I can't believe I actually have to say it. Douches clean out the VAGINA. They do not wash out the uterus. Duhhh.

The idea that you can use a douche to wash out fertilized eggs is actually a new level of idiocy, by the way. Most people think you can use douche as birth control by doing it right after sex, to wash the semen out (No, liberals, that ALSO doesn't work). I am astounded to find out there's actually someone out there stupid enough to think that douching solution goes into the uterus.

More and More I think Joey B is a paid shill.

Couldn't be. If someone were paying for that, they could hire someone who knows more about reproduction than my 3-year-old does. JB doesn't qualify.
The more JB talks, the more I wonder if he went to a "special" school.

For the mentally- and educationally-challenged among us (read: liberals), douching is not and never has been a birth control method. I don't doubt there were a lot of very stupid women who thought it would work - probably your mothers, given the fact that your brain-damaged selves are here - but ignorant people believe a lot of ignorant stuff. I can recall some very dumb girls in high school who thought having sex standing up would help them not to get pregnant, because they thought gravity would keep the sperm from swimming "upstream". (No, liberals, that doesn't work, either.)

As always in abortion threads, I find myself stating something so blindingly obvious that I can't believe I actually have to say it. Douches clean out the VAGINA. They do not wash out the uterus. Duhhh.

The idea that you can use a douche to wash out fertilized eggs is actually a new level of idiocy, by the way. Most people think you can use douche as birth control by doing it right after sex, to wash the semen out (No, liberals, that ALSO doesn't work). I am astounded to find out there's actually someone out there stupid enough to think that douching solution goes into the uterus.

More and More I think Joey B is a paid shill.

Couldn't be. If someone were paying for that, they could hire someone who knows more about reproduction than my 3-year-old does. JB doesn't qualify.

Has the LEFT ever been WISE about spending assets...even thier own?
Is that relevant to something?

Sure it is. If you accept that fertilized zygotes are humans will full human rights, then the woman has to treat every potential zygote as a person. Which means not only would abortions be illegal, so would douches and IUD's.

If the nutty right gets their way, menstrual fluid will be considered a person.

Riiiight, Einstein. You and your comrades are babbling on about douching for birth control and how fetuses are just like tampons, and WE'RE the nutty ones.

If you actually realized how goddamned stupid you really sound to everyone with a fourth-grade education or higher, you'd just go kill yourself rather than live with the humiliation. Fortunately for you, the DNC removed your sense of shame at the same time they performed the lobotomy.

"The right-wing wants to consider menstrual fluid a person . . . and douches wash embryos out of the uterus!" :lmao: Yeah, the left is ALL about the science. :lmao:

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